I need to offer a little praise of thanksgiving - the Sonic nearest my house has been closed for what seems like months for renovations and I drove by this afternoon and it's OPEN! Hallelelujah!!! (if you love Sonic - you know what I mean!)

Several of you asked me about my shoes in the last post. Um - I got them at WAL-MART. Since I've had to wear flats mostly lately - I went to Wally world and picked these babies up in 3 colors - red, black and gray. Super comfy and they are $9. I like clothes but I like cheap.

I ordered this sweet little coat off of ebay for Harper. I thought she could wear it coming home from the hospital but then my mom found this precious white sweater cape that my mam-ma had made me to wear home from the hospital so Harper is going to wear it also!!! But I can bundle her up in this coat those first few months if we ever get out.

I know ya'll probably get very tired of me constantly posting baby gifts on here - but I can't help it. People have been SOOOOOOOOOOOO kind to us and just keep pouring out wonderful gifts for Harper. Today I got three gifts from fellow bloggers and I had to share them. It felt like a mini shower. This precious gown/dress (it's so fancy - I'm almost afraid to let her wear it) came from a pair of sweet twins -
Bonnie and
Becky. They are two sisters who I'm praying for (and you are too if you read the prayer blog) that God would bless them both with babies SOON!

I LOVE this bib!!!! This sweet girl,
Kate, sent it to me. She and I have a LOT in common and I'm glad she found me in the crazy blog world. This is soooooo sweet and again - I don't know if I can let spit up hit this - but it's beautiful! Kate is on the prayer blog too and we are going to keep praying until God brings her a HANDSOME husband!

And speaking of twins ..............this blogger,
Sarah, sent me this cute little purse for Harper. Sarah has TWO sets of twins and a single baby on the way. I have NO idea how she manages that!
(Well - you can tell I'm a new mom - I thought "what a cute little purse!" and it came with this neat drink bottle - turns out it's a snacking pack - go
here to see what a cute idea!)
I hope ya'll are having a great week. Pray for us - we start childbirth classes tomorrow and have them the next 3 nights. It will be long days as we go straight there from work and won't get home until it's past our bed time. Plus I'm afraid Scott might pass out if they break out videos. But I'm excited and want to be more prepared!
Hallelujah on the Sonic! The clothes are too cute and no we don't get tired of seeing all of them. I know I speak for many of us when I say that we can't wait to see Harper in them! Check out my blog today for a special award for you!
I love those shoes and the fact that they are cheap makes them even more appealing. (:
To be jealous is wrong but I just can't help it!!! Our local Sonic shut down and I sooo miss my favorite diet vanilla coke!
Have fun with your childbirth classes.
can't believe those shoes came from Wally World! Too cute.
PTL Sonic is open! They just re-did the one by our house, but they didn't close it down during the construction,so it was like a war zone trying to get through there to get a drink, but I felt like the vanilla diet coke was worth it!:)
I just love all your sweet little gifts! I am so looking forward to hearing about your childbirthing classes! I really do hope you and Scott have fun. We really enjoyed ours!
I can't speak for everyone,but I LOVE the pictures! Keep 'em coming!! Good luck at classes =-)
That coat is super cute! It looks so soft
That little coat is so adorable! She will look like a sweet little fluff ball in that! :)
Your shoes look so comfy. I am always looking for comfy shoes since I'm on my feet all day long!
Good luck with childbirth classes. It really does help you know what to expect!
I might have to make a pit stop by Wal-Mart on the way home tomorrow! LOVE those shoes! I'm like you, too. When I find something I like, I buy it in every color!!
Yeah! I'm glad you got the gown. I flew down to see Becky the weekend before last & we went into the cutest baby boutique. We got to pick you out something together & we had so much fun! I can't wait until we can shop for our own someday.
I don't think Harper is gonna be spoiled at all...*wink*.
Goodluck with your childbirth classes.
<3 Bonnie
More precious baby stuff--I never get tired of seeing it! It's all beautiful!
I laughed about you saying that S might pass out if they show videos! He'll do great! (We skipped the childbirth class because we were too lazy to give up a Saturday to go to it, but when it came to the real thing, Lane did great and wasn't the least bit faint!) I would guess that watching a video of someone else delivering would have to be way worse than witnessing the birth of your own child!?!?! Hope the classes go well. We did take the infant CPR class and still laugh about how ridiculous we felt having to do the little skit where we yelled to each other, "HELP, HELP...YOU, CALL 9-1-1"!
I'm glad you got my package! It's actually a Snackin' Pack, but purse works too;) The water bottle fits inside, and the straw comes up through the loop. This way she can wear her snacks when she gets a little older! Here's a pic of two of my kids wearing their packs, in case that whole thing made NO sense at all! LOL
Love, Love, Love the clothes and we will never get tired of what you post:) I just started my own blog and you are one of the many inspirations to do so! I can't wait to have a baby of my own and until then I will live vicariously through you!! You give us all hope that our wishes will someday come true. Take care, Tam
Childbirth classes... how exciting! We never made it to those for one strange reason after another, but I actually think it would have been helpful for baby#1. Knowledge is power, and feeling empowered goes a long way on "birth" day :)
That daygown is so beautiful!! Hope the childbirth classes are helpful and fun! Oh, love the patent shoes too!
Oh, Kelly, I love that Harper is going to wear what you wore home from the hospital!! I just love little "heritage" pieces like that. HOW SWEET and SPECIAL!
Very cute gifts! You are so blessed. P.S. I love to get clothes at Wally World and I'm so glad that they're getting better looking and more trendy!
O.K. I have to confess. I have been a faithful reader of your blog for awhile.
I'm finally getting up the nerve to leave a comment. :)
I just had a precious baby girl in October, and I just thought I would let you know that I'm so glad that I took the childbirth classes. I did get an epidural, but the classes made me feel a little bit more prepared and I knew what to expect. It was great for my husband too. :)
I can't wait to see pictures of that precious baby.
It's amazing how much love you will have for her. I didn't realize I could love someone so much. :) It's such a wonderful feeling.
Hi there!
I believe I have commented a few times, but I found something tonight, that I thought you might like for Harper.
The website is
It lets you create little personalized shoes for your infants!!! I am waiting to order one for our little boy on the way, once we finally agree to a name!!
Anyways, I love these clothes, my little girl Kyndal was dressed in them when she was that little.
Our blog is private but we would love for you to check it out.
Send me an email at
Good Luck at Classes!!!
They really do help
I have those same shoes!! But I love the red ones, mine are a copper color. Good luck in your childbirth class. I have two kids and did not make it to a class, but I wish I would have! Maybe then I would not have questioned everything that happens during labor!!
Amen to the Sonic love, I know just what you are talking about!
I love seeing all of the baby gifts, they are very precious.
And the classes really are helpful, but please warn Scott, they generally do break out the videos!
First, we don't have a Sonic any.where.near.us. But we get ads all the time. Boo.
Second, cheap does not make shoes worse-- it makes them better!
Third, oh my goodness is Harper going to be one gorgeous little lady. I love the snack pack idea :)
Good luck with the classes :)
Oh girl, I will definitely say a prayer of thanksgiving on behalf of your Sonic re-opening. I am proud of you for making it through - a Sonic-free world is no place to live. :-)
And allow me to reassure you (at least on my befalf) that pictures of baby gifts are forever welcomed!!! Everything is so precious! Love them all.
Will definitely be praying for the childbirth classes this week! And please tell Scott I will send up an extra prayer on his behalf. Us squeamish peeps have to stick together! :-)
Totally understand about Sonic.. It was so hard being away from that when we lived in Seattle.. But now we live near a hundred of them.. Amen! Love all the stuff, and no we don't get tired of seeing them. And the pics will just get cuter when Harper is in all of those outfits.. Good luck at your classes!!
Hi beautiful Kelly! I just had to feed your passion for monogramming...my monogrammer and I are BFFs. Anywho, I just had to celebrate this very special time with a little bib Harper can sleep in, never eat in. kidding.
hugs! k
i so understand you about sonic. yes, sister, i do. :0)
and let me tell you...i am CRAVING my diet cherry cokes from there! and it's a looong time till may when baby #3 arrives. you can bet i'll be begging someone to bring me one in the hospital after he or she is born! haha!
I am so glad you liked the gown! We had fun shopping in baby boutiques together...but don't feel like it's too pretty to put her in! She'll grow up way to fast so enjoy the cute itty bitty outfits while you can and if a little spit up falls on it along the way then oh well! :)
We are so excited for you and you have been such an encouragement to us both so we wanted to do something nice! I know you'll be the best mother!
Good luck with the classes!!!
Much love, Becky
OMG, those baby things are so cute!
David and I have some fun, fond memories of childbirth classes. Let's just say when they have you practice pushing (maybe they don't do this now - that was 22 years ago), passing gas is NOT out of the question!!
OH GOODNESS--I just read Jacquie's comment and laughed so hard! Good luck!
Kelly! When Ross and I saw the videos in Singapore, I remember walking to the bus stop and thinking, "He looks green. What in the world is the matter with him?" having no idea it was the childbirth thing!!! ha ha. But he made it through 5 with no fainting. Now Benaiah's circumcision was another story! The doctor sent him to lie down while he finished!!! Ross says the key to not passing out is to stay by your face!!!! Are you having the epidural? Why not do a blogpost and let us vote! ha, but either way, I pray God will bless you with a safe delivery. I am so happy for you.
Love the bib and the coat and the shoes and the snack bag...well, love it all! Can't wait to follow you as you raise Harper!
How exciting!! Those gifts are so precious! And LOVE your shoes! You are a little deal finder!
There really is nothing better than a mini shower ;)!
I must say that the coat is definitely one of my FAVORITE things you have purchased for Harper...so precious!
Yay for Sonic and afternoon drink stops!
The shoes are really cute!
Congratulations! You look awesome.
I asked about your python purse a couple posts back but wasnt sure if you had read them all...can you give some details on it...its SUPER cute! you are a doll!
Everyone are wearing those flats in OK. I need to check out our WM.
I was able to go to the child birth classes with my younger sister. Call me crazy, but I loved it!! I learned so much about my own body there.
I LOVE Sonic. We don't have them in MA--I don't think the North is ready for them yet! :-)
I'm heading to Walmart for those shoes! I saw some kind of like that at Target, but they were $25. I love the snack bag thing, what a cute idea! I love seeing all the stuff you are getting.
so cute! you have been blessed with wonderful gifts!
sorry to sway this, but tell scott to be prepared for videos. i didn't handle them well either. my husband on the other hand found them fascinating-go figure.
First of all, I could NEVER imagine having TWO sets of twins, plus another! I thought my sister had her hands full with 4 - let alone 5!
Second, I love the purse, the dress, the bib...EVERYTHING! Harper is going to be the cutest kid in the country!
Third - I can completely relate to the Sonic issue! We have 3 in our little town and they renovated each one! It was horrible!
I LOVE the bib! That is precious! Thank you for your answer yesterday on the maternity pictures. You are always so helpful and I know a lot of people appreciate the time you take.
Kelly, I just had to say I NEVER tire of seeing adorable baby stuff so KEEP ON POSTING. =)
And I love the shoes - in fact, I have them, too! Same with the $15 red coat from Walmart... but I wear these things a bit more proudly now, knowing you're rockin' them as well, you style guru, you!
I hope the childbirth classes will be great. I don't remember who it was but someone mentioned on your "what to bring to the hospital" post to bring an open mind. That could not be more true! You just have to be ready to roll with it, whatever happens, and just keep thinking of the enormous crowd who will be praying for you! Take care!
What wonderful goodies for you and your sweet daughter. Good luck with the classes--I'm sure when we have kids, my husband will pass out if he has to watch those videos! Good luck!!
I love baby things so I never get tired of you posting them.
How stinkin cute is that?
My daughter found those shoes and had to have them...purple. She loves them and wears them proudly!
I love your shoes!!! Just love them!!!! =) What a great find at Wal-Mart! The shirt I'm wearing to work today is from Wal-Mart and I just LOVE it!!!!! =)
I think it's SWEET that you are sharing all your gifts from WONDERFUL blog friends and family!!!!
Good luck with child birth classes! I can't wait to hear allllllllllll about it!!!
I think Sonic and shoes are my other love languages. (o:
I have those same cute mary jane flats - but I found them at payless last year. Thrilled to know that Walmart carries the same style in different colors!
Oh, Hallelujah and AMEN on the Sonic!!! I am happy just thinking about that! :) Love the shoes and all the fun baby stuff! Good luck at the classes...if you start getting anxious or wondering about any of it, you can always call me! (I know you have lots of friends there, too, but I wanted you to know I am here for WHATEVER you need!) (and sometimes it is better asking someone who doesn't know everything about you...and that you don't have to see everyday, esp. if they are embarrasing questions...so I'm your girl!!! )
I just stumbled across your blog and am loving it. I can't wait to meet baby Harper. Enjoy the next month. Life will never be the smae- it will be so much better!
I LOVE those shoes. What a bargain too! If only we had WAL-MART in the UK...
That coat is absolutely gorgeous by the way. I worry that Harper has so many gorgeous little outfits she's never going to get the chance to wear them all.
I love the coat and dress and bib. It is all so cute. You and your family is so blessed. I don't think you will ever have to worry about Harper going around naked. Can't wait until shes here.
Just had to add...I got a pair of red mary jane flats almost identical to those at Payless! Love me some cheap...wait, INEXPENSIVE shoes, too and no one does them better than Payless and Wally world! You look so cute and I'm waiting to be the next prayer you can check off the blog list!
Amen about the Sonic! I have some coupons on my fridge right now that I'm gonna use for lunch today! You are so blessed to have such wonderful friends! All the baby gifts are precious! I especially love the little fur coat you bought and the linen bib. Too sweet! Have fun with your classes! I bet they'll have plenty of funny moments!
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