I had planned to wait a few more weeks but for the last week or two - Harper has been SO interested in everything I eat. She will sit in my lap and try to grab everything off my plate and bring it to her mouth. She knows exactly what I'm doing. She watches me and opens her mouth every time the food moves near her.She even knows there is something REALLY good in this cup - there must be - Momma sure likes to go to that place. ha! (Still drinking Crystal Light but I let myself have one coke at least one coke a day). After researching and realizing she met all the requirements and that she was showing signs of wanting to eat...............

(If you look close - you can see her two bottom teeth)
I even put the cutest bib on her that Scott's cousins just gave her last weekend.
(I mean you NEED to look cute for all the BIG occasions in life, right?)

Harper ate several little spoonfuls but wasn't extremely crazy about it. She really wanted to grab the spoon more than anything. She loves to bring anything to her mouth - my cups, teethers, toys, medicine droppers, etc.
My baby is growing up!
Next thing I know - I'll be writing about the prom. :-)
Don't you just love all the firsts!
We have those spoons too and I love the colors! She looks so cute eating, and will get the hang of it soon!! Thanks for sharing her first bites! BTW, you look great!
We have Ashley's first bites of cereal on video and we were both laughing so hard while we were videoing it! She was making the worst faces and spitting most of it out. I think it's the texture that seems weird to them! Steve is holding the camera and he says, "This is like a horror flick!" and we both just cracked up! She will like it more soon...especially if you mix a little applesauce with it! Mmmmm!! :)
That bib is adorable! Not to mention the little one wearing it! The time goes by way too fast, that's for sure.
My son, Colten, is about the same age as Harper (born Jan 27). We tried cereal about a week ago because he was watching everything we ate, reaching for our food, etc. He had the exact same reaction that Harper had! I tried two days, and then when he didn't like it too much, we waited until tonight to try it again. He LOVED it tonight!
Too cute! My little boy (he's 1 months) never liked rice cereal unless it was in his bottle. Keep trying though. She's getting so big and is so adorable!
You could just mash a little very ripe avocado and give it to her..maybe mix with a little breastmilk or formula.
Much tastier, and some pediatricians say avocado is the 'perfect first food.'
My daughter didn't like the rice cereal alone (whether it was mixed with breast milk or formula). So i mixed in bananas (fresh, smashed up or baby food bananas). this way i started her on the fruit too.
Too sweet. I just love the captions!
This post was hilarious!! Those facial expressions are too cute! And that bib is precious...saw one like it at Swoozies that I can't wait to spoil my niece/nephew that is on the way with!!
Loved the commentary...especially the last...LOL
What a big girl eating "real" food!!! She'll learn to enjoy it! :)
She is too cute! Our daughter, Allie Claire loves cereal only when it is mixed with a fruit. We started with applesauce and she nearly ate the spoon. No kidding! We have since moved on to pears and bananas. Yep, she's loving life these days...just wait Harper, your day for big girl food will come. You are so right, it passes too fast. Allie is 8 months old and tonight I caught her pulling herself up and digging through our trash can. Nice. Yep, she's a big girl and our house will never be the same! It is such a sweet time though.
Your baby girl is just too cute! Love following your blog... and glad I jumped on the home tours. It is a blast! (too bad I missed a lot of rooms that are in my opinion pretty great in my house)!
Ha! LOVE it!! First bites are always the funniest things! She's so cute!
I totally remember the first feeding! Our daughter did not like rice cereal, but she put the oatmeal down like there was no tomorrow. Also mixing fruit in with it is good too! Congrats on the milestone, and good luck!
Just wait until she starts spitting it back at you...that's when the FUN begins. Sometimes I find myself discovering that I have her lunch on my when I am at the store...talk about embarassing!
Yay! It is totally important to look cute for the milestones in life. :) Somehow I don't think Harper will need to worry about that though. She is just the cutest little thing. :)
Harper is just too cute waiting in anticipation! What a big girl!
Dominic wasn't a fan of the rice cereal either. He did much better on the stage 1 foods. At 8 months I am going to start giving him the infant oatmeal for breakfast. She looks like she did well! I wish we had Sonic's up here! That Chili cheese frito wrap looks delicious!!
she is precious! love the bib.
I don't think it looks to appetizing either! haha!
So sweet! I've read several articals stating that baby's first food doesn't need to be cereal if you don't want. Maybe applesauce would be a bigger hit? Regardless, she's such a cutie!
I love that picture of her resting her little head on her (oh so skinny!) Momma's shoulder!
And Harper, I am so sorry Momma fed you that nasty rice cereal. Next time see if she'll give you a cake ball. :-)
The Sonic Cup- YEAH! Train your child right!!!!
I loved seeing the pics of her eating the cereal. She sure didn't look thrilled at all! lol
Kelly, I have started feeding Evie rice cereal too but she HATED it. So,I mix a little sweet potatoes in the cereal. Don't ask why but I feel better giving her a veggie rather than a fruit. Caveat: Watch out for some crazy diapers once you add sweet potatoes.Just a few more weeks and our girls will be 1/2 a year old. It's flying by!
Just keep trying!
Egan made such weird faces the first time we fed him. The pediatrician expalined that it's a whole new swallowing experience they have to learn. She really looks like she wanted to try it!
I love her reaction to the first taste!
So CUTE!! Wish I had my little girls first expressions better photo documented. My husband took 2 pic's and that's it!! Oh well.....silly boys!!
Awww...first cereal! I miss Grace being little! She is seriously already old enough for that?! Crazy, just crazy! And I love the picture of her laying her head on your chest!!
We started my son on the Gerber DHA rice cereal and he had a reaction to it and couldn't tolerate it. His ped. said it was most likely due to the fish oil in it. He is happy with the plain Gerber or the Beechnut brand cereals. We have pictures from all the new foods our son has tried. I still do it even with finger foods.
You could give her an extra spoon but not let her actually feed herself this will probably keep her satisfied while you feed her.
She really is SO CUTE! My kidpop wasn't impressed either.
Too cute! I just love all those precious milestones! Just keep at it. All babies are different and some take a while to get used to solids. :)
P.S. I just love those Munchkin spoons.
You look so good Kelly! Thanks for sharing Harper's first eating experience :) Lauren loves the Oatmeal flavored with apple, if you happen to try that too. I sometimes put a cube of apple sauce, that I've made her, with it too. I just make the oatmeal like normal, put the applesauce cube in, & heat in the microwave - - good way to sneak in extra fruit!
I made her first cereal with breast milk and she NEVER liked it, and I tried for about 3 weeks. I finally gave up and started making it with fruit...it is now her favorite!
Harper was too cute watching her eat. She looks just like my little boy Carson looked like a few months ago. But she'll soon get the hang of it. Good luck!
Wow - I can't believe she is already eating! They grow up so fast! Such a cutie.
add some fruit or veggies to that cereal then she will really like it...
also put a "real" spoon in cold ice water and let it get cold and then give it to her and she will love it... this is how i would go out to eat with my kids... ask for few spoons at the resturant give her one and have one in the cup and trade them out... and of course she will drop a few too... she might like it :)
Neely didn't like it at first either...but then she LOVED it. Be on the watch out for constipation. We had major trouble when I introduced cereal because of the formula that I mixed with it. I had to change formula a couple of times before I found the right one.
LOVE the bib!! And yes, she does have to look adorable for all specail occasions--including all of those "firsts"!! My daughters both took a few days to get used to cereal, but eventually loved it. Keep trying!
Kohen HATED rice/cereal when I first fed it to him. I mixed in a little Gerber step 1 bananas with it. I would put the bananas at the tip of the spoon so he would taste that first and the cereal was more towards the back of the spoon, then occasionally I would give him a spoonful of rice/cereal only. It did the trick!
What a great first memory!
Hi Kelly,
I love your blog! My son is just a tad bit older than Harper so I love reading what Harper is up to. I would highly recommend making your rice cereal. I knew I was going to make his fruits, veggies etc... but I had no idea I could make his rice cereal. It's super easy AND he LOVED it (he didn't care too much for boxed stuff). It's SO much better for them as well. All you have to do is take brown rice and grind it into a fine powder (it took several times through my blender to get it down to a powder), then boil 1/4 of powder with 1 cup of water. You'll have made enough for 3-4 servings so you only have to do it every few days.
She is so adorable. My little one tried cereal the other day and had the same reaction. When my middle son was Harper's age, he tried grabbing everything we ate and the pediatrician said just feed him. He pretty much skipped baby food altogether and went straight to the real thing!
Her expressions are priceless!
I just love all her facial expressions. Wait until you give her peas and see her expression!! I can remember how my own children were at first, but they soon learned it was good and they loved their "real" food. Harper is growing up so fast. Enjoy every minute, because like you said, she will be going to the prom before you are ready. They grow up so fast. Love & blessings from NC!
She is so sweet looking!! Of course, she wants that Sonic cup.. she knows there is nothing better!
How exciting!!! It seems once they reach this stage - all the fun new stages come up one after the other - they definitely grow up way too fast. My daughter never liked rice cereal - we tried mixing it with fruits and everything - and she never went for it. She's almost 20 months old now and so far that has been the only thing that she has refused to eat - she eats EVERYTHING!
Harper is just too cute - and you're right - definitely need those cute bibs for all the important milestones :)
My one year old, Macy Harper, would never eat rice cereal or oatmeal, or really anything with a similar texture! I couldn't believe it, since my son loved rice cereal, especially with applesauce or baby food mixed in. My daughter has always been a champ with eating finger foods though. If she can't pick it up, so doesn't want it! :)
Harper is such a cutie pie.
Watching them react to the flavors and textures of new foods is so much fun! Looks like you had a successful first go round, even if Harper wasn't exactly thrilled with the choices.
Aww this is too cute!!
So cute! I know it was fun for you and Scott.Hope y'all have a great weekend!
Yay Harper!! What type of cereal did you have? Rice, grain or barley? Don't worry, you'll get used to it soon - it's actually really good :)
way to go harper!!! so sweet...they grow up way too fast...addelyn is already a year..whoa!!! i love your OBU shirt-did you get that on campus? way too cute!!!
Ha! Landon wasn't sure about cereal at first either...and still even after a month of having it there are days when he just can't be bothered! Harper is precious and I love your blog! I'm still thinking about getting that high chair. Right now we have our cereal while sitting in the bouncy seat...which we are about to outgrow already!
Have a great weekend!
Some kids learn to like that stuff, some just don't. My girls weren't much for any baby food at all and would only eat the oatmeal with applesauce mixed in. Which actually turned out easier/cheaper for me because I'd just mash up what I was making already for the rest of us.
You'll probably notice her sleeping longer, too. :)
Poor thing - she looked so excited and then it was like the biggest let down!
Too funny!
Great pictures!! She is super cute trying out food! Lauren hated rice cereal and would only eat it with bananas or applesauce mixed in. Once I did that she could not get enough! Spoon feeding is messy but it's fun to watch them and know they want what everyone else is having!
you gotta try it 14 times before you get to say she doesn't like it! my kids hated the rice cereal but would eat the oatmeal kind or the rice with a little pears mixed in. you could try mixing it with a little breastmilk or formula too.
Probably would have been a much bigger hit if her first meal had been from Chick-a-dilly.
What a little doll! My Mary-Kate would only eat cereal with a little fruit in it. It was nice because her tummy would be full and she would sleep a little longer at night! Harper is growing up. They just don't stay little long. I look at my little one and can't believe she is 3.
So cute! Poor Harper probably is still think what the heck was in that bowl!?!?!?!?
On a side note, I don't approve of your B-ville Tiger t-shirt! I'll have to send you a Har-Wild Cat t-shirt!!!
So so cute! I remember those days. I'm an old Mama though and we fed them cereal after a couple months. How things have changed. It really hasn't been that long either.
What a little cutie you have.
i cry everytime i come to your page.. its just such a blessing to see how truely amazing God really is
Aaaw big girl!!! My first daughter was the same way about telling us she was ready for solids (my younger daugther wanted NOTHING to do with them until she was 7 months old - they're all so different!) She didn't love the rice cereal, but we moved on to mashed bananas and things pretty much right away, and then she was in baby heaven :)
Hey There, My 5 month old baby girl did the same thing. She eventually increased her cereal eating. Here's what I learned with her, if the cereal is to soupy she won't eat it. She likes it thick. Just wait until you can start feeding her real (baby) food at 6 months. It's so much fun watching them learn about all these new foods. I'm so excited for you! We are getting to more good parts.
I think that is the sweetest picture...where she is laying her head on your shoulder! Awwwww.....
Love it!
You should try putting a smidge of bannana baby food it her cereal. My daughter LOVED it!
This post really touched my heart... I remember praying for Harper when she was first born and asking God for her to live... now she's taking her first bites of baby food and she is perfect. I praise God tonight for Harper's precious life. He is good!
Someone probably already said this, but when mine were younger and only wanted to grab the spoon, I would give them another one to hold (bang) while I fed with the other spoon.
What a big day for Miss Harper!! I think that most babies aren't to thrilled with the first feeding. I'm sure it a little awkward for them because they don't really know what to do with all this stuff in there mouth! Plus, rice taste super yucky (I admit to having put my tongue to it before giving it to my babies. lol!)
Once she gets the hang of swallowing it though, I bet she likes it better. London (9 months next week) eats her cereal really well now. LOVE the bib too.
With the spoon, I read when my first, Dylan (4.5) was in my tummy that you should let them it when they show interest. I did it for him and London. What I do is give her an EXTRA spoon while I feed her. I did the same for Dylan and he was feeding himself super early!!
hey kelly! we've been going through the same thing over at our house. ridley's been grabbing for everything and he looks longingly at the food that i eat. so i've been giving him banana which he loves, but i think his plumbing isn't so happy. now we're on to prunes! :) wholesomebabyfood.com is really helpful! :) mommyhood is such a wonderful adventure, huh?!
I don't get the rice cereal thing-my kids never liked it and I tried for months!! Once they started baby food they loved it but the cereal thing...never! I don't know if I'm normal :)
Oh my goodness.It doesn't seem like it should be time for her to be eating cereal! Neither of my girls liked the rice cereal.But when I mixed it with fruit,they LOVED it! She is so precious!
I wish we had Sonic near us!
What a doll! And I love that bib. The first time we fed Haskell cereal she made a mess, but she took to rice cereal pretty well. I always put spices in cereal and in all of her other baby foods as well. Her favorites were cinnamon and nutmeg, and others depending on what she was eating.
Of course, with Harper's allergies, you might want to tread lightly, but our pediatrician did give me the go ahead.
I made SUCH a big deal out of feeding Jaiden cereal for the first time. I think I even picked a fight with MArio about it before hand because something was "just right" I had the camera ready and all and she hated it! HA! She never really would even eat cereal!!!! Harper looks so stinking cute! :) I just said to Jamie and Mom yesterday that I can't believe how fast she's growing up and I haven't even got ot see her yet!
I had the hardest time trying to teach my daughter how to eat. I actually had to have the spoon in one hand and the bottle in the other so that after I put the spoon in her mouth I could put the bottle so she would know to swallow and not choke! (looking back I probably should have waited another month or so but we were getting pressure from the doctor at 4 months) Anyway, cereal was never a hit with my daughter unless I had mixed some fruit into it. We tried pears first, and she LOVED pears. When all else failed, I knew she'd eat the pears.
Also, putting a bit of rice cereal in a bottle I had pumped for her bedtime feedings got her sleeping 6-7 hours at 2 months. Although, I had to wake up to pump to keep my milk up....something to think about. It's a lot harder to get motivated by an alarm clock than a screaming baby. :-P
Even Harper gets Sonic! We need one of those around here! But then...maybe not. Trying to lose weight around here and that definitely wouldn't help!
Praying right now!
Psalms 66:19-20 But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.
Prayer Bears
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Yay for Harper! Let her know food get's better as you get older, just remind her of that big steak you posted a few weeks ago!
What a big girl! So exciting!
So sweet! I'd skip the cereal if I were you and try banana or avocado - the rice cereal is unnecessary, and tastes like cardboard!
How precious! The firsts are SO special. Isn't it amazing how quickly they grow and change -- in only a few months!
You can totally skip the cereal if you want to!! We did, and started with banana and then sweet potato. Cereal has a tendency to constipate and is nutritionally unnecessary, really.
Just going to let you know that you do have choices, even this early!
She's so pretty, Kelly. I love how much fun you look to be having with her. My much-awaited little one is almost two now. *tear* It only gets better!
Yay Harper! What a big girl!!
It is so much fun getting to try out all the different foods with them and watching those adorable expressions.
Too cute! She is enjoying herself! :)
So so cute!! Just wait, she'll be eating everything in sight soon :) And that bib??? ADORABLE!
not sure where to put this but please pray for my cousin Sarah . All I know is she was have pregnancy complications last night and rushed her to the hosptial where they did a c section and the baby which was a boy no name yet was born. He was born 2 months early. My cousin Sarah had to have a transfusion. thing are doing well considering but it will be a long road ahead of them
Loved these pictures! I'm not sure what you mixed the cereal with, but I mixed it with my breast milk and they liked it much better. And you're right...the time flies and they grow WAY TOO fast!
Try oatmeal instead of rice cereal ... and make it a little thicker. Both of my kids gobbled that stuff up but hated the rice cereal.
Hey there. Love the pictures. That is about the same face my little man made when we gavehim rice cereal for the first time. I am not sure if you gave her some with flavor or just plain, but my little monkey did not care for the plain kind. However, he loves the mixed berry flavor. Just thought I would share that.
Donna and Christian Spivey from Lexington, SC
What a big day!
This is just a suggestion for what it is worth, but baby cereal is bland and so I would add a little apple juice to the water (about half and half) and that seem to work for our girls.
Um, Momma, hello...Harper has teeth buds now...she needs a steak at Ruth's Chris!
I waited till she was almost six months before feeding Amelia, too, and kept her on breastmilk exclusively. But I fed her a week or two before because she was so interested in food, so I figured she was ready. And she was. But I didn't really use rice cereal. We went directly to foods. I think her first food was mashed avocado, then we went to mashed bananas after a few days. I still did the whole 4 day feed and wait rule to make sure she handled everything okay. One of my FAVORITE websites for baby food ideas is wholesomebabyfood.com. They have a lot of great easy recipes for homemade baby food and ideas for what you can feed Harper and when and what to mix together to taste good. I love that website.
She is such a cutie! It looks like her hair is growing there in the front! Doesn't it seem like forever for them to get hair?!?! :o)
Yeah, it's pretty normal for them to only eat a few spoon fulls the first few days (and for some babies, even the first few weeks).
We skipped the rice cereal all together and just started with some purred avocado and the pureed sweet potato. From there we moved on to new fruits and veggies every few days and last month we finally tried our hand at meats, beans, and eggs (wouldn't jump on the eggs with her since she has that excema).
It sure goes fast, doesn't it? I've only got 96 days left to plan a first birthday party!
Harper is such a cutie & those pictures are adorable!! I love how y'all captured the whole event. :o)
you should add some of the baby food fruit into it. thats how my son loves it with rice and we still give it too him for breaksfast and he is almost 10ms old!
I noticed that some others had already suggested mashed avocado and bananas and just wanted to say these worked well for us! You know Harper was thinking, "I don't see you all eating this stuff, where the good stuff!"
OH my goodness, I love the pic of her just staring at the bowl waiting for the first bite - so cute. Starting solids is fun and messy. If I dribble any solids on to her highchair her hands are in it before I can wipe it up and its smeared ALL OVER. Face, chair...you name it. Good luck!
You should try mashed avocado! It's a great first or second food!
Oh that was priceless! I felt like I was right there with Harper for her first taste of cereal. Cute pictures!
You are sure a sweet mama!
Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Look at sweet H cozied up to her mama! She's the cutest! I love her lots! You should have known that babe wouldn't be all about the cereal. She wants the good stuff and who can blame her?! Aunt Hillary will take her to eat ANYWHERE she wants!!
Kelly, she really is a beauty. I had forgotten about my little one's first experience with food. It brought back some great memories. God Bless!
You say that kinda jokingly - but it will fly by! I cant believe that its time for her to eat cereal... it just seems like yesterday that she was born!!!
Now the fun begins :) I'm not sure if someone has already mentioned it to you or not but the book "Super Baby Food" is awesome for letting you know when and what foods to introduce to your baby. It also gives some great recipes for making your own baby food. It takes a few hours on a Saturday or Sunday but you can make a bunch of "food cubes" to stick ion your freezer and you are set to go.
Hi Kelly!! I found your blog a couple of weeks ago via the show mw where you live. Your Harper and my 3rd child, Zachary share the same bithdate! And how funny we tried out solids for the first time Friday night too!
I am enjoying your blog. Enjoy little Harper, the first year ges by way to quickly!
Here is my (unasked for) advice on food...
try different thicknesses. My baby didn't like it very thin but ate up cereal that was thicker. Now, she will eat avocado and carrots in her cereal. She still isn't overly fond of plain cereal though.
Have fun with foods! We switch to something new about every week or so.
Little Emma Kate was the same way at first. Now, she cant get enough. the girl can eat. Happy Eating, Harper!
I found that the oatmeal cereal was much tastier for new eaters than the rice cereal. and mixing it with breast milk will taste more familiar to her. I wish i would have learned that on baby # 1 instead of baby #3! Also, for baby #3, i was already cooking for a family of 4, so i decided to give him only real food and not jar food. it was easier than i thought it would be! and it is SOOOO much better than the jar food. and one last thing i always tell people is, no one will like yucky tasting food...make sure if you make you baby food make it taste good! example...when you mash up those peas make sure you add salt to make it taste good!
good luck, she's a cutie!
Yaay for this big day! When can she try your Sonic drink? I've got to learn all this stuff for myself. I love the picture where Harper is loving on you while you're fixing the cereal.
How sweet! My kids (all 3) would never eat cereal mixed with formula! I always mixed it with juice or fruit, and they LOVED it!
On another note, I read in a post that you were staying away from peanut oil. You might want to ask your doctor about the different between cold-pressed and warm-pressed peanut oil. One of those is safe for kids with peanut allergies, and one is not. (I can't remember which though; most foods made in the US are made with the safe one.) Our doctor told us not to worry about things cooked in peanut oil for that reason.
Oh how adorable Kelly. She's a charmer that's for sure. And YES before you know it you will be writing about the prom. I am :) My oldest turned 25 today!!
Ha! I love your captions too...very entertaining! My kids hated it the first time too. I had to experiment quite a bit, like everyone else. Mushy bananas mixed in, applesauce, etc. Also learned that if you use breastmilk you have to keep adding more cereal for some reason...it gets too thin. We finally just skipped it and went to avacados and the baby food jars with the cereal mixed in. Good luck experimenting! (It's kind of fun!)
Congrats on one of many firsts. Cute pics and captions.I bet she would love ice cream. :) I seem to remember she has a talent for blowing rasberries. This is a whole new experience when you add it in with food! Enjoy! time flies, I just wrote about my daughters prom a few weeks ago!
Mine hated the cereal..couldn't ever get past it. He loved those little stars though that dissolve in their mouth...those make great little "snacks"..it's like eating air. Perfect for putting in the stroller "tray" to keep them occupied while shopping :)
I don't comment often, but she is getting so big! And cuter! You may try some mashed avocado or sweet potato in with it. I bet she'd like it! Thank you for allowing me the privilege to read your blog. :-)
I just wanted to share with you that WE also love SONIC drinks. I always get the sweet tea!! But it has gotten to the point that my three year old always says "we going to get drinks mama?" every time we pass a SONIC! How crazy is that?? LOL! I've been following since Harper was born. She is adorable and my husband always loves to hear how she is doing.
I agree that adding a little fruit to her cereal will make it more palatable...that stuff is bland! My pediatrician had given me guidelines about starting with one food at a time and which ones so we could evaluate the kiddos for allergies to foods and eliminate them. I just loved the peek at Harpers two little teeth! So cute.
I just recently became a follower of your blog...I just wanted to say that Harper is a Cutie Patootie! ; )
I have a 2 year old & a 9 year old and I miss this stage of feeding them in the highchair...they grow up so fast. = (
Also, I just came across a spoon for feeding your little ones called the Boon Spoon...it is too Cool...you might want to check it out since she is in that stage.
Well...You have a Beautiful Family...God Bless~
So cute! Those first tastes of food are so fun. I love your captions - "are you sure this is real food?"... Made me laugh!
lol she is so cute ...And you got a Couple of years before Prom lol
Try a dash of cinnamon in the cereal. It gives it more flavor without adding a food she might not be ready for yet. It worked with both my boys and my S-I-L tried it with her kids too. The cereal goes down much better with flavor.
I have been out of town..just catching up with your blog. That bib is adorable...just wondering did you give up the Crystal Light Challenge, or are you just drinking it out of a sonic cup?!
Try mixing the cereal with breast milk. I did this with both of my boys and it went over great. I start with oatmeal first instead of rice cereal - it should be right next to the rice cereal in the grocery store it has more flavor and more nutritional value. Just an idea...
Whoa whoa whoa! I was so distracted by your bowl in the post. Is that Dansk Reactic Khaki? I have that as well and was so sad when it was discontinued.
Yay for Harper!
My tbirteen month old daughter loves grabbing for the Sonic cup. I get Cherry Coke so she isn't getting any of that but the other day I caught her drinking her 3-year-old brother's strawberry slush. I took a picture and it is too cute.
Try putting a few spoonfuls of baby bananas or pears in with the cereal; I bet she would love that and still get the iron on the cereal!
CUTE photos! I used a neat cookbook by Annabel Karmel for making baby food. She gives some great information. I think I got it from One Step Ahead; they have some great containers for baby food, too.
That's the most precious photo of you holding her in the kitchen gettin her food ready! My girl is "too big" to snuggle with me like that anymore! =( Enjoy it while it lasts!
Cute post! Cute lil' teeth! Cute Harper!
I love the faces they make when they try something new. My baby girl wasn't too keen on just plain cereal either. She has been so cute as we try some new baby foods!
The funniest thing, today I rubbed some baby oragel on her gums and I so wish we had the video camera on her. She gave us the worst looking face and then began to cry hysterically like, Mama, what have you done to me.
Don't you just love every minute of motherhood?
Kelly!! I can tell that you are losing weight, you look soo good!!! And as always, Harper is a cutie pie.
Have you tried mixing fruit in with the cereal? That normally make the bland cereal much more appetizing! ;)
you're wearing a Mizzou Shirt!?!?!?!?! :)
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