So for the last 2 or 3 weeks I have really been working out hard and "trying" to watch what I eat but I have lost ZILCH! So drastic times call for drastic measures. I don't want to have to wear a mumu in Hawaii so I have been inspired from several friends like Leigh Ann, April and Elizabeth who have done really well on Weight Watchers and I'm going gung ho!
I did WW a few years ago and even went to weekly meetings (which were the BIGGEST waste of time in my life) but I didn't stick to it very well or I would eat a Sonic burger and put it down as 5 points. ha! So I decided to make it extremely simple and get all the WW meals and snacks that say on the box the exact points and try to make it work. There is nothing I hate WORSE than frozen meals (except maybe hot dogs) but I can do anything for four weeks and if it means I feel better about myself and can fit into my summer clothes - I'm all about it!
What is the best diet you have ever tried????
On another note - we are on our "break" - but I found out today that I'm not pregnant. And for the first time in probably a year I didn't cry. I wasn't sad. I didn't spend half the day in the bathroom crying. I didn't call my mom and bawl. For the last four weeks - I have had complete peace. And that includes today. I have absolutely no explanation for this. Other than it has to be God. I know He hears my prayers. I know He hears your prayers and the prayers of my family. I know without a doubt that He is right beside me holding my hand. He is pouring His joy and peace into my heart. He is gently whispering "I have a plan........wait and see how great it is".
I don't know if that includes us getting pregnant on our trip or getting pregnant through in vitro or adopting a child. But I do know that I WILL BE A MOTHER!
I am just so in love with my Saviour right now and I know that He will not abandon me. He has ALWAYS provided and He ALWAYS will.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21
Praise Jesus for that sweet piece of peace!!! I've been and will continue to lift your "family growth" up to the Father! Weight Watchers is awesome! Keep up the working out though. That is my saving grace. I want something and don't have the points = I work out! Those fudge bars are stinkin awesome!!! They are so creamy and so filling! I could eat those all day for my 22 points and be completely happy :o) Lotsa luck to ya!
You would look cute even in a mumu :)
Being a single gal, I practically live on frozen dinners. I've also got a new find for you if you're on a diet and like ice cream. They're ice cream sandwiches and the brand is "Skinny Cow". I hear about them from "The Biggest Loser". They are fat free, but DON'T taste it. They're really good!
Praise God for the peace He's given you, Kelly. He WILL reward your faithfulness to Him :)
You're going to do great on WW!!! Although I don't think you have anything to worry is nice to feel like you're somewhat in control. :-) I have to say that my favorite Smart One's meal is the Angel Hair Marinara. I do douse it with parmesan cheese, but it's really filling and only 4 points!! You look great and I know Hawaii will be such a reward for all your hard work. As always, I'm sad for you that you're not pregnant this month, but I'm so glad that God has given you an overwhelming peace about it. Praise God! I'm still praying.
You know, Kelly, that verse in Ephesians has always been one of my favorite. In fact, I remember we lived in New Orleans when you were about 4 years old when I first really was made aware of that verse.
However, I love the way one version says this: "Now to Him who is able to do EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us......."
I am waiting for that for you and Scott. And God is faithful and true so it's just a matter of time! His time!
Normally just a lurker, but I did want to tell you one thing.
The peace you are feeling is wonderful. After many years of "secondary infertility", I FINALLY turned it over to God last year. I decided I would be happy with whatever He decided. After a few months of finding out I wasn't pregnant (and NOT crying all day, for a change), we received our miracle pregnancy for Christmas.
God is so good and faithful and I am believing that He will do the same for you. Have fun in Hawaii.
P.S. Not that there is much scientific merit to this, but I was on WW when I got pregnant :)
The "South Beach" diet and I have a love/hate relationship. It is HARD for me to stick to and the first few days are pure misery. (talk about mood swings!!) If you can get past that, it works really well. I think one time I lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks. (i think the average is 5-14 pounds in 2 weeks)
You are right, Kelly! God does have a plan for you and it will be revealed in His time. It is just hard to wait sometimes, but I can tell God has given you a special peace that surpasses our understanding!
I think the best diet is Weight Watchers. It seems to be the most reasonable. It isn't extreme and you can eat what you want as long as you watch your points.
Don't worry. You are adorable and will look cute in Hawaii not matter what!! Do you go to the tanning bed before you go on a trip like that? I've realized since being in Florida how white you are when you've been out of the sun for almost a year since the previous summer!! haha
The best diet I ever went on was WW because I felt so good on it. It's probably the healthiest I've ever eaten in my life.
Praise God for the peace you have this month. When it's unexplainable, it's from Him - I love that.
I'm glad you had peace in your heart when you found out. Let us know how the WW's goes. I'm too lazy to do all the counting.
When I read about your peaceful day, I couldn't stop smiling! YAY God!
Hey Kelly girl! I'd guess Weight Watchers! (ha) I was on WW about 5 years ago and did great...of course that was before David and I got married and ate out every other night and no wonder I've put on weight. Last Monday we started a weight program through a dr.'s office and we've done real good this week. Grilled out chicken and pork mostly and had fat free hot dogs tonight on 2 pt. wheat bun. We're counting calories, not points, but I still like the point system better than the counting calories.
Love ya - Judy
I have been a lurker around here for so long! But I just had to tell you that I got the biggest giggle out of ~Sonic burger and put it down as 5 points. ha! ~ I did ww for two months last summer and just started back 2 weeks ago and I do that same thing. I say let's just call it 2 or 3 points. Heehee! So far I have lost almost 3 pounds but I have a feeling I will be up at least a pound this week! I used my extra 35 points over the weekend eating out!
I'm new to your blog, I found it through a link on a friends, and I love it! I had to comment tonight because I just finished celebrating my birthday with my family...(literally, they just all walked out the door) and I just told my husband, "I'm over it!"...meaning-I'm ready to shed these last 10 pounds!!! I've done weight watchers twice in the past, and tomorrow I am officially back on the wagon. So, I'll be counting the points right along with you! :) If only Sonic cheeseburgers WERE 5 points!
First of all...please let me know how the weight watchers goes. I, too, and getting sick of eating "good" and working out and nothing! Not even half a pound in a week! EICK!
Secondly. I am so encouraged by your outlook. I know how you feel. Getting pregnant is one thing that is completely out of our hands. It truely is a miracle from God and I think it is taken for granted all day every day! I have come to the realization that God does not always want us to understand...He just wants us to trust. There is no safer or better place to be than to have confidence in HIM! He uses this trust to reveal His glory to us.
I am praying for you. I also believe that one day you will be a mommy and a wonderful one at that!
We have not yet tried to conceive, and reading your journey is good for me, in helping me prepare my heart for whatever God has planned for our lives, parents or not. On one hand it desperately makes me want to visit my GYN to find out if we are capable of having children, or even to just forget all this "waiting" stuff to "see what happens". On the other hand, thinking of myself in your shoes helps me learn to trust and find contentment in whatever circumstance we may face. None of us are promised anything; only Christ. A child is an extension of Christ, as is the absence of a child. Oh, to find His love for me both when my desires are granted and when they are not.
God's strength is evident in your post today.
There is no explaining God's perfect peace...but I am so thankful for it's presence in your heart today. Still praying! I know that we will be moms! He is faithful!
So beautiful. And so encouraging. I took the lovely test this past weekend and got the expected negative, threw it in the trash, and went about my day. :)
I agree, WW is a great diet. We are definitely on the same wavelength regarding weight loss timetables...I started South Beach again today. It is the best one I have tried, just hard the first two weeks. It's essentially like a diabetic diet, which is the best solution for PCOS. I am all about trying some natural alternatives! :)
How funny...I just saw Katie's post. We sure didn't follow SB a week ago!!!
This no blogging at work is really cramping my style. I am so behind on reading blogs. Girl, I see you have those Smart Ones cookie dough ice-cream things...SO GOOD. Tim & I love them! Maybe I should get on the WW wagon. Jamaica is quickly approaching & I just can't ask my little Auntie if I can borrow her house coat!
Kelly, I am so happy to read that you are at peace! God has a great plan for you and I can't wait to see how it unfolds!
Good luck with WW! I need to start exercising and eating better myself.
Enjoy your week!
your heart is simply beautiful and you keep that faith and trust in Jesus.....He's shining through you Kelly!!
Kelly, I admire you for starting WW, but if I looked like you, I'd just go out for pizza. I'll never be as skinny as you are no matter how many points I count! I really don't know why you are worried about it, but good luck and I know you will enjoy Hawaii that much more after eating frozen meals for a while! You will be in serious need of a luau. I was just looking at that same verse yesterday! It's amazing that no matter the circumstance, He can do anything! I'm so glad you are at peace. Your faith and attitude is such an inspiration to me! I just have to say I love you and your mom and have been so blessed by both of you through blogging. Oh, and Derek just said before he left the room, "I wish we lived closer to Kelly and Scott." I wish that, too. We would have so much fun and laugh all the time! This is the longest comment ever...I better go. :)
I can't wait until you are a mommy!! I believe that is going to happen for you and I can't wait to be there!! Although I don't think I'll get to move in and be the nanny like we had once planned!!!
WW...maybe I need to try that. I had been doing Jenny Craig but with all my doctor bills it got a little too expensive. I hope to go back in a couple of weeks!
I just bought some new candy by Whitmanns that's WW! You should check it out. Good luck!! I like their frozen dinners for lunch and stuff. I'm happy to hear about the peace. When things are going according to "my" plan I almost chant Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you....For I know the plans I have for you. I want to know if you've lost weight next week!!! :) Maybe the blogging world can keep you better focused than the meetings ???
Girl, you would make a muumuu oh-so-stylish:)
The diet that works for me is....stress. After MM, I was teaching full-time, being a full-time mommy, working on my master's degree, and my husband was working on his doctorate. By the time I finished my Master's, I barely weighed a hundred pounds. I don't do well with stress. Thankfully now I'm not stressed and I weigh a little more than before:)
Good luck with Weight Watchers. You are going to make a wonderful Mommy soon:)
Oh Kelly, I am with you on the diet thing!! I do read a blog and its all about doing weight watchers. Here is the address, thought you might want to check it It has some good info. I hope you do well and I feel for you in the baby department. I think I have told you before that we are unable to have children and I have the attitude like you, that I WILL be a mother someday, if its adoption, invitro or surrogate. I feel for you, really I do! Take care and good luck!
I've done WW in the past, and it definitely works. We eat out a lot, and that can be really tough. I did find a website, however, that has WW points for a ton of restaurants. It is really quite useful. The website is You can see if you find it helpful.
I echo everyone else's comments. I am so happy you are at peace. I'm still praying for you and will continue to. Even if you will be in Hawaii on my birthday while I'll be up here in the tundra (where it will probably still be snowing) ;) I'm just kidding. I hope you have a wonderful trip!!
Hey girl! I am a fan of WW myself. And you are a girl after my own heart with the nice selection of WW ice cream products there in the back. I heart the cookies and cream bars DEARLY.
I have missed keeping up with you while I was away! Glad ya'll had fun with Scott's parents this past weekend!
P.S. Eph. 3:20 is one of my very favorite verses at the moment! Praising the Lord for your peace and praying for you, my friend! It WILL happen for ya'll and you will be the best mama ever. :)
Hey girl...good luck on WW! I did WW Core and just started up again. I love how it makes me feel. I just wish chocolate was part of the plan. And cream, etc. :-)
by the way...can you email me, if you get a chance? I wanted to see if I could link you on my blog in a post coming up....
girl you will be so hot in hawaii!!! i like WW they have some good meals. i think exercise and watching what you eat works best. and being stressed out.
one time I got mono and that worked for me too, but i wouldn't recommend that-it was NOT fun!
how about that for random diet advise? thanks for your sweet comments!
I totally understand about the weight loss thing. I'm trying to lose some weight before a reunion this summer, and my first week on diet and exerice left me the same weight as I was the week before. Hang in there, and I'm sure the pounds with melt away.
It is amazing how God's peace solves so many problems -- even opposite ones. I remember feeling overwhelmed when I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd child. Two kids under two in my house did not sounds like something that would ever work, but God's gentle reminders that he has a plan help keep me going each day. He is an amazing, caring LORD!
The Smart Ones Chocolate cakes are SOOOOOOOO good!!! I'm not on a diet (I need to be) but I just buy these because they are really really good.
Kelly, There is nothing like the peace of God. The only thing better is knowing and acknowledging the one who brings us peace. HE's the peace that passes all understanding. You have inspired yet again!
I loved your post this morning! It was so uplifting and full of faith! Keep us posted on the WW Journey...I am contemplating starting myself!
"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3 How good God is to provide you His perfect peace, and a mind steadfast on Him.
I've been very successful on WW in the past. The problem is, it's very hard to get motivated to count again after you've taken a break! I think the Core program might be worth's technically healthier, as you are not trying to see how much junk food you can fit into the points. We've been doing Nutrisystem (ordered from QVC), and we've each lost a little over 10 lbs, but the food is killing us. We've done the "weekends off" plan, which means we eat regular healthy foods (exchanges) over the weekend, and we've preferred that, so this is our last month on the Nutrisystem foods. I'll add your WW plan to my prayer list for you...I know what a struggle it can be. I'm praying the trip will be a time of refreshement and renewal for y'all!
I'm so thankful that you have felt peace, God is awesome! You are meant to be a mother, I just know it.
I have never tried WW, but the best nutrition program I have tried is an online program called Venice Nutrition ( Their stance is that your blood sugar must be stable in order for your body to function properly. To keep it stable you start by eating a small balanced meal of 1 fat, 1 carb and 1 protein every 4 hours. They allow cheat room and stuff, which is the best part. On top of that they say to do some sort of exercise 30-45 minutes every day. I have struggled with my weight since I was a teenager, and this is the ONLY plan I have stuck to and had success.
Good luck on WW, I'll be praying for willpower for you!!!
Hey! Let me know how that WW goes! I was thinking about starting it after I this baby...I am so freaked out that this weight won't come off as easy as all the other mothers make it sound!
You already seem tiny in your pictures, so surely you aren't wanting to lose a lot of weight. But I understand wanting to feel good in your clothes!
Good luck and keep thinking about Hawaii!
WW is awesome! Get a WW cookbook and try some of those recipes. I'll see if I can find my list of 1, 2, and 3 point snacks. My favorite was the fat free pringles--I think it is 23 chips for 1 point. I got a sharpie and marked it on all my boxes. I lost about
15 lbs before my wedding. It's been a year since I did it and some of the weight is creeping back on, so maybe I'll try again too. I'm so happy for your peace. You deserve it. Thinking about you...
I'm a horrible dieter!! I have tried a few off and on and they make me feel so bad that I just give up and eat what I want. I just try and stay active and busy!!
Good Luck with WW!!
I found your blog through another (not sure which) and I just had to comment. I scrolled down to see if there was a pic of you --- I think it is noble that you want to lose weight, but definitely not necessary! You are beautiful just as you are, but I hope you reach your goal.
Good luck! I did WW a long time ago and was successful. Unfortunately, I got bored with it. Oh well!
I'm sure you'll look fantastic for that dream vacation!
I'm so thankful for the peace that you have right now! I think this break is going to be good for y'all...I'm excited about what the next chapter will be...
I love the WW Baked Ziti and the Cookie Dough Sundae...YUM!!! :)
I am so glad that the Lord is filling you with Peace and Hope! You are such an encouragement!
Let me know if you get the bags!!! I totally love them, you can carry your groceries from car to house in one trip! And don't let those clerks tell you that they can't fit everything in them...they're not trying hard enough! :)
Weight watchers works great a friend of mind lost 60 pounds on it. Good luck!
I am doing Weight Watchers too. It has been 6 weeks and I have lost 8lbs. Subway ham/veggie sandwich is only 5 pts and baked chips are 3pts. I also love Skinny Cow ice cream for 2pts and Hostess 100 calorie cakes for 1pt. Steam veggies are great too.
So happy you have peace this month. He will do more than we can imagine.
Kelly, that is my favorite verse. LOVE. IT. Praising the LORD for your peace. Wow.
You know I'm cheering for you!iglgi
Hi Kelly! I am Becky Branch's twin sister. I'm sure she has told you about all of our problems trying to conceive also. Our blog is linked from hers - "The Brown Family". I think it would be so awesome if we could get pregnant together! I went to my Gyno yesterday & he is running a bunch of test. I have bloodwork done today & go back to see him on the 22nd. So, hopefully we can figure out what is wrong & why I don't ovulate right! It is so frustrating when I see all my friends having normal 28-day cycles & I won't have a period for months at a time & then when I do, it hits HARD and last a very long time. I will pray for you & hopefully you can pray for us ;)
I am trying to do Weight Watchers too, but I'm so addicted to chocolate. (And, judging from your pic above, you have a sweet tooth too, ha) I went down to Cold Stone Creamery & I just wanted to buy a quart of the Chocolate Peanut Butter Perfection & I thought I could moderate my intake & count my points. So, I get there & they are like "Oh, we have a special 2 quarts for $9.99"....*sigh*. Of course I had to get 2. Just stick to the plan as much as you can. I understand weight struggles. It sucks. My sister & a friend from High School are coming to see me in Vegas the first weekend of May & I know my sister will be bringing her fancy digital camera & will post all the pics on her blog. I really don't want to look like a fat cow in all of those pictures & have to smack her around until she takes them down, haha.
Well, goodluck girl. This is one of my favorite sites for Weight Watchers. Here is a link to all the Restaurants she has listed & what the point values are at those certain places.
Also, I prefer "Lean Cuisine" over the "Smart One" meals. They have the WW points values on the box too. I need to lose about 20-30 pounds...wish me luck!
Have a fabulous day!
Bonnie Brown
I started reading your blog recently. I found you from a friend of a friend. Well, today at work my system went down and I am kind of at a stand-still on my deals so I decided instead of being bored I would play on blogger! I have been reading your posts and I have to tell you how encouraging you have been - and funny! I just had to comment on this post because I am halfway doing WW and I am absolutely in LOVE with the Cookie Dough sundaes....I have one for a reward every night!
Thanks for your blog - I am a faithful reader now!
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