Saturday, January 17, 2009

11:30 Saturday
Praise Jesus for He is good!!! Scott just called to tell me that he just went to see Harper and the nurse said she is not even on the list for bypass (ECMO) because the doctor thinks she is responding so well to what they are doing she may not even need it. We were told in not so many words yesterday that she may not survive at all and because of so many prayers all over the world - she is improving hour by hour. We have had so much kindness shown to us over the last 24 hours - I can not even begin to tell you. Scott has had several people that we don't know but who read our blog come to see him and even brought him things. He just called me crying because he couldn't believe the kindness we have been shown. It's so overwhelming. Our whole family has cried so much because of the overwhelming kindness of friends and strangers. It certainly has encouraged us to do more for others ourselves.

5:30 a.m. Saturday
I realize I should be sleeping but it's just not coming and you know how hospitals are - I get woken up every minute anyway. The doctor from the neo-natal unit in Tulsa (yes - it's St. Francis) called me at 4 to let me know Harper was there and she was stable. They are running tests on her heart and her brain and doing a few more things before they can start the bypass. Shortly after - Scott and his parents got there and they got to see her again. I have to say that I have never loved my husband more than I do right now. He has been my rock. We have shed more tears in the last 8 hours than we probably have our entire lives but we also know that we want God to get all the glory and praise and honor in whatever happens in our baby's life.
I have such a peace about her being in Tulsa and it was just confirmed to me as I read the comments and a nurse from pediatrics said the nurses there had already been praying for us. And I just recieved an e-mail from someone who went through an almost identical situation and her daughter is now a healthy 3 year old. Thank you Jesus for sending me all of these encouragers and prayer warriors. It is NOT by accident that so many of you have found my blog and are now praying.

12:30 a.m. Saturday morning

Change of plans - AR children's hospital was all booked up so they are about to fly my baby to Tulsa. They are going to be doing a heart/lung bypass on her and the last time we spoke with the doctor - he gave us more hope. Her heart is just fine. She has pneumonia in her lungs and it's just very, very serious. We were able to go up and see her and touch her. They have her put under and paralyzed so she can't move so they can treat her. But she's just beautiful. She's BIG - but beautiful! ;-) I told her we have so many people praying for her and she is going to live and come home to wear all her pretty monogrammed dresses.
I have been sitting here crying about all the people we have praying for us. I can't even begin to tell you what that means to our family. It was what is keeping me from completely falling apart right now. I have comfort in my Jesus. He will never leave me or forsake me. I don't know what His plans are........whether we will be able to keep Harper on this earth with us or not - but I know that I know that I know that He is good and He loves me and He is holding my hand right now.

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Ashley said...

Im still praying Kelly. We all love you and Harper so much!! I will not stop praying!!

Hopsy said...

What wonderful news that things are looking better Kelly! We will all continue to pray and light you all up!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Wow, I was just here literally 30 seconds ago and there wasn't an update and then I popped back over and it is! Praise Jesus her heart is okay! I just KNOW He is healing her as we "speak." I want you to know the prayer team for the Walk to Emmaus I am working on is praying for you right now, too! I remember a post of yours not long ago about one of your favorite hymns, "'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus..." and I can't stop humming it right now! Love you!

Tiffany said...

You have done an amazing job all day long. What a wonderful mom you are. We are praying that the Lord will continue to heal Harper and that HE will give you, Scott and your parents endurance and peace in the midst of this trial. Thank you for the updates and for giving us the privilege to pray for you.
love, Tiffany


Praying for your daughter!! Hold Jeremiah 29:11 close, "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord; Not to harm, but to prosper you. To give you HOPE and a FUTURE. Draw near to our Father; may He give you the peace that surpasses All understanding and a healing that will glorify Him.

Every breath she takes is a Testimony of His Grace and Love.

Blessings, Carolynn

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog through Angie's and am praying for you and Harper. My babies were both in the NICU for months, and Faith is the only thing that kept me together. Keep praying. . .

Georgia Girl said...

Coming from Susie Harris' page. I know Harper will be all fine and up wearing those beautful dresses you have for her!

My prayers are with you and your family! I will be tinking of you and check back often to see how Harper is doing!

God is Good and will take care of all of you!


Nancy Hood said...

This will be a testimony for all to witness. Harper will continue to improve and we look forward to watching her grow in the love of family, our Lord, and His Word~
prayers from Prattville, AL

Anonymous said...

You are a very strong woman and I am praying your baby girl will pull through and be going home with you.

Luanne said...

Praying in Wisconsin.

Amy said...

Oh, Kelly... You and Harper and Scott and all of your family (and Harper's doctors and nurses, and the pilot and, well, just everybody) are in my prayers tonight...

I cannot wait to see your miracle daughter in her monogrammed dresses! :)

Becca Weigand said...

The Weigands are praying for you and Scott and little Harper!

Joy said...

Just came over from Angie's blog.
Praying for you and your sweet baby girl.
Hang in there, I know it's hard b/c you feel helpless. Praying now, and thank God she has a healthy heart!

Melissa said...

We have been following your blog, and your parents blogs and we are praying for sweet Harper. She is a well loved baby
Hang in there
The prayers are in full force, and its now time for miracles to happen

sweethomealagirl said...

I am up extra late waiting on my husband to get home from a crazy long meeting - but I believe that YOU AND HARPER are the real reason I am still awake! Praying you through, girl!

Lauren said...

PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING KELLY!!!!!!!!! We love you and the whole Stamps Family and that precious Harper! God is in control!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, Scott, and your sweet baby girl Harper. I will continue to pray for you all <3 Jessica in Michigan

Anonymous said...

Praying, praying, praying for you all! Praise God for the latest news from the doctor. to do more praying.

Anonymous said...

*So* glad Harper is healing and *so* glad you got to love on her! We will keep praying for you all and for everyone in Tulsa who've already been "chosen" to care for your sweet baby girl! Thank you for the update!

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful for a more hopeful update... thankful for all of you. Please know that my prayers will continue for ALL of you.

Kelly said...

Thank you for the update. I am praying for continued improvement.
You are a blessing to us all and we know that Harper is a blessing to you.
In my prayers,
Kelly in Ohio

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog and wanted to let you know that I am praying for you, your family, and for Harper. Keep clinging to Jesus...He will carry you through. Praying for you!!

St. Louis, MO

Anonymous said...

We are praying so very deeply for Harper right now. You are all in our thoughts and prayers right now! God is a miracle worker and he is proving his hard work right now!

Becca said...

We are praying.....

Jessica said...

Kelly, I have been up all night covering you in prayer. Please know all of NW Arkansas is on their knees for you. I know Harper is in capable hands in Tulsa. Rest assured of that! We are loving and praying for you tonight, sweet friend.
How is Dawson??? Need me to check on him?? Say the word!!!

Becky said...

Dear Kelly,
I've been praying for Harper all night. And I mean, ALL NIGHT. I keep beseeching the Lord on your behalf, and my prayer has been this, Please let this family be together!!! I know, and I mean it, I KNOW how much you longed for and prayed for this child. The child I carry is just as desired, because at one point I thought she would never happen. But she did. And God MADE her happen. Thank heavens that God is in control and He knows what He's doing. With every prayer I close, Father, thy perfect will be done. Yes, Jesus is holding your hand, and you are being lifted up in prayer, dear blog-friend. My heart is aching for you all, and I'm giving that ache to Jesus, too.
All my best wishes and lots and lots of hugs,

Anonymous said...

Still sending prayers up...:)

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

Praying in Alabama and all over the world. So glad that you got a bit of good news. She is in God's hands- the Great Physician and He will take care of her. You have done a great job lifting His name today and are leading so many others to do the same in the name of sweet Harper. Keep up the great work. You're an amazing mom already.

Anonymous said...

Praying for your little girl. ECMO will give her body a rest from having to work so hard to breathe. Babies are so resilient!! Don't forget to take care of yourself as well. Harper needs a healthy mommy!!!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Oh Kelly...I can't sleep because you and Harper (and the rest of your family) is so heavy on my heart right now.

Your faith is encouraging me.

I just left a comment on your dad's blog, but I'll tell you what I told him. I'm trusting the One who is holding Harper's little life in His strong and mighty hands.

Love and blessings to you and Scott. Hang in there. You have an army of believers praying for ya'll.

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Praise God! So thankful that Harper's heart is okay. Still praying for Harper, you and your family. Your blog is such a blessing to me. May you find rest in Christ, tonight.

Kara said...

kelly i have been praying throughout the night and checking for updates. i found your blog through angie's awhile back, and you have no idea how much you touched my life...i dont know you, but i know you have a heart for people. i am honored to be praying for harper, you and scott.

Sandra said...

Praying for you Kelly and your husband and your baby Harper. God's has your family in his loving arms. And praying for the doctors and nurses who are tending to your precious family.

Carol said...

I just read your Dad's update then came over to read your blog. The update sounds so good! God is answering prayers. I know St. Francis has a wonderful new chidren's unit with great doctors & nurses. I will continue to pray throughout the night.
Love & Blessings,
Carol ~ in Tulsa

Christy said...

Kelly, you don't know me but I read about Harper on "Bring the Rain" blog tonight.I just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you all the way in Canada! We serve a good God and he never makes mistakes!

Amanda said...

I am overjoyed that you were able to spend some time touching your precious little girl! My daughter was born at 26 weeks and I didn't get to see her at all for the first 12 hours. Praying for healing for you and Harper, wisdom for the doctors, and strength for the new daddy as he tries to be there for both his girls. Thank you SO much for taking time to update all of us.

pinkmommy said...

I am still praying, Kelly. I have faith in the healing powers of our LORD. I am pleading with God that you will be at home holding and loving on your precious perfectly healthy baby girl so very soon.

Take care of yourself and try to get some rest. The internet will be lifting all of you up to the Father all night.

Anonymous said...

Kelly.. its 1:03 am and I just cant seem to break away from the computer. When I do I have just prayed my heart out to our Lord. He is GOOD Kelly all the time and you see his works. We may not be there in person but please feel us in spirit. I will continue to lift all of you up...Im so glad that yall were able to get in a little visit. Praise God~ He never sleeps! I wont be long my sweet friend that you will have her all dressed up in those precious dresses. Take care and give your little body some rest now... We'll do somemore praying~

Beth said...

Kelly, Found your blog tonight through Angie (Bring the Rain). I am praying for Harper and your family! I became a grandmother,to a beautiful baby girl, less than a week ago and this hit me so hard!

You are all in my prayers!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Kelly,

God is so good! He is on His throne shining upon each of you. My prayers have been with you throughout this day but especially since Harper's birth. I am so excited for you that she is here. It is amazing how God works out miracle after miracle. I know He is in total control and am so glad the best hospital with the right equipment for Harper is waiting to receive her. I am so glad you and your family have had time to be with Harper and admire her being here with you. I am glad the outlook is better. I am so grateful her heart is good. I know God is keeping her in perfect peace. May He continue to bless your entire family throughout the miracle of Harper's birth. My beautiful first born was 9 lbs 5 oz. She is now 16 years old and driving. God is good!


Minnesota Girl said...

Praying for you Harper, Kelly and Scott.

Fran said...

i fell asleep and the sweet Lord woke me up. I'm again praying. I want you to know how much we love you and your family and that amazing baby girl. Look at her...she's already one tough cookie and a fighter. :) Give that girl a sword of the Spirit when she's a little bit bigger and we better watch out!

I'm praying for Scott and your momma and daddy too. Love you all!

Ruthie said...

Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up Kelly, Scott and Harper to You right now. Please, Jesus, we beg for your healing touch and your merciful peace. We ask for Harper's life. We desire for complete healing. Thank you that You are in this. This is not a shock, nor a surprise to You. You are Sovereign and We trust You. Give Kelly peace tonight as she has to be away from her sweet girl. Unite them tomorrow with much joy. Amen.

Praying for you all ~ Your Sister in Him, Ruthie

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your baby girl!

Julee said...

Thanks for letting us know the latest! I am praying tonight as I go to sleep! Hope you can get some rest too! All these prayers won't stop until Harper is at home and well!!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

SO glad to hear her heart is ok. I am on my iPod checking from bed. We have been praying nonstop since we heard. Praying now for Harpers lungs to do their job and HEAL.

Megan said...

Praying for sweet baby Harper. May God bring you His peace during this tough time, you are so strong and I know your daughter will inherit that from you!

Ann said...

Angie at Bring the Rain directed me to you and I want you to know that I'm praying for your girl and your family. May the Lord carry you in His hands.

Mrs. Classic said...

We are praying for all of you! I am so relieved to see things aren't as serious as once thought. You guys are so strong, remember that God only gives us what we can handle.
I wish I could see the guardian angels that are watching over the 3 of you now. You know with all these prayers there has to be thousands!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, im so thankful to hear that Harper's heart is doing okay. I just wanted to let you know I have been praying for you, Scott, and sweet Harper all night.

In Him,
Christa- Magnolia, Texas

DietCokeStraightUp said...

I am so happy that you were able to get an update on your baby. I am so sorry this is happening and I appreciate the update. We are all hoping the best for beautiful baby Harper

Crazy About My Boys said...

Oh Kelly! You are such an amazing Mommy to little Harper. I can't believe how BIG she is!! Praise God for the good news you have received regarding her heart! We are all on our knees praying for Harper to be healed! Not only are we praying for Harper but for you, Scott and your whole family as well!

Anonymous said...

We are still praying for all of you, Kelly. And I KNEW that Harper would be beautiful!

We love you!
Andy, Melissa, & Drew

Gitz 'n Jo said...

I'm so grateful to hear that her heart is healthy, but will keep a steady stream of prayers for you that you will continue to be shown beautiful blessings...

Julie Bonn Heath, Marketing and PR said...

Praying for you and yours and believing in faith that our God will guide you, protect you and heal baby Harper.

Jacquie said...

Kelly and Scott, we are holding you in prayer. We are on our faces for you. We are broken for you.

But, we also know that God is there with you and with Harper. He is a great God and I am praying that EVERYTHING HE IS, HE IS FOR YOU right now.

We love you all and are right here with you.

Ellen said...

I've never left a message on your blog, but here goes. I live close to Little Rock and already have my Sunday School class praying. Several girls had already emailed me back and we were planning on bringing snacks to the hospital and try to help in any tangible way possible while you were here. I have been following your blog for several months and have been included in the number of hits on your blog these past few days as you have awaited Harper's arrival. I can not sleep tonight because you and your family are weighing so heavy on my heart. I'm glad that you updated. I'm sure that if I can not sleep that you certainly are not getting a restful night. It is good to hear that her heart is healthy. I am so bewildered by what God is doing, but I want you to know that He has given me peace. There are definitely too many people praying and too many people who were awaiting the arrival of your baby girl for God to not be working in her life. I don't know His plan, but I have no doubt that He has one and He plans to use your little one to display His awesome power and His awesome love to all these people who are praying for you. Take heart and try to get some rest----as you are a momma now and your little one will need all the love that you can give her.

Leigh Ann said...

Oh, sweet Kelly. I can't sleep because my heart hurts for you. Instead I am praying and praying. I am so thankful about the news about Harper's strong heart. Praise the Lord! Please know I will continue to pray for all of you. I thank you so much for updating us. I thank you more for the example you set for all of us with your strong faith.

Of course I knew she would be beautiful. Look at her mama!

Love you SO much!

Amy said...

Praying for you and Harper.

Rebecca said...

Will be covering your family and precious baby in prayers! Asking that God's presence continues to fill your rooms.

sumi said...

Amen, Kelly, he is good and he is kind and he will never leave nor forsake you. Thanks for the update. I am still praying.

Leslie Ruth Petree said...

I just couldn't go to sleep until I heard something! SO glad to hear this news and to hear from YOU. I know you must be exhausted but please know that we will continue to lift you up until Harper is given the "all clear". You are definitely surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses...

Tricia said...

So glad to hear her heart is well... and will continue offering prayers on behalf of your sweet family...

Jenna said...

Girl, the tears are falling over here in GA as well, but I know the God of the Universe has his hand on that precious Harper-girl.

I was thinking earlier how I used to feel like God allowed ya'll to wait so long for Harper so that your miraculous story would touch so many lives - and give so many hope. But now I know that while that was definitely one amazing purpose - there was an even greater one at work the whole time.

I know that the Lord made us all fall in love with you and your sweet family so that when THIS DAY came, we would be able to do nothing else but fall on our faces before Him - petitioning for your baby's precious life.

Love it. Love Him. And love ya'll. I'm praying for ALL of ya'll without ceasing, sweet friend!!!

Lindsee said...


I have had you, your precious baby, and your family so heavy on my heart all night long. Long before I knew what was going on. I have been praying, and will continue to pray for your sweet baby. I am so sorry this is all happening.

Love from Houston,

Anonymous said...

We've never met but I came across your blog from Angie's site and have been following along since you found out you were expecting your sweet baby girl. As an OB nurse and first time mom-to-be myself right now, I can't imagine the torment your poor heart has been through in the past day. Please know there are so many of us out here praying for Harper as well as you & Scott, Harper's physicians and nurses, and your families, and we will continue to pray faithfully during this heavy time.

God has never left your side, and in the next day or so when you can't physically hold Harper, know that she is safe in God's loving hands.

I'm praying for wisdom for Harper's treatment team, and peace for you, Scott, and your families. Most of all, for the miracle that we know is possible with the Healer.

The OB nurse in me is going to remind you to take care of yourself too, Kelly. I'm sure it's nearly impossible, but please try to get some rest. Harper will need her mama there by her side and your body has been through a lot in the past 12 hours.

Again, know that your are surrounded by prayers tonight, and we will look forward to seeing those first pictures of Harper dressed in her adorable monogrammed dresses!

In Him,

In His Army said...

Oh sweet Kelly, we are in constant prayer here and I am so thankful for all those who are standing in agreement and asking God for a miracle tonight. He is in control and I know and believe with all of my heart that Harper is going to be fine. We serve a Mighty God and i am amazed by your faith right now in this trying time. I am praying for God to show Himself strong and mighty and for you&Scott to go to Tulsa tomorrow and bring that sweet baby home in a few days! God is good and I remember the verse you posted before--that he who began a good work in you will see it through to completion. We love you so mcuh!!!!!

Anonymous said...


You don't know me, but as a Respiratory Therapist I know the fear parents experience when putting a baby on ECMO and having them in the ICU and not at home where they belong.

Praying for you tonight, Kelly.

Anonymous said...

We are still praying for your family in Chico California..Thanks for the updates.

caknitter said...

Sounds like great news. I will continue praying for little Harper. I truly believe she feels your strength and love craddling her. Thank you for sharing.
btw, I came across your blog via another link asking for prayers for your baby, a child of God. I'm more than happy to be included in the circle of prayer.

Funky Kim said...

I'm so grateful to read that it may not be as serious as first thought. I'm also so very glad that you got to see her and touch her and talk to her. Continued prayers from here.

Katy said...

Prayers from Paris TX.

Anonymous said...

Praise God for good news! I am finally going to bed now (you guys should try to do the same) and as soon as I wake up I will be checking on the latest about Harper! I will continue to pray throughout my sleep!


Kaitlyn said...

Your faith is ever-enduring Kelly, and it is amazing. I am so glad to hear a glimmer of hope, and I will continue to pray for both of you!

Mama P said...

Powerful on-my-knees prayers are coming to you from Snohomish, Washington. I have twins who were born 3 months prematurely with one baby being critically ill. I was unable to hold him for 2 entire months but I can tell you that the bond I have with him is deeper and stronger than if I had held him in my arms since birth. Even though Harper can't move at the moment, you can bet that she can hear and feel you. God is great. His blessings are abundant and He will hold your hand through this difficult time until you can bring your daughter home. Your blog has brought me closer to God. I hope that my prayers can repay you for leading me closer to Jesus.

Kewiki said...

Still up checking for updates and praying for you and sweet Harper! God is good and we can't wait to see pictures of your beauty when her body is healed and at home with you!

Holly in Nashville, TN

Melissa said...

Hi! I came to your blog via Angie Smith's. I shot up a little prayer for you, Harper, and your family a couple hours ago, and now my heart just jumped when I saw she was being transferred to Tulsa. I live there and my house is not even a mile away from one of the hospitals here (not that she is going there, but you never know!). I will definitely have her in my thoughts and prayers as I lay down to sleep tonight.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly! I have been reading your blog for several months now and have never commented before. I just want to tell you that think you are so a strong and amazing woman to have such faith during this hard time!! Harper and your entire family will be in my prayers tonight. I will be checking in your blog first thing in the morning for more good news. God is wonderful and all things are possible through him!! Kim in Texas

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that my husband and I are praying for you and Harper in AL.

Amber said...

Dear Heavenly Father- Thank you for answering our prayers and giving this family hope with little Harper. Please give them courage, strength, and wrap your loving Arms around them to help them endure the journey ahead. We are praying for your family.

Amber Little Rock.

Peanut said...

I came from Angie's blog... I'm praying...

Shawna said...

Do not waiver in what God has promised you Kelly, you are a shining example and Jesus loves you so much!

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

Oh Kelly,

i don't know if I've ever commented on your blog before, but I know how much you love your daughter and will pray and pray for God to hold your hand and lead you with peace through this time of uncertainty. I pray for baby Harper's healing, that you will get to hold her and love on her and dress her in all her precious dresses and bows very very soon.

Anonymous said...


Just heard about you and your sweet baby from Ang's site. I live in Owasso (just 10 minutes north of Tulsa). If you need a place to stay, a meal, a change of clothes, a ride, a visitor, a break...Anything...don't hesitate. You can reach me at
Other than that..on my knees for you and that sweet baby girl.

Ashley said...

Praying my heart out in Georgia still Kelly. You're right God does have a plan for her. You're such an inspiration to everyone and I'm so proud of you.

Anonymous said...

8 weeks ago I was praying this same prayer for my daughter Finley..."Heavenly Father you know my heart. I am crying out to you to heal this precious baby girl! Give Scott and Kelly grace for the moment and a peace that passes all understanding."

Kendra said...

Kelly your faith is amazing. I am just in awe...
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! What WONDERFUL news that her heart is STRONG! PRAISE JESUS!!!
My little niece has been on that very machine twice, and she is a spunky 17 month old today =-) God is good.
I can't help but think that God Himself brought SO many of us to your blog so long ago, just in preparation for this very day, when we would need to pull together and call upon Him, and claim mercy and healing and power and victory in HIS name!!!!

Oh thank you Lord, for hearing our prayers! Please God continue to pour out your mercy on this sweet, precious baby girl!! YOU are the Great Physician Lord!!! We trust you and await your handiwork!!

Much, much love,

Corinne said...

I'm praying too!

Anonymous said...


I've been following your blog for a while now and know just how excited you were for Harper to make her appearance. I'm so glad she's here and will continue to keep praying that her bypass surgery will go well and that the Lord will heal her little body. Praying for you, Scott and your family as well. Can't wait to see a pic of you and Harper together.

AP Mommy said...

We are praying in our corner of the world. Thank God her heart is ok! One thing at a time. We will continue to pray for healing.

Anonymous said...

Praying through the night for sweet Harper...and for you and your family, Kelly.

Yocumotion said...

sending prayers

Jennifer said...

We are praying for you during these difficult moments.

Kendra said...

And Kelly, just may appear she is laying in an incubator alone, but we can rest in the knowledge that she is laying in the arms of the King of Kings. I just know He is holding her while you can't.

Jennifer said...

I just wanted you to also know that I am praying for your family right now. God is faithful and He is right there beside you during this time. Keep holding onto Him.

Pam said...

Kelly, I've been with you all day watching for updates and now I am here with you tonight praying for your sweet daughter. Thank you for taking the time to update those of us out here praying. I will continue to keep a watchful eye for updates from your family. I am glad your parents are there with you. I pray for you also and your own recovery and strength. You are a blessing to all of us out here in bloggy world. And I cannot wait to see pictures of little miss Harper in her new nursery at home. Prayers are being lifted up from Fort Smith tonight.

Trudy said...

We are praying for your baby, Harper. We saw the button on MckMama's blog. You sound courageous and full of faith. May God be with you!

Melissa said...

Thanks for the update. Praise God her heart is okay! I clicked over from Angie's blog earlier tonight, but came back to check for more news. I'll be praying for Harper's healing and peace for you and your family. To God be ALL the glory!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your Baby girl. Praying that He heals!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for little Harper!

Carmen said...

Praying for you and your precious little one. From Fresno, CA

Anonymous said...

Im praying for your little baby girl. Praying for her health and comfort. Lots of love your way.

The Garners said...

Kelly, your faith is truly so amazing. I know and love the Lord and you still amaze me--what a witness you must be to those who don't know Him.

I wish I could hop in my car and speed to Tulsa right now just so I could sit in the hospital parking lot and pray--it seems like being a little closer to Harper would somehow be comforting. I know God hears our prayers from everywhere. Or I wish I could sit in your hospital room beside you and pray with you tonight. I know you know you are not alone. You have hundreds and hundreds of people who love you lifting you up right now to a Father who loves you even more than we do. In addition to praying for Harper's little body, I'm praying that God will heal your body in such a speedy and miraculous way so that you can feel better as you travel to be with her tomorrow. You must be so exhausted...may God give you amazing physical strength to go along with your spiritual strength right now. We will all be anxiously awaiting WONDERFUL, GOOD NEWS about this scary situation tomorrow...God is in control, God is in control, God is in control. I was sitting in our closet praying tonight, begging for this baby's life...then a peace came over me and instead I was moved to stop praying and sing, "Be still and know that I am God, Be still and know that I am God....I am the Lord that heals thee, I am the Lord that heals thee, I am the Lord that heals thee..."

God has been at work for so long on this story!

Anonymous said...

I don't know you. I've never heard of you or your blog until 2 minutes ago. Angie Smith asked me to come to your blog and read about Harper. I've prayed and will continue praying. He is in control and He knows the outcome. He will see you through.

Jessica said...

Hi Kelly, stay strong - I am continuiing to pray for you and Harper. May you know God's peace and comfort at this difficult time.
Lots of love, Jessica from Australia. xx

amanda said...

Kelly- we are praying so hard! Please know we love you, scott and baby Harper. I have posted prayer for her on my blog and Facebook. Praying for a miracle.

Heather said...

God has loaned this little beautiful girl to you and your husband to nurture and to help glorify His name. Hold onto the joy in Jesus' name because this too will just be a triumphant testimony that she is a child of God. You have prayer warriors on your side all across this country. I think Jesus really likes monogrammed things. ;-) It will all be okay. We have that promise in God.

Remember Jesus promises "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20)

You don't just have two or three, hun. You have thousands lifting up you and your family to a holy and righteous God that promises to fulfill the desires of your heart (Ps. 37:4).

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the update, Kelly. Goodness, you only published this 19 minutes ago and there are already 100+ comments! Tell Harper we are all praying hard for her. I will be praying specifically for the pneumonia to be eradicated and for wisdom for the doctors in Tulsa. Hope you can be released soon so that you can go and be with her there.

Angie said...

Kelly, I came over here from Amanda's blog. Just wanted you to know that I am praying for Harper and your family. My 16 year old son was also born with pneumonia and it was terrifying. I am praying that you will feel the Lord holding you in His righteous right hand. He will see you through.

Anonymous said...

I first began to read your blog the day you announced you were pregnant...and I went back and read all of your entries to that point.

I have prayed for you, your husband and sweet Harper and I will continue to pray. I have not been able to sleep yet as you have been so heavy on my heart.

But we have an amazing God with wonderous plans and I so look forward to what His plans for you and your sweet family are.

It is an honor to take you and Harper before His throne.

I pray a peace that passes all understanding envelopes all of you tonight.

asplashofsunshine said...

Oh hon... It is midnight on the west coast, and I woke up suddenly worried and could not stop thinking about you. I think I just called you "hon" and I don't know you, forgive me. Lots of love and prayers for you and sweet Harper.

Anonymous said...

Praying for Harper right now!!!!
San Diego

Bills Family said...

I'm praying for all of you. Such a wonderful time in your life to welcome a new life into this world. I'm praying you will stay strong and faithful during this walk.
God Bless

J said...

I will continue to pray for Harper as well as you, Scott and the rest of Harper's family.

June said...

Hi Kelly,

I tried to post a comment, but I'm not sure if it worked. If it did, sorry for the double comments! This is June, Laurie's neighbor. I haven't been able to sleep since reading your original posting on sweet little Harper. You, Scott, and Harper have been on my mind and heart. I have been praying for you and your sweet baby. When I was pregnant with Reese, we had went to a specialist and that day the doctor had told us she did not know if Reese was going to be a healthy baby - she said Reese had basically been starving in the womb the whole time (no food and lack of oxygen). We headed to the hospital immediately after that to have our sweet baby via C-Section and tried to prepare ourselves for what might be. Right before my C-Section, a man who we had never met, nor have we ever seen again, came into my room and asked if he could say a prayer with us. I believe with all my heart that his prayer changed everything. Reese was born at 4 pounds, but healthy as could be. I believe God answered that man's prayer. I, along with so many others are praying for you and sweet Harper. I don't know you well, but know you are such a sweet, loving, and amazing person. Someone only needs to be graced by your presence for 5minutes and they can see how wonderful you are. Your faith is incredible and so are you. Please know I am praying for you and sweet Harper, along with Scott during this time.

The Pittsburgh Hites said...

I have been where you are, we were never serious enough to go on ECHMO, BUT our little guy also had breathing problems last May and was diagnosed with pneumonia. He spent an agonizing 8 days in the NICU, but has thrived since the day he got to come home. Fionn was born exactly eight months ago to the day of Harper's birth.
I have you all lifted up in prayer from chilly Pittsburgh, Pa. Trust your doctors, but trust your heart at the same time.
I am shivering as I write this, for I know the pain and agony you are facing right now. Keep lifting her to the Lord and we will all be on our knees here in blogland.
Praying for comfort for you and your family while the Lord heals Miss Harper.
-Ginger in Pittsburgh, PA

Melissa Stover said...

kelly, i have been praying since i read your request. i am glad to get this encouraging update before bed.

Darla DiStefano said...

She will be okay Kelly...keep the faith! :-) I know you will!

Anita Grace said...

Hey Kelly,

A number of blogs that I read posted a link to your site tonight... and as a mother and fellow sister in Christ my heart went out to you and your family. Know that I am praying for you and stand with you for complete healing for your precious baby girl! Thanks for keeping us up to date so we know how to pray. A couple verses came to my mind for both you and baby Harper:

"O LORD, You have searched me and known me... You have hedged me behind and before,And laid Your hand upon me."
Psalm 139:1&5
“The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;"
Samuel 22:2


Anonymous said...

I had double pneumonia when I was born .. God is good! Stay strong! I am praying for you and your precious little girl!

Cristopher and Nichole said...

Kelly & Scott our hearts and prayers are with you and little Harper. We are thinking of you.
Cristopher and Nichole

Anonymous said...

Prayers and love being sent from Corvallis, OR.

AMKS said...

God Bless you and your sweet Harper...she is in my prayers, and I look forward to the next update with more positive news!

Crystal said...

Praying for Harper!!!

Alycia said...

Praying from Okinawa, Japan.

Anonymous said...

Read about you on "Bring the Rain" and I am sending prayers for your family from OKC, OK. {{{hugs}}}

Anonymous said...

I know how you both are feeling. My son and myself were almost lost when he came into this world. I will keep praying for you all. My god stay strong in your hearts and give you the strength to walk the path he has laid for you.

Jill said...

My heart has been so heavy, since reading about Harper, earlier this evening. I just keep waking up and when I do, I say another prayer. I'm believing He's going to heal her little body and you and Scott are going to be bringing her home very soon, Kelly.

Sending you love and prayers from Little Rock...


Annette said...

Praying hard for Harper!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Lord woke me up at 1:30am and I knew I had to get up and check your blog. I am lifting you and Scott and sweet Harper up in prayer.

In His Love,

bobbi said...

I am praying for your family. May God wrap His powerful arms around your sweet baby girl and heal her.

Raquel said...

praying for you family.........

CAMoore said...

oh Kelly, Thank God for the good news! You are amazing to keep us updated after just having a baby (you must be so exhausted!) I have been lying here in bed tonight praying for you over and over......

Tippa Glover said...

Praying in Brussels, Belgium. Please sweet Jesus, heal this precious baby girl.

Anonymous said...

Hello Kelly,
I first want to mention that I've never commented on anybody's blog before. In fact, I just came across your blog for the first time yesterday and was excited to find your posts on the big arrival of your daughter. For some reason all day I was drawn back to your blog to check for new updates. When I read about your daughter being in critical condition, my heart broke for you. It is 1:00 a.m. CA time, and you are still on my heart. I just want you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I know the Lord is going to do great things and can't wait to hear a good report about Baby Harper!

Many blessings,
Veronica, Central Coast, CA

Carol said...

Oh, I am praying for you, Kelly. I look forward to hearing more about Harper when she is well and home from the hospital in your arms.

Sweet Blessings in Christ,

Anonymous said...

just found your blog via angie's.
i'm on my knees, lifting prayers up for your sweet baby and family.

adoptingmama said...

Praying you for you.
Aloha from Hawaii

Lynn said...

Praying over here in the UK. God is Sovereign and I know He has Harper in the palm of His hand.

Anonymous said...

I am praying! I had visited your site last night for the first time as I was traveling through blogworld. This morning so an urgent prayer request on "Bring the Rain" and couldn't believe my eyes. I will continue to pray and check this blog for updates.


Christy Lee said...

Dear Kelly,

I just went through nearly the exact same thing with my 7 week old son. I believe that all of the prayers of my bloggy friends helped us and I will say an extra prayer for sweet Harper today.

*~Christy Lee~*
*~Petals and Pine~*

Shannon Willcutt said... and Harper were on my mind and my lips in prayer all the while trying to get my girls to sleep last night...I guess I drifted off to sleep, but as I was awakened this morning at 3:00 a.m., I was immediately drawn to pray and check on here I are amazing, and your faith is not wavering, even though I know you must be broken inside. But you know what? I know you know...GOD IS AMAZING, AND HIS FAITH IS NOT WAVERING...and that is going to make little Miss Harper well, completely restored, and get you through this.

My nephew, who will be 4 weeks old on Monday, was born with pneumonia. He spent a week in the hospital and is now at home and doing well. He is fine, he just cannot be taken out of the house for 8 weeks...I know this would be completely o.k. with you as I know how forward you have been looking to spending these cold weeks tucked inside your house with your cute p.j.s on holding your little girl...what a comfortable thought!

Ironically, I have a cousin who is a pediatrician in Tulsa! I am not for positive that she is currently practicing right now due to being on maternity leave...but I am going to contact her...she is a brilliant pediatrician and also a mother...after multiple rounds of IVF (and by multiple, I am talking 12...remember, she is in the medical field herself), she adopted a little boy who is 3, a little girl who is 10 months old, and do you know by the grace of God...Amy got pregnant with no IVF no nothing...and delivered her own baby boy when her little girl was just 8 months old (back in November)! GOD IS SO GOOD! GOD IS SO GOOD!! GOD IS SO GOOD!!! I am about to e-mail her right now about your situation.

We are miles apart, but know that I am right there with you in prayer!

Shannon Willcutt

Adam Shingleton said...

Praying for you and baby Harper. Wishing you both health and a speedy recovery.

Some Like it Southern said...

I woke up around 2:30am - the baby is sitting on my bladder! - and I couldn't go back to sleep without checking your blog to see if there were any updates...
I am so happy to hear that 1)you received some good news and 2)that you got to see your baby girl and talk to her!

I will continue to pray for Harper and your family! God Bless!!!

MaliMali - Smile! :o) said...

Hi Kelly

Know that prayers are coming all the way from Australia to you and baby Harper. Keep strong and keep believing in God and great things will happen!

Much love from Sydney!
Cathy =o]

Came here from Renee's blog - I thank her for allowing me to send healing prayers to your precious baby girl! She's wonderful!

Miss Janice said...

Sweet prayers are being lifted up for little Harper from here in South Florida. Bless your heart and I'm also praying for you and your family!

Beki said...

That is great news! Praying for Harper's a speedy recovery, peace for you & Scott and your parents, safe travel to Tulsa. Please keep us updated. You are doing a Wonderful Job as a Mom!!!

Jon & Sarah said...

Praying for Harper from Japan. I will be praying through your night.

Sarah Pfeil

In This Wonderful Life said...

Kelly I woke up and can't sleep. I'm thinking about you guys! I am also IN TULSA. If there is anything I can do at all..pleassssse let me know! I know it is a rough and scary time but I am hear and praying for Harper!!

Crazee Juls said...

I'm praying for your precious family!

myhouseof6 said...

i found you through another site,
your in my prayers!!

mumameee said...

'He's got little baby Harper in His hands'

Gods Blessings, love, hope & comfort now and always xox

Emmy said...

Kelly, Harper, and family: May it be a comfort to know that even as you sleep, you are being lifted up by many all around the world.

Cairo (EGYPT, that is :)

1 Pete 1:6-7
Jn. 9:3

kate said...

Woke up at 3:30 am...and went right to my computer. Praise God!
Of course her heart is perfect - she has your mother's heart.

St. Francis is sooooooo wonderful!
I'm not only asking for her lungs to be at His healing mercy, but for you to be given just a bit of rest. You are going to need it!

She needs one of those hats and/or bows on....any girl feels better with a little pink!

loves, kate

Katie said...

Still praying, Kelly! Praying for Harper's little tiny body to be receptive to this course of treatment, for the Lord to be with the hands of the doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists caring for her, and for the Lord to help you to heal after delivery. And THANKING him and PRAISING him for Harper and for your faith in Him. We love you and Harper!

Emily said...

Praying for ya'll from (Children's Medical Center) Dallas.

Anonymous said...

I woke up suddenly...worried, I couldn't go back to bed without checking in for updates. I'm still praying for you and baby Harper.
~Bea California

Gill said...

Came over from McMama's blog. Am thinking of you all and praying for your beautiful little princess.
Hugs and blessngs

wendy said...

Here it is 5:00am and I couldn't sleep. I know we have never met especially since I live in Beaufort, South Carolina but I can tell what a sweet, loving person you are. I am so glad to hear Harper's heart is just fine and that God is with you must be a big relief. As I sit here crying and praying, I know God will take care of you all. His love is all around you and your family. I can't wait to see precious Harper in her beautiful outfits and hats.
Much Love,

Julie said...

Kelly & Scott-
I have not been able to sleep tonight. I keep waking up every two hours and thinking of you; needing to know how Harper is doing. I decided to get up and just check to see if someone had updated. Bryan and I prayed for you when we read the first update and then I prayed again when I read they were flying her to AR children's. I just stopped to pray again.

I have no idea how you feel and I wish so badly I had the very words that would heal your hearts right now. But I do not. The only thing I can think of now is cling hard to God's word.

Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid, I will trust in you.

Psalm 94:19 When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my sould.

We love you so much! May God cover you today.

Anonymous said...

Praying for Harper and all of you.

Nati @ I will praise Him said...

Praying for you and Harper here in Germany!!!!

Jesus knows what is Best. I pray he gives you peace at heart, no matter what His plans are!


Carly said...

I don't know you at all and until today, had never read your blog. But I found my way here via some other blogs I read occasionally.

Regardless, please be assured of our prayers for you, Scott and Harper.

May the Lord continue to fill you with His hope, peace and comfort.

In Him,

Patty said...

Oh Kelly, my heart is hurting for you. I have prayed and prayed and asked others to pray for Harper and I have read my Bible looking for scriptures. I just had to get up and check for an update. Still praying!

Carly Winborne said...

i just got up to comfort a sick baby down the hall and had to check on you. i hate to admit, but of all your visitors today, i have to be 1/10th of them - i've been checking and rechecking on you today.

isn't it unusual how a stranger can have such an impact on you? that's what you are to me. and the funny thing is, so is harper. i obviously have never met either of you, but feel compelled to turn on my monitor, plus leave a comment for you at 4:20am.

and i'm loving your bows and monogrammed dresses. and while i'm sure you'd rather have your baby well and in your arms dressed in rags, it's the girly mommy that looks forward to all the fun details that make having a girl so special.

please know you're being prayed for in mississippi.

Toni said...

Many sincere prayers coming to you and your family from NW Indiana. God IS the ultimate doctor and we believe in HIM!!

Colette said...

Praying for you Kelly, praying so hard.

Anonymous said...

kelly : i read your blog often, and have been praying for you and scott this week as you have anxiously awaited the birth of your sweet harper. i am so sorry to hear of the events that have transpired with her health since her birth. since i read your entry a few hours ago, i have been in constant prayer.

i am a pediatric nurse at st. francis children's hospital. is that the hospital harper got taken to by chance? please know that me and my fellow nurses have been praying for her all night. and i know i don't "know" you, but i sure feel like i do from your blog. please, if there is ANYTHING at all i can do...let me know. my cell is 918.694.1382 (call or text anytime if you need anything at the hospital or whatever...i'm up here 4 nights a week anyway!) or email me at

praying for you during this time.
she is in wonderful thankful that God's hands are big enough to hold her and you at this time.

-jill gibson

Gina said...

Praying for precious baby girl Harper as well as you, your husband and family. I found your blog through Angie's blog 'Bring the Rain/Audrey Caroline'. God bless you all.

Deedra said...

My baby girl woke me up early this morning, and as soon as I got her fed I had to check for an update! I have been praying for you since I read the first update last night on the Siesta blog. Praise God for the improvements in your sweet Harper! I pray for her continued improvement, and for God to surround her adoring parents in comfort and peace.

Praying from north east Alabama!

Natalie said...

Kelly -- your faith is unwavering. We have so many people interceding to our Lord Jesus on you and Baby Harper's behalf.

We will not stop praying ...

Love from Tampa,

LWLH said...

god bless you kelly!!! my heart and prayers will continue to be with you and your family!!!

Darlene said...

Praying for your precious family. Blessings~

Marc and Charity said...

"He is your constant source of stability; He abundantly provides safety and great wisdom; He gives all this to those who fear Him."

Isaiah 33:6 (NET)

This is the verse I'm memorizing and it seemed fitting for y'all. He is your constant source of stability!

Kristy said...

I am so sorry that this is going on with your beautiful baby. When I read the first update I sat here and cried, then cried again with this one. I am so thankful that her heart is fine, and praying so hard that her little lungs will be healed. Soon you and Harper will be home and healed, I just know it!

The Bost Family said...

I have been so worried all night, I don't think I have slept at all. I was so relieved to see that you have an update and that things are looking better. I keep telling my husband how strange it is that a stranger can have such a strong affect on someone. You have been such an inspiration to me with because of your strong faith and you love for God. We are praying for you and your family and we have been all night.
Mary Bost

Cindy Watson said...

I have been following your blog since before you were pregnant with Harper. You have been such a tremendous witness of faith by testifying what God has done in your life. I followed your blog all day Friday. I was praying for you as you labored. I continue to pray now. God woke me up at 430 and I had to come check for updates on your blog. Thank you for updating. I know this is going to be another praise for us all to testify about. It is so amazing to see how many people are lifting you all up this Saturday morning. I believe that God will heal little Harper. I can't wait to see pictures of her...I know she is beautiful!

Praying for you all, the physicians, and especially little Harper Brown.

Rogers, AR

Anonymous said...

Kelly I don't know you, but feel so compelled to tell you want an insipration you are to me. I cried this evening about you and Harper, and I don't even know you all. I just feel like God places people in your life for a certain unknown reason. I think it is such an awesome work of God that he has brought people from all over, to your blog and they are know lifting your family up in prayers. I will be praying full force for Harpers recovery! I had my little daughter kneel with me tonight. She didn't understand who I was talking about but she prayed for the lord to "Help that sweet baby girl!" Hope you can have some rest and peace.

Hopechest Bride said...

Praise the Lord that you were able to see your sweet baby. Every time I awoke last night I prayed for you and your family and then these words spoke to my heart. "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight Oh Lord my strength and my redeemer". He knows the desires of your heart and He will strengthen you. What a blessing to know this, that no matter what He never leaves us and He will give us the strength we need. I will continue to pray.

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog for months and I can't wait to read it every day. You are so inspiring and I will be praying for you and your family....

Jenny said...

I am praying for you and your precious Harper!!!! I can't wait to see how God is going to work!!!

I hope you are able to get some rest!

Mary said...

I have been praying hard all night long. I am sick so I really haven't been able to sleep well. Just know that there are so many people praying for little Harper!

Becky said...

Kelly - I was awake off and all during the night and although I didn't know the specifics then, my prayers went up to God. You are right. Sometimes His only voice is silence, but we can always trust His heart. Take care sweet Kelly.

Nancy said...

Harper is in my prayers. I will pray for all of you. Pearls and Grace has posted a prayer request and I just started to read your blog. It looks beautiful and I am going to read your journey.

Wifer said...

I am a big dork and I can't figure out linking yet but I asked all of my little corner of blogland to pray for you and Harper. Never forget that you are loved:-) Still praying too.....

C♥ said...

So many people are praying so hard for you. Please keep us updated.

Little Miss Diva said...

Thoughts, prayers and hugs from Canada! Harper will pull through I have faith!

Linds said...

Hi Kelly... I am here from Boomama,and believe me I am praying too.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for Harper. Have been reading your blog for a little over a year now. It has been wonderul getting to know your family and hearing about your pregnancy. God is faithful! Remember that He is in control. Will continue to be on my knees for Harper, Scott and you.

Ang said...

Ive been praying for your baby girl...I woke up early to check and see how shes doing..I will keep praying!!

Shelley said...

praying and trusting

Unknown said...

I woke up this morning with you and Harper on my heart...praying for her safe and quick recovery. Love to the whole family.

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with Harper and you all. I am so grateful and challenged by your faith... and rightly so. Nothing is too difficult for Him... and He will accomplish all that concerns you. May the God of all comfort, comfort you in this time and keep you in His amazing peace.

Love Being A Nonny said...


I woke every few hours and prayed for Harper...for ALL of you. What a testimony to God's Grace you will have as you share the miraculous healing of Harper with the world.

Annemarie said...

Been praying for you since 5 am! I will continue to pray for you and your family!


Anonymous said...

Praying for you Kelly,Scott and Harper.She will be healed - so many prayers are being said for you all. The best advice I can give you is to try your hardest to live for now,you have to enjoy Harper. Your longed for baby girl is finally here!
Much Love
Katy xxx

Kristin said...

praying for you all!

Hayley said...

Hey Kelly,

Me and my whole family are praying for you, Scott, Harper and your entire family. Know that you are have been in my thoughts for the past two days and will continue to be.


mumameee said...

Thank you for the 5.30am update! I am sitting in bed 10.42pm here in Melb. Australia and not wanting to sleep. The whole world is praying xox


Kelly, I don't know you personally, but I refer to you as my blog friend and I am just so thankful I found you. I was telling my husband about you and your beautiful family and we both prayed for Harper last night. You're right, God is in control and as long as you trust in Jesus he will NEVER EVER forsake you. God is amazing! I am calling my pastor oday and will put you and Harper on our prayer list at church.

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