Next week : Garages and Yards!

I wanted to post about my day separately but I've been so busy the day got away from me so I'm joining my personal post with our tour your home Fridays! Harper thinks it's a great idea.

We got up early this morning and dropped off Dawson to get groomed. We then hit up Target where we were the ONLY customers in the store. I'm not kidding - it was like a perfect dream. Then we went home to get ready so we could go to play group.

It was at Amanda's house again today (in the blue) and that is always a GOOD thing because she goes all out and is an amazing cook. We had chicken shish-ka-bobs (a personal favorite) and beans and potato salad and banana pudding. SO good!

I counted and I'm pretty sure there were 13 moms and 17 children (under 5) there! That's a crowd!

The bigger kids had fun playing outside in the pool and sand. It was WAY too hot for us to be outside more than a couple of minutes.

Harper had a cute dress on that I just love but she did not act so cute at play group. She was okay for part of the time but then it was naptime and she was letting us all know it.

She did act good for my friend Isabel for a few minutes. Isabel is moving to NC soon and I'm so sad. We were not off of Amanda's street before Harper was sound asleep.

But her nap had to be quick because we were home for a quick meal and I took her to the doctor because she had a hangnail that had become infected (is it always something with me and her? I feel like we go to the doctor every week. ha! This is so weird for me because I managed to go about 12 years after college without going to the doctor ONCE). ha! We stopped by my old office (which is next to my doctor's office) to visit and then we picked up Dawson who was trimmed and sporting a Scooby Doo bandana.

So - onto our bedroom. I've decided in the last few months that I'm ready for a change in our room. I'm not real fond of our comforter set. It's just time for something new. I bought our bedroom furniture when I was still single and had bought my first home. My mom advised me to buy a king bed and that I would thank her once I was married and she was right.

Nothing much on the other wall but our armoire (and Harper's bouncy seat). Our room is where all the baby stuff has collected I guess.

You can see where Harper is sleeping in her pack and play but this weekend we are going to try and move to her room. I'll let you know how it goes. We actually tried tonight and realized the sun sets on that set of the house and she has an early bedtime and it's WAY too bright in there so tomorrow I'm going to look for some black out panels.

This is kind of what I want to do in our room. I REALLY want a big fluffy white comforter and then a brown coverlet and brown curtains with pillows with maybe some blue accents.

Am I crazy with a baby and a dog that sleeps with us to do white??? What do you think???

These are all along the idea of what I want to do in the next few months. I'm about to make some changes to our family room and then maybe towards the end of the year I'll start on our bedroom. In the meantime - I'm shopping for ideas so I can't wait to see what you all have done in your master bedrooms!
P.S. Can you believe Michael Jackson died??? I know he defined the word CRAZY but there is no way if you are anywhere near my age that you can't tell me you didn't love the Thriller album or remember seeing that video for the first time? I was in 5th grade and MTV had just started and we got to watch the video in class (I have no idea why?) I was probably wearing friendship bead bracelets and playing atari at home after bringing home my pacman lunchbox and listening to "Beat It", "Billie Jean" and "PYT".
P.P.S. When I get the energy and most importantly the time - I'll go back and make links that go to each Friday's post for quick looks!!!
Show us Where You Live Friday ParticipantsPowered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
I love these...thanks for posting! I accidentally posted with another one of my Mr. Linky names on #4...you can just delete that one! Sorry about that Kelly!
I was just floored to hear about Michael Jackson!!! I kinda think of it as our "Elvis" dying. It's so sad for his 3 children. :(
Of course you can do white. Ikea has great duvets you can throw in the wash with a little bleach. Voila! They are super comfy. Love it!
I love your bedroom and I love the ideas!
I have always loved white and I use to be afraid of the future but now... white couch, white master bath towels, and I'm going for the big fluffy white comfortor soon as well!
Life is short =) Just pick great easy-going materials!
Your master bedroom is very pretty. I love the wall hanging above the bed! Good luck putting the baby in her own room. :)
I can't believe that Michael and Farrah died on the same day! Crazy!
I vote "NO" to the white. With Dawson and Harper both on your bed daily....you will be sorry!!
Remember I steered you right about the king size bed!
But I do love the white/brown look!
Love, MOM
I love your home tours on Fridays! It's so much fun! I cant believe that Farrah and Michael Jackson both died on the same day! So crazy!
Very cute room.. you need a little color and wall art. I'd show mine, but then you'd laugh at me for giving you advice :))
i have two kiddos, two dogs, and TWO white comforters!! ohhh....and two bottles of bleach...teeheee! ;) seriously, it was THE best investment. now all i do when i want a change is buy new sheets!
Your bedroom is so pretty! I love huge piece of artwork hanging over your bed! I'm like you, searching for new ideas, I like the things that you have picked out!!
I am excited to see what you'll do to your BR. I think it looks pretty as is though.
I am sure you'll get lots of good ideas.
Once again Harper looked like an angel in her pictures.
We'll be coming to B'ville the first weekend in August, maybe I'll get to see you at church too. :)
I love your home! I did send you an email, I hope you got it!
Take care!
i love the ideas.. :) very classy. and i love these posts. and of course harper's ladybug dress, its precious.
I love the ideas you have for your new master bedroom! My husband and I have similar bedding right now and I too am trying to find new bedding that goes with our room. Although I can't post pictures of our master bedroom because I'm currently out of town, I wanted to mention something about one of your previous posts. My little girl has the same pink ty monkey that Harper has in the post from Monday, June 22. It is her lovey. I was thrilled when I saw Harper had one too.
Hi Kelly,
Could you possibly delete #36...It had my info filled in and I hit Enter. Then realized it was the link to the bathroom week. I entered #39 for the master bedrooms.
pretty bedroom - can't wait to see what you come with change wise!
I love white bedding! We have it and it's actually not too hard to keep clean. You can buy white duvet covers that you can throw in the wash. Check out overstock.com
Oh, also an idea for when you re-do your bedroom: You might try hanging the curtains higher above the window. I think it would accentuate the height of the ceiling and also make the windows look bigger.
And, I wanted to tell you you're hair came out extra good this time!
You should go with something white and washable. Then you can use bleach if you get a stain. Trust me you will. When my kids were little and had a tummy ache, they always seemed to get sick on my bedding!
Is the piece that you have over your bed the same thing that I have in my breakfast room? Mine was lighter when I bought it, but I just refinished it. If not, they are pretty darn close!
I am torn on the white. I just had to throw away my white comforter because of a stain from my dog. But...I just put on another white quilt, so obviously I didn't learn my lesson.
Beautiful as always! About the white, not crazy at all. I did it for about 4 years. We bought an oversized king size quilt and we still, to this day, put it on top of all the bedding at night so the pug can sleep on the bed with us. Fold it up in the morning and the bed is free from dog hair. I usually wash it once a week, but I do shake it out at least every other day.
Harper's top picture what a doll! and I wouldn't change your room one bit! I like color and the colors you have look great. Love the giant wall piece and the curtains
I am so sad too. I was so conflicted at first, but now it's just killing me. He was so much a part of my childhood. I can't believe he's gone!
Oh, and we have a white duvet and it's surprisingly easy to take care of, even with a two-year-old and three cats!!
Love your room, especially your furniture. You will continue to love the king bed!! As to the future, when I had my first apartment, I purchased an all-white bedding set and it wasn't long before I really regretted it. In the future, I may use white for a guest room, but not for my every day room. Have fun redecorating!
i love the colors in your room!
Your bedroom looks great! And, you can do anything you want in your bedroom the dog will just have to learn to stay clean and stop shedding right!?
sounds like I'm the minority but I have 3 kids (2 of them boys...and I really think that makes a difference) and a dog and there is no way I would do a white comforter. It would always be dirty. puke, spit up, blood, dirt, whatever it is, it would be on my comforter. Sounds like from the previous posters that it can work though...so go for it if its your vision. I think its a beautiful look!
I love all of the space you have in your bedroom!!
Michael Jackson's death is a shocker. Definately have memories when it comes to the Thriller album!!!
Mrs. Nurse Boy
you're not crazy. i have 4 kids (but no dog sleeps with us) and i love my white duvet. i love it! it's washable.
oh and brynne is in my lap and saw harper's picture and lunged for her!
Although we have a khaki quilted coverlet, our down comforter and sheets are white. Did I mention our HUGE dog sleeps in the bed with us? I might wash them more often, but I should probably do that anyway. I love the white; you won't regret it!
White works in our house, and we have two girls under two... 21 months and nine months!
Y'all are so fortunate to have SO many SAHM's in your area. Sure makes staying home less lonely.
I recently changed our bedding on our King bed. It makes things seem altogether different.
I don't know if you have a "video monitor" but this has saved us and was the BEST for the first night our little one slept away, far away, in his big boy crib!! It was bittersweet, but oooohhhhh so worth it because he never slept better and WE NEVER SLEPT BETTER! You can turn off the volume and watch, blast the volune if you want, or just listen and turn off the video!
Good luck!
I think all the possible bedroom ideas are super cute!
And I must say, I have four bichons, so I'm especially partial to that ADORABLE picture of Dawson. ;)
I love big fluffy white comforters! You can always do quick changes by adding different kinds of pillows. Enjoy your Friday!
I would go white!! You seem very clean and tidy, so it should not be a problem at all.
Sad MJ is gone! He was a rock star and had an amazing voice, just wish he would have stayed kind of "normal".
you can totally do white bedding with a baby! we don't have dogs, so i can't speak to that, but we do have three children under the age of 4. our bedding is navy blue, so any spit-up we may have gotten on it REALLY shows up! what's worked for us is to keep a quilt at the foot of the bed and just unfold it a bit to lay the babies on. that way if it gets spit up on accidentally, all we have to do is throw the quilt in the wash. or keep some waterproof pads stashed in a drawer and keep one under your baby.
Kelly, I have a white quilt on my bed. I just had it cleaned and your not going to believe this! My daughter, 5 months, pooped and some came out of her diaper and on the quilt!!!!! I seriously thought she was out of that stage. And she only goes like every 5 days, so, seriously. Back to the cleaner. Yeah, I would wait. I put a navy one on for now. Ha.
your bedroom still looks great. i can't believe how much baby stuff we had in our room when adelaide was a newborn. it gets less crowded in there, i promise!
Your bedroom is very pretty. I like your new ideas, too. I'm getting ready to redo our bedroom. Maybe I'll be ready to share on the next time around for bedrooms.
Michael Jackson was one of my favorite performers. Such talent! He certainly had some strange issues, didn't he? He was an example of success and tragedy.
I'll turn 50 on Aug. 1. It seems MUCH younger than it used to be. Scary to hear of someone my age passing like that so suddenly....or any way, for that matter.
If you have a chance, let me know what city your friend Isabel is moving to in NC and maybe I could look her up or offer some help. My email address is EmptyNestTales@gmail.com
You read my daughter's blog:Adventures of a Southern Newlywed. She lives in NC too.
Harper is getting so big. I enjoy your Mom and Dad's blogs too, Kelly. Love & blessings from NC!
Love the color scheme you are thinking of using for your master bedroom. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Thanks for hosting!
love the house tours kelly!! i think your ideas for a new master are beautiful. it will be relxaing and calm! and go for the white- you can wash it!!
Yes, I think you are crazy for wanting white with a baby and a dog. I love white bedding as well, but it gets so dirty so quickly.
Your inspiration pics are beautiful though.
Harper is such a doll!
This is really fun, I hate I caught on so late! It is a really cute idea!
I was just about to say I LOVE the white bedding idea, but then I saw your mom doesn't agree. I don't want to get you in trouble!
I would think it would be easier to clean, because you can bleach it...but you didn't hear it from me!
And I'll come decorate for you anytime!
I love 'Show Us Where You Live Fridays'! It's so much fun to get a peak into others' homes.
And, I'm so jealous...how in the world do you keep your room so clean? I wish mine was half as clean as yours.
I have a down comforter in a white duvet cover, a husband who likes to snack in bed, and a dog who always sleeps with us.
My advice: get an all white duvet cover so that you can bleach it back to a bright white if necessary. If you get a white duvet with colored trim or accents, you won't have the option.
Your mom was right about the king size bed so you might want to listen to her about the white bedding too. I love that look though--not even sure I can pull it off with no pets and no kids in diapers!
Love Harper's cute dress!!
I have a white quilt/coverlet from Marshalls and a big fluffy duvet on top. But I've see the same covetlet in brown and red- might work for your room re-do.
So sorry, It linked my baby room post on the first one. Sorry about that.
Thanks for all you do for all of us in the blog world!
They have very cute black out curtains at Bed, Bath and Beyond...they actually look like curtains instead of an ugly plain panel. thought I'd pass that on! here's some...
I love the look of the white but it's prolly not a good idea to go w/ it. Our comforter has just a little bit of white in it and you can tell our dog gets on our bed when we're not home. lol
Great blog... Luxury bedroom furniture are online now.
You can do white as long as it's washable!! I love your ideas for what to do w/ your master bedroom. Make sure to show us when you get it done!
Is harper still sleeping in the bassinet topper of the pack n play?? Now that she's rolling I've heard that they should not be sleeping in that. They could end up getting out / getting hurt. I know you're right there, and I know it's not my business to meddle in this stuff, but I just thought I'd share. I guess I'd assumed that even though she's still sleeping in your room that she was in the bottom of the pack n play...
Have a wonderful weekend--supposed to be a good one!
I love Harper's dress - too cute!
I highly recommend white for the bedroom, as long as it is machine washable! It's the easiest thing to clean (and you can always get it white again). We have a matelasse over a down duvet (all white), and I couldn't imagine not using white!
Your room is gorgeous! I think you can definitely do white. I love white especially in the summer! It sounds like you had a great day at the plyagroup! Harper looked gorgeous as always with her little bow!
Harper is too cute! And don't you feel so blessed to be at home and able to do play dates. They are some of my favorite times!
YOur bedroom is huge and gorgeous. But I know how you feel about wanting a little change.
I have black out fabric in all of our bedrooms. I used the pre-made black out panels from Walmart in my daughter's room. But I prefer buying the black out fabric by the yard from Hobby Lobby(can use a coupon). I've just pinned to the curtains until I have time to sew it on to them. It works great!
Beautiful room!! I, too, would have to caution you against all white- soooo hard to keep looking good. I compromise with a white cover that I can lay flat, easily take off, fold up and layer, and toss in the laundry. Works much better for us!! (It's in this week's tour post.) Good luck!!
I have two cats, Katie and a big white bed. I love white! It's even easier than colors because you can bleach it. I vote for a white bed. :)
I love the white!!!!
And how cute is Harper's ladybug dress?! Just adorable!
Hey Kelly,
Black out panels for the nursery are a God send! Our baby's room is also on the side of the house with all the afternoon sun and where the sun sets. The panels keep it fairly dark in her rooom and cool! It would be a sauna in there without them! Also, they keep her room dark in the morning, so more sleep in time for the rest of us! ;) If you can't tell, I highly recommend them! Also, go with the white.....bleach may be your best friend, but that's no biggie!
I wouldn't go for the white with a dog and baby. I picked out light blue for my room and it shows to much dirt from just my dogs feet.
It is sad about both Farrah & Michael yesterday. Not to mention Ed earlier this week.
Once again, many thanks for hosting! Each week is so fun, inspirational, and you always meet new people! Love it and your mama was right... a king is oh so worth it!
I LOVE the first picture of your "dream" room! This is exactly what I want in my bedroom too, but I have 3 children and am worried about having white bedding!
For now I have a comforter set from Target that is blue/brown/gold and the whole set only cost me $55! LOVE IT!
I think the white/brown/ and blue accent color idea would be fabulous in your bedroom! and I have to say that we have the same pack-n-play as you!!! My baby boy slept in it the first few weeks beside my bed, but next time around (I am pregnant with #2), I think we'll get a bassinet..which is must smaller and less bulkier than the p&p!!! And I think it is so cool that you met Big Mama...I laugh everytime I read her posts!!! Have a good day!
Love your post! Harper...oh my! The dress is too much- what a doll baby! Ok, opinion on the comforter-I just re-did our bedroom because I had a white comforter and COULD NOT keep it clean! I would recommend anything but white! Even when I had it cleaned it was never as crisp white as the day I purchased it. Hope that helps!
Go for the white, but get a duvet cover so that you can remove it and bleach it. You can always replace just the duvet cover down the road if it gets dingy.
I know what you mean about Michael Jackson...he was crazy...but as a 35 year old, I made up a dance to Beat It with my friends and even did a puppet show to Thriller (on video no less!). Of course, my mom wasn't real thrilled one day when she heard me reading the words from the album cover to Billie Jean and singing along. The album cover seemed to disappear that day :-).
#1 - That is one of the cutest pictures of Harper EVER! I love it!!
#2 - We have the same bedroom furniture. Did you get yours at Ashley? I was so excited when I saw it because I think your house and decor is fabulous and I love that our furniture is the same, haha. If you re-do your bedroom comforter, please give us another look. I'd love to see what you do in there!
#3 - HOpe moving Harper to sleeping in her room goes well. I know that's a tough transition for a momma! (o:
I would love to buy a pack 'n play for my sister (who's expecting her first baby... a boy!). Can you tell me if you love yours and what kind it is? It looks pretty neutral and that's what she wants. Thanks Kelly!
I have the EXACT same piece over your bed in my house...except it's in my dining room instead :) I am ALSO wanting to do the dark brown and light blue combination...I've been looking for a comforter for MONTHS now!!!
A white comforter may be a little crazy, but not Michael Jackson crazy. :)
You could try it once and see how it goes?...
Kelly, my bedroom post is OLD, but I added it anyway. Thanks for letting us do this, it's fun! You have such a big master bedroom. I'd take advantage of all that space & make it a real retreat when you start your redo.
SO sad about Michael! He's only 2 years younger than me, so I remember everything about the Jackson 5 and all their music as well as Michael's solo career. I got to see the Jackson 5 Victory tour at Atlanta stadium back in the day. So fun! Such a huge musical impact & what a shame he died so young.
I have the white duvet cover, pleated dust, shams, sheets, etc. from Pottery Barn...I LOVE how they look on the bed...but with three cats and two dogs, I'm not in love with all the bleaching and washing that duvet needs.
I'm expert at putting the duvet back on the comforter now, but in the beginning, we had our moments. And the first time I put it on, I starched and ironed that thing within an inch of it's life - it looked just like the picture!
Now, I'm washing that thing every week or so. I stick it back on damp, wrinkled, whatever. The duvet has won.
Just be careful about color w/ the white. I had a white duvet w/ maroon monogramming. When it got dirty I couldn't throw it in w/ bleach so it ended up looking kind of gross. I love the white though. It's so clean & serene.
I love your friend Isabel's dress. Could you ask her where she got it?
Yes, you are crazy. I did a white comforter and sorely regretted it. :)
Oh, Kelly...I always enjoy taking a looky lou at your home. You have such wonderful taste! The tours are fantastic!
It's always fun to switch things up! I'm ALWAYS wanting new looks. I adore your inspiration photos (#1..yum)! I love my white bedding. I have a white comforter cover, so I can take it off and wash all the time. We have 3 young children and 3 pets, but I don't worry about any stains...they come right up! BUT...I'm sooo not going to go against what your own momma says! :) Ha!
...and as always, Harper's a doll!
I love your blog. Thank you for hosting such a fun way to end the week - Blessings to you and your sweet family.
Love that piece above your bed!!! I think your ideas for white and brown are totally fine!!!!
You're not crazy... that room is just DARLING. Love the white!
if you are going to do white, which i totally love, do ALL white so that you can bleach it! if you do a comforter wtih the "hotel" look, you run the risk of not being able to bleach out all of the stains (which there will certainly be plenty of!).
My master is a work in progess so I will have to check out everyone else's for some ideas.
not sure where to put this prayer request but thought here. I'm in canada and there is this lady that goes to our chruch and our small group has been praying for her for quite some time. We also gave her a shower. She is a single mom and had a baby 8 weeks ago. The mom has postpartum depression . So bad that the baby has been at different places each week for the last couple of weeks. Recently a couple from our chruch who has been done having kids for 5 years took on the responsiblity of taking care of this baby for what could be 6 months. The mom does have visits but supervised. For protection I guess . Father is no involved as far as I know from day one. I've been brainstorming as to what I can do like borrowing my baby stuff I need some yet as my baby is the same age as Harper. Orgazing outting a basket of stuff together from our small group. Like diapers and formula. Just asking for prayers for this Baby ella. We live in canada so hard to help out. Pray for the mom too and the couple taking care of her.
Great ideas for you room. I am sure it will look nice whatever you decide on. Thanks for hosting this event and for sharing you home with us. Have a nice weekend.
I love blue and chocolate brown!! My bedroom is decorated this way!! It's warm and cozy. I have brown microsuede curtains and they are fabulous!!
Thanks for hosting! And I can't believe you would want to do your bedroom in brown! Never would have guessed!
I have the exact bedding in the 2nd picture - the ivory duvet cover with the caramel colored stripe around the edge and 2 matching shams. i fell in LOVE with it, and it matched our master bedroom perfectly. The only problem, my husband HATES the duvet. So, now it's folded up and stored. It's king size, and I'll be more than happy to send it your way if you want it...no charge...just space in our storage closet upstairs. My email is stargirl12264@yahoo.com and my blog address is committto60.blogspot.com or on facebook, i'm rachel williams hester. let me know if you want it. i'm serious.
I really like that wall hanging above your bed!!!
Cute rooms & cute Harper! You had the ? were you crazy for wanting to get a white comforter with a dog & a baby & I have to say yes haha. I have a white comforter that has hot pink, khaki, & brown polka dots & I have 2 small indoor dogs who require me to wash the comforter quite frequently. I don't know how much Dawson chews on rawhides and such, but they always manage to make a nasty spot on the bed. I esp hate it when my dog is too dumb to get out of the bed when she feels the need to throw up! I wish someone would've warned me before I did it because (they're white-the dogs) so even though their dog fur doesn't show up like it would on dark colors, everything else shows up and my comforter isn't even solid white! Who knows maybe I'm just too OCD about the tiniest of spots on my bed haha! Have a great weekend!
The middle comforter set with the beige stripe on white, is the exact same one we have in our bedroom and we love it! I bought a down comforter to put inside of the duvet and then just have a lightweight blanket underneath it. Now, I will tell you we have two pups and they get on the bed quite a bit, but they are outside a lot so we put a blanket under them when they are on the bed, and the duvet is super easy to wash! Good luck and we'll be ready to see what you do with the bedroom!
Hey, Kelly! Looks like you guys had a great time at play group!! Thanks again for hosting. Love your sleigh bed! And I say if you want the white bedding, go for it! Must be easy to wash, right?
I love the pics you found with the white comforters! I have 2 big black cats that shed like crazy and a white comforter. Luckily, it has a brown damask print all over it, so it disguises some of the cat hair! I use a lint roller on it at least once a week, so it isn't too bad!
I justed wanted to say thank you for doing this. I love looking at where other people live. Mostly because I am a nosy person but also because I just moved and in need of ideas of how to decorate, so this has been wonderful. Although my husband my not agree.
Came to your blog through Jenny's (Sophie's Hope). Just wanted to let you know that a white comforter isn't all that bad. We've had one for about four years and we have a five year old son and four year old daughter (with another on the way). Yes, it gets dirty...but at least I can bleach it. It makes the room so airy and fresh! Love your blog!
I love that dress that Harper is wearing. Ladybugs are my favorite!! :) And we almost have the same bed!! Mine is a queen though.
Hello from NC, I love your blog. I have been wanting to write for a while so I will get to sending you another message soon. I have a big white fluffy comforter with a dark brown coverlet and I have painted my walls a light blue, I love it! I use light blue throw pillows and if I want a little more clor I use green or orange. Hope you and your family have a great weekend!
Just wanted to let you know I love your blog and your daughter is so adorable! I gave you an award today and although I realize with a baby and a much larger blog that you may never get to it but I just wanted you to know you are appreciated and recognized. Stop on by!
I love the inspiration pictures you have for re-decorating. I think it will be beautiful! I also love the piece you already have hanging above your bed.
Kelly, as the "mom" of bed sleeper I don't advise anything light colored at all. I tried it for a while and I was constantly washing my comforter and bedspread. I even tried a dark blanket across the foot of the bed thinking I would pull it up over the light colored spread to let her sleep...NOPE, the light bedspread always managed to get dingy. She is an inside dog like Dawson, so she's not dirty (muddy, leaves, etc)but she has dirty little feet from outside trips. Especially when it was raining outside and I had to let her out, it never fails she wants to jump on the bed with wet feet. I did find that a print helped. I got a paisley print from Pottery Barn. I got a duvet cover for my comforter and it gives it the same effect that your looking for.
Thanks for blogging about all that you do. So many days you inspire me and so many times I have forwarded your blog to friends who need to be encouraged. You are a blessing to so many. Keep allowing God to use you in mighty ways.
Lovin all the home tours.
I need some help!
I just signed as a tastefully simple consult and need 3 more people to host catalog shows for me;)
Please, please, please!
You get so much free and it is wondeful products to cook with
I think the picture of Harper at the top of Friday's blog page is the absolute cutest pix ever.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Joyce Petty
Beecher City, Il. 62414
P.S. We will be in Little Rock, Ar. from July 11 - 18 with World Changers..... So look out Arkansas.
I can so vouch for Country Curtains black out panels, we have them in our master bedroom. They block out 100% and our room is much cooler.
I bought the ones at Target first and didn't like them, they were 2 small ones (in width)
I enjoy reading your blog every day!
Blessings to you!! :)
What a lovely classic bedroom suite! You'll be able to change the look many times over the years if you desire!
It was very sad about Michael Jackson. I'm a little older than you, and although I was never really into his music, I feel very sad for his family-especially his kids. When a famous person dies at a relatively younger age, it's a good mortality check for people to get their life right with God.
I love how your blog reaches out to so many, and you share your faith in such a natural way.
Okay I am very new at this...I've been lurking for a while now and love all the rooms and beautiful pictures of Harper. So today I finally linked and posted. Thanks for the inspiration!
We have a white quilt on our bed and we are so very careful. I say go for it!
I don't know how you read all these comments! I couldn't get through them all so I apologize if this was already mentioned. You can get black out curtains at Walmart, Target, or Bed Bath and Beyond. I work night shift and have a brown set from Walmart that work wonderfully!
Hi Kelly,
I love Harper's ladybug dress. I almost bought it for her last week. Not having any girls, I am getting a kick out of looking at all the girlie things of Harper's.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
I love Harper's ladybug dress. The idea of a white comforter is great, however you might want to wait until Harper is in college! I will keep my fingers crossed for you on moving her to her room. I slept in the room with my 19 month old nephew and I could not believe how much noise he makes at night. You will sleep so much better!
Ditto on the white/bleach thing. Once my kids started cuddling with me on the bed, it became a neccessity to have a comforter I could bleach. My bedspread is weekly covered in all manner or spit-up, shoe marks, and food crumbs, and I just bleach it and it looks new again!
Go ahead and go for the white! I have a white bed, and it has made it through three kids just fine! Two tips, though:
1. Buy in 100% cotton. It gets softer with every wash, is durable, and is easy to soak in Oxy to get out every "oops"
2. Buy a Duvet!!!! Then when she spits up, or the Dog makes a mess, you can pull it off and throw it in the washer (with Oxy), and you won't have drag the whole comforter to the drycleaner.
Good luck moving Harper to her room. I just recently started with my baby and she close to Harper's age. It is going okay. I hear ya on the light though. We have blinds and a pull-down shade in her room and I have black-out curtains (I made) in our room.
Oooh, I love what you're hoping to do with the room. Looks awesome!
From one mom to another - don't go white!! don't go white!!
We put the outside sunscreens on our kids' bedrooms - they don't face the street, so we could do it without it really showing. They work wonders. Make the rooms SO much cooler and darker, and they really aren't expensive.
My first time to stop by--love the show us where you live Friday!
Hi. I love your bedroom and your kitchen! I just uploaded pictures of our Master Bedroom. I tried to add a link for you blog but was unable to do so. Thanks.
One of these master bedroom post had three oval shaped frames over the bed with initial monograms in each frame. The gal said she did them herself using scrapbook paper and vinyl. Now I can't find the post- -- can you help or anyone else to share the link???? THanks
We have a white duvet cover, 3 kids (ages 4,3, 15mo who are on the bed at times) and a cat. Love having white!! The duvet is machine washable, so that makes life that much easier. :)
Enjoy your new look in your bedroom...
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