We got a good update today. Luckily I didn't know this until later today - but our nurse told my parents that she went home last night worried Harper wouldn't make it through the night. She's given us very grim updates but today she actually smiled (she's a really nice nurse - just serious) and said she was doing much better. Her heart rate has gone down and her blood pressure has gone up - two HUGE praises! They are worried about her heart but they can't look at it until she is off the lung machines. So we are praying her heart is fine. I woke up this morning just feeling sick and Scott and I cried and pleaded with God to save our baby and tonight we are leaving the hospital feeling so hopeful. We feel SO covered in prayer. Our pastor called us several times today and prayed with us and we know our church has been praying for us as well as all of you!

Thank you again for your prayers - they are working!!!!!!! We have no doubt that Harper is a direct result of God hearing prayers! I am very limited to computer use so I am sorry again for not responding to so many of you - just know you have blessed us incredibly!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 655 Newer› Newest»She is beautiful and I am still praying!!!
I am still praying for you and your sweet baby girl. Big hugs to you!
Praying for your little Harper and your entire family! God heals.
Still praying for God to continue to use Harper for his glory.
I love seeing pictures of your baby girl. So precious.
Don't worry a minute about all your blogging buddies. We can wait! You focus on your family!
Still praying TX size prayers!
She is a beautiful baby girl! Please know that prayers are being said on your behalf all over Indiana. Hope you can get some rest....take care of yourself.
Kelly, Scott, and Harper....we are praying so hard for all of your, but especially for God to heal Harper 100%. She is a beautiful baby!!!
God will see you through this!!
Angela Williamson Rye
thank you for sharing some photos of your precious little girl! stil praying here in NC and remembering that God is no respector of persons
in His love,
rebekah :)
So excited to see her little face! : )
Still praying and knowing that God is in control. You are beautiful people inside and out. You are touching so many lives!
GREAT news, Kelly! I'm rejoicing with you, and still praying for her complete healing.
It has been amazing to see the body of Christ minister to you and your family. You are well loved, friend.
Love and prayers,
~He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.” Psalm 18:16 (NIV)
She is so beautiful and so are you, both inside and out!
I wish there was more I could do for you, but I will just have to continue praying.
What an amazing little girl! Still praying and thinking about your family! Will be waiting for your update tomorrow? Are you guys staying at a hotel near the hospital? How long will your family be with you? I know you prolly cant answer these questions!!
More prayers from Texas - she's beautiful!
Kelly, I am praying for you, your husband and most of all for Harper. You have a BEAUTIFUL family.
Thank you for the update. I am so happy that she is doing well! Those are wonderful improvements! We are all still praying! Please get some sleep and take care of yourself. You are going to need it soon when you get to take that precious baby home! :-)
No need to respond to comments or emails right now, You need to think of yourself and your family and in particular your little girl. Leaving these updates are wonderful, and I know that when your little girl is out of the hospital, this will be a great record to help you remember what happened and when. When I had my little girl, I hadn't even heard of blogs, and I tried to write a journal but I could not write very well when I was emotional, it's too bad because now I don't really have an accurate record of how things were going on at the time. However, when my husband ended up in the hospital, I began a blog in which I wrote almost every day recording how things were going and how he is feeling, so I am thankful to have this record of his last couple months on this earth, sad as it may be.
I continue to hope for your little girl to pull through. She is indeed a very special little one and she has a lot of love and support surrounding her and wonderful parents who care very much about her. I am new to your blog but I took a peek through some of your old posts, and I could see that this little girl was very much loved before she was even born. She is very lucky indeed.
((many hugs))
Have been thinking of ALL of you constantly since Friday. Harper is gorgeous!!! Many, many prayers being said...
Wonderful to hear the news. Your family is being prayed for in the River Valley. She's just precious! You two are so strong! God bless.
She is just so precious. I am thinking of your sweet daughter daily and praying like crazy!! I live her in NWA and it seems like every blog has 'praying for Harper'. My heart hurts for you as a mother, I know she will come out of this. You are so strong, I would just be a total wreck.
Stay strong:)
Hello from waaaay up north in North Dakota. I came across Bring the Rain blog and read your story. Just wanted you to know I have forwarded on the prayer request through my blog www.buckaroojunction.blogspot.com
Please know that you are surrounded in prayers and love--
I can't get enough of that precious little baby!!! She's so beautiful!!!
Kelly, we will NOT quit praying. We will pray Harper through this.
Thank you so much for keeping us updated.
Praying for rest for you tonight and complete healing for Harper...
Our God is MIGHTY TO SAVE!!!!
Still praying in Chicago...
Harper is in a good place. When she is weak, HE is strong!!
Praying for a complete and total healing!
Oh Kelly, she is just beautiful!!! All of your blog friends are cheering the lil razorback on.
Still praying!! God Bless
Praying for you and little (big) Harper. :) She is soo pretty!! I know God will wrap his loving arms around you tonight. Keep the updates coming!
What a wonderful update! God is good! Harper's picture is precious. I continue praying for complete healing for your sweet baby.
Carol ~ in Tulsa
From the furthest corner of northwest Washington State, we send you our love and prayers. Harper...a beautiful name for a beautiful girl from a beautiful family. God is good. Amen
Still praying Ms. Harper makes a full recovery! Get some well deserved rest tonight :)
Beautiful pictures!! I love her hair!!
Kelly, little Harper is just stunning. Thank you for taking the time to update everyone again. I, like everybody else, have been hitting refresh on about a dozen different blogs today hoping and praying for good news. Your family and friends have been so faithful in keeping us all posted, too! Having said that, my heart is singing right hearing it all from you. I am so grateful that God is taking care of your little one and healing her so perfectly.
My prayers will continue for her and you, long after she is home with you in your arms.
Take care of yourself - you'll need lots of energy to dress her up in all her beautiful clothes! (I have a feeling we all want a fashion show!)
God bless you all...
We are praying for ya'll here in The Woodlands, Texas. May you have peace that surpases all understanding during this time!
Harper is just so beautiful. My husband and I keep checking about once an hour to see how y'all are doing. Know that this family is praying for yours all the way in Boston, MA!
Kelly and Scott, you have a very beautiful baby girl - congratulations. Harper and you both remain in our prayers....thanks for sharing the photos of your precious baby girl
Harper is absolutely gorgeous. So are you, your family, and your faith in our MIGHTY Lord! I am praying for you all!! He who began a good work in you will see it through...Harper will have one amazing story to tell someday of how God was (and is) with her!!!
Katy, TX
Oh, Kelly, you have been in my thoughts and prayers since Friday night.
Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed;
Save me, and I shall be saved.
For You are my praise. —Jeremiah 17:14
Harper is just beautiful!!!
SO glad to hear a little bit of good news! We are continuing to pray in Arizona as well! She is so chubby and cute--you never know, those extra pounds could come in handy making her a stronger fighter!
Kelly! Harper is one of the most beautiful little girls ever! She looks healthy, dag nab it! My boy was the same weight! And my other boy was sick with pnemonia too. He's 9 now. I'm so sad you all are going through this. I am pleading with God too. God has a plan! Trusting Jesus with you,
Thank you for the wonderful update! Harper is so loved as well as you and Scott. Continue to know that prayers are being said and will continue, until sweet Harper is healed. =)
YAY!!!!! So glad to hear this good news! Kelly, please try to rest as hard as I can imagine it is. Harper is just beautiful and we are continue to pary for her.
she is such a BEAUTIFUL little girl!
I can't wait to see her in her dresses soon. I love the Harper updates but how are you doing?
Oh my goodness, Harper is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!! Your family is so covered in prayer. SO thankful for the updates. Even though I only know you through your blog....I have had your family on my mind constantly and have been wondering how sweet little Harper was doing.
Many prayers from Cordova, TN! You have an amazingly beautiful daughter. May God continue to bestow His blessings on you all!
Praising Him for this wonderful report! Thank you for all the updates and pictures of your Beautiful Child! Still praying!!
sending prayers for this gorgeous girl - all the way from kansas city. get well soon little harper! xo
Such a little beauty! I am so glad to hear that she is doing better! God is so wonderful! Ask and ye shall recieve!! I am praying for her to make a full recovery! Love in Christ, Kari
I found a link to your blog the day Harper was born and started praying for her and just read another new blog with a prayer request for her! She's beautiful! Continuing to pray for her!
Don't feel like you have to respond, just know we are here for you. If you need any help getting around Tulsa, places for your family to stay, a place to worship on Sundays, you come to me when you need me, just know we are here.
I am so glad to hear the great news, continuing to pray.
Praise GOD! She is following the EXACT same path as my daughter Kayelyn.... EXACTLY. She will come out of this!! I know it!! I admire how strong you are and thank you for keeping us updated. I prayed and worried all day long.... I know hoe you feel. We did it for nearly two months straight. Bless you.
Harper is so beautiful! Still praying for Harper & the whole family here in Central AR!
She is beautiful! What a blessing. Remember, HE is able. Love and prayers to your family.
Thank you so much for keeping us updated on Harper. She a beautiful baby! I continue to pray for her health and healing. You are an amazing family, may God bless and watch over you all.
I'll be praying for Harper as I go to bed tonight. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to pray for your precious baby. She is beautiful like her momma.
Still lifting your names up to the Lord's ears this evening...Harper has so many gifted people taking care of her, don't you forget to LET OTHERS help care for you too Kelly! The pictures are so dear to all your readers, thank you for trusting us with her ;)
what a pretty baby..she looks strong and I just bet she is a fighter. Hang in there Kelly and try and get some rest. You just gave birth and all this stress all top of everything has to be hard on you.
I just hope everything gets better for all of you.
And we are blessed by watching Harper get better, minute by minute. Your family is wonderful testimony of faith, and so Harper is so obviously the perfect addition.
The prayers aren't stopping!
And..can I just say you look pretty fabulous to have just given birth AND have been going through all of this? :) Harper's got good genes!
What a blessing for you and Scott to hear good news! Praise God! Still Praying for complete healing.
I wish I were there to be able to give you a big hug. I have only been reading your blog for a few days, but I am sending you my love dear blogging friend. Your baby girl is precious, and God is always good. I am praying for your little girl, and for you and your husband.
Harper is soooooo beautiful! My goodness look at that hair.....and her lips! Her lips are soooo sweet!
Still praying!
She is so sweet! We will continue praying for that precious little girl! God has gotten her story out just MckMuffins, and he has special plans for both of these little babes!
Matthew 21:22 "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer!"
She looks so peaceful and content, and she's beautiful. I can't wait until she is old enough to hear the stories about how so many people prayed and trusted God with her life.
i've been reading througout all of your updates and just haven't commented because i know you have so many to read!
but i was struck just now and the Lord compelled me to write in. you are encouraging me so much with your strength through this all! i know it's totally from God, and that is so uplifting to me--a huge faith-builder! if i'm ever faced with such challenges in my life, i pray that God will get me through it with the same grace as you.
all the while you manage to give God the glory, and that's a really great example for all of us sisters in Christ.
i'm in dallas and totally want to drive up there to hug your necks. but i know y'all are already overwhelmed! just know that we're praying for you here in Big D. i've even seen random mom-friends on my facebook asking for prayer for you all in their status updates! God is good.
What a beautiful girl! I am so delighted to hear so many are making your time in Tulsa so wonderful. What a blessing! I am still praying and will continue to do so!
She is just precious and I have full confidence that she will be well soon. I can't wait to see her in those cute little monogrammed dresses with bow hats in her hair! Love to you and Scott!
Still sending prayers from Georgia. Harper seems to be a fighter!
She is SO beautiful!! Still praying for that sweet baby girl - and the rest of y'all, too!
I love to see you post new pictures. She is looking good. Still praying, God is good!
I can't quit looking at her precious little face! LOVE! Thanks so much for the update! I am so happy to hear such good reports.
Praying without ceasing over here in Ga! Love you dearly, friend!
Kelly,Harper is just precious. I know God will pull her through all of this. I happened on your blog last night and was touched by Harper's story. First thing this morning, I ran to the computer to check on her--thanks so much for keeping everyone posted. You are a GREAT MOM!!!
Glad she's doing a bit better. Know all of you are constantly in my prayers!
I am so grateful for another positive update. Your baby girl is so gorgeous, no matter who she looks like. Try to get some sleep (I know that's easier said than done) because your body has some healing to do. As for Harper, I think God's got that covered. Blessings to you and your family.
Another prayerful friend, Michelle
she is beautiful!! what a strong little fighter!! they are weak, but HE IS STRONG!!!
Praying for baby Harper and your family! God bless you!
she is perfect! Just PERFECT! I cried when I saw her precious little pictures.... God is good... thankyou Lord Jesus for holding her through last night!
Kelly... you have been in my thoughts and prayers all night and day. I'll be praying that everyone sleeps well through the night and that when you wake up tomorrow Harper will be even better than today! God bless you my sister in Christ
Kelly, she is just gorgeous! At first glance, I thought she looked just like you. She is SO pretty! I am so thankful you got some good news today! I am praying constantly for her healing. Love you, friend!
She's sooooo precious!!!
We'll keep praying and she'll have those sweet bows in her hair in no time!!
God is so so so so so good!!!!!
Kelly, Harper is just a little doll!! Thank you for sharing these pictures with us. We are STILL Praying and STILL believing that Harper is healed by the power of God! The doctors and nurses can only go by what they see and what they know of past cases. We go by what is NOT seen and past cases as well where God has performed miracles. Just as we believe God is doing right now. I know you must be thrilled to get to touch your little one at last. We trust it won't be long until you can wrap her in your arms and cuddle and kiss her all you want.
Love to all of you,
Richard and Brenda Sessions
She looks absolutely wonderful... And its great that her vitals are stablizing. I'm still praying and waiting for updates. Take care.
Harper - a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl! I wish you and your family the very best during this difficult time.
What a beautiful baby girl! {{hugs}}
Oh she is just beautiful...I am continuing to lift ya'll up in prayer. My thoughts are with ya'll constantly. Beth
I just love seeing the pictures of Harper! She is so beautiful! That is wonderful that Harper is doing so much better! God is so awesome!! I know that God will continue to heal her and you will be able to take her home soon! We will continue to pray for you guys!
Still praying for you!!
She is beautiful just like her mommy!
God is so good...We are praying!
Prayers from Iowa from our small group up to God on behalf of your baby girl!
Still praying. I don't know if you will even have the opportunity to read these comments, but in case you do I wanted to give you a quick piece of advice. I am a NICU nurse and a mother to 2 little ones that had to go to the NICU. Before the doctors come in to see you and Harper each day, write down all of your questions. It is so hard to remember them all once they are in the room and it is hard to keep all of your thoughts straight when you are so sleep deprived. Just keep a little notebook with you and you can jot them down anytime you think of one.
Continue to rely on the support of those around you and accept the help that is so graciously being offered. Take care of yourself too, I know it is hard to when your baby is so ill but you are no good to her if you aren't taking care of yourself. I continue to pray for her healing.
I found your page through the Willcut girls. Your story has touched me. My family will be praying for your little one!
She is just SO precious..and so are the both of you!
Praying Hard from Indiana :)
Praise God! I am so happy for the good update today! I love the pictures of her! She looks so sweet! I will continue to pray for her healing!
PRAISE GOD for the work He has done and is doing!!! I believe this is just the beginning! He who has completed a good work in Harper WILL complete it! She is beautiful! Congratulations!! I wrote a couple days ago, again I do not know you but follow your blog and I feel like I know you! I can't wait to see pictures of Harper in her sweet dresses!
Praise God,
Laura in Dallas
She is absolutely beautiful. She's going to be the cutest in all her adorable, monogrammed outfits! You and your family continue to be in my prayers!
Oh Kelly, she is just beautiful! Praise Jesus that she continues to make strides. I am trusting for His continued miracles in Harper's life. I can't even imagine how weary you and Scott must be and how painful it must be to not be able to hold sweet Harper and sing to her and talk to her out loud. I am praying not only for her healing but for the strength you and Scott need to get through this moment by moment. Lifting you up to Our Heavenly Father ~
We are still praying hard... and believing God for a miracle.
That baby girl is just precious... Absolutely beautiful! I love those little chunky wrists! So sweet!
edit- my post above meant to say "He who has *begun* a good work will complete it"!
Thanks for the updates today. God is so in control...I can see Him working. What a wonderful testament you and Scott are in your faith in what God has in store. I know that it must seem overwhelming at times...that's when you must find peace in His arms. He has placed so many wonderful people in your path who are helping keep you strong and encouraged. We continue to pray for all of you!
"My God is a great big God, and a great big God is He!" this is a children's song that I was reminded of tonight when my husband was teaching a lesson on faith to our youth group!! We have faith in God- a God that is bigger and can do more than we can even fathom!! STill praying for your beautiful baby girl!!
Hey Kelly,
I've been following your blog for a while and you are such a delight. I've been praying all weekend for your sweet baby girl. I know your faith and the work of our loving Father in the life of your babygirl will be a testimony to so many people needing the hope of Jesus that we so desperately cling to.
Know that I continue to pray for you, Harper, and your family.
She is absolutely beautiful! I am so glad that things are looking up, and pray that she continues to improve!
I have 3 children of my own and I can honestly say Harper is the most beautiful newborn I have ever seen. I have been on my knees praying.
We are praying for your sweet Harper's healing and for a peace that passes understanding for you all during this time.
She is so beautiful! I am praying for a complete and FAST healing of baby Harper. One day you will be able to tell her that she is a double miracle :)
Harper is so beautiful! I'm praising God that she's doing better and that you are getting good reports! Nathan, Jonathan, Seth, and I are praying for Harper constantly! Even tonight, my oldest son said, "I can't forget about praying for baby Harper before I go to bed"!. :) Thanks for keeping us updated. HUGS
Harper- I am praying that "the God of all grace, after you have suffered a little while, will restore you." Kelly, I am praying for you. I am thankful I found your blog.
Pamela Jayroe Fisher OBU '93
Kelly, she is so beautiful. I have literally been praying without ceasing today for little Harper. I just know God is performing a miracle for all of us who are involved in prayers for Harper to see and be awed by. To God be the glory!!! We love you all.
Hello Kelly, Thank-you for the up dates. Harper is just beatuiful. So thankful that she is doing so much better. Prayer changes things & we will contuine to pray for Harper in the days & weeks ahead. You are now a mommy & our love for our children runs deep, just think how much more God must love her. So much to be thankful for, & I'm prasieing God for the health of your sweet Harper. Love & hugs to you Kelly, Scott & Harper, Karen Barnes= Jessica M's mommy.
Harper is soooo gorgeous! I just can feel how much you all love her....we do too. Thank God she is doing better. We will continue to pray....I had my Sunday School class praying for her this morning. I love you like a sister! (Of course, we really are "sisters"). Take care and remember GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS!
She is just PRECIOUS. It was a good thing she has some meat on her bones. That will help her with her fight. God is Good :o)
Please do not feel obligated to respond. Thank you for keeping us updated. We continue to keep your precious daughter, you, and your husband in our prayers. I will pray that you get a goon night's sleep tonight. I know your body needs rest.
Such a beautiful baby!! She is just GORGEOUS Kelly!!!!!!!
GREAT praises on the BP and heartrate, we will continue to pray for those things, especially her heart.
So glad you are feeling covered. I am one of the MANY who joined with Angie Smith to commit to pray God's word for Harper EVERY DAY UNTIL SHE IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Praying you can rest tonight.
Lord, we believe!!!!
Extremely grateful for more positive news! I hope you are able to get some much-needed, peaceful rest tonight. I trust you'll learn of even more improvement and good news in the morning! I will be praying for Harper throughout the night--I've never been so consumed with thinking and praying for someone ...she is all I've been able to think of since Friday. My friend Allison called me tonight and said the same thing--she said she'd worked a Disciple Now conference this weekend and had been like a teenager checking her iphone for updates and news on your blog every 5 minutes. She said she and her friend sat at wept and prayed Friday night, pleading for Harper's life. I've had several other people call me to say that they're praying for you guys! I know you know that there are soooo many people lifting you up in prayer with every breath--I'm thankful that you and Scott can feel the reality of that! Micaela said that she accidentally called Mario "Lord" tonight because she'd been praying out loud so much throughout the day that she forgot and said that to him! :)
I'm glad you are closing the day encouraged and hopeful. I am, too...a peace straight from the Lord!
Harper is absolutely gorgeous. Even though it breaks my heart to see her with machines and tubes, etc., I just want to keep looking at her picture because she is so beautiful and precious. What a day it will be when she is completely well and you get to hold her and rock her and squeeze her and kiss her!!!
We love y'all! Goodnight!
Harper is so adorable! Praise God for the great updates. I know He will continue to hear all the prayers and heal your precious baby girl!
Still praying for all of you!
Chele ;)
Thanks for the updates! I am continuing to pray for Harper and your entire family as well as all the staff involved in her care. Even though your ability to physically touch Harper and talk to her are limited, I just keep visualizing Jesus holding her close to His heart and whispering His words of comfort in her ears. I believe she can feel His presence keenly. She is one of His precious little lambs. Love you guys!
Praising God right now for the good news and will continue to lift sweet Harper up in prayer. Again, she is just BEAUTIFUL! She has a gorgeous skin. Praying for a good night of rest, comfort and peace for you and Scott tonight.
I found your blog through Angie's blog. I just want you to know that I am lifting you guys and Harper up in prayer often. God is so good, and I believe that Harper is a testament to His great glory. I pray the peace that passes understanding over you!
She is just beautiful. I know you are so ready to hold her and kiss her every chance you get. We are still praying for her recovery and for strength for you and Scott.
Lori Jolley
Words cannot describe how truly gorgeous Harper is!! I'm praising Him for all the great updates and will continue to pray for y'all. Thank you for keeping us updated!!
Just for something to laugh at. Every day I look at your followers colum and see how many there are. And everyday I say, I don't think that she will have many more for a while. But then I look and it's gone up one or two hundred followers. That is so amazing, you get to show,almost thousands:),your love for Christ, and be a witness. We always have you in mind. God bless.
I must say that she is adorable!!! You have one strong little peanut there... I think she knows about all of those clothes just waiting on her in that closet. She knows she has 4 of the best Grandparents God could bless her with and ... Her Mommy and Daddy. What baby could ask for more...She knows whats worth fighting for. It's her family!!!! Im still spreading the word and sending up prayers. Yall just try and get some rest for all of the hours of hugs and kisses ahead. Take care~
Harper is just gorgeous! I continue to pray for Harper, you and your family. God bless
I just found your blog through several other blogs that asked their readers to pray. I just want you to know that you have an absolutely beautiful baby girl. There are tears in my eyes as I write this, and I just want to let you know that your daughter has been weighing heavily on my heart since I first read about her. You and your family are in my hearts and my prayers.
She is absolutely beautiful! I can't get over what a big girl she is!! Still praying for you guys!!
She is beautiful and I'm so happy to hear about the two great updates! I will continue to keep Harper in my prayers. Thank you for keeping us updated! Lots of hugs and prayers.
Still praying for healing for Harper. God is good, will continue to pray for peace and strength for her parents too!!! Glad to hear you are doing well, post needs please, those of us in Tulsa can help if we know your needs.....
So happy you got some good news today! She is just beautiful!!!
I just found your blog through a link from another blog asking for prayers for baby Harper! She is a beautiful little baby girl! We'll be praying for her too!! Congratulations on your little dolly!!!!!!
Rejoicing with you...and still praying for sweet Harper. She is beautiful. Praying His sustaining peace for all of you...
Amazing to see how God has already used Harper in so many ways (some that are obvious and surely some that are not) to bring glory to His name. What a life she has ahead of her... continuing to pray for restored health and for continued peace for you and Scott.
She is just beautiful! So happy to hear of some improvements! Continuing to pray for Harper's healing, and strength for the rest of your family!
Stacie in Los Angeles
She is so beautiful! I am amazed you can even blog at all... no need to apologize to us.... you have more important things to do!
Will keep you all on the prayer list!
I just love how the Lord has used you and your family to lift up His name. All those prayers and all those believers. I am in AWE! I love it!! Your baby is beautiful. Wait until you can tell her how she brought so many people together in the Lords name. What a blessing.
Harper is just beautiful. So glad that Harpers vital signs are improving. Our family will continue to pray for you all.
Kelly, there is SO MUCH LIFE IN HER. You can see it! She is going to be just fine. Congrats on your beautiful baby.
Kelly, I think your sweet baby looks so much like you! She is just sooo pretty! I am so glad to know there is a good report! Praise the Lord for that!
OH she is beautiful!! My first baby boy was 10 pounds 3 ounces! I am praying and believing that God has big plans for Miss Harper and a miracle is just the beginning.
Glad to read the good news on the update tonight! She is just precious and covered in much prayer. Still praying for lil Harper in Grand Prairie, Texas.
I know you have no idea who I am, but through this wonderful blog world, I have found you and your precious family. I enjoy reading your blog so much, and I know that you are going through one of the most difficult times of your life right now. As a mother, I know that there is nothing worse than watching your child suffer, but my prayers are with you and your sweet baby girl.
God never gives us more than we can handle, and he has sent Miss Harper here for a reason. I am so glad you are a believer, because without HIM nothing is possible. I know there isn't much this girl from Alabama can do, but please know that I'm praying everyday for your family. God answers prayers, and he is watching over your beautiful daughter. I hope you find peace in knowing that ;)
that baby is so cute!!! I'm so glad to hear your getting good news!
God has such big plans for this beautiful little girl! Thank you for the updates, I cannot imagine what you, Scott and the rest of Harper's family is going through so to take time to update us is so considerate. Keeping you in my prayers.
I just can't stop looking at that baby girl. She is so adorable! You don't need to apologize for few updates. We understand and are grateful for what you are doing. Will keep praying for Harper. It is so fun to see how God is answering our prayers. She is going to have a great story to share!
Thank you Jesus for those pink little toes! (especially pink on your Dad's blog picture!) Numbers are getting better...step by step!
You two rest well...let all the rest of of us take the night shift in prayer tonight! I think this little girl is covered 24/7!
Anxious for more good reports tomorrow...and more darling pictures!
Praying for your precious girl constantly!! Thank you for sharing her with all of us! ;)
Melody, CA
Dont you worry about us and if you dont get to respond to everyone. Just take care of yourself,Cry when you need to...Harper is in good hands....Take care of yourself and know that we are praying for you all.
She clearly was made in God's likeness: BEAUTIFUL!
Don't forget to rest as much as you can, so you can be there for her when she needs you to do the heavy lifting like feedings, diaper changes, etc.
Harper and you remain in our prayers!
Many prayers for baby Harper and you, Mommy and Daddy. She's beautiful and your faith will carry you through this (as you well know!)
God Bless,
Kelly...Harper is just so beautiful! I am praying for you all often.
Before today, I had never read your blog. I signed onto blogger and all 25 of the most recent posts that it showed all had a reference to your sweet baby Harper and prayer requests. I know that you, Scott, your family and Harper will all come out of this with an even greater love for God and an amazing testimony to share. I now follow your blog and can't wait to see pictures of your sweet girl!
Your little girl is so beautiful. I love big round babies!
Thanks for the update - it's so nice to have specifics to pray about; nice for me, God doesn't need it. :) I'm praying for clarity and direction for the doctors as they treat her.
She is such a beautiful baby..Our prayers are with you all!
What a beauty and a blessing!!!
I am praying for Harper. I told so many people today about the grace of God, and how he can reveal Himself through even the smallest baby. Thank you for sharing Harper with all of us.
Little Harper is beautiful! I think she looks like her mommy. I have been praying for her so many times throughout the days since she was born. I pray for her complete healing (along with thousands of others!) I pray that you will be holding a healthy baby girl very soon! Thank you for taking the time to update us- I check your blog throughout the day. Take care!
In His love,
Your Baby Harper is GORGEOUS!!! You have such a beautiful baby! Praise God for the improvements she is making . . .
Thank you for sharing your precious little one with everyone. Thank you too for allowing each of us a glimpse into your day AND for letting us know what we can pray about.
I am going to place her picture on my blog - so that others that haven't heard about Harper to pray for her can . . . I will put a link below her picture to your blog and your dads.
Praying for you and Harper!
Hugs Dear One
Still praying for Harper. Hang in there. I had a 10 lb. NICU baby -- he's a healthy 6 year old right now. I am confident the Lord will answer the many prayers for Harper and heal her body. Your strength, genuineness and faith are something to aspire to. -- Anna
You're in my thoughts and prayers. Praying for your beautiful baby girl Harper. Much love and many blessings ahead :)
GOD IS WORKING AND HE WILL CONTINUE TO! We love you and beautiful sweet Harper...she is GORGEOUS!!! I am praying specifically for her heart....and I told God I already know she has her Momma's heart....so Lord, just heal it up and let her get busy loving You and loving other people.
You are such a blessing, Kelly. Keep believing Him for HUGE things!!!
She's just gorgeous!!! I believe that we're all witnessing a miracle unfolding right here in the blogosphere! And, that miracle is your sweet little Harper! There is power in prayer and she certainly has A LOT of prayers going up for her (as well as for you, Scott & the rest of your family). I will continue to lift all of you up to the Lord.
Greenville, SC
Little Harper is absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to see her in her pink and green one day.
I'm on my knees tonight for you all. But as you know God is able to do so much more than we can even imagine.
Big hugs~
Kelli, I too have been anxiously checking in all day, I commented a few days back, but have followed your blog since you found out you were pregnant.. I said it in my last post, I'll say it again, I admire your strength & faith so much! I love to see how many people have been lifting you all up in prayer, it's truely a beautiful thing, as is your precious Harper!Still praying in Reno, Skye
Scott and Kelly,
Harper is beautiful. I see a little of you both in her. Beautiful. Just beautiful!
Still praying in NC!
Great news about her blood pressure and heart rate. I am praying for your family. My friend has a little girl named Harper too.
I have been checking all day for more updates from you about Harper. I'm glad to hear that she's making progress!! She is such a cutie and I know you can't wait to hold her. I've been following your blog just since Friday and I'm hooked! You and your husband seem to be such amazing people and you only deserve the best, which is to bring healthy Harper home! I'm praying and praying for the best!
OH SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! Praying and trusting in our God who is MIGHTY TO SAVE!
Kim in TN
Harper is absolutely beautiful-was just directed to your blog. I am PRAYING, PRAYING, PRAYING. I will continue to lift Harper and your family up in prayer as we watch her grow in strength and restored to perfect health...in the name of Jesus!
Oh Dear Kelly, husband, baby Harper and Family! I have been there, my baby girl that fought this fight is now 9! She never, ever, ever was supposed to make it. Kelly, power of prayer helped my baby girl so, so much. I posted about by Harper on my blog as well as so many others, we are here for you in loving prayer. Please, let me know if I can do absolutley anything for you. I live in Washington state, but girl, if you asked me to, I'd be on a plane right now.
Kelly's readers, this is a reminder, it is so important to daonate blood. Babies every day need transfusions, as mine did many times. If you are able too, please donate.
My love and prayers are with you, your family and of course, baby Harper.
So much love,
Shasta (bergdorf blondes)
I am so thankful that you got a more positive update tonight and left the hospital feeling hopeful!
Could you please give us an update on YOU as well? It was only a few days ago that you had a difficult delivery and I'm wondering how you are recovering and feeling?
Continuing to pray for both Harper & you!
wow, she is B-E-A-utiful! i will continue praying for this sweet girl. stay strong.
I left a comment on your last post but I don't think it went through...I just wanted to tell you every time I look at my blog I'm praying for y'all. I have the button at the very top of my page to remind me to pray for Harper. Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated. I hope you and your husband are able to get some rest tonight.
We are praying for your Harper girl! Going to bed with her on our hearts and praying to the Father for complete and wonderful recovery. You gave birth to the most beautiful girl, Kelly. Praying for you and your family.
Praise God for the good report that you got this evening. Just thought that I would check your blog once more before I went to bed...so glad that I did. I will say another prayer for sweet Harper and thank God for what He has already done. I will check back tomorrow.
Tammy from Alabama
I continue to pray for your precious Harper, you and your family.
Kelly- we don't know each other, but I found your blog from Mary Kate's and have been following your pregnancy. I am praying for you and little Harper. Our God is so good and I know he hears our prayers. Stay strong!
Kelly & Scott,
I have long been a fan/reader/lurker of your blog. I have been praying for your beautiful baby girl! She is just the cutest thing EVER!! I am a cancer survivor and know first hand the power of prayer and the amazing feeling of being lifted up to our heavenly father by faithful prayer warriors! I am living proof that miracles happen! It is life changing (literally) and humbling and while so scary to be the ones in need right now, it is a feeling that will be with you both forever (in a good way)! Our God is an AWESOME God and he is faithful. I will continue to lift Harper up to her heavenly father. Blessings to you and your family.
Harper is beautiful! I will continues praying for your family.
She could not be more beautiful! I am so happy to catch a glimpse of the little miracle I have been praying for so much.
I am so thankful you guys are being so loved and supported. And do not even think about "responding" to all these comments! No one expects you to do anything except RECEIVE our love and prayers.
Praise Him! We are praying specifically for her heart and we are begging and believing God for a miracle each moment. Beautiful baby girl. We are gald to have a few pictures of her, in fact we have kept them up on the laptop in the kitchen. Every time we walk by it we reach our hands toward her picture and pray. Little Jaiden is praying her heart out too. Everytime she looks at her picture she says, "Wow, she (Harper) sure is a cutie!" WeLove ya'll so much and we are keeping you covered in the Name of Jesus, the Name above every other name! God is so good!
it's so good to find these positive updates on your blog. i pray they keep getting better.
Hi. I found you through Angie Smith's blog. I'm praying for Harper.
Hi. I've been praying that God would hold Harper in his healing hands, and that he would surround all of you in peace. She is beautiful.
My daughter and I are praying for Harper.
Thanks for sharing more photos and for an update! We are so gracious to let us be a part of this process! Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him! Still praying! Love, Jenny Beth Walker
Correcting myself...YOU are so gracious for letting us be a part of this and WE are so blessed by it, getting to be a part of what God is doing. And I wanted to say again- she is BEAUTIFUL! Breathtakingly so! Love, Jenny Beth Walker
Thank you for another update (thankfully a more positive one!) and more pictures of your beautiful daughter! I'm still praying!
It is so heart warming to see this huge family of bloggers gathering our forces in prayer. We blog warriors are truly a force with amazing staying power!
Thank you for letting us be a part of your miracle!
Praying in the south!
Granny in Florida
Harper is beautiful... Thank you so much for the updates and the pictures. Being a nursery nurse myself, I know Harper is in good hands at the hospital....with that in mind, YOU need to take care of yourself and get rest when you can. You want to be 100% when that sweet girl comes home with you.
Still praying for you all in TN.
How could that angel have gotten CUTER just since this afternoon??!!
We are praying that all the concerns are resolved without surgery, and that each hour little Harper gets stronger and stronger!
Please take care of yourself and your husband, you need to stay rested to stay well so you can be there for sweetie pie Harper!
We don't know you, but love you! We'll keep praying!
She is BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm so glad that she's showing improvement. We're still praying for you guys--if anything can get you through this difficult time, it's prayer!
I feel so blessed to have found your blog. I don't think it could have came a better time.Please I would love to make her a hat, or blanket. Just let me know on my blog. www.yarnmommas.blogspot.com I went to church tonight with Harper in my spirits. God will just continue strengthen her heart. She is a brave, brave beautiful child of gods. Thank you so much for sharing your pictures.
She is just so beautiful! I love her little nose. What a sweetie she is.
I am so happy to have found your blog when someone asked me to pray for Harper.
I must have checked all day in between praying ofcourse ;o) to see how she is doing. To know she is doing a bit better and that her heart rate is down and her bp is up is amazing! God is good and He is taking care of Harper. I know He is healing her.
I also pray that you, Scott, and your family are able to get as much rest as you can.
All my love and prayers, Taryn XO
Kelly, I don't know if I've commented before, but I've been reading for a while. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I keep checking back to see how the wee one is doing.
Harper is so beautiful and looks so peaceful! God is surrounding her with HIS love. I loved the pictures on your Dad's blog of your Mom & Dad with Harper and the fact that they finally got to touch her. Praise God! You look wonderful too, Kelly! You are one strong and faithful woman and my prayers are still with all of you. Harper is a fighter too! Hang in there and know that there are so many of us who love you, despite the fact that we have never met. Love & blessings in NC!
I'm glad you've had more good news. :)
So thankful you all have good friends there with you to love and support you.
Still praying and eagerly awaiting a good report tomorrow!
My family will be praying for your baby. I know how hard it is having your newborn in the NICU. My wife and I had a little boy in October of 2007. He was in NICU within mintues of birth due to a bad kidney that was the size of a baseball. It was causing him problems eating and breathing. He had surgery within 24 hours of birth and dropped a pound in weight to 5lbs after the bad kidney was removed. Now almost a year and a half later, you would never know the trama he went through the first few weeks of his life, except a small scar on his back.
YAY!!! Good news! Kelly- You look great in these pictures and so peaceful, I hope good news just keeps coming your way. Love you my friend!!!
Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!
My mind is consumed with Harper, you, and Scott. I am praying constantly, and I have been doing so since I first read about this. I just know the Lord will heal Harper fully.
Hi! I found your site through Angie's blog.
You have a beautiful baby girl! Just precious.
Not that you have extra time, but if you ever do, I want to encourage you to watch something. Just this afternoon, I watched a DVD of Louie Giglio. Part of his message was on the verses that Angie has asked us to pray for Harper. I think you would find it so encouraging on many levels for your situation. Here is the web address for that part of the message:(It's about 10 minutes)
She is so gorgeous, and I have my whole family and everyone I know praying for her! (and y'all!) Quit worrying about writing everyone back and just take care of yourself and Harper! (said in my best sweet Southern lady voice just like my Grandmama). We will all keep praying!!!
Such a beautiful little girl! So glad that she is getting better.. every day a new prayer answered! We're still keeping on praying!!!
I can't wait to see Harper's 1 year old birthday with lots of pictures of her in all her tutus and bows!
Just know you have hundreds of thousands of people praying for you and your little girl and your whole family!!!
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