Thanks for all of your tips on everything from parties to capturing baby/toddler pictures! I love all the advise ya'll have to share and it's fun to read all the various opinions. Hopefully if any of you are needing similar answers - it is helping you too!!!!
I think we might have a winner with the picture above. I just wanted her sweet smile in the picture because it is my favorite thing!

But I love this little expression too!

And this just makes me laugh!
How many of you are covered up in snow? I wish we were. I love being snowed in and it sounds like the East Coast is buried! Maybe not fun if you are trying to get somewhere. It feels like a snow day here - without the snow. Cold and gloomy.
One more thing - I was sent a book right after I had Harper and honestly I haven't had any time to read until recently (and it's still pretty rare) but it's a great collection of stories and prayers about this wonderful adventure of motherhood. You might want to check it out here - it's called "Hodgepodge Motherhood". If you need encouragement or know another mother who might - you should get it!
Cute! I love it! I would send you a copy of my baby's first birthday invite (her bday was 2 weeks ago) but I'm not computer literate. Love her shirt, Cristina had a brown long sleeve one that I saw at TJ Maxx today for $3.00.
Wow! I'm first today!!! LOL!
No snow here (Topeka)!
I'll be heading to your neck of the woods soon. I believe we'll be going to church with my parents so I might see you there!
Have a great Christmas!
Your Tweet on this was cracking me up! So glad you got a good pic, that first one is precious & perfect for a Birthday Girl! That is going to be ONE FUN party.
precious birthday invite pics!
snowy here in chicago!
awww that picture is definitely a winner! Kelly, She is a beautiful little girl. And i know you are raising her to be beautiful girl on the inside as well. Blessings to you.
No snow in Waco, TX. It actually snowed here December 5th...probably won't snow for the next 5 years! lol.
OK...sweet baby girl's pictures are adorable! She has a smile that will melt your heart! :o)
Love the Birthday Photo. Our roads have been covered up here since 7:30 this morning. My two year old is going crazy with all the snow. If I get a chance I will post some pictures on my blog later. I'm a little behind on posting. The Christmas season takes up all my time. LOL.
i live in Maryland and at last count we had 14 inches of snow! and it's still coming down hard!
I wish we had snow too! I live down in Conway and it seems whenever Arkansas does get snow we end up getting skipped over! I have friends in Virginia and they had 16+ inches last night around 10pm and it's STILL snowing. Even if it does snow down here in Arkansas I doubt we get that lucky(or unlucky however you look at it).
I love it! And the mama should be happy with the photos. I think it's hard sometimes to capture what we envision because there are just those certain looks that bless our hearts and we want to remember forever!
No snow- yet. We just had our assignment changed 3 days before packing to Germany- we're headed back to Kyiv, Ukraine and I know there is snow there. It'll be quite a shocker after being in CA for a year!
My fav is the one on top! She is such a character! Our family prayed so HARD for you & Scott AND Harper; it's a joy to see you all celebrating her first birthday! I remember BOTH of my boys putting their fists into their b-day cakes before I could slice into them. :-)
The first one is precious and perfect!
Love how she 'layers' just like her Mom!
LOVE that first picture!! However, the other 2 are darling, as well...being as though we get to see the many "faces" of Miss Harper!! No matter what ~ she is a DOLL!
Thanks for sharing what you were finally able to capture!!
what a cute smile!
Love the pictures! We have 19 inches of snow here in southwest Virgina and it just started again!!
We have had snow here all day today, so I have stayed in my Pj's and hung out around the house. I love days like this. Her pictures are adorable.
Hey, did someone send you a book called Changing Your World One Diaper at a Time? :)
HA! I know we've already talked about how little time new moms have to read. Oh, the irony of writing a book for someone who can't read it! :)
Still waiting on those Expecting books. So bummed. I'll send them down your way the minute they get here!!
Merry Christmas, Kelly!!
Oh Kelly...we are getting BURIED in the snow. I'm in Virginia and 2 feet or more is still falling. My brother plows during this season, and he's currently taking a nap at my place.
Their guys just said, we need to stop, it's pointless to keep plowing when the snow won't quit. They'll be back at it tonight.
"Snowed in" is an understatement!
Your pictures are adorable!! I am in Hanover, PA...and we have close to 20" already and it isn't supposed to stop until tomorrow!!! I will be posting some pics on my blog..please check them out!
Love the pictures of Harper! What a cute-pie. Snowing here in Westminster, MD and still coming down!!! We have close to 20".
Oh Kelly, if I could send you some snow I would...we woke up to about 12 inches here and it's been snowing all day! Guess that's part of living in the WV mountains, but I think I could d with maybe 1/2 or even a 1/4 of it! hee hee...I read your blog daily, I'm on your prayer blog as a "Mommy in Waiting"...thanks for your blogging, Love it! Bless you all this holiday, may you have a wonderful Peace and love filled Christmas!
I love how her picture turned out! Someone may have already mentioned this but it helps to use a bumbo to get a great picture! Although she is too big for it for it's original purpose it will keep her sitting up and still and make for a much easier photo shoot!
We are VERY snowed in here in VA! About 20 in. and it's showing no signs of stopping. I LOVE IT! My 2yr old, Clara, just loves watching it out the window. And now we'll have a White Christmas for sure!
Love all the pics of Harper!!
*squee!* The first one, definitely. Though they're all three cute. Maybe you could put all three in the invitations? *grin*
Adorable! All of them!
It is snowing as I type and my 'baby' is on a train from DC to NJ...hubs just left to go to the station to collect her, about an hour drive under normal weather/traffic so tonite who's not too bad here yet-I'm way in the corner of NJ but my daughter is bringing it with her...D.C. was a blanket of white.
It's pretty but I'll like it better when my girl is home safely.
kelly, your Harper is just soooo precious... i love all the pictures, i couldn't pick... as for snow, you bet we've got some too ... on east coast in pa and our area is on the line of nothing vs lots... we're at about 6 inches right now, but its still coming down. we're to luck out with about 12 inches till its over... can't wait to go out and play in it tomorrow...
I can SOOO relate to the picture taking challenge!!! Avery Kate does NOT like to smile (or look!) at the camera!!!
All of a sudden, Harper is looking like such a "little girl" rather than a baby. It's like she has really grown up these last couple of weeks. It is so bittersweet!!!! :) She is too cute in her birthday shirt!!!
Hope ya'll are having a good weekend!
Kelly, I love the picture you chose for Harper's b'day!! She is beautiful!!
I live outside of Knoxville and we got snow yesterday and last night and it snowed some today but we are not snowed in. It was gorgeous! I have been praying for a white Christmas. :) I was making peanut butter balls and while I was dipping them in chocolate it started snowing. I LOVED it!!
I have baked some and had a late shower only to put on some clean p.j.s and now I am watching the Hallmark Channel Christmas movies. A perfect day!
I am going to pray and ask God to give y'all some snow.
Happy Birthday planning!
Merry Christmas!
I love the pictures and her little birthday shirt! Gymboree has some cute little birthday things for girls and I have seen shirts similar to hers there. :) is sunny outside here in Texas but it is 40 degrees!
LOVE the first picture. She really has the best wardrobe there is :)
I love the last one! its looks like she is saying, "Hey! Have you heard its my Birthday?!" haha. So adorable. I have been reading your blog since the day she was born and I can not believe its been a year already!
Hey Kelly..I like all the pics..sorry I cant pic just one~! lol ~!!I am in MD...and we have about 23 inches of snow..I'm right in between D.C..and Baltimore. I'm originally from Florida so this is alot for me..enjoy that baby girl..
Rachel has that same shirt...wore it last month! I honestly love the 2nd picture!!!! It's my favorite!
Love the pic of Harper!!
We live in WV and we have 1 ft of snow and it is still SNOWING!!
I guess we don't have to dream of a white Christmas anymore! Ha! Ha!
It's fun playing in the snow for me and Kelcee, I'm not sure how much fun Greg had shoveling it! Ha! Ha!
Summer :0)
totally snowed in and LOVING it!! =) we have about 14" so far and it's not supposed to stop till tomorrow morning. the bummer is that church is cancelled along with the kids' Christmas program, but they just sang their songs for us in the living room. too cute! =) (they're 4 and 2 yrs old)
have a very merry Christmas!!! =)
We are snowed in too and it's wonderful. My sister is visiting from SC (I'm in PA). We took my daugther out in the snow and she tried crawling in it. HA!
I like all of the advice too. My daugther will be one in March so I'm starting to make plans.
What a precious picture!
Just wanted to take a moment to say thanks for continuing such a great blog. You are a daily encouragement in Christ and a mother I look up to. Thanks and Merry Christmas! :)
Hey Kelly! I have been keeping up with your blog for a little over a year now and really REALLY enjoy it! Just wanted to share we are COVERED in snow!! We now have 21 inches on our back deck!!! My husband and I live in Herndon, VA! I have posted pics if you would like to see at! Harper is such a cutie!!!
We live in NC and it snowed all day yesterday and last night! Luckily we were able to get out and about around lunch today! I love the pics of Harper!
Great pictures, Harper is adorable.
I live in central VA and we have close to 24 inches with it still coming. Unbelievable!
We are buried in snow here in Philadelphia and loving it. No where to go and plenty of hot chocolate to warm us up!!!
Your photos are too precious! Reminds me of a year or so ago when we were trying to get our little man's first year invite picture.
Cute pics!!!
harper is PRECIOUS!!!! Love that first pic! As a photographer I know exactly what you go through to get a almost 1 year old to smile!
NOT an easy job!
I have a ton of snow. We have 15 1/2 inches and it is still snowing like crazy!! I posted some pictures on my blog today.
Love the pictues. She is so adorable. No snow here, too far south here in Georgia. I wish though, I want to see some snow but we've had rain for awhile now.
AWw, those are sooo cute but I definately love the first one!!
What a cutie! She looks like she's saying, 'Whoa now, are you done yet?'
LOVE YOUR BLOG!! And these are great pics for her birthday.. my daughter's 1st one is New Years EVE.. and we are doing a Winter WONDERLAND theme..since she is turning ONE.. but using pinks and whites.. lots of snowflakes!! Your colors look awesome btw! Oh, and I have had several people say my little girl favors yours.. that is how I found ya:) Harper is just a doll!! Good Luck with the party.. I am trying my best to enjoy and not stress!
I finally figued out why I think Harper is so cute. She reminds me of myself at that age. Same hair color, complexion, similar mouth and nose.
I guess that sounded conceited but I am not but I was a cute toddler like Harper.
I love that last picture though! It would be pretty cute on her invite.
I love the first picture. Miss Harper looks like a model. Just beautiful. Like her Mama. Scott better be looking for his "big stick" to keep the boys away. We never put pictures on the invitations back in the olden days. Cute idea.
I'm in Macon, Ga. and wish it would snow. All we get is rain, rain,rain. Walking in my yard is like walking on a wet sponge. It is very gray and gloomy, but alas, no snow. But the frogs are singing.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
I think Harper's bday pic is super cute. I have the "Birthday Boy" version of this shirt for Ryne...who turns 1 Dec. 30th. Funny thing is, i got his shirt out today so that we could work on a bday pic for the matted picture that i will have everyone at his party sign. Did that with my first and it was a neat momento of the day.
I will be heading your way next week to see some friends in Fayetteville while we are close husbands family is in Spiro, OK and we will be there for Christmas. Hope you guys have a fantastical first Christmas with Harper!
Just checking in to say here outside Philly we have 20 inches and still snowing! Our outdoor lights are covered--they look so pretty!
Hope you are thrilled with Harper's invitations and party. I know your Christmas will be blessed!
so cute!
She is just SO darn cute!
The first picture is ADORABLE!
Great birthday pics!
I live in the East Coast and yes, we are buried! About 20 or so inches where I live :)
She's adorable. I'm sure her birthday invites will be fabulous with whichever picture you chose!
No snow in Oregon. We had the freezing cold weather last week.
Harpers pictures are so cute.
The top picture is just too cute and the bow in her hair just makes me want to squeal because it is so adorable!
happy birthday harper
21 inches of snow here in VA!
My daughter was born during the winter also. For her 1st Birthday we did a Winter Onederland theme. I thought it was cute. We did polar bears, penguins, eskimos and of course snowflakes!!!
Thought you might like to know
My daughter was born during the winter also. For her 1st Birthday we did a Winter Onederland theme. I thought it was cute. We did polar bears, penguins, eskimos and of course snowflakes!!!
Thought you might like to know
Harper is NOT turning ONE?! Wow. How I remember praying so hard for that punkin. Such a sweetheart.
God is so good. I'm grateful that Harper is a testament to that. May she grow in God's wisdom and beauty.
I love that first one!
Hi Kelly...Happy Birthday to our Harper! She looks so cute in these pictures. Love that smile!!!
I dreamed that I met you and Harper and I was so excited! I guess you must have been on my mind. ((smile))
This blog family is quite special to me. I have been blogging for a year now and I didn't find you immediately, but when I did I started following and praying for Harper and my other blog babies all the time.
It is hard to believe she is 1 already. You are such a cute mama and a very caring person.
May God continue to bless you for the way you are a blessing to everyone.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Blessed New Year!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Hey Kelly,
I wanted to leave you a comment with something that I did for my twins birthdays. When it came time for their first birthday, I decided that I wanted to write them a letter every year on their birthday and make a book of it and give it to them as a gift when they graduated (which would have been right after they turned 18 since they were born in May). These letters are now such a treasure to me after losing them this past summer at 2 1/2 years of age. I have the letters framed and love to go and read them when I visit their room. I think it is a wonderful gift and thought it might be something you would like to share with Harper. I got some really cute "birthday" kind of paper and printed them out off of my computer. Just thought I would share! Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! :)
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