Yesterday was a very busy Lord's Day! We were at church pretty much all day. We had two wonderful services though and I think there were over 30 decisions yesterday morning! It was so awesome!
We went to lunch with Laurie and Steve to KFC. Scott and Steve split a box of livers for an appetizer. Laurie and I have never been more proud to be married to them. (GROSS!)

Scott really enjoyed his livers! :-(

Laurie says that KFC has the best chicken fried steak she has ever had. I don't like CFS to I can't testify. Scott thinks I'm weird because I'm from AR and I don't like CFS.

Emily had a big time with popcorn chicken and mac and cheese

Today Dawson had to go for his annual check up and shots. It was a painful visit for him and me. Painful for him because he had to get shots and some other exams that are not pleasant and painful for me because he acted so horrible. I hope this is not a sign to come of our children's behavior patterns. He went into a frenzy. But it's over for the year. This is the only picture I could take of him while he was in his frenzied state.

And last but not glasses came in today. What do you think? Scott's reaction was not exactly one that made me want to call up Vogue and ask them to come take my picture. ha! I don't think I'll be wearing them around much but I do like them. I'm just not used to glasses so it could take some time. This picture is kind of yellowish. I took it in my office bathroom today with a timer. And I had my contacts in so I couldn't see a thing with the glasses on too. ha!
P.S. I would like to take a moment to address the fact that all of ya'll think it's funny that I whip my camera out everywhere we go and you want to brave enough to do it too. I promise once you start - you will lose your sense that everyone is looking at you - and just enjoy it! And you will have so many fun pictures. I grew up with my own paparazzi -
my mom. She took pictures of EVERYTHING. I don't think there was a place we went or a thing we did as kids that my mom wasn't taking pictures of. She and one other mom stood outside our prom and filmed everyone going in. She probably would have come in and filmed if they would have let her. So I guess I just never think about NOT taking pictures! :-) I promise no one is making fun of you (and so what if they are!) :-)
I am glad you had a nice weekend! I love your new glasses!
I think your glasses look so cute. I am used to contacts too so it would take sometime for me to get used to glasses, as well. Poor Dawson. Sadie is terrible at the vet.
I'm proud of Scott...eating liver!!
By the way, when I was pregnant with you I ate liver (ugh) because I did everything I thought was right so you would be healthy!!
Poor Dawson! Did he get a haircut too?
I like your glasses! You look like Tina Fey! har Love ya, MOM
I love your glasses I wear contacts too but it is refreshing to know you have options and they're cute to boot!
I love your glasses! Very trendy!
Love the new glasses..I do think you look really cute in them!! And yes, who cares if someone is laughing at you for taking a picture of livers or anything is too short. :) I've been out of pocket for a few weeks and have missed getting my daily Kelly fix!!
I think your glasses look great!
I chickened out of taking a photo I really, really wanted to the other day because I didn't want people to think I was weird. And then I saw your photos from Sam's club and why can't I be more like Kelly! LOL! I'll be braver in the future...maybe!
We were laughing about KFC last week for some reason. My husband and I can't remember the last time we ate there, but we're pretty sure it was in Arkadelphia, and it's been almost 5 years since we've lived there. Definitely not on my list of faves, and I'd definitely never eat chicken livers. ugh.
Your glasses look really cute! And poor Dawson--I relate because our girls act awful at the vet too. Maddie crawls under the chair and won't come out--we have to move the chair because when a 55 lb. dog plants her feet, she's not going anywhere. And as far as the liver goes...yuck! In the words of Elizabeth, I think the tables at KFC are too sticky for me to enjoy...
Cute new glasses!
I am trying to get better about taking my camera with me everywhere I go but I just always forget!
I love the glasses. You look very sophisticated in them. I like chicken livers occasionally, but only from KFC. When I was in the hospital after I had Jacob that's what I wanted. But, I'm with you on the CFS. I hate it!
I hope to get a new camera that is smaller and will fit in my purse so I can get more pictures too. Justin's getting used to it. I also hope to see more pictures of your glasses!
DOUBLE Yuck -- livers!
On a better note, I love your glasses. Could you be any cuter??
Love the glasses & I've never thought twice about getting out my camera! Brandon has but he's realized it's a battle he's not going to win!!
I love your glasses! Too cute!!!
Ha! Thanks for the encouragement about taking pictures! You must have liked my post from yesterday - I will keep practicing - with your guidance in my head!! :0) I know you've heard it - but cute glasses!
Love those glasses!!!
Hey Kelly!
What about chicken fried chicken???
Thats what I eat! Mmmmmmm!!
And...the glasses are darling. I want some. I so need my eyes checked. Can't see jack squat far away!
Have a great Tuesday and don't ever stop taking pictures!
Oh, your new glasses are great--love them! It makes me want to order a new pair...but I don't know if I'd wear them because I don't feel like I can see as well with glasses--I put my contacts in the second I get up and take them out the second before I hop into bed at night. I should probably wear glasses some and give my eyes a rest.
I've never eaten livers or CFS...and I don't really plan on starting anytime soon unless forced. Gross.
I'm waiting (patiently?) for L to get me a new small camera to carry in my purse--I've taken fewer "random" pictures lately just because the big camera is more difficult to carry around and I'm afraid I'll break it. I love all your pictures...before I read the P.S. of your post, I was laughing about thinking of you getting your camera set-up on timer in the office restroom!
Poor Dawson--I hate that visit for Bogart too. Which makes me wonder if it's time for his? I can't remember when I took him last???? They're supposed to mail me a reminder, but maybe they don't have our new address? I'd better check on that...
I love the glasses! They look very cute on you. I'm laughing at the fact that you took the pic in your office bathroom with the timer. Very cute! Thanks for the picture taking encouragement. The last time a group of us went out to eat we felt so weird asking the waiter to take our picture. But, we were trying to be brave like you. :) ha! :)
Your glasses are too cute on you! Don't worry about what Scott look adorable! :)
Love the glasses, they look really cute on you! Hope you have a good week!
Cute glasses~
My son's love KFC.......they love the bowls they have now. I am not into all my food touching so it grosses me out. ROFL
Have a great week!
Does Scott eat his chicken livers with ketchup? yummy! That's cute that you call your Mom your paparazzi.
Daddy had livers and gizzards at the restaurant. I just pretended they didn't exist because, yuck.
The glasses are SO cute and totally Vogue. You should definitely wear them around.
And I am so with you on the pictures! Snap on, girl!
Your glasses look great! I like to switch it up and give my eyes a break every now and then and it's almost like a whole different person and it almost makes me feel a little bit smarter! I am with you on taking pictures, that is what life is all about! Kodak moments girlfriend! T gets so embarrassed when I do that though...
I love the pic of Scott chowing down on those livers. Eeek!! Ha, ha!! : )
The glasses are PRECIOUS! Love 'em!
Jennifer R.
Love the glasses! You are so right about the pictures. People really don't care and if they do then so what! Keep taking those pictures..
Hi Kelly! I can't even remember how I found your blog, but I love it here. I felt a connection when you were talking about your mom filming your prom. Mine did the same except I didn't know she was outside until the next day when I walked into a room and she was watching the video. I started to recognize all my friends and put 2 and 2 together. I got really upset, but now I love that I have it.
Oh, and the glasses look great!
KELLY KELLY KELLY...I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE GLASSES!!!! THEY ARE SOOO CUTE ON YOU WITH YOUR HAIR LENGTH!!! Chicken livers.....glad my mom wasn't there..she would have given those boys a run for their money!!!!!!
You don't like CFS? That as weird as LO liking oyster casserole!!
But I love the new glasses! They make me miss my brown ones a LOT!
Your glasses are cute! I like them! I wear contacts and sometimes I think it would just be easier to wear my glasses...
I like your comment about the pictures--- I had started contemplating taking pictures of us eating now! (well, not with our mouth full, but pics with us with our food)! :)
I hate chicken fried steak, too. My sister Lori orders it at Shorty Small's because it's gigantic, but I just think it's gross. Maybe I had it one too many times at the school cafeteria - yuck!
Your glasses look awesome. Maybe I'm biased because I wear glasses every day, but I really do think they look great on you.
I think you look adorable in your new glasses!!
I'm right with you on the pictures...I just got a new camera, and it's so small and so cute!'s smaller than my cell phone, so it goes everywhere with me! And I'm constantly taking pictures too! The difference for me is that now, its just easier to share them via email compared to my old camera...and I love it! Picture takers unite!!!
I think you look great in the glasses! Wear them more!
I love your glasses Kelly...very modern and cute =)! I totally agree with your love for picture taking. I document EVERYTHING and many people have made the comment that Vance will be glowing by the time he is two from all of the flash. What better way to capture a moment...right?
a) I love love love the glasses
b) your eyebrows always look perfect!
c) I always have a camera on me too, but forget to use the timer, so I've perfected the long-arm shot.
d) poor Dawson
e) livers? I didn't know KFC did livers. blech!
My dad eats livers sometimes. He says it is for the iron or something. He is not allowed to eat them in front of me. Maybe if they were called something, still disgusting.
I have lived in AR all my life and I do not like CFS, so you are not alone.
Bless Dawson's heart, you know you can give him baby aspirin if he feels too bad.
LOVE the glasses!
I am taking a picture in the next restaurant I go to and posting it in honor of you.
My Mom and husband love livers too. I think your new glasses look great. I've been meaning to get some. What kind are they again?
I love the new glasses, you look so chic. I think glasses can look so cute & they can be used as part of your fashionable wardrobe. And this just show us all that love to read about your comings & goings that you stay ontop of your fashion statement. Not to say that Scott doesn't, ha!!!! But most guys fall off that fashion train somewhere along the way & don't really care to get back on.So they don't know what is in style or what isn't, ha!!!! But you look so cute so make sure you wear them. I love the fact that your mom loved taking photo's. I love photography is one of my great hobbies. Keep right on taking those pictures. It makes people wish they were more bold & once the moment is gone its gone forever. K.Barnes
love the glasses. very chic.
i am from AR and am not a fan of the chicken fried steak as well. you are not alone in that one, of course i was raised by 2 midwest parents which may be why.
Hey Kelly! I found your blog via Laurie's whose I found via Sara's :) How fun! I love the glasses and you look great in them. I've enjoyed reading your blog this am and catching up on the events of your life. I will be praying that God will fill your arms with children very soon. I've walked the road of infertility and I totally understand where you are and how much it hurts. If you are interested in connecting with other women who have been there or are there now - come visit us at - an online Christian support group for infertility and loss.
Hang in there - His grace is sufficient and his mercy is new every morning. He does have a plan - it's a big one - he just doesn't always reveal it to us as quick or in as many pieces as we would like :)
Michele (Woodall) P.
love the glasses...
I love the glasses! I almost bought the same pair! I always wore contacts until Brooklynn got glasses, so I started to help her out a little bit. She seems like enjoy the fact that we both wear glasses, and I hope to purchase matching pairs soon!
Yuck! I don't like liver or CFS either! ewww! I LOVE your new glasses!! Very cute!! Sorry to hear about the shots... FYI, kids are worse than dogs when it comes to shots... especially when they get old enough to know what's coming! LOL
I love your glasses too!! You look so cute. I can totally relate to your vet experience. My 2 labs could not possibly be any worse when we take them to the vet. I guess they just don't like to go, but who can blame them??
It's on (great trendy stuff) in the outlet section. It's on sale! :-)
Kelly you have to go to the LPL thing in San.....that would be so much fun!!!!!!!!
I love the glasses!!! =) You look GREAT in them!!!
I'm like you with the camera...I take pics alllllllllllllll the time!!!
Kelly, you could totally go preg and everything. we will just roll you there...kidding. I can't believe you were at the okc thing. it was soooooo good. i was there with my mom and sister!!!!! I hope we can all go
Love the glasses!
I made my husband take my pic at a restaurant last week, but said he didn't have to turn the flash on!
Small steps with me...
I just had to correct it in photoshop, but it isn't perfect.
But I got a cute pic of me & my son, I don't have a lot of us together.
I agree with everyone else and love the glasses! Very chic!
And thanks for motivating me about the picture taking. I'm going to start documenting everything we do with Brady, but especially the simple everyday moments.
I love your new glasses - they are adorable! Brad always starts to scoff when I want to take pictures of anything and everything - I may just start posting awful pictures of him! Ha!
I just got a perscription too. I knew my day was coming because everyone else in my family has them, but I was holding out! Oh well! Kinda fun and different.
Love your frames!
I think the glasses look good, too. Glad that your puppy got through his doctor visit. My daughter went to the doctor today, and probably acted about the same as your little pup. Maybe March is just a bad month for the doctor:) Let's hope!
Thanks for the tip about magazines at Sam's.
I think your glasses are wonderful. I think it always takes wearing them a few times before people, and you, adjust to them.
On another note, chicken livers at KFC. I didn't even know they had chicken livers at KFC. Maybe we don't up here in Iowa? I'll have to check. My grandmother loves liver and onions. I could never quite stomach it, though. My man eats foie gras pate, which I'm pretty sure is French for "As seen on Fear Factor." I'm somewhat joking. It's really goose liver, and oh, it makes my stomach turn...
I am from Alabama and I don't like CFS either! So I'm with ya girl :)
Cute glasses!
I think you really should call vogue...i LOVE the glasses!!
You totally inspired me to start taking my camera everywhere with me. That is how I caught some pics of Landon eating his Cheerios with his crayon at Shoney's this weekend! LOL!
the glasses look fabulous. Livers, yuck.
I love the glasses Kelly they are great!
I love the glasses, Kelly! You look great :)
I also HATE Chicken Fried Steak....sick, sick!!! I cannot even think about the liver thing without getting nauseated!!!
LOVE the new glasses! Very chic. I'm kind of "that" mom with the camera. My friends all think I'm over the top whipping it out, so I've backed off a bit. You have encouraged me to be bold and brave with the camera again-ha!
Love your new glasses!
Hey Kelly -
This is Becky Branch's twin sis (Bonnie). She told me about your blog. I think your glasses look great! I like to wear my glasses when my eyes are tired & dried out! I want to get some new glasses soon. This girl at our bank had some really cute ones on by "Fendi" & I LOVED them! I need to research a little more...have good day!
Bonnie Brown
I absolutely LOVE those glasses on you, Kelly! With your great taste in fashion, they are just the best. You should wear them even when you don't need to.
Ok, I have to comment on Laurie's love of CFS. I am remembering back to when she first started teaching. Didn't she used to eat it every single day for a while for lunch? For some reason, I have this memory of visiting the two of you in your duplex in Fayetteville and hearing about this and getting nauseated at the thought of it. I HATE CFS, and I am a true Southern Belle. Well, maybe not. I also don't drink iced tea. My mom, after 35 years, refuses to remember this, and keeps pouring me a glass when I'm there. As if I'll change my mind after all this time.
- Kandi
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