- You weigh 15 lbs 2 oz (between 25-50%)
- You are 25.5 inches long (between 50 - 75%) - you are long and lean!
- You wear a size 2 diaper
- You are pretty much in 6 months sized clothes
- Your eyes are hazel - sometimes blue, sometimes green or gray
- Your hair is starting to come in blond (what little you have)!
- You still get up every 2-3 hours to eat (but we have had a few "almost" sleep through the nights - just enough to get me excited)
- You LOVE when I sing to you - I realize my voice is bad but you will smile the entire time I sing - your favorite song is "I'm a little teapot" and you also love when I sing "Yes- Jesus loves Harper"
- If I lay you down anywhere - you are a rolling machine. You can do a push up really well and if you were just a tiny bit stronger - you would crawl. You grunt and work hard on trying to.
- You now have two bottom teeth!
- You get bored being at home - but you are SO happy and content if I put you in the car or your stroller and we go anywhere.
- You are now in the church nursery and we are working on you liking it.
- You do something new every day. Like just today - you started blowing big bubbles when you were mad. It's hilarious. Just when I think I have you figured out - you start something new.
- You LOVE to be outside.
- You have just started noticing Dawson this week. You will turn your little head and just watch him. I wonder what you think about him?
- You love to hear yourself talk
- You are staying longer and longer in the exersaucer
- You LOVE Praise Baby DVD's and will watch them over and over - I think you really like worship music.
- You sleep on your tummy now with your little booty in the air - you are still in your pack and play in our room but one day Mommy will try to let you stay in your own room.
- You are pulling my hair now. And also grabbing everything - including my sonic cup. ha!
- Your favorite thing is when daddy plays "rocket" and "pony" with you - you just smile SO big and laugh!
- You are a total momma's girl and maybe a little spoiled - but I wouldn't have it any other way!

She's soooo adorable! My how time flies.
What a beautiful little girl. Thanks for sharing her with the world. It is within my prayers that I will begin blogging (also) to keep a record of my three year old little guy.
Aww! I love the bow! Just adorable! Happy 5 months!
She is just too cute!
I love to read what all Harper does! I do this on my blog too. I hope you don't mind but I think it is a wonderful idea!! Also my son is 4 days younger than Harper and it seems he does everything right after Harper does. No Joke! He cut his first tooth not to long after she did. She is totally precious.
So precious!! She has really grown over the past month!! Sounds like she will be mobile very soon... probably by next month's post! Thanks for sharing her with us!!
Happy five months Harper!
She is so beautiful!!! I love all the pics and that last one, seeing all the stages of her growth ~~ priceless!!
Have a Blessed and Beatiful Tuesday,
I can't believe how much she is growing! I am so proud of her for being in the church nursery, I hope she likes it soon. I'm still too scared to leave Asher in there, it'll be a while before I can wean myself of him, not the other way around, haha!
You are going to treasure these updates one day!!! Great job!
Kelly - She is getting so big. I love the big smile in the first picture. She is such a miracle baby. Thanks for sharing her with us.
It is amazing to see how much she's grown!!!! :O)
Everytime I see Harper she gets cuter and cuter; you have been so blessed!
Time sure flies, doesn't it? My boys are 12 yrs. and 11 yrs. and seems like I just brought them home from the hospital. They grow up so fast. Enjoy every minute!
Oh, btw, I started weaning off of soda and been drinking Crystal Light. I definitely can't go cold turkey otherwise I will have one humongous migraine. I hope I can stick with it:) Say a prayer for me!
Momma of 2 boys in Massachusetts!
Oh my goodness!! These pictures are adorable!!
She is getting so big! What a dollbaby!
Happy, Happy 5 month old Birthday, Harper!! I love you so much and am just thrilled to see how much you've grown! You're such a blessing from the Lord and I thank Him each and every day for you!! :)
Be good for your mommy today, please! :)
Big hugs and kisses, sweet girl!
She is just as adorable as ever! You'll have to have on of those half birthday parties next month...you know with half a cake, etc. :)
Ya'll have a wonderful day!!
So cute. I enjoy reading these monthly birthdays. I have a 2 month old and like seeing what to expect out of her in the upcoming months.
Harper is a doll!!! She is getting cuter everyday! I love your blog, you inspired me to start one! I love it!
Love it! She's precious and oh so pretty :) So happy for you!
Happy 5 month birthday!!
You sure are a precious little girl!! And I am sure you will be sleeping more soon!
My mom always said I cried a lot and wouldnt sleep well at night! No one wanted to share a room with me so they "abandoned" me and put me in the livingroom with the dog!! ;)
I think they let me cry until I went back to sleep when they had enough of it and then I started to sleep through the night of exhaustion!!
Have a blessed week!!
Enjoy every month that goes by! They go by soooo fast! Many blessings to you and Harper.
~Precious! :)
Happy Five Months Harper!
Harper is so dang cute! but you know that already...I have followed your blog for quite some time and I just LOVE it! It's one of those blogs that I have to check out everyday! You are so happy and I feel it through your blog...so Thank You Kelly for putting a smile on my face!
Kelly-- Harper is soo stinking cute. I just think she is adorable. IT's so funny because I am addicted to reading your site. I don't often comment because we have very limited internet/power time here in kathmandu nepal whre i live.. but I am always so blessed to read your site. I am a 27 year old single gal who has served here in nepal for the past 2 years.. thanks for the joy that comes from getting to read your blog
I love how happy you are to be a mom!
happy 5 month birthday, harper, from pennsylvania! I think she made a big jump from 4 to 5 months. she's so cute! have a great day. :)
What a gorgeous girl! Happy Five Month Birthday Harper!
What. A. Doll! What a happy, darling little girl!!!
She couldn't be any sweeter. So cute. Happy 5 months Harper. My little man will be 9 months next week. I can't believe it. It's gone by so fast.
Look at that smile on her face!! What an angel!! I love how you are journaling about her life like this and she will absolutely love reading this when she's older! You're a wonderful mommie!! :D
Happy 5 months sweet Harper...you just get cuter each day!!
Happy 5 month birthday, Harper! Wow, you have grown so much!
I didn't think it was possible but she gets CUTER AND CUTER. Her smile is just adorable!
Happy 5 month, precious girl!! I love every bit of her...bright eyes, cute smile, and big bow.
YAY! Congratulations, what a pretty girl!
I had to share this with you...my girls now know Harper and ask about her and want to see what she is doing on the computer. I played the video for them and we all got a kick out of your voice and how you carried out H-A-RRR-P-E-RRRRR (I do the same thing) and they want to watch the video over and over. They say, "Harper, blow the rasberry, you can do it H-AA-RRR-P-E-RRRRR"
WOW! How the time flies! Seems like you were just having her yesterday! What an angel God has given you there! Happy 5 month SWEET CHEEKS!
Love your pics. I actually did this with my kids too. Although by the time I had #5 I have to admit he didn't get all his months pics. Oh and good luck on getting off of pop. It can be done! I was a huge Mt.Dew then diet Mt. dew addict and I now only drink a pop once or twice a month. I didn't like the Crystal Light as much as Great Value Fruit punch and Target strawberry Lemonade. Harper is a doll I am enjoying watching her grow up.
she is getting cuter each day. more personality showing. you have a little lady on your hands!
She just gets more beautiful every single day. You ARE blessed!!!
Awww she's getting soo big. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us!!
She is growing too fast! She's so adorable Kelly :) Hope you are having a great summer...much love, Becky
Happy Five Months, Harper! She is so adorable!
Kelly - Even though I am a mother of 3 grown daughters and Nana to 5 - I am only 46 - not old at all! ha! I realy enjoy reading your blog every day.
You keep it so real - your love for the Lord shows and your love for your family shows. Other "Big-bloggers" don't have the same at home feel as your blog does.
I can't believe how much Harper has grown. I love seeing the month photos side by side.
Many blessings to you and your family,
AH this is my fave month-old picture yet! too adorable can't believe how big she is getting... i started folowing you right after Harper was born through a link on someone elses blog! thanks for sharing with us daily!
She seriously gets cuter each month!
aww, Harper just gets more and more precious every day!!!
She is SO adorable!! Every time I look at your blog, my Saylor gets so excited and talks, laughs, points, and even kisses the screen! :)
Happy 5 month Birthday to Harper! She is so cute and has the most precious smile!
I just can't get over how cute she is! Absolutely ADORABLE! What a cute little smile!
She is so cute! I wish I would have started doing the picture thing for each month! I may have to start now even though he is 4 months!
She's a doll. Happy 5 months. :)
Happy 5 months Harper!!
I love these updates. It makes me think about what my little one was doing a year ago since she is almost exactly one year older than Harper. She is so adorable!!
Happy 5 months Harper. I can't believe how much she is grown. It is so neat that she now has an expression on her face.
Yay Harper! 5 months old today! Happy 5 months! You are just too adorable for your own good!
What a sweetheart! She's so precious.
She is so beautiful! I love the big pink bow!
She is so so cute! I LOVE all her bows! I'm pregnant (due in Dec) and if it's a little girl, I want her to wear awesome bows like Harper :)
Happy 5 month birthday Harper!! You are a doll!!
she is one photogenic sweet baby! I love the looks you catch her doing. She makes my day, Thanks!!!
(waiting on my future grandbabies :-)
SOO prettty! the time has flown!
What a little sweetheart she is! Just precious.
She is just too cute and growing so fast! Happy 5 months Harper!!
Harper looks so good in pink! What cute pictures!
Happy 5 months Harper! She keeps getting cuter and cuter. Love following your blog always brightens my day ;)
5 months! Praise~ She is beautiful!
What a cutie pie! Happy 5 months!
Happy Five Month Birthday! Hope you have a great one.
She is way too cute!
aww, she's so cute! I love all her personalized clothes. 5 months, you're getting to the more and more fun ages! 5 months is a great age to try CIO or other sleep training methods since you know she can do it sometimes, maybe when you move her to her own room. Routines and nap/meal schedules help a lot too. Of course it's up to you if you choose to teach her night sleep (now or later), or if you prefer to just wait it out and deal with it later. Sorry to bring it up, but I just think sleep is so important and I hope you get some soon.
Happy 5 months to you Harper!
So very cute and I still can't believe it has been 5 months!
Five SWEET months!!! Happy b-day Harper!
I love reading about her monthly updates! Adorable, adorable babe! Sorry, but I plan to steal this idea when Henry hits 6 months next week. I have a journal for each child that I update monthly, but love the idea of the pix too! I hope you don't mind my steal! :)
Happy 5 months Harper!!
she is sooo cute :)
Hi, Kelly ~ I've been following your blog since a few months before Harper was born. I had to wait a couple years to have children myself but am now enjoying three of God's blessings.
I keep reading about your interrupted sleep and I remember those days all too well! I only mention this (and it may be none of my business) because I overlooked it with my 3rd child. Between 4-6 months babies usually start to sleep longer through the night because they don't need to eat as often. I was so stuck in the routine -- baby crying, feed baby -- that I forgot to try and let him cry himself back to sleep. Their bodies are used to waking up to eat, but if the "sleep" through a feeding a couple times, they develop a new routine. It might be a little different with Harper since she hasn't had any solids yet to help hold her over, but definitely try it once she has had some cereal. =D
You will cherish these monthly posts about what Harper is up to as she gets older. Even when she's 25 years old they will be so fun to look back at. You have a beautiful daughter. Happy 5 months to her, and to 5 months of being a mommmy to you!!
one more thing...is Harper heading to her own room tonight?? or did you decide to wait until 6 months??
I love that you sing "Jesus loves Harper". I insert both by boys names when I sing it to them. That was also the song I sang to myself when I got the big needle when I had those cute boys!!
Miss Harper you are growing up way to fast sweet girl. I know your mama is excited and sad at the same time!
She is too cute!
HI Kelly,
How fast 5 months can go by! Pretty soon the years will seem like they go by this fast. When she starts to crawl you will be looking for some way to corral her in. Dawson better watch out. She will be chasing him soon.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Ahhhh, she is just SOOOO cute!! I can't get over it! :)
I love that you do this, and hope you keep it up. How I wish I would have done this with my kids. I hope you're copying these blogs about her in a book. You make me wish blogging had been around when my kids were tiny...
She is precious, and so is her mommy.
Harper is just adorable, as always. Happy 5 Month Birthday!!
She is just so sweet, and I love how she looks at you and smiles. She loves her Mommy!
Happy 5 month Birthday Harper! You are too darn cute!
Kelly, What a precious bundle from God! Truly, children ARE a heritage of the Lord!!
I have been following your blog since Harper was born and have prayed for both her and your fam.
We live in NW AR which makes it even more interesting.!
I wanted to say you might want to consider giving Harper some solid food now. We have a GGdaughter 2 mos older than Harper that is on cereal/fruit & veg/meat and she sleeps most nights through. It may be more satisfying to her so she won't have to eat as often. I may not know all there is to know about children but think weight rather than age is a better deciding factor when solids are required.
Also for the allergies, you may want to consider giving Harper Pro-biotics. They put the good bacteria back into the intestines which strengthens the immune system. Healthy Trinity (fresh start) 4 babies is a good one. Nursing mothers can also take them.
I have shared your blog with our granddaughter, Amy...the mother of our GGdaughter, Katie.
Blessings to you as you continue to minister through your blog!
Thank you,
I love reading your updates about Harper and seeing the pictures. She is just adorable. Sounds like you are really enjoying her and that's a good thing 'cause they grow up way too fast. My "babies" will be 20 and 18 this year. Where did the time go?
Blessings to you and your family,
Carolyn Ritter
Wow--I can't believe how much she has grown. I love how you show the other months pictures. She is just adorable.
Lisa :)
I can't believe she is 5 months already - such a sweetie. I love her sweet smile.
Happy 5-month birthday, Harper!
Don't you love watching her sleep with her little bottom in the air? It always tickled us to see our first son sleep that way, and we're looking forward to the day when our second son reaches that point!
Five months is such a fun time! Enjoy it!
She's getting so big...Five months have flown by. Enjoy your beautiful girl.
She is getting so big! I can't believe she is 5 months old already!
She's so precious! I come by daily just to see what you girls are up to!
What a precious little girl! I love that you put all the "old" pictures together so we can see the growth. You are blessed.
KELLY!!!! I love that first picture of Harper, what a great smile!! Precious!!! Happy 5 months Harper!! Love reading the lists, good times!
Adorable! Give her hugs from Texas!
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22
She just gets prettier with age.
What a special little girl.
Wow time flies so fast!!!
She is still the cutest thing in the world!!
Yay!! Happy 5 months to Harper!
Happy, happy 5 months, Harper! My little Scout just turned 4 months on Sunday and it was fun blogging about it and seeing how much he has grown in just a few months. How blessed we are to watch our children grow!
Where does time go, right?! Isn't it fun to capture so many different expressions?! We enjoy seeing them, but the treasures you have in your heart...!
Such a pretty girl! She's growing sooo fast! I love that you do the monthly update -- you'll be thrilled later to go back and have it all written down. Mine are 14, 10 and 6 and I wish I had blogged back in the day.
What a testimony to the power of prayer the last 5 months have been! Thank you for sharing the journey with all of us.
Your posts always make me remember that life is good because God is GREAT!
Happy 5 month, Harper!
She looks SO happy in those pictures! And I like the pink crib sheet! It's super cute with the bedding!
Happy 5 months Harper!!! Your smile is so sweet in this picture. You will probably be cruisin' all around your house by 6 months:)
I can't believe how she is growing! Thank you for sharing her with us :)
Aww! They grow up so fast, don't they? This was such a fun and sweet post. Happy 5 month birthday, Harper!
Puts such a smile to my face!
So glad to see the little one growing and growing and growing.
Those are the cutest pictures!! She's going to be Miss Photogenic and Miss Congeniality!
She's growing like a weed!
Harper is soooo adorable! Hold her as much as you can because once she starts crawling she will be hard to keep close! My husband and I always say that they just don't stay little long enough for us.
Our 18 month old just got his first "real" haircut today and I was a little sad because I know that he is growing up.
she is getting so big and is so adorable!
I just love that you chronicle Harper's months the way you do. What a special memory. I wish I would have done that when my two were younger. It's never too late to start though, right? It's amazing what a huge difference a few months can make. Such a tremendous blessing!
Happy 5 month b-day to Harper! I am crazy about this girl!!!!!!!!
She is getting to be such a grown up girl! The pictures are too cute!
WOW. This month really shows some growing up on her part!
Great comparisons!!!
Thanks for sharing your little miracle with us!
She is so precious!
Harper just keeps getting cuter and cuter!! I love seeing her progression. I am going to take AK's picture every month, too. It's just amazing to see how much they change!!!
I keep meaning to ask you...how are you managing to give up your Sonic Cokes?!?!?! New mommy-hood has only made me go there even MORE, which you wouldn't think possible! :) So you are my hero! :)
Kelly,...You are such a cute mommy. And Harper is just adorable. I am one of your followers, so I love seeing the monthly picture updates.
Thanks for the post.
Linda @ truthful Tidbits
Hi Kelly, I just started reading your blog and I love this post! I hope you don't mind, but I am going to borrow your idea and do the same in my blog about my son. Thanks so much for the great ideas.
She is sooo cute! Isn't it amazing how fast time flies!
Adorable pictures!!
Kelly this is by far the cutest baby I have ever seen! She is so photgenic, and I just love looking at her hairbows! She is darling, and I can tell is so loved.
Just a little beauty :)
Rhonda in CA
Love the collage, Kelly! Harper is growing SO fast. Years from now, you are going to LOVE having these memories of what she's like each month! It's those "little" things we mothers tend to forget if they're not written down. And it's those "little things" that evoke the fondest memories when our children are grown. Kudos to you, Kelly! You're a precious mommy. Spoil her all you want. She's only going to be little once.
Man time flies! : )
Oh my goodness! I can't believe she is already 5 months old! She is just so precious and absolutely beautiful!!!
Our little girls have the same birthday. Our little Emma turned 5 months today also! Isn't it crazy how quickly they are growing up! Harper is beautiful!
Happy Birthday Harper!
We love you!
Love and Prayers,
Tim and Carey
happy 5 months harper! you are a precious gift from God!! :)
Harper- Happy 5 month! Can't wait until we can meet!
Love Avery (and mommy, Ashley) ;)
Cute as a button!
Happy Five Months Harper!
I have been following for so long and I am just now telling you, "PUT THAT BABY IN HER OWN BED!"
I promise you it is life changing. It took me lots of crying phone calls to friends for a few days with my first, while he was wailing. BUT it is sooo worth it.
Now my little princess, HATES to sleep with us, she won't even do it b/c she never had a chance.
I proise it will be the best thing for you, Harper and your marriage.
She will be fine!
But then again, I totally undersand why you haven't yet. It is hard and seems scary.
She is such a doll. My little one is 8 months today. Goes by fast doesn't it? Happy 5 Months Harper.
Precious!!!! :)
You are doing such a good job enjoying her!!!! This morning I had B in my bed with me, had just fed him and thought NO, STOP this process!!!! How can a mama not spoil her last of 5, or her first after many years of waiting and praying? Impossible! My folks get to meet him in 5 days, I can hardly think straight I am so excited!
She's adorable! Happy 5 months, Harper!
All of the pictures are so cute, but my gosh Kelly- that first one is just to die for!!! She's so precious!
what a cutie she is beautiful. God Bless your beautiful family. I know you said you are not good at answering questions in the comments but I have to ask you this. There used to be a link to the Mckay family on the left the husband passed away she had a son and was due to give birth to a seoond child i dont see the link and i miss checkign in and praying for their family. Can you post the link or email it to me sills2220@aol.com
She's growing up...such a sweetheart! I can't wait for "singing" videos of Miss Harper. :)
Wow How AMAZING!!!!
She is beautiful!!
You have a great way to detail each month of what she is up to. You won't have to try to remember because you're writting it down. When my little one was a baby (28 years ago) I had her baby calendar near the changing table and I always wrote in that, it was right there ready.
Happy 5 months Harper!
I think she just gets cuter everyday and that first picture is adorable. Thank you for sharing her with us.
Oh, she's irresistable! :) Happy 5 months old, Harper! :) Hopefully she'll start sleeping longer at night for you--I KNOW you're ready for that!
She has yet another ADORABLE outfit on today! Thanks for sharing! :)
It's amazing how much she has changed in just five short months! Wow!
She is just beautiful. I just love reading your blog. I do so everyday. Thank you for sharing sweet Harper with us.
Mandy H.
The top picture on this post is priceless! Congratulations Kelly, she is so beautiful! You're one lucky mama (and about to be even luckier when she starts sleeping through the night ;)).
She is really growing up fast! Still adorable but getting so big! My son loves being outside too. I think the sounds are calming for them. The wind, the birds, the sun in their hair. It's nice to be able to get out and about with your baby!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and that first picture says it all! Happy 5 months Harper!
She's so cute! I can't believe she's already 5 months old!
What an absolute cutie. I love when they get to this age becuase there personality really starts to shine.
Harper is such a pretty girl like her Mommy. Your sonic obsession cracks me up...i love the ice and i am a diet cherry lime-aid fan myself. Also that shelf in your kitchen..i have that same one..where did u get that? the wire one in the corner. Did u spray paint it brown-mine was originally white and painted it brown.
My hubby and I also married at 30 and we are huge Hawaii fans and have been to maui once and Kauai once and stayed in princeville. Were we seperated at birth? Just kidding.
My hubby and I have had our struggle with fertility issues the last 2 years and I choose to look at what we are blessed with verse what we are not at this point in our lives. I know God has a plan and I am ready to follow the path he has laid before us.
Thanks for allowing us to read your blog and you are very inspiring person. I love your recipes, decorating ideas, and your love for Christ oh and your Mom she is funny - i hope to her blog from time to time ...i see where you get your humor from
Take care!
What a beautiful baby girl! We took monthly pictures of each of our girls every month until they were one (with a sign), and I am so glad I did this - what a way to document the first year!
Harper is just beautiful! This is my first time to leave a comment but I have been reading your blog since right after you had Harper. I just had my 3rd baby in March after a 12 year gap! My others are a girl who is 12 and a boy 15! I really enjoy your blog and you are so inspirational and such an amazing mother! I live in the Houston area and there is a young couple here that are pregnant with 6! Please put them on your prayer list. You can follow their journey at www.stanseljourney.com.
Harper should be the next Gerber baby--not kidding! She is such a looker.
Sweet Kelly - It has been a while since I have read your blog. I am still trying to juggle everything with a new baby :)!
I can't believe Harper is 5 months old already. Where has the time gone? She is absolutely beautiful and becoming such a little lady of God!!!
Oh what a cutie! She's got a beautiful smile...Christine
Can't believe that Harper is five months already! She is just beautiful!
Too cute for words! Love her top!
Just wanted to let you know I have given you a blog award! Go check out my blog to get it!
Happy 5 months to your little sweetie!
She is just a doll baby, so perfect and cute in every way.
Hi Kelly! I am a recent follower. Love your blog! Happy 5th month to your daughter!! She is just precious!
Wow Kelly-- Our daughters are only 3 days apart and very much on the same path. They both seem to do things very early... like teeth. My daughter has her two bottom teeth as well. Your daughter will so love all the detail that you put into your blog about her. What a priceless treasure that you are creating.
Happy 5 months Harper! You are adorable!
I so wish I had done this.
Four kids later, I still haven't. Maybe I need a 5th? I can pray again and hope my husband doesn't run away! ha ha
First time here at your blog (although i've heard such good things about you!) :) I didn't realize that your Harper and my Noah are the same age.... just 3 days apart!! How cool is that??
I don't know much of the story behind Harper's NICU stay, but so good to hear that she is doing well. I look forward to reading your blog more often!!
Hi. I stumbled upon your blog ... don't remember where I was. :) Anyway, just wanted to say that we have preemies "almost" the same age! Our little Evelyn Mary was born on January 14th! She was 32 weeks and weighed in at 4 pounds 4oz. & was 18.5 inches long. We were in the NICU for 14 days and she is doing just great! I thought it was pretty cool that they were born so close together. God bless and thanks for posting all the updates about little Harper.
i love her bedding did u get it costom made, order it online, or etc????
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