Today has been a busy day. I started off my morning right by meeting two of my very best friends in the world, Hillary and Laurie, for breakfast at (where else) Mimi's. We had such a good breakfast and it was fun just to sit and talk. There are so many exciting things going on with them - Laurie is having her second little girl in June and Hillary is getting married in September. And I can't wait to be there for both events!Soon after we were done - Scott and I were off to take wedding pictures. I was just going for support for Scott and as an assistant but I ended up being one of the photographers. The lady we were doing it with had an extra camera so I took lots of pictures. This is one Scott took of the bride. It is stressful work taking pictures at a wedding. I think I'll cross that off my list of future careers to pursue. It was also hard work - we are worn out.
When the wedding was over - we headed to what Scott likes to call "The Drink Store" - otherwise known as Sam's. He calls it that because we buy all of our drinks there. Scott likes to have a lot of drinks (bottled water, diet coke, propel water, crystal light).
I picked up the latest copy of Paula Deen's magazine because magazines are 30% off at Sam's!
This is what our car looks like when we leave the drink store (and Scott had to get a big tub of animal crackers - he has become addicted. It all started with snack time in our 4 year old Sunday School class)
We picked up Chili's to go and now we are at home relaxing. I just remembered that the time changed so we just lost an hour. Yikes. We have a BIG day at church tomorrow. All Sunday School classes are starting "Experiencing God" (and we still have to finish our homework) and we are also having a big Evangelism conference with Junior Hill preaching. Our choir is singing a ton of songs so I am going to be worn out by tomorrow night.
Tonight I also got a big surprise. Marlana e-mailed me and said she read my blog and she had fixed up a header for me she thought I might like. I LOVE IT! (Do you like it?) So much better than the one I tried to do. Go and visit her if you want a header. She could do something great for you I'm sure. She also has a cute Etsy store for all you moms of little girls! Thanks again Marlana!!!!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
oh my that is a serious jar of animal crackers. Can't wait to see your new header!
Love the header and wish I could scoop out a handful of those animal crackers:) I can't even keep them in our house for Park because I would eat the whole tub myself! (Love them dipped in PB, too)
You make me laugh with your pictures from Sam's!! Wow--that is alot of drinks!! You guys will be well hydrated! :) I can't believe you are having Junior Hill come to your church. He used to come to our church all the time back when I was little. (My dad is a pastor just like yours, by the way!) I just haven't heard his name in a while. I am dreading springing forward. It is so hard to get up for school when it is pitch dark outside! I love it during the summer, though.
First of all, you, Laurie, and Hillary are all sooo cute! I'm still jealous that you guys got to help with the wedding taking pictures. I'm sure it was hard work though. I love that Scott let you take his picture with all his drinks and I'm cracking up that he has fallen in love with animal crackers. When H&H get here, he'll have to share!!! :)
You are right about the wedding photography thing. My friend is a photographer and I helped her was so stressful!
I love Paula Deen...looks like you'll be trying some new dessert recipes :)
I had a great time at breakfast! We'll have to do it again soon!!
And I love your header! It's great!!
By the way, I still want Scott to take some pictures at the reception!
I love me some Sam's. Mom and I go just for the fountain drinks at their little "restaurant".
That WAS a busy day--I am glad it was all fun stuff! That header is SO cute. What a sweet surprise!
And Scott, I hear ya on the animals cracker, brother.
Hope y'all a great Sunday!
Cute header~! Oh my goodness, I totally forgot about the time change. Thanks for the reminder! I feel like we JUST did this change thing. Wow, is time flying by or what!
We have to head to Sam's tomorrow afternoon for a drink run too. And some canned items. I love stocking up on stuff. :o)
Have a great day at church!
I LOVE the fact that you take pictures in Sam's. I guess that teaches me I need to lighten up just a little bit! (and get a smaller camera to fit in the diaper bag!)
Fun post!!! I think the bridal portrait is WONDERFUL--wow!!! I like your Sam's trip documentation--I'm amazed at all those drinks! I think that would be a year's supply of drinks for me...I probably don't consume nearly enough liquids (I'm too busy eating sweets). I buy that kind of animal crackers, and they are addictive! Love the header.
Don't you just LOVE Sam's! We also buy most of our drinks there. It is so much cheaper than the grocery store. The Bridal portrait looks beautiful!
I love Sam's!! My boyfriend and I go to stock up on groceries at each of our apartments..too funny about the animal crackers cause those are my FAVORITE!! I work in an after-school care program and keep my tub there to share with the's STILL half full!!
Love your blog..finally decided to comment!
O ya..and the best thing Sam's has if you're obsessed with pens like I am is a set of 100 gel pens..Jacob bought them for me 1 day and I about died!! I've always loved going there since I was a little girl! :)
I guess that means you guys aren't dehydrated, which is good! ha..ha..
My friends make so much fun of me for stocking up at Sam's. I don't care...I love it!
I took a picture of myself eating out last night - following in your footsteps! Ha! I mentioned you in the post too!! Sounds like you have had a fun day with your man!! Love those days - even if it is just shopping...for lots of drinks!! Oh, one more thing - I love your green purse! I have a Dolce one that looks like it - but it is brown! Where is it from??? ByE!
I bet y'all had fun at breakfast. Sam's is great. Where else can you get monster sizes of everything you love? I love Paula Deen. She is fun to watch on her show. I call my baby girl "Paula Deen" because she carries her toy bowl and spoon when she's not getting in the pots and pans.
GREAT HEADER! I SO love to go to Sam's and just putt around. I always love it when they have free samples to taste some of the food! Yum!
Hope your Sunday is going GREAT!
Hello - I found your blog through my sister Staci's blog. I've enjoyed reading ... your journey's been very inspiring. I remember doing "Experiencing God" in youth group ... have fun!
Love your new header!
I can imagine that being a wedding photographer is hard work. I would love to see some of the pics that you took!
I am also a huge fan of animal crackers. My mom always kept a huge jar when I was growing up!! YUMMY!
Cute header!
Love those sam's drinks too.
(especially propel!)
That is a serious amount of beverage. I thought Sam's club looked really big and shiny. I guess it's super clean for all you super clean people. ha ha. Great new header!
Yeah, we LOVE Sam's. We spend hours in there browsing through everything!
I can imagine taking someone's wedding pictures would be VERY stressful. Hope they turn out well!
Love the new Paula Dean magazine!! I got mine this weekend too, though I didn't notice that it was $4.99!!!!! Yikes, guess next time I'll be getting it at Sams. I love her, she's so funny!
Love the header!
And all those drinks are great...I have to agree, a well-stocked-drink-fridge is a happy home!
Hey Kelly!!!! I do love the new header. That was so nice of her to fix it up! I will have to check out her blog. I LOVE SAMS....I CAN'T GO IN UNLESS I GO DOWN EVERY ROW!!!! Buying in bulk is my thang and I just love having tp for life!!!
Love the new header!! I think it is so cute that you guys took pictures in Sams. I LOVE that place!!!
Loved the picture of the bride. You guys will be great photographers! Just think what beautiful pictures the two of you will take of those babies when they come!!!
Bryan and I buy our drinks at Sam's too. I love the Propel variety pack. I'll have to try the crystal light...never had it in the bottles before.
The new header is just fabulous! There is something SO great about buying in bulk...especially drinks! Btw, love your bag in the magazine picture.
Kelly...where are you? I've been checking your blog all day and nothing! I hope they aren't working you too hard at work!
like the new header
Why does the bride look so unhappy?
You carry your big green bag proudly! I love big bags! And when you have your babies (plural) you will be thankful to be hip carrying those diapers!! I'm going to be looking for it at Forever 21!!! :0)
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