Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Help Me Help You

It's a slow week.
I have nothing out of the ordinary going on.
I have writer's block.
I'm starving to death on Weight Watchers.
I need help.

I've seen other bloggers do this so I thought I would try it. Do any of you out there have questions for me. It can be about anything????? I'll take as many questions as I get and answer them in my next post. If I get zero questions.................I'm really going to have to drum something up to post about. :-)


hayden said...

Can you tell I'm bored at work? I'm the first one again!!!

Ok, here's one...tell us your favorite childhood memory.

Is that sort of what you had in mind? Or more like easy stuff, what's your favorite dessert?

Jill said...

How long does it take you to read every blog that you have linked to your blog??

Strawberry Rose said...

You may have posted this before, but where did you and Scott go on your first date?

When and why did you decide to go blond (which I love by the way)?

Anonymous said...

I have a good question...what is a typical day like for you? Oh, and be detailed :)

Jennifer said...

Where do you buy most of your clothes...they are SO cute!

Katie said...

What time do you get up and go to bed every day ?

Anonymous said...

I'm on a diet and I'm STARVING too! I would ask for your favorite appetizer recipe but I know that would be all wrong. What I do want to know is... how did the self tanner work out? And, does it have that smell after it's been on your skin a couple of hours? I love self-tanner but I can't stand the smell.
Becca the blogless Lurker from Tennessee.

a boy a girl and a pug said...

What are some of your favorite decorating stores/boutiques or even online shops?

CAMoore said...

Hmmm....where do you get your decorating inspiration from(ie..list out websites, or stores, or whatever). I just love to know where people shop.
Oh..I know..you could post your favorite purchases from each place too! (like pictures of a vase you put in your kitchen or something like that).
That's a great idea...I am so smart!

boomama said...

What's your favorite Razorback sports memory?

(Your favorite memory must not include any defeat of the Mississippi State Bulldogs. Just FYI.)


Shelley said...

How's this one...Do you speak any other languages?

Strawberry Rose said...

I thought of more. Where do you get your recipes? What Bible study are you working on now?

Anonymous said...

Hey kelly... Love your blog... We are also going to hawaii...know where to get cheap tickets?? We are looking and looking.


Ashley said...

What do you think about Oprah's new church? I'm currently writing a blog on it that will include a video if you haven't seen it on You Tube. It's scaring me!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

How did you end up at Ouachita Baptist University, and what's one of your favorite OBU memories?

Lauren said...

What a fun idea! My question... What kind of face wash, cleansers or any other facial treatments do you use?! Your skin looks flawless!

Allison said...

What is your job? What does your husband do? :)

Candy said...

This is fun! I love this question post. I love learning new things about people. :) Okay, my question has already been taken. I also have wondered what kind of job you have and what you majored in at OBU.

Angela said...

Okay, I'm doing Weight Watchers and have lost almost 28 pounds since January. You have got to eat something besides the below photo. You cannot live on those or you won't be eating enough (and then be starving). Don't get me wrong, the frozen dinners are a good start but add fresh veggies with them and snack on fruits throughout the day. You can do it!!!

The Garners said...

What's your favorite Bill Gaither song? :)

Guy and Julie said...

I'm cracking up with the Bill Gaither question. This is a rare opportunity! Guy and I will work on a question tonight and get back to you :)

Leigh Ann said...

Paper or plastic?

Bella said...

Not so much a question, but a comment :-) You should look into the South Beach Diet! My good friend did it and lost 80+ pounds. You HAVE to eat on it and their thing is that you shouldn't feel hungry. I'm trying it right now and I have lost 3 pounds in the past week (and that's with cheating!). The book is worth a read, try Amazon for a used copy. Just a thought!!! There is NO starving on that diet!!!

Mrs. Shelton said...

I too haven't figured out what your job is! I've been curious, but didn't want to be nosy!

Jennifer said...

You DON'T have to starve on WW...I have been doing it since December and have lost 32 pounds and almost 3 sizes. I don't eat their products either. I just had baked lemon pepper chicken, shoepeg corn and boiled potatoes for dinner...yummy! Actually most of your recipes minus the sweet stuff probably fits into a good points range for dinner. Good luck!!!

RRR said...

As someone who is getting married in less than four months (!!!) what is your advice for the wedding day and what is your advice for being a newlywed? Also, what is your favorite part about being married?

Hillary said...

Hmmm...I'm at a loss! I simply have no questions to ask. I guess that's a good thing! It means I know you so well!

taralynn819 said...

What is your favorite memory with your father?

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

OK I didn't read the questions so forgive me if I repeat!

What is the one thing you struggle with most in your Christian walk?

Your house is on fire. Your loved ones and pets are out safely and you have time to grab 3 things, what do you take?

What's under your bed right now?

Deidre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guy and Julie said...

Here's our question: if you had an overabundance of cash flow, what would you do with it?

Deidre said...

I deleted my previous comment because I saw you already answered my question - ha ha... so I'm choosing another one...

WHEN you have a baby, will you stay at home or continue to work? (no wrong answer - just curious). Neither one is better than the other :)

Rachel said...

When you were a kid, what did you want to grow up to be?

Jennifer said...

I enjoyed reading about your first blind date with Scott. But how did that first date come about? Who or how? :)

Mandy said...

Most of the questions I was thinking of, have already been asked so...

What is a perfect day for you? If you had all day to do whatever you wanted, money and time were not an issue, what would it consist of? From start to finish...

Faith said...

What was your favorite Christmas gift as a child?

Melissa said...

My question for you is what do you do for a living??

Anonymous said...

Less of a question, more of a comment. ENJOY your "YOU TIME". I am sure God has given you the heart to parent because that is exactly what He has in store for you. In the meantime, don't wish it away, because it disappears when children arrive.

What do you enjoy the most about the time you have to yourself?

Table for Four said...

I don't have a question...yet, but I wanted to give you some help on the "starving" part of Weight Watchers.

Stock up on frozen veggies, whatever you can stand. Most veggies are ZERO points, and when you are starving, frozen peas (cooked, of course) are pretty good.

Also, Diet Coke and Fat Free Popcorn are a good, zero (or one) point snack. The points depend on the brand of popcorn. Good luck!!

On the tradional WW Point Program, three zero point foods equaled one point (or something like that), but I just pretended that it didn't :)

Shelley said...

Well, the question I wanted to ask was sort of already asked - mine is just a bit more specific.

Since I am a Tri Chi Sister - I wanted to know what your favorite Tri Chi memory was? I wasn't at OBU with you for very long - I think just one year.

Another question - If you could live for one year in another country/city where would it be and why?

Heather said...

What is your favorite book? And, what has been your favorite Bible study?

Lindsey said...

Slow week for me too. I've been forced to post all my MM stories. I want to know what you do? What is your job? Your career? Do you think you will keep working when you have a baby?

P.S. I may be copying you. I like this "Ask me a question" idea.

Jenna said...

A little late, but I have been pondering exactly the right question, haha. :)

I would love to know...what was/were the greatest lesson(s) you have learned in the last 10 years.

I need your wisdom. :)

Tamara said...

You've shared many scriptures that the Lord has encouraged you with. Do you have a verse that you would consider a "life verse"?

And don't give up on WW. Try to eat more high fiber & protein foods, like beans, lean meats, whole grain breads, etc. Also, low-fat peanut butter is a satisfying treat. Don't necessarily choose the lowest point option (ex: bread), if you find it's not satisfying enough. Now if only I followed my own advice!

Megan L Hutchings said...

What is your favorite scripture and why?

beckylbranch said...

Question:What are you going to decorate your nursery like when you have a baby? Boy and girl themes.....are you thinking tiole, pastel, bright, modern??? (I already had mine picked out...that is why I asked!ha!)

Anonymous said...

It's been asked a few times before but I'm also curious to know what you do for a living.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly, another blogless lurer here just wondering if you could change places with anyone (famous or not) for a day or two who would it be and why. Love your blog by the way!!!!

Anonymous said...

I meant lurker not lurer,guess I'm not a good speller today, my name is Tammy by the way, so you don't think I'm some weirdo or something!! Ha! Couldn't remember my google account password so I had to put anon. Sorry!

Jessica said...

Ok, What three things do you want to do really bad? And they can't be related to family or work. Just lifetime goals for yourself. i.e. I want to travel here, take this class, learn how to do this...

What is your creative outlet? I'm guessing it is decorating, but there maybe other's who knows!?!

Lisa Sherrill Roach said...

#1 Can you describe the ups and downs you face growing up in a minister's home? I'd like to see if you have any of the same thoughts I do on this subject. #2 Could we go with you to Hawaii? #3 How many times did you see Vestal Goodman waving her hankie at those Gaither singings?

Faith said...

Thought of another one =) How many dresses do you have in your closet? I know they're your fave!

Spicy Magnolia said...

What led you to first start blogging? And what tips do you have for novice bloggers?

Yeah for going to Hawaii soon!!!

Kristen said...

I'll say hi first and that I love your blog! I met my husband on a blind date too...my question for you is a shopping one: Garage sale, Estate Sale or Retail? And what is your favorite clothing store?

Anonymous said...

We've been slammed so I'm a little late in posting my question. Love the idea though! Ok our question is: What's your favorite Coldstone ice cream combo?