These are the best pictures we have of her right now because we have to be careful not to stimulate her by touching her or talking too loud or using a flash. We will get a MILLION pictures of her once she gets good and healthy - but for now we just want her to get well.

I'm sorry we are just now getting an update to you. My parents and I got to Tulsa about 5 yesterday. We were immediately greeted by a sweet couple who live in the area and had read my blog and had been in our situation and just wanted to comfort us and let us know they were thinking of us - they brought us a big bag of snacks and magazines and necessities. We took their picture but I'm having technical difficulties. Kuykendalls - thank you so much! Our Sunday School teachers came and sat with Scott most of the day yesterday and brought us a lot of things to help us as well. That was such a comfort to Scott.
We are waiting to hear from the doctor today and I will let you know what he says. Right now she is still stable but in VERY critical condition. They think she could be having heart issues. We may have a very long road ahead of us but we believe that God is going to heal our baby and He is going to use her in a very mighty way. We know God says in the Bible that when two or more agree in His name - He will answer. And we know we have 2 or 3oo,ooo people praying for us. Our prayer is that all who pray for Harper will see God's might and power and His love in the miracle we know He is going to do for us.
We love you all - whether we know you or not. Please keep praying.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 822 Newer› Newest»Praying for you daily and your sweet baby girl! God has heard our prayers and is answering! Take care of yourself!
Kelly, I have been praying non stop since Friday. She is gorgeous!
She is beautiful!
Thank you so much for the update - still praying in Ohio!
I have been checking for an update all morning. I do not know you but your family has been on my mind and my heart. I am praying for you!
She is beautiful!
Your daughter is so gorgeous! I continue to pray here in the middle of England.
oh my heavenly Father......she is just a sight to behold. What a beautiful child! Oh Kelly and Scott...you make beautiful babies.
even as I have woken in the night, I have prayed for sweet Harper. Constantly & continually lifting up your girl! What a beauty she is!
She is so beautiful and big--I can tell she is strong! We are still praying!
Kelly, you and your family are in all of our prayers and let me tell you, she is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! I can't wait to see her dressed in all of her monogrammed dresses and hats! I know it won't be long! Please contact me if you have any medical questions or just need to talk to anyone. You have my email. BTW, you look fabulous to have just given birth to a 10 pound baby! :-)
I have a baby girl named Harper, so your sweet little one means so much to me just by the beautiful name our girls share. Your family of 3 are in my constant thoughts and prayers. I check in on you all so many times during the day. I believe that mighty things will be done thru your precious Harper.
Love, Allison
She is beautiful, what a precious miracle! What a story she will have to tell one day. Praying for her heart and her body to be completely healed- you look GREAT btw! Take care of yourself too. Thank you for taking time to post- I know it is a busy time for you.
Praying in TN,
I have been praying constantly throughout the days since the minute your first post after delivery was posted....every time I awaken during the night I pray for sweet Harper...Kelly...she is BEAUTIFUL...I too cannot wait for you to be able to hold, sing to and play with her. Praying for good news from the doctor and for Harpers complete healing!!!!
She is beautiful and you look fabulous!!! We are still praying for Harper and your family.
Oh my Lord, she is GORGEOUS (I love big babies...mine were all big too)! I"m so happy to hear that she is stable right now, and pray that her heart grows stronger & her health continues to get better! BTW you look AWESOME Kelly...it doesn't even look like you just gave birth!
Praying for your family. Harper is beautiful!
Oh, she is sooooo cute. I've been praying everyday for you and Harper and Scott and I'll keep doing it. I'm so glad that you have support right now. It's amazing how the Blogosphere has arisen to pray and reach out to one of our own. :)
Please take care of yourself. I remember what it was like to recover from it all. Go as slow as you can in the midst of it all.
She is incredibly beautiful, just like her mommy. :)
Still praying for you all...
I will continue to pray for you, Scott, Sweet Baby Harper and your family. I know that God will heal her. She is Beautiful! God Bless you and Keep you Close!
Still Praying Stamps/Martin family!! Kelly she is so pretty!
What a beautiful baby, a wonderful gift from the Lord. So glad you are there, so glad that God is answering the prayers of so many. Praying for His new mercies to cover you this morning, GREAT is His faithfulness! Praying wisdom for the doctors and healing for you and for Harper. I can't wait to see how God works all things together for good for you, we know He will! Thanks for the update.
We are praying in Texas.
Harper is beautiful and you look beautiful too. I hope you will get to hold Harper soon. We are praying that Harper will grow stronger each day. I am also praying for you and your families. The out pouring of love from all of your blog friends has been wonderful because we all feel so connected to you.
I don't remember how I found your blog but I have loved reading it for the past month or so. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers for the past several days. She is a beautiful, beautiful girl. Take care of yourselves.
Praying for you in Memphis.
I've been so anxious for an update. I am continually praying for you all...I have faith with you, girl...I KNOW she will be healed!
Thinking of you all...
Jess in Nebraska
What a BEAUTIFUL sight! I'm praying every time you and Harper enter my thoughts which is A LOT right now!
Thanks for the update. She is GORGEOUS!!Will keep the prayers headed your way....
Still praying!
Harper is just beautiful!! Praying and praying for you and your family. I have had two of my children in the NICU and it is quite a rollercoaster. Remember to rest and eat :)
Praying in Knoxville, Tennessee :)
Oh my word, Kelly! She is BEAUTIFUL! She has a VERY good chance of being Miss Arkansas one day.. I am thinking she'll have a very big fan base! :)
We are praying so hard for that baby girl (and you and Scott).
Harper is an absolute doll. I have been thinking of you non stop since Friday despite the fact we have never met. Thank you for the update--I will continue praying and again, Harper is just precious!
We are upholding you all in our prayers.
She is just gorgeous, Kelly! I'm praying for all of you.
Kelly, I found you through both Angie's blog and Mckmama's. Please know that I am praying for you and your family. Harper is beautiful and I know that God has a mighty plan for her and for you as a family. I wish that I could reach out to you in person myself but know that I will continue to pray for you and that you have a friend in California!
Thank you for the update! She's GORGEOUS! :) I'm so glad that there are wonderful people surrounding you to help you and your hubby and baby through this. Mucho prayers!
Praying for you all, Kelly. Thanks for the update. Wendy
Thank you for the beautiful pictures of Harper. You and Scott have been in our prayers and will be. I wish you the best and can't wait till you, Scott and Harper are home. Will keep checking and take care of yourself. God Bless!
Harper is beautiful and so are you little Momma! We are praying for you all non stop in Baytown, TX! All of our love!
She's already so beautiful. Praying for you still. I love you, too!
I have been thinking of your family all weekend, and praying for Harper nonstop since she was born! She is so beautiful.
She is just precious! I sat in church this morning crying for you and praying for you while the choir sang "It is well with my soul". We don't know each other but your blog has really touched me. I've been a stalker all this time until Harper was born. Wish I wasn't shy, I'd come give you a big hug as you are now only minutes from me, just know my prayers continue.
Oh, Kelly, Harper is beautiful! Just precious.
Continuing to pray big prayers for your sweet family, espeically Harper. My blog title is In His Hands....and I fully know that your sweet girl is well taken care of by the hands of our amazing Lord!
Thinking of you,
I think I have checked your blog 5 times today {ha ha!} I am so happy to see pictures...Harper is BEAUTIFUL!! My prayers will keep coming! Hugs to you all!
Still praying here in Western Pennsylvania...
Thank-You for the update...
She is just BEATUIFUL!
Just like her mommy...
I will be praying until she is back home with you and Scott...
Love in Christ..
I don't know you personally but I know the power of prayer and I will be praying. Thanks for the updates!! Have you thought of keeping a private journal? That has helped me during hard times in my life.
Still praying.
I am SO happy for you Kelly. Harper is beautiful. You are an inspiring and lovely person and i have been praying for you all.I am so pleased Harper is stable and you are all together now.
Praying for you all
Much love
P.S. Im praying for you from England!
I've never commented before, but I have followed your blog for a while. I have been and will continue to pray for Harper and your sweet family. She is gorgeous, and you look wonderful for just having a baby!
Oh it's good to hear an update Kelly, she is just beautiful! We continue to pray for y'all and for healing for sweet Harper.
I love Harper so much. She is precious!
Praying for you guys (and shedding a lot of tears here, too).
Thank you for the update.
She is an absolutely beautiful baby girl! But then why wouldn't she be, look at her parents. Thank you for posting updates. By looking at her, other than all the tubes and wires, you would never know anything was wrong with her. I know she feels all the arms of love surrounding her right now, especially those of her heavenly father. I hope you all feel them, too. I will continue to pray for all of you as you go through this. As someone said in an earlier post, what a story this little girl will have to share one day! Love you all!
Harper is just beautiful and you look fabulous too! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
I love big babies too! I had a 10 pounder and a 9 pounder (4 weeks early)!
Hi Kelly. We are all hoping that Harper is going to be all right:) I LOVE your blog and you are just so creative. Go on my blog too sometime. Again I hope that Harper is going to be a OK. By the way I am 10 and I live in Las Vegas and my mom showed me your blog a few months ago and I love it!!!!!! We are thinking of you and your family and baby Harper.
Harper is beautiful -just like her mommy!! Still praying for Haprper.
she's SO beautiful...gorgeous. and so are you!
prayers prayers prayers...
Your faith is evident in every blog you post, what an inspiration you are too many. God is good and God is faithful. I know that he is hearing every prayer being lifted up on behalf of beautiful Harper and her wonderful parents. I will keep praying that very soon this will be a distant memory and that you will be able to be home and snuggle with your perfect, healty baby girl. Hugs and Prayers, Kara Mills Oosterhous (OBU, 1996)
Harper is beautiful! Thank you for the update, and I will continue to pray!! She will be healed......
PS. My son was 9lbs15oz, and so I know what it felt like to carry a big baby! And you never even complained in your blog...cuddos to you!!!
BTW, you look great.
Still praying!
Love from Houston!
Harper is beautiful! I can't wait for you to be able to enjoy her gorgeous little face without all the wires and hold her and kiss her cheeks! Thanks for sharing pictures of your little princess! We are continuing to think of and pray for you and your family and of course, sweet Harper!
She is lovely. Still praying in Michigan and freezing my bum off:-)
She is stunning, beautiful and sweet in EVERY WAY! But I mean, I am NOT surprised! And you look AMAZING! God is giving you strength and praise Him for it!
It did my heart good to see your sweet smile, so brave and faithful int the face of such great adversity. And to see Harper, I am so greatful to be able to picture her sweet face as I pray for her.
And pray I will....prayers and many special blessing today. I pray that you continue to experience God in a very real, personal and specific way! Jenny Beth Walker
What a beautiful baby girl. She is just adorable. I know you long to hold her in your arms and I am praying that you will be able to hold her soon. She is such a precious gift from the Lord, I have faith that she will be healed.
For you are God's masterpiece. He has created you anew in Christ Jesus, so you can do the good things he planned for you long ago.
Ephesians 2:10
I will continue to pray for Harper and for you and Scott.
Colleen in Georgia
She's beautiful! A big, squishy, beautiful girl, just like mine was... only a little bigger! Mine was 9lb4oz. You go girl!
BTW, you don't even LOOK like you just had a baby or have been crying! You look gorgeous! I'm so jealous!
Been praying for you guys and checking for updates since the second I heard about your situation. She's healed in Jesus' name.
What a beautiful sight to see that baby we've been praying for so hard.
You & Scott take care of yourselves too & God will handle the hard part for Harper.
Hugs & prayers from SC.
I have been praying for you guys since I came across your blog yesterday. Harper is precious! I pray that she will heal quickly and you will be able to take that precious bundle home soon!
She just beautiful! And so are you! Girl, if I had been in your shoes, I would look like a crazy mess. We are thanking God with you for the good work he is doing. We're still trusting and believing in Him for a healing in precious little Harper. We praise You, God, for what you are doing!
What a beautiful baby! I know your arms ache to hold, cuddle and sing to her. We have your family in our prayers throughout the day. Baby Harper is blessed and I do believe that God will use her tiny life in mighty ways.
Cling to your Jesus and your faith, He will never leave or forsake you.
What a blessing that she is a nice big baby to help her through this time.
Kelly, I think Harper is way cute, you look pretty good for just going though all you have and having almost 10 lbs. baby. My sister and I have been praying for y'all. Thanks for all the updates.
I forgot to mention in my previous comment that you look great considering what you have been through. I will be praying for strength for you as you not only worry about your little girl, but reccver from giving birth to such a big baby! Isn't it great to have family with you?
Harper looks so precious! I will continue to lift you both up in prayer.
Thanks so much for taking the time to update! Sweet Harper so is amazing and beautiful!!!
I have been continually praying for you, and I shared your story with our Sunday school class this morning so they are praying as well. God really is incredible, and He is showing Himself in so many ways through you and your family.
You look wonderful...I'm so happy for you and Scott. Congratulations on your precious baby girl!
I'm still constantly praying for all of you!
Wow!! What a beautiful baby, even with all those wires around her! Thank you for the updates and even pictures! We are still praying.
Thank you for taking the time to update! We don't know you but, I have been checking all day to see how sweet Harper is doing! She is still in our prayers and so are you! Praying for a complete recovery so you can take your sweet little girl home where she belongs! Sending hugs and prayers from Virginia!
I love that you can see her dark hair in the picture. ;) She is beautiful, Kelly!
Thank you for updating us. You and your family have been in my constant thoughts and prayers ever since Harper was born.
This probably goes without saying, but please take care of yourself, too. :)
What a precious little angel! Love her little turned up nose!
She is beautiful. I know Jesus is right there holding her little hand and saying, "I'm right here Harper, it will be okay."
She is breathtakingly beautiful.
All around the world, prayers are being spoken for this sweet baby girl and you Kelly, Scott, and your entire extended family. Our God is an AWESOME God who works miracles every day. We have been and will continue to be, praying for Harper every moment, and I can't wait for even more good news. I trust our Lord to heal that beautiful baby girl.
And you look GREAT!
Harper is as sweet as can be - absolutely adorable! You look fantastic too!
Thank you for the update.
Know that Harper is being lifted up in prayer!
- Chris
Harper is absolutely darling...one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen by far!!! Keep looking up and knowing that He will make her well...and then all her precious princess clothes will be worn and her head adorned with babydoll bows from now on!
Until then, we pray!
His peace and love to you, friends~ Rebecca
What a beautiful baby girl your Harper is!!
Continuing to pray just north of Houston.
Kelly -
You have been on my heart and in my prayers! Harper reminds me of our grand-daughter Moriah who was also a NICU resident for several weeks. Four months later the boys (triplets) came so we spent quite a bit of time learning to love them and praying over them in the NICU. Please take care of YOU as well!
Take care -
She is so beautiful!!! We are praying for you in Mandeville,LA!
Harper is absolutely beautiful & you look fabulous! Congratulations...
Kelly she is simply BEAUTIFUL!!!
Im here and I am praying hard for Harper!! I have told my family about your blog and about baby Harper and they are also praying!!!
She is absolutely gorgeous. Sweet little Harper is in my prayers.
Thanks for the update...Kelly, she is so beautiful! I don't know you but I know how you are feeling...Our little girl went through something like this and she is 4. Praying for Harper to continue to get strong. God is taking care of all of you.
My little one (Lexi)is looking at Harper's pic and is saying "oh she is so cute"
God Love! She is precious! We will continue to pray for her and for you and Scott.
We don't know each other but I have been following your blog for several weeks. You and your family have been in my prayers for the last three days and I will not stop praying! I am so happy to see a picture of sweet harper, she is absolutely beautiful!
Blessings and Prayers,
She is precious! I could hardly wait to see a picture of her. What a beautiful work God has done! We anxiously wait to see what He is going to do next in her sweet life. Hold fast to Him. We will not stop praying for healing or give up hope.
Courtney, Pearland, TX
Kelly, she is beautiful.
Praying for you, Harper, and your family.
Please keep us updated.
One word to describe Miss Harper: AMAZING. Kelly, she is just beautiful. Tears welled up in my eyes when I saw her picture this morning. I have been praying non-stop since you have been in labor...I have even dreamt of Harper. I know we don't even know each other, but I've come to think of Harper as "our" baby, all 30,000 of us :) From the infertility struggle, to the first positive HPT, to the many weeks of Harper sized fruit, lol, God's hand has been on your family. He will do mighty things through this very SPECIAL little princess, I have no doubt. Still praying! God bless the Stamps family :)
Oh, she is beautiful!! Praying for you all!
she is adorable! (and HUGE! she must make all those preemie babies look even tinier!)
You look to be doing amazingly well. You are up and around... which is a miracle considering you either had a c-section or delivered a nearly 10 lb baby! Praise the Lord you are able to be with Harper. I pray she FULLY recovers soon.
(I was checking your blog, your dad's blog, and your brother's blog until I got word that you'd made it to Tulsa safely.)
Hang in there! You are covered with prayer. Harper is beautiful!!
She is absolutely beautiful- just like her momma:-)
Praying and rejoicing with you for her precious life. I trust that God is healing her and has such special plans for her future.
God bless you Kelly.
We will be praying for your family and your precious little girl! I know from experience that prayers are answered. We will continue to pray for you until you get your family together at home.
Harper is gorgeous! What a sweet heart! Thanks for sharing her pics with us. She is HEAVENLY! Hugs, kisses and prayers are on their way from Michigan. Thanks for the update. Ever since yesterday when I found your blog, I've been holding your family in my thoughts and prayers. May you feel God's power and might but esp. his love for you and your daughter. He knows what you stand in need of. He KNOWS the desires of your heart. He will not leave you. He will carry you through this. Harper is in wonderful hands!
Harper is beautiful, Kelly! We are so happy for y'all. Our prayers keep coming!
She is so beautiful! You have been on my mind ever since I found your blog. You are in my prayers.
Oh Kelly, Harper is just beautiful!! I am still praying for your sweet Harper and seeing that picture will encourage me to pray even harder!!
And you look great as always!
Harper is absolutely beautiful!! You, Scott and your entire family have been in my thoughts and prayers for months. Especially, since Friday.
Thanks so much for the update, I have been checking all morning. Take care and remember you will continue to be in my prayers!!
Thank you for the update and pictures! She is precious! Continuing to pray for you here in Kansas City and have asked all of my blog family and friends to do the same. God Bless!
I am Amy from Rogers. I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now. I left a comment yesterday, but I don't know if it worked! I have a 16 month old who was born at 32 weeks- the pictures of Harper look just like Andrew did when he was born (except she's much bigger!) I know what a difficult situation it is not to be able to hold your baby and feel like you have no control over the situation. Your faith in God is so amazing to me! I remember struggling with why did this happen to me? You have such strength! Our sermon in church this morning was about faith and all I could do was think and pray about Harper and your family. Thanks for the updates on her condition! We will keep praying for her.
You are so right. She is beautiful.
His hands are on her. Our prayers are with her. She already has made an impact on the Kingdom of God in her short 2 days. Talk about getting a jump start on preaching the gospel! Way to go, Harper!
What a sweet sweet girl. I think coming into this world at 9 lbs is going to give her a little more ummpf to fight on. Thank you again for the update...we'll all pray on : )
Kelly~ she is absolutely beautiful!! thank you so much for the update. clay and i have not stopped praying for you, scott, and little Harper.
You know I have four of my own but I have never seen such a beautiful newborn! Praise God for her life and her COMPLETE healing. We are in agreement with you, and we love you too!
Oh Kelly, just looking at her makes me cry, because she is SOOO beautiful. She is your sweet miracle baby - and I know God is going to completely heal her, and it will only be a matter of time until you are able to take her home and dress in all of those sweet monogrammed dresses. Know that you will continue to be surrounded with prayer.
Still praying...she is beautiful!
"And the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:7 Praying for you all!
Harper is beautiful! I know that she is going to be OK, especially with all of the prayers that have been made for her. I have prayed for your family all weekend.
I cannot wait to see her healthy and happy, which I hope will be really soon. You take care.
Oh my gosh, she is beautiful. My husband and I will continue praying for precious Harper, you and your family! I am so glad to have found your blog through Amy and Valerie!
Thank you for the pictures. She is absolutely beautiful. I'm going to print her picture so I can look at her while I pray for her. You take care of yourself. You just delivered a baby! (You sure don't look like it, though!)
Sue D
Harper is just beautiful! And looks so peaceful resting and healing in the hands of our Good God! Our prayers are with you and your family! Stay strong and lean on your amazing faith!
Kelly she is BEAUTIFUL!! Praying for you, Scott, your beautiful baby girl and entire family.
Lisa C.
Thank you for another update. Harper is absolutely beautiful! Praying for your sweet family!
Still praying in Texas...she's GORGEOUS!!!
Oh Kelly, I’m so excited to hear from you! I really haven’t stopped praying for you guys and I won’t stop ‘til Harper is safe at home with you.
She is so BIG, in fact, she’s just perfect. She doesn’t look like a newborn at all, she’s like a proper baby. I can’t wait ‘til we can have a proper look at her.
P.S. Over 100 comments in less than 20 minutes, that’s amazing!
Kelly, Harper is beautiful :-)
I'm praying that you will get to hold Harper soon.
BTW - you look great :-)
God bless
Oh Kelly she is absolutely beautiful! I just started following your blog a week or so ago and I've been praying for you and your family... you've been on my mind and in my heart ever since I read the first post about Little Miss Harper. You have touched me more than you know with your love and trust in God. I hope to continue to learn and grown in my own Faith through your example. And, you look fantastic!!! Much Love xx, Nina
She is beautiful! Thank you for taking the time to update all of us and send pictures! Your precious Harper, you and your family will continue to be in my prayers.
Kelly she's gorgeous!!! And huge! She's perfect. And she's going to look so precious in all her beautiful monogrammed dresses waiting at home for her. Praise God for friends and family who can help make you more comfortable right now as you wait. You are surrounded by prayer. Thank you so much for updating us. I know you have a million things racing through your mind right now. I truly understand. My daughter had heart surgery when she was 1 lb 11 oz and 72 hours old. It's so hard to see your precious little one fight for their life and feel so helpless. I only got to hold her once her first month of life. (she's a thriving teething 16 month old right now that keeps me on my toes!) Heart and breathing problems are scary, no doubt about it. But your faith and trust in Him is so amazing. God loves your little girl even more than you do. I hope you are able to read all your comments and emails for encouragement when you need a pick me up, but for now, just focus on your family. Prayers from Nevada!
Kelly...Thank you for the picture and update. Harper is beautiful. I am praying often for you all and the doctors and nurses helping to care for Harper.
Continuosly praying for your family. Harper is beautiful! What a sweet miracle she is.
I have followed your blog through out your pregnancy. I have not stopped praying for Harper and her beautiful family!
Thank you for taking the time to update. I am still praying for your precious baby!
She is absolutely gorgeous. We are praying in Austin, TX and hoping to see Harper in your arms very soon.
OH MY...she is so BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for sharing pictures. I have been watching you and your dad's blog all weekend. God has kept Harper and your entire family on my heart and mind all weekend. His great reminder to keep praying. I will continue to pray for her healing and believing that it WILL happen.
I feel for you not being able to hold, touch, feed or talk to your girl...but I BELIEVE that will happen soon too! So many things many of us mommies take for granted.
Oh My Goodness----that sweet baby is beautiful! We are covering you and your family in prayer. Thanks for the update.;)
She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! All of us here in East Texas are praying for you and your family!! Thank you for the update. Hang in there and I know God is holding Harpers hand and making her strong to fight this. Many prayers coming your way. You look beautiful too!! Many blessings to you and your family,
Karah in Tx
She is beautiful and please know we continue to pray for your beautiful family!
She is beautiful. Still praying for her and your family!
She is beautiful!!! Still praying!!!
Kelly, thank you so much for the update. You are an amazing mother already! We are still praying for you here in New Hampshire!!!!!!!
i commented yesterday also. but wanted to add that sometimes babies get a little worse before they get better. i'm sure your NICU staff already told you that. day 3 in the NICU was our worst. but God will be faithful. the next day was a complete turn around and she was off of the ventilator by midnight the next night. (and she also had some typical newborn heart issues that resolved on their own. i pray that is all she is having as well.) i will pray that God will heap blessings on you and her.
Kelly -
She is SO PRETTY!!
Praying for your family in Cincinnati...
Kelly, you look so great and Harper is just beautiful! We are praying for your sweet baby girl. God can do anything!
Continuing to pray here! And she is BEAUTIFUL!
Kelly!!!! I just screamed and took the computer over to my husband and showed him the pix!!! We are praying SOOOOO hard for her. I've got all my church families praying too. You wouldn't believe the number of people that came up to me today asking how Harper was doing. I emailed them all this afternoon with an update and link to your blog. We are storming the gates. And, we are praying for all those NICU babies.
I'd be there in a heartbeat if I could. I'm with you in Spirit. He's bound us all together.
Oh, Kelly. She's so pretty and I just want to squeeze her! I guess I'll just have to hold her in my heart for now. Still praying and thinking of you all constantly.
Thanks so much for posting - I think I may be responsible for about 10,000 of your site hits. Keep taking care of yourself - you look amazing!!!
She is beautiful and you look great! We are and will keep praying for your precious family. God is faithful and good.
Harper is beautiful! Thank you for the pictures! You look great! I believe that with this struggle, the Lord must have something amazing planned for you and your family! I will continue to pray that Harper continues to improve! Lots of Love...
She is such a beautiful baby! You must be so proud! You look great considering you haven't slept for a few days, and all you have been through. How wonderful to know that people all across the country, of many different faiths and religons are joined in prayer for you and your family. Good luck and we'll keep praying for you.
Love from Utah,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God will help her overcome these obstacles and she will be Miss Arkansas one day. Take care of yourself, as she will need your strength. God bless ya'll!!!
She is beautiful. So glad she is stable at this point. We will continue to pray that God heals baby Harper and keep your family strong.
Thanks for posting picturesand keeping your blog friends updated. You look wonderful in the pictures.
She is so gorgeous! I am many states away, but I just want to give you a hug, Kelly. You and Scott have been so strong! With God's grace you will have your Harper home soon.
She's the most beautiful prayer request ever. We're all still praying for you guys!!! So precious!
Harper is beautiful, Kelly! I am glad you are able to be with her now. Your family has been on my heart & mind constantly. We will continue lifting your family up in prayer. God is so good & I believe Harper will be in your arms before too long!
She is beautiful. . . I am praying, my church is praying, my friends are praying. . . Girl, you've got over 300,000 folks praying!! There is power in that!
I have been reading your blog for some time now and I am so touched by your sweet family. I want you to know that I am praying for your beautiful baby girl. Love from Robin in Maryland.
She is beautiful Kelly!! You look amazing too considering what all you have been through this weekend. We will continue to pray for you and your family.
Praying in Buffalo, NY!!!
So thankful to see your update. What a beautiful sweet girl! You all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless xo
mila in wv
Harper Brown Stamps is such a beautiful baby!
Thanks so very much for sharing her pictures as well as updating us on how she is doing.
Praying without ceasing for all of your precious family.
With His Amazing & Everlasting Love,
Matthew 21:22
Kelly, she is beautiful. I am so glad you are surrounded by such wonderful people. Sending prayers your way from Danville. Harper looks very strong and she will pull through this and be a healthy baby.
oh kelly, she is so pretty... (not just her hands and feet :-) )
thank you so much for the post in spite of all you have going on... we will continue praying for you guys. you are in a good place--there are angels in tulsa! my husband had brain surgery at st francis... those nurses are the best.
God is working a miracle!!!
Kelly, you don't know me but I attend your dad's church and have been blogging(which is totally new to me)on your dad's site. I am a heart nurse, but adult patients, so I know all this is scary, but the LORD is good, as all the Martin/Stamps family know and live that example each day--what an awesome display of faithfulness you all display in a time like this-as a mother I myself would be a blubbering idiot--you are truly an example to me and others I'm sure. My daughter Kaylee has been praying for Harper since Friday and keeps asking if a picture has been posted--she is breathtakingly beautiful. Kaylee says she loves and misses her even though she doesn't know her. I'm blessed, my daughter at age 4 came to know the LORD and at age 6 is a better example of christianity than me on most days,lol. We are praying continually and fervently. If you never read this it helped me to type it and if you do, we love you all--our family in CHRIST.
I am praying for you guys and have been since I came across your blog yesterday!
We're praying for Harper, the two of you, your families and the team taking care of your precious baby. What a beautiful baby!
Dearest Kelly,
CONGRATULATIONS! Harper is GOREGOUS! I found your blog through MMM- and then saw prayers requests @ Angie and MckMama. We have been thinking and praying for you non-stop! I am so glad to see this update! This morning I added you, Scott and Harper to our church prayer chain and the congregation prayed for you this morning during the service. Prayer is SO powerful and I can't wait to see pictures of you holding her! God is so good. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us! Take care, and God Bless You!
Shakopee, MN
Harper is so beautiful!! I wish I lived closer so I could help in some way. But I'll just be praying here in Atlanta for Harper and the rest of you!
This morning in church we talked about honoring God with our bodies. The pastor reminded us of how intricately our bodies are made and it reminded me of little Harper.
God knows exactly what's going on with her little heart. He designed every capillary, artery, and blood vessel in her.
Harper's recovery will be a mighty testament to a God who still works miracles!! Can't wait to hear the testimony that will come out of her healing!!
God bless you all!!
Love from Atlanta,
Lots of prayers for all of you from South Carolina. Kelly, you look great, and Harper is BEAUTIFUL!!! Stay Strong!
Harper is beautiful!!! She looks so strong and I will continue to pray for her and all of you. This prayer is coming from RAF Mildenhall, UK..(I'm american, just living over here)There are a few of us over here that follow your blog and are all praying for you. Stay strong.
She is GORGEOUS, Scott and Kelly! I can't even began to imagine how difficult it is for you to not be able to hold and touch and kiss her, but I know you guys will get that opportunity before long. You have waited so long, and God IS going to show himself strong and mighty, I have no doubt about that.
She is just precious and we are praying so hard. We will not stop,and the same thing you put in this post I have recited over and over again the last two days--when two or more come together and agree in His name, it will be done. Matthew 21:22 also says that if we believe, we will receive what we ask for in prayer. I know that the same power that parted the sea, closed the mouths of hungry lions, and raised Christ from the dead is as powerful today as it was then. HE is able, He is mighty, and He is on your side! God bless you for your unwaivering faith and we are on our faces before God. We love you.
She is GORGEOUS! And such a big baby! Big baby's are always so cute and cuddly. The Princess and I have been praying for Harper, you, and Scott. I hope you are recovering well. I can't imagine how hard it is not to get to hold her yet. God is using her in such an awesome way! He is with her and all of you, and I can tell you feel his presence...I bet she can too.
I will not stop praying.
Oh, Sweet Kelly! Harper is absolutely beautiful!!! Still praying for you guys! Stay strong! We love you!
What a beautiful baby!! We are all praying for you and Harper. I know that God will answer
Oh, Grandad was sooooo right....she is BEAUTIFUL!!! Bless your hearts!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful event with us. Kelly, you look radiant....like a new Mama! There's a special glow about a Mama with a newborn. Your testimony blesses me so.......have faith that many are "praying without ceasing" for all of you.
Love and Prayers,
she is beautiful! and you look wonderful as always! She is so lucky to have such a special family who loves her so much! We are praying she recovers and is home in AR very soon. Love, mika beth
I am still praying!! Harper is just as beautiful as I thought she would be, just like her Mom!!
What a beautiful baby girl! There are SO many people praying for Harper and your family! I have thought/prayed about it all weekend!
My husband and I are praying for Harper and for complete healing for her little body! We also are lifting up you and Scott.
Kelly, I found your blog from Bring The Rain, and I have had you and sweet Harper on my mind every moment since. Praise God for the mighty things He is going to do for your family!
Can't wait for the day when I click on here and find that you all have gone home. :)
I have been thinking of you since I found your site last night! Thanks for the update. I will be praying for your Harper all the way from California.
Praying w/o ceasing!
She is GORGEOUS and you look wonderful!
Kelly, thanks for the update, I've been praying for your family since Friday. She's beautiful and I know soon she'll be in your arms wearing all those beautiful dresses you got!
Praying in Hot Springs
Kelly and Scott, your little darling is just.... well.... DARLING!!
It is so good to see a picture of her. Now we know a little more who we've been praying for!
We will continue to hold Harper up in prayer and believe God for complete healing.
Of course we will be praying for all of you for divine strength, rest and peace in your hearts and minds. Remember, God will keep in perfect peace the ones whose mind is stayed on Him!!
Thanks so much for sharing these pictures with your "ex-tend-ed" family of believers.
Richard and Brenda Sessions
Kelly, I am still praying for Harper and you and your family! Can't wait to see how GREAT and MIGHTY our God is in this situation! So glad to see a pic of that beautiful girl!
I love you!
Jennifer Atchison
Kelly, Harper is so beautiful. I will continue to pray for her and your family.
I came across your blog last week and was on the edge of my seat awaiting sweet little Harper! She is beautiful beautiful beautiful!!! We are lifting all of you up in prayer!
There has been a constant stream of prayer for you and your precious Harper. I will not give up praying! God is faithful!
Your daughter is beautiful!! Praying for all of you from Mississippi!!
She is BEAUTIFUL! We are praying and we KNOW that He will answer! I can't wait to read your blog in 2 years and look at pictures of Harper playing and growing.
Kelly my hubby and I have been praying nonstop for the past 3 days. Since we knew you went in up until now and we will continue doing so. We have never met but I want you to know that we love you and really believe with you that God's hand is on that beautiful baby in a very powerful way. We pray for continued strength for you and Scott and a peace that passes ALL understanding. Harper is loved by more people that you realise and we are all joined in prayer for her. God is good.
Stay strong.
Much love and prayers coming all the way from South Africa.
Came across your blog from another... your baby Harper and your family is in my prayers. God heals!
Love and blessings from Georgia ~ Erin
Kelly, she is the most beautiful baby girl I've ever seen! I've been following your blog for a VERY long time. I'm actually the step mother to Mary Katherine's nephew & Kaye's grandson; Trace. We live in MP where they live & I started following your story from MK's blog. I've been praying for you since day one when you announced you were pregnant. I feel like I know you, and you've been such a blessing to me and many others! I'm praying hard for the day to come when you & Scott will get to hold that precious baby Harper!!! God Bless you all, and know that I'm praying daily.
Take care,
Paula - MP, Texas
Thank you for posting the update! It was wonderful to see Harpers pics! We will continue to pray
Praying for Harper in Alabama. God Bless you and your family.
my God...SHES BEAUTIFUL! What a little chunky butt :) I've prayed a thousand prayers and i'll continue to pray a thousand more...I can't even imagine what you are doing through, but God is an amazing God and you're right..he's got big plans for that little girl. Thanks for the update, i've been checking all morning. Hang in there guys!! Love, from Oregon <3
She is gorgeous!!!! I have been non stop praying for that sweet baby.
Make sure to take care of yourself too.
She is absolutely beautiful! I am so happy that you guys have so much support where you are.
Continuing to pray!
She is absolutely beautiful! You are in our prayers and know your baby is in great hands.
Praying for your family! You are in my thoughts often. Even though you can't hold Harper right now, she knows you and Scott are there.
The future Miss Arkansas is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! Thinking of you all!
Praying for you and that sweet girl!!!
Harper is beautiful! :) I'll keep praying
kelly, i know we don't know each other in real life. but i have thought and prayed for you and harper all weekend. she is so precious! you look great too. my heart is so tender this morning. it was exactly one year ago today that my daughter was airlifted to children's in because her lung collapsed. i know that is such a scary time. but, at the same time looking back, i truly treasure that time because i sensed the Lord's presence so close to us and i felt so surrounded by love and prayers and hope and faith and (after a couple days) a complete confidence that God had given us our sweet Grace as a gift and that her life was indeed a miracle. i believe the same for your sweet Harper. i know God has a plan for her and she will live and not die. she will declare the works of the Lord! may God bless you in every way! please keep updating. we'll keep praying and waiting to hear as these miracles unfold! :)
Harper is beautiful! Stay strong Kelly & Scott! I am praying for you even though we have never met. Continue to update us on Miss Harper's condition.
Jenna Hedrick Foster
I have been checking all morning for an update and am so glad to see a picture of her! She is beautiful!!! I cannot wait to see her all dressed up!!! Keep us posted. We will keep praying!
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