Scott and I have a nice Dining Room Table....................

And we have a nice kitchen table...............

But we NEVER eat at either one. Only if we have company over. Instead we sit on the couch and eat and watch TV. I know my mom thinks it's appalling. My family always ate dinner at the table at 5:00 every night of my life growing up and I loved it. And when we have a family - I want us to eat at the table as a family. But for now - when it's just the two of us - it works to sit on the couch. But I broke down last night and bought us something to make it even better:

TV trays!!!! (Scott obviously wasn't thrilled I was taking his picture). I haven't even taken the wrapper off the trays. They are just the ugly standard wooden kind. I think this weekend I'm going to paint them black and put our monogram in lime green on them. That will be fun!

Tonight we had Pork Tenderloin for dinner. You can find the recipe
here. It's one of our favorites. We also had steamed broccoli and cauliflower in these new Glad steam bags. They are great! We saw them on "Biggest Loser" and you just put whatever you want in them, pop them in the microwave, and in a couple of minutes - healthy food!

Finally - today is one of my best friend's birthday!!! Kandi was my college roommate and my matron of honor and I love her dearly. She is 35 today!!! A big milestone. But what I can't figure out is where the years have gone? SEVENTEEN years ago this year we moved into the dorm at OBU and started a great friendship. That was over half of our life ago????
This is us at Tiger Tunes our junior year. She was a daisy (chi delta) and I was a baseball player (tri chi)!
We have those tv trays in a darker color too!! We eat at the table every once in a while but for the most part we use the trays. Brandon always sets them up for us! It's, dinner, conversation...etc!! Painting them black and monograming them...FUN!!!
Black and lime green! What a great color combo! :)
What a great idea with the trays! We have the same boring trays but never use them anymore. I may have to paint mine!!!
Haha! The TV trays crack me up! I can't wait to see them all painted and monogramed. They will look great. Kyle and I always end up eating in front of the TV too.
you left out the fact that we WON tunes that year :)
I love those steam bags... 'cept my microwave broke...
When we built our house, I purposely did away with the 'eat in kitchen.' So many houses have a dining room, eat in kitchen, AND a bar. I made the bar bigger (big enough for 6) and took away the eat in area... the dining room is used for homework! We eat at the bar faithfully... clean up is a breeze :) Maybe when the kids are a bit neater we'll migrate to the dining room.
Brad and I occasionally eat at our bar, but never at the table! I love the idea of painting the T.V. trays!!!
Your tables, chairs and couch look beautiful! As a mom of 3 (4.5 year and under) all I can think of is how filthy they would all look in my house if we ate on them. = ) BTW. We always eat at our kitchen table. I think it's one of the reasons my troop is so easy to take to restaurants. = )
I have to admit I'm an "eat at the table" girl right now. But in two years, I will be an "empty nester" & I might have to invest in some TV trays! I love your picture with Kandi. Wow--you look so different with your dark hair!
Kelly-we never ate at the table until we had children. We don't have church on Sunday nights, so our fun thing to do now is eat in the den while watching AFV. My kids think that is so adventurous!
You look SO different with dark hair!
Get this...I've known my husband for 20 years, and in 2010, I will have been married for half of my life. That is so weird to think about isn't it?
I say just eat where you want for now. :) I too grew up eating dinner at the table at 5:00 every night. Also, my best friend from junior high's birthday is tomorrow! Does your friend, Kandi have a blog? One of my real life friends saw you mention her on here once or post a picture or something and she knows her or knew her at one time, I guess. Small world we live in!
Ok...please come to my house and whip me up an arrangement! Any chance of coming to Jackson TN!?
And...I completely understand about the table thing. We were the exact same way. Paint those babys!! :)
We are so much alike it is scary! My husband and I eat in front of the TV too. He keeps asking me to get TV trays, but I just can't get myself to buy them b/c they are soo ugly! I love your idea of painting them black with a green monogram! I am putting it on my to-do list for Spring Break! :) THANKS! I would love to see pictures when you are finished. :)
Unfortunately I have one of those trays as a bedside table in my guest room. YUCK! I clearly need to work on that. I inherited a beautiful dining table from my grandmother and I rarely use it. I think since we always ate on the sofa in college it has somehow stuck! I agree with you, once kids are here we will use the tables!
PS-I love your dining room table and the chairs are SO cute! I love Parson's chairs!
So I have four kids... and we eat in the living room. We don't even HAVE a table to eat at! LOL Our house is overrun by toys so there's no room! AHHHH LOL I grew up eating in the living room though so I guess old habits die hard. Can't wait to see the monogrammed trays!
Both of your tables are so pretty, but we were like you and ate in front of the tv until D-Man came along! Now it is all meals at the table (unless we splurge and have a picnic on a blanket in the living room floor-at D-Man's request!) My sister-in-law and brother-in-law went to OBU and were probably there the same time you were! She was an E and he was a Beta (I think!)
It seems like I always eat standing up! Ha! Derek asked me just tonight if I'd like to sit down. I'm loving your red curtains in your dining room! I have got to do that!
P.S. You and Kandi look so cute!
LOL, Kelly, we're EXACTLY the same way! We eat breakfast at the breakfast table, and on rare occasions we eat at the dining table, but most evenings we sit on the couch for supper. Like you, we plan to graduate to table dinners when we have kids in our home!
LOVE the idea of painting the TV trays & adding a monogram. Sounds very chic...if you can call TV trays chic!
Oh I may totally have to steal your idea about painting the TV trays. My husband and I have a really nice dining table and kitchen table AND bar to sit at...but we always manage to eat on the trays.
That'll sure jazzy them up! You may never want to eat at your table again, and you'll end up painting them for your kids too, haha.
Speaking of that, any words on how the IUI went yet?
I am loving the TV trays! I can't wait to see them all redone--that will look so good, and what a fun project!
Besides, it is so important to eat in style. And it's equally important to eat in front of the TV. :) In my opinion, joining two passions (like food and entertainment) is never wrong!
We use our TV trays ALL the time (as I'm sure you've seen in some blog pics)--but you've given me a great idea about painting them and putting an initial on them--that would make them more fun! :)
I've been thinking of trying those bags from Biggest Loser too...I think I'll copy that idea of yours as well!
Happy B-day to Kandi...cute picture of y'all!
We use our TV trays ALL the time (as I'm sure you've seen in some blog pics)--but you've given me a great idea about painting them and putting an initial on them--that would make them more fun! :)
I've been thinking of trying those bags from Biggest Loser too...I think I'll copy that idea of yours as well!
Happy B-day to Kandi...cute picture of y'all!
I love TV trays! We have one of those coffee tables that pull up high so you can eat at them. We used to eat in the family room before kids as well. But unfortunately they aren't as 'gentle' to our berber carpet. ROFL
I can't wait to see the trays after you paint them!
Have a great day!
I LOVE your idea of painting the tv trays! We have the same ones in our family room. I HATE them! But because they are so useful, I've kept them around. I would love to see your finished trays once they're painted. Thanks for the inspiration!
I've seen those bags on Biggest Loser a million times and wondered about them. I'm going to have to try them!
You TOTALLY have to show us if you paint them!! What a great idea!
Jennifer R.
How hillarious!! We normally eat at our table but tonight we ate in the living room using our TV trays that are just like yours!! And that was before I even read your blog. I never thought about painting them. Bryan brought home Popeye's Chicken and red beans and rice. Not quite as healthy as yours.
I have always wanted to try the steam bags, but wasn't sure. Now I will buying some! That is so funny about the dinning room table. We always eat at the bar in our kitchen and never the table.
i love my tv trays, i never thought about painting them though...hmm...i might have to try it. Ziploc makes steaming bags too! Even Bobby said the other day as he was steaming asparagus for dinner, whoever made these is a genius!!
ok so I am def a "eat at the table" gal but....I live alond and my table is very longggggggg and I don't like to eat there by myself. So I eat sitting in my big overstuffed chair. I do eat breakfast on the weekends at the table behind my couch while I do my bible study. I WILL DEF. EAT AT THE TABLE WHEN I GET MARRIED!!!! i HOPE hehehehehe. I love your 2 tables. great curtains in the dining room!!!!! cute picture with your friend Kandi. OLD FRIENDS ARE THE BEST!!!!
Kelly! I love your curtains in your kitchen nook! We have no window treatments, and I have been looking everywhere for something like those!! Where did you find?
PS. Love your idea on the TV trays and painting them! You are my inspiration for decorating!
Love the idea on the tv trays, so crafty!
Don't you love how they advertise on Biggest Loser? I haven't tried the steam bags but have been tempted. I have to admit I do eat Extra gum because they are always showing how it curbs the appetite. I'm a sucker!!
Charlie and I eat on those same trays every night! HA ha.
Black and lime green those will be so cute! I grew up eating at the table too and now with my kids it is the same way~one of my daughters friend said one day I wish my family ate like ya'll do, and I was like how and she said together. So it really doesn't matter where you eat as long as it is together have a great day!
I love the tv trays. We are the same way. Jerrame grew up at the table and so did I. I don't remember the last time we ate at it. I think that I clean it off, then he wants to go out. Where did you get the TV trays? I love the idea of painting them with the lime green.
Oh don't worry...we always ate in front of the TV until we had Tayson!! Now that he is in his high chair, we ALWAYS eat at the table and pull his high chair up to the table. Sometimes I kind of miss eating in front of the TV. On Saturday mornings, I always put Tayson's high chair in the living room and put a towel underneath it, so that he can watch cartoons while he eats his breakfast!! Love the TV tray idea!!!
I have a pork tenderloin in the freezer now and never know what to do with it. I'm going to try this marinade tonight. Oh, and thanks for the tip on the bags.
We usually eat at the table, but if we are kidless for a meal, I have to admit that we revert back to eating in front of the TV. I am also going to have to try the Glad steam bags. Did you season the veggies before or after you steamed them?
So, I adore the idea of painting your TV Trays and adding the Monogram...precious. Web, Vance, and I are eat at the table kind of people, but it is fun sometimes to just kick back and watch a little TV while you eat. Who did you like on AI?
It is such a small world! Jen and I have been friends for years, and of course, both Tri Chi's! You are adorable, and your makeup always looks perfect for the occasion! Sometimes it's fun to just try something new though. Jill always like for me to come in town for mini-makeover's! I'll keep you posted for any good tips I might pull out of my bag of tricks!
I have those trays also. Target?
And you, old? Not even. I am willing to guess that you are younger then me and I don't consider myself old. Although my younger cousins do.
Yeah, we have a dining room, breakfast table and a bar with bar stools and we also eat in front of the tv on the couch. I keep telling Brian that when we have kids...we WILL be eating at the table!
I am the SAME way about eating on my couch. My kitchen table rarely gets used. Granted it's a cheap-o from K-Mart and I'm pretty sure that if you sat in any of the chairs, they would break.
But I'm with you...once (if) a family comes along, we WILL sit at the table.
Can't wait to see the trays!
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