I get asked this question at least 25 times a day from all of you.......
"When are you going back to work or are you going to stay home?"
And I couldn't answer that for you.
Until today.
I went and met with my boss this afternoon and let him know that I had decided to take a better job. (and I had an awesome job to start with)!
The pay is a WHOLE, WHOLE lot less.
There will be no raises or bonuses.
No company car.
No annual reviews.
The hours are a LOT longer.
I have to work nights and weekends.
I don't get vacation time or sick days.
I can't call in for "mental health" days.
I have to work all major (and minor) holidays.
But my new boss? He is SUPER CUTE!
And the person reporting to me - PRECIOUS!
Meet my new co-worker.

The little person reporting to me and I plan to have lots of "working lunches", "performance reviews", "coachings" and "team building exercises". I can't fire her so we are in this for the long haul.

As of tomorrow morning, after I clean my office out and turn in my keys, company car, and credit card - I will be starting the job I have dreamed of since I was a girl.
I will be a Stay at Home Mom.
I've never been happier in my entire life.
"When are you going back to work or are you going to stay home?"
And I couldn't answer that for you.
Until today.
I went and met with my boss this afternoon and let him know that I had decided to take a better job. (and I had an awesome job to start with)!
The pay is a WHOLE, WHOLE lot less.
There will be no raises or bonuses.
No company car.
No annual reviews.
The hours are a LOT longer.
I have to work nights and weekends.
I don't get vacation time or sick days.
I can't call in for "mental health" days.
I have to work all major (and minor) holidays.
But my new boss? He is SUPER CUTE!
And the person reporting to me - PRECIOUS!
Meet my new co-worker.

The little person reporting to me and I plan to have lots of "working lunches", "performance reviews", "coachings" and "team building exercises". I can't fire her so we are in this for the long haul.

As of tomorrow morning, after I clean my office out and turn in my keys, company car, and credit card - I will be starting the job I have dreamed of since I was a girl.
I will be a Stay at Home Mom.
I've never been happier in my entire life.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 668 Newer› Newest»It's the best job in the world. :) It's exhausting and sometimes frustrating, always a learning experience and the job where you will get the most joy! :) Good luck and YEAH! :)
Yay! Congratulations on the promotion. You are going to LOVE it!! :)
YAY!!! I'm so super thrilled to pieces for you!! That is something that I've wanted to do, as well since I was a little girl and I pray that God has that plan for me!! Oh, how I pray!! However, I should probably stay focused on praying for a Godly man, right?! :)
Anyways, that was one of the absolute cutest posts you've ever written and if that first pic of Harper isn't the sweetest, I don't know what is!!! :) Love it!
Congratulations to you and know that I'm extremely beaming inside and out right now...just because I know that is the PERFECT job for you and God knows that, as well!!
So, when can you have visitors?! Just let me know and I'm so booking plane tickets!!
♥Love you♥
Oh Kelly that is so awesome! Congrats!!! I was hoping you would be able to stay at home with her! I wish I could do that!
BTW I think my mom has emailed you a few times and signs it as "Sarah's Mom". We are both crazy about Harper and love all the pictures and updates!
ha ha! i'm the first to post a comment. i havent even read yet. lol harper is so cute. just 2 weeks younger than my baby girl;)
You're very lucky that you are able to do this... I know this will be your best job ever, and you won't regret this decision for a minute!! Enjoy!!! :)
Congratulations!! I bet you are so excited! It'll be the best job ever!!!!
Congratulations!!! It's the best job in the world. And who wouldn't want to work with such a cutie?
Oh, there will be days when you want to walk out! (At least I hope I'm not alone in that.) But, after some sleep, prayer and a teensy bit of alone time you will always remember that you do have the best job in the world!! :) Congratulations on being able to have the most amazing privilege! I'm happy for you!
Your co-worker is adorable. :)
I am so happy for you! You will never regret this decision!
Yeay for you!!!! sooo happy for you.
Congratulations! How much fun!
not the first:( people posted while I was writing. Thats what I get for typing with one hand and holding my baby with the other. At least I wasn't the 100th
So happy for you, Scott and especially Harper! God is so good and I pray his blessings on you as you start your new "career!"
Congrats Kelly!! That is SOOO wonderful that you are able to stay home with Harper!!
I hope to be joining you soon... we just need to get our referral call first! :-)
Congratulations on your decision:) It was the best decision I have ever made! For us there were sacrifices that had to be made, but they are well worth it. My youngest is to start school in 2010. Now I have another decision to make!! Enjoy your time with that precious little girl!
Congratualtions, I know you are so happy and at peace!!!
Congratulations! That is great news!! I'll keep praying for you guys as you transition into your new job. I hear it's a lot of work, but I know the Lord will bless you so richly!!
So very exciting. And you will be blessed more than ever each and every day! The best co-worker ever!
Congratulations, Kelly! May God continue to bless you. You have the most important, rewarding, challenging job.
I did the exact same thing when I had our first little miracle, too! ...and haven't gone back to a monetary paying job since (it's been almost 5 years, by the way!). You will be rewarded in more ways than you ever imagine!!! LOVE, LOVE your heart, girl!
Blessings & Here's to your new DREAM job~ Rebecca
Yay! Harper is a lucky gal!
Yay! Good for you:0) I have been a stay at home mom since Sept. 07, after working for 15 years. I love it!
I am so happy for you...being a Stay at Home Mommy is just the absolute best! I love every day!!
Oh praise the Lord. I am so happy for you. This will be the best thing ever for your family. I did that too. Thought I was going to go back, but once I held that baby, there was no going back.
God will provide.
I've been reading your blog since reading prayer requests for Little Miss Harper on Angie Smith's blog but have never commented until now.
My name is Megan, I'm from Kentucky, and am a stay-at-home mom. I have a little guy who's 18 months old and we're anxiously awaiting the arrival of his new brother or sister in May. I just wanted to commend you for your decision to stay home with your sweet girl.
Being with my son is the greatest blessing next to my salvation I have ever known. We've had to learn to do without some luxuries since we live on only one income, but I can't even want to think about the things I'd be "doing without" if I were at work and away from my baby every day.
Soak in every little moment with your little sweetheart! May God richly bless you and your sweet little family!
Much love,
Megan C.
CONGRATS! You have made a wonderful decision. Your coworker is so cute! I look forward to seeing you guys around the neighborhood.
Kelly that is so awesome!!!
That little person reporting to you is ADORABLE!! I am so happy that you are able to have the privilege of staying home with Miss Harper. I know she is going to LOVE having you to report to and your boss is going to love having you there, too!
I am sure that your previous employer will definitely miss you, but you just got an awesome promotion!!
Oh how awsome! Love this adorable post! Trust me, you will get paid in kisses and love! What could be better than that?!
Congratulations Kelly! I started following your blog just before Harper was born and its been such a joy to get to "know" you and watch your family grow- thanks for sharing your faith and family with the world!
Congratulations on your new job! You are going to love every moment of it!
SUPER cute post!!! Congrats to you & Harper both:)
Congratulations Kelly! You are going to love being a SAHM! Enjoy every minute of it.
It is the best job I ever had...the most rewarding too!!
Such a beautiful wonderful thing! Congratulations on the new job!
We've been praying for you on the journey thus far - and will continue!
Miss Harper is a lucky lil' girl in so many ways!
Congratulations on your new "job"! I am very happy for you and for Harper. She is a lucky girl to have her mommy home full time with her. I pray that some day I will be able to make the same decision you have and stay home as a full time mom until then I will continue to nurture and teach my twenty four students! Being a stay at home mom has to be the most rewarding job. Enjoy every moment of it!
Congrats on the promotion ;) You're doing the most important job in the world, and I just know you're going to be the BEST at it!
Oh Kelly...I am so happy for you! You have the most adorable family. I'm sure it feels nice to have made a decision about this...and it's obviously the right one for you.
You have my dream job :)
Congrats!! That's the cutest post ever. I'm so happy for you! Have a great time with Baby Harper and the pup. I'm sure they're over the moon you'll be home with them too!
Yay! I am so happy for you! I was wondering how you were going to leave that perfect little girl and go back to work. You are going to love being a SAHM, it's the best! I do sugguest finding and joining a Mom's Group, it'll help keep you sane on the bad days. Congrats on the new job!
CONGRATS!!! I started the same job about 7.5 months ago & although the monetary pay really stinks, I get all kinds of other perks! Being a SAHM is a wonderful job!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have a feeling you will be doing a fabulous job at this!! ;)
YAY!!! This means you can update us during the day with super adorable pictures!! :)
Such a great post!!! I can't think of a better, more rewarding job EVER!!
Congrats Kelly
Good for you...I'm glad you're able to do it. I was a SAHM until my youngest was 8 and I was forced to go to work due to circumstances...it was not pretty. So I wish you the best in you're new career choice. I think you've made a good one!
yay! I love it! Your post brought tears to my eyes! I did the same thing about 8 years ago and never looked back and have never been happier!
God bless ... PS.I love your blog!
Kathy =)
That is so awesome!!!! :) congrats so much
Congrats!!! I have to admit, I am a tad bit jealous but this is something I am lifting to the Lord and having patience. Praise the Lord that you are able to do this, how wonderful!!!!
I have goose bumps after reading this !!
I have said to many people many times that the best days of my life were when I was home with my 5 little ones. We had no money for extras , but I felt in my heart that I was where I needed to be...home !!
Congrats on making the decision..Enjoy ,because as the poem states on my blog...it goes by way too fast !!!
Congratulations on your new job! It truly is the best and most rewarding job ever! I am so blessed to be able to stay home with my little one. I will continue to sacrifice shopping trips, new vehicles, vacations - anything - just to stay home with Andrew. I love it, Andrew loves it and I'm sure you and Harper will too!!
That is so exciting!!! It is a wonderful, but tiring job. :)
I've had so many people tell my how lucky I am to be able to stay home. Luck has NOTHING to do with it. It's pure sacrifice.
Quitting my job was the hardest thing I have done. It was also the best day of my life. FREEDOM comes in many ways.
It will be the best choice you will ever make.
I am so happy for you. I think you will love your job. She is the cutest little thing ever, I can't imagine having to leave her with someone else every day!
Congratulations! You are so blessed, and I am so happy for you. Harper is wonderful, I couldn't think of a better co-worker! :)
I think you absolutely made the right choice. Being a stay at home mom is so rewarding, you will never regret it. This time with Harper should be treasured, and she needs her mama. Congrats!
I am so glad you have made that decision! It will leave you with little regret. You can always find a new job...but you can NEVER buy those years back.
I have been following little Harper, and praying without ceasing for awhile, since the day after she was born. What an awesome story! It was a pleasure and a privilege to watch you bring so much glory and honor to our Father and His Son. I think he gave you a super tough assignment because he knew you could pass it.... with honors I might add.
Thanks for the praise post the other day. Much needed.
I have two praises... 1) I accidently knocked a cup of scalding water out of my 10 year olds hand... 14% of her body was covered in 2nd burns. She is healed now (happened on 2/2/09) no infections, little if any scarring. 2) We adopted a special needs baby from China in Sept. When we got her, I am pretty sure she didn't have much time left to live. She was a world hunger poster child. 11 pounds at 12 months... couldn't roll over or lift her head. She has been walking since Christmas and is finally gaining weight. She is now 14 lbs 8 ounces... haha! Harper has almost caught up. And, my little one has the exact same polka dot Walmart dress:-)
Anyway, didn't mean to ramble, I just loved your new job description so much, it prompted me to to comment for the 1st time.
Proud to call you my sister in Christ... though I have never met you!:-)
Because you have nothing else to do! Ha!
You will be so happy you have made this decision. I stayed home and mothered our two daughters who are now 32 and 35! I have never regretted one minute of that precious time! Now they are young women with degrees that stay home and mother their 8 (4 each) children. God will bless you for this.
I have followed your blog for a long time. Don't comment much, but know my prayers have always been with you!
Miss Lila in Atlanta
Your new job is the most important job there is, one day you will wonder where the time went when your co-worker is off doing her own thing.
Praise be to God!
YAYS!!! Sooo happy for you!!!
How wonderful! You will never EVER regret this decision! It is so hard but it is so worth it to be there for every moment of your baby's precious life. I'm so happy for you!
Hooray! This is also my dream job in life!
Congratulations, I'm so happy for you! This is my lifelong dream as well, and hope I will be able to do it someday! Such a sweet post :-)
Awww! Kelly, I am so happy for you! I have been on the same job for 19 months now and have never looked back! Of course, who would? You are gonna love it more than you can ever imagine! :) Good luck at the new job!
Getting paid in hugs and kisses is much better. I rejoice with you in this decision.
Congrats on the new "job!" You are going to love it, and your cute co-worker is a very lucky girl :)
I have been reading your blog for a bit... I think we might have been separated at birth:) Anyways.... truly the best job in the world! The only downside is there is not a cleaning crew!!! Keep posting!
AWWWW! Congrats! I LOVE this job too! It's the best! (most days!) =)
Yea, Kelly! Congratulations!! There may be some long, hard hours but I *promise* you, you will not regret it. I honestly think it is a very special decision to choose to stay home and be the one that raises your babies. No one can raise Harper and train her up like her own mommy! :o) Harper is lucky!
I love that look on her face in that last pic...the tongue...hahaha! She's so sweet!
Wow!! That's so awesome!! I'm super excited for you and super jealou!
So, now how much longer before Miss Harper can be out and about?!
I'm so happy for you!!! That's wonderful, and you'll love it!
I'm so thankful to get to stay home with our kiddos. Now, I'd be lying if I said there weren't days when I wish I could go to a nice office somewhere, work with adults, feel like I completed some sort of task, go to lunch with adults, get a paycheck, take off early on Friday, etc. BUT none of that compares to the joy of seeing the kids grow and spending precious time with them instead of letting someone else care for them. I know you'll be so happy, and Harper and Scott will be so happy too! The days and months go by so fast. Cherish every moment with her! Congratulations!
Congrats on your new job. It can be tough, but it is a blessing. I hope that you truly enjoy it.
Love and prayers!
YAY!!!! I literally just screamed when I read this. I've been praying for this for you Kelly, and I am so thrilled that you get to do it! YAYYY!!! You are right, the pay is a lot less, but man, the rewards, they are AMAZING.
YOU GO GIRL. It is the VERY best thing that you are EVER going to do!!!!!
Kelly, again today I found your blog positive and I too am a stay at home mom to my 3 kids and 2 cocker spaniels. My husband grew up with a stay at home mother and always wanted that for his own kids. Thanks to him I can fulfill my dream as well. Keep enjoying your journey of motherhood.
Congratulations! You will not regret it, even a little bit! Things, for us, are a little tight, but I would rather be frugal and thrifty than have to leave my little ones every morning! It is such a blessing to see and hear everything they do first hand. Unlike you, I never thought I would be a stay at home mom, but now I cannot imagine doing anything else!
I'm so happy that you can be a stay at home mom! Good for you! BTW...Love the cute outfit!!!
Beautifully written! I have tears in my eyes! So happy for you!
Kelly, I am so excited about your promotion. I hope to receive my promotion in about 6 weeks. I will definitely need some pointers. So excited for your announcement.
You are so so lucky to be able to stay home with sweet Harper! I am still in college, but I dream of staying home with my children one day! Enjoy every minute of it!
Truly the best job in the world... I use to get so hung up at interviews because people would ask me where I saw myself in 10 years and all I wanted to do is be a stay at home mom... there are REALLY hard moments (I had a colicky cute outfitted newborn this time last year)... but SO worth it!
Congratulations! I made that same decision 7 years ago and I have never regretted it or thought twice about for even a second. Harper is a lucky girl
Being a Stay at Home Mom is amazing! I could never accept the idea of someone else watching my baby grow up! Luckily my boss is pretty cute as well and as for my coworkers they fall right where Harper is! As you can guess I stay at home too!!
I'm so glad for you, it's amazing!
Love you all!!!
Congratulations!!! What a rewarding job!!!
Yeah! Congratulations on your new job! I found your decision and post so uplifting, as a SAHM myself, so thank you. Anyway, you have another great job of uplifting the bloggy world too, so thank you for that! God bless you! Ann
I've been reading your blog for a few months now and really enjoy it! Harper is a doll and I am so thankful to the Lord that she is healthy!
I think you are making a great decision to be a SAHM. It's the best job in the whole entire world. Have a blast!
Congratulations! No better job!
YAY! For all of you-you will never regret it, they grow up SO FAST! Let me know when you have your first "going to the spa" seminar...I'm THERE!
yay! so happy for you kelly!
this is a decision you will never regret!
this 'job' will bring you the most joy!
i don't understand ppl who look at me like i'm crazy when i say i stay home with my boys. they tell me they could never do that b/c the kids would drive them nuts.
this is the one thing i've dreamed about my entire life...being a wife & stay-at-home mom!
enjoy this amazing journey...
and harper is the cutest thing around :o)
I made that decision almost 3 years ago & I have never regretted it for a minute! Congratulations! You are blessed to be able to do it.
It is the best job in the world!!! I have been a stay at home mommy for 5 years now, and wouldn't have changed it for anything. It is such a blessing I am so glad you have decided to stay home with Harper. They grow too fast!
Wonderful decision Kelly. God will bless you more than you can imagine....you will able to see all of Harper's "first". What a privelege. I never have regretted being a SAHM. We have three children, two grown, and our baby (11) years old. Harper is one blessed baby......(not to mention, she is soooooooo CUTE!) Best to you!
Congratulations Kelly! Being a stay at home Mom is wonderful! I just started part-time substitute teaching in January after being home with my girls for 8 years. I wouldn't trade any of those moments for anything. They were absolutely wonderful times.... Enjoy!!
I am so glad you are able to do that! It is also my dream to be a stay at home mom, and I pray every day that the Lord will allow me to do it. So happy for you!
Congratulations on your new title...SAHM! I did the same thing after I had my first. I had planned to go back to work, but I just couldn't leave him when the time came. I've been home for over 6 years now and on baby #3. These are the best years of my life.
Congratulations!!! I've been working in the same field for 11.5 years and wouldn't trade it for the world. Enjoy your new position.
P.S. My official title is CEO of household. ;-)
That is so awesome! I hope I get to say the same someday. . . God bless you!
So happy for you! I did the same thing recently and never felt better! Even on the "worst" day!
So happy for you! You are going to love it!
I know that it can be a hard decision, but it is so worth it.
And super cute post!!!
Congratulations on receiving the best job life has to offer!!
Congratulations! I think I would do the EXACT same thing!
I was praying that you would make that decision to stay at home with Harper! Congratulations. Being a stay at home mom is the best thing in the world. Enjoy your new co-worker she is so cute!!!
I'm so glad that you have chose this! It's the BEST job in the world!
LOVE your blog! Thanks for all the great advice and ideas...
Thanks to you SamMoon has some major business coming their way..you should get an employee discount or something...he he!
Yay for you!! It is the BEST job ever! I have had the honor of having this job for the last 6.5 years and although it is harder than any other job I have had, it is the best job ever! Congrats!
Congratulations Kelly!!!! I was hoping that you were going to get to be a stay at home mom. You have a real blessing there as all of us parents have. It's even a bigger blessing when you get to stay at home. I am so glad to see Sweet Harper doing so well and you look great. Keep up the good work, you are a great mom!!!
Congrats ... not always easy, but always worth it! :)
Congratulations on taking on this fabulous career!!
The hardest part about being a SAHM is finding some "me" time...don't forget to find some for YOU!
Love your blog!
I have to admit..I'm more of a "lurker" according to blog lingo here at your blog...although I did leave a few comments while Harper was in the hospital but prayed ALL the time for y'all...I just know you get like a million comments and I don't want to flood you!! :)
I believe you've made the greatest decision you've ever made. I made that decision almost nine years ago (I was a school teacher) and I've been home ever since...I homeschool too and I just wouldn't give even my worst day at home to NOT be with my children every minute...after all, we only get once chance to do this "motherhood" thing "right", right?! ;)
Many blessings on your journey sweet girl and love on that little bit every minute!!
Tiffani in GA
That's awesome, Kelly. Think of all the free time you'll have. ;)
That first pic of Harper is especially delightful! :)
I have been reading your blog for awhile and you are such an encouragement to me. Congrats on your daughter....kids are the best in the world. I am so jealous that you get to stay home...hopefully someday God will grant me the same privelege.
Congrats on your new job! It's the best in the world even though it may not seem like it at times! The rewards are soooo much greater than any paycheck!
Yay!!!!! Congrats on your choice!!! You will love it. My mom was a stay at home mom and I loved having her there.
Congrats!!! I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations! I am so glad you are blessed with the option to do this. Harper is such a lucky little girl! Enjoy every minute of it!
Yipee!! I'm so excited for you!!!
I haven't been this excited for you since you brought Harper home from the hospital. Being a stay at home mama is the most wonderful job. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have! It is challenging, but so worth it!!! Just think - you are storing up your treasure in heaven by investing in Harper day in and day out! Plus -- your hubby will LOVE it!
I am moving my baby into her first apartment in two weeks. I have stayed home with my girls since the first was born - 22.5 years ago, now - and it is among the best decisions I've ever made. You will never be filled with regret over this decision - you might have a day or 20 that you think longingly back to an expense account or a lunch filled with adult conversation, but those moments will always be trumped by a random "I love you, Mommy" or the realization that you've not missed a single moment of their irreplacable day. Eventually, you'll be moving Miss Harper into HER first apartment and you'll realize that yours has been a life well-lived...and very well-invested.
I couldn't be happier for you if I tried.
Words cannot describe just how happy I am for you. I made that decision exactly one year ago and I have NEVER regretted it one time. I have goosebumps just thinking about the wonderful road you have ahead of you. Your daughter will be so blessed to have her mommy with her teaching her and loving her every single day. Yeah!!! How exciting!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! You will never regret one minute that you spend investing in your daughter's life. I love being a stay at home mom and consider myself truly blessed. I know you will feel the same way.
Congrats! So excited for you. A decision you will not regret for one second!
Congratulations on becoming one of "us"! :) I gave up a fantastic job as well, but have never looked back.
It's definitely a whole new life when you're at home, but it's so much more important.
The only thing I miss about work? The twice annual trips to Miami, San Francisco and Hawaii for conferences! Boo, no more hot spots for me.
Oh, and we have a whole lot less money now, which was a big adjustment when you're used to doing whatever you like and traveling on a whim.
Isn't it crazy that even after missing all of that, I still think it IS a million times better! :)
Maybe the hormones have messed with my mind!
OMG...I started crying reading that post. That is the best job offer with more perks than you'll ever know! Awesome news!
Congratulations! As someone told me this time last year when I quit my job, "You'll never hear someone say when their kids are grown that they wished they had worked more. But you'll hear often people say that they wished they had spent more time with their kids." How true it is!
Welcome to the best career ever!!
I have been doing my dream job (being a stay at home mommy) for the past 6 years, and we just PRAISE THE LORD for a good job for my wonderful husband so that I can do this job.
It can be a hard job...sometimes, VERY hard....but at the end of the day when it is time to tuck the kiddo's in bed and have daddy and mommy time, I am able to renew myself and be ready for the next day.
CONGATS!!!!! It's the BEST job in the WORLD!!!!!
Oh my goodness, congratulations! I am SO SO happy for you! I'm sure it will be an adjustment at first {meaning the finances}, but I will be praying for a smooth transition.
And, I'm guessing that you may be able to pull in extra income other ways. :) Like, as in, publicity & reviews for something. You're big time now, mama. Start working on Kelly's Reviews!
So exciting! Sounds like you have a great new boss and co-worker:)
Congrats! How exciting!!
I love it! That is so precious! :)
Kelly, I am so happy for you! It really is the best job in the world!!
That is Awesome! Congratulations.
woohoo!! congratulations on making the best decision of your entire life! I've been a SAHM for 3 1/2 years and it is amazing :-) I hope you have the same type of experience that I've had!
That's great! Congratulations! I think the hugs and kisses for bonuses will be fabulous!
Lucky you!
Somehow I knew and I am so happy for you. I would not trade my years at home with my children for anything in this world. god bless your time together.
I have been following your blog for a while and just wanted to tell you congrats! I am a teacher and love my job and but would love to be at home with my little girl. Someday! It might tiring but totally worth it.
Kirsten, Atlanta Ga
That is soooo exciting! Congratulations! I can't wait for the day when I can have that conversation with my boss :-)
I am so encouraged reading your post and these comments....a celebration of being a stay at home mom! I have recently joined this little "corporate world" and I LOVE it. It's my dream job. Come over and say hi sometime to my blog :o) Congratulations!
Hooray! I am so happy for you!
I knew it! I'm so happy for you! You will love it!
I knew you were avoiding that question! I am dodging it already too. I am due in 19 days. I was a SAHM for years and both my boys were in elementary school so I went back to work. Then surprise! I am pregnant with a baby girl, due April 7th. I am super excited about going back to SAHMdom. It is the best thing EVER. Although I will miss an actual paycheck.
LOVE IT! You're pay raise is unbeatable... it's PRICELESS.
Let's give him some PRAISE that you have the option to stay home and be with that adorable little BOSS of yours.
Kelly, that is wonderful news and I know it will be the best job ever!
God Bless,
Congratulations on the new job you are going to love every minute of it.
Aww yay!! That was too cute!! And congrats on the wonderful dream job!!
That is awesome Kelly~ Congrats and I want to say that I am proud of you for making the decision to stay home. There are so many sacrifices, but the blessings out way them all! Welcome to the SAHM world!
yay!! congrats!!
That is so exciting! I am so happy that you get to stay home with Harper!! I can't wait until I get to be a stay at home mom!!
That is so exciting! I had a gut feeling you probably would! :) I wish I could, but it is not possible. Congrats to you!
This has been my favorite blog entry to date! I love it! You really had me going at first, I was thinking your new job sounded horrible until I read that Harper was your co-worker! I'm a stay at home mom too, It's the best job in the world!
Congratulations!! You and Harper are very lucky.
Congratulations on the new job :) You will never regret the decision! Just remember to take personal leave every now and then...even if it's only for an hour. You're going to love staying at home, it's the best!
You will be so blessed to be able to stay at home with Harper. That is one decision that you will never regret making. I stayed home with my children until they were in school and then I just worked part-time teaching pre-school. That way we were gone at the same times and off together for summers and holidays. There were days when my girls were little that I would just sit and hold them all day. What fun!!! We had the best times being with other stay-at-home Moms and children, going to the park, etc. Just spending precious time with each other. You will see how quickly Harper will grow up. She will be one before you know it. Savor every minute of it!!! I am so happy for you. Love & blessings from NC!
SO happy to hear that, Kelly!! I know you will never regret this decision. I know it's a totally overused phrase, but they really do grow up SOOOO FAST!! You don't want to miss a thing. Congratulations!! BTW, what was your former occupation? Just curious!
i dont post comments too often but i am so excited for you i had too today. being asham mom is the best job EVER and something that is so dear to my heart. yay!!!! now you need to find a m.o.p.s. group in your area you will love it!!! =) many continued blessings to your family.
congratulations, I read your blog daily and I was heartbroken when I read the news about Harper so much so that I couldnt quit thinking about as I was pregnant, too. I soon after you had Harper I was shopping in our local Target and my water broke at 33 weeks. AS I drove myself and my toddler to the hospital of course I was freaking out but ther was a calm that came over me in the hospital as they told me he was coming almost 2 months early all I thought about was the strength you and Scott had thru the tough time and knew I could do it as well.. I logged on after they told us our little guy would not make it thru the night and read your blog again as I was awake all night talking to god. I wanted to send you a comment and let you know you really are touching people's lifes and god has done a wonderful job letting you work as his servant. God bless you and your family and I am so happy Harper is doing better.
How wonderful for you!! You'll love it so much, Kelly. I am so happy for you!
Yea! Congrats, you'll never regret your decision, being a SAHM is the hardest but most rewarding job EVER!
I am very happy for you, I have worked full time for 30 years and would LOVE to stay home but I don't have kids at home anymore...it would be nice just to be home and take care of my husband and dogs and house! Someday I hope!
Blessings to you!
It's a hard job but the BEST job! What a blessing!!!
Good for you!!! I was a stay at home mom until Logan was in 3rd grade. Now I work 8:00-3:30 Mon-Thurs. My bosses are great about taking time off or when there is something special going on for Logan. These years go by way to fast so what a blessing that you get to stay home :o)
Let me just tell you what you already know and that is that you are blessed, blessed, blessed to be able to stay home. The time goes so fast and you will get to be there for every minute of your sweet baby girls life!
Congrats, and cute outfit she has on!
Congrats to you Kelly! I must say I am a little jealous. We were never financially stable to where I could quit my job and stay home. You are so lucky and I am so completely happy for you and for little Harper. Both my kids are in school now, and I wish I could have been home when they were babies. Good Luck at your "new" job. I know you will have great success!;)
So happy for you! You'll never regret it. Best job in the world!
Congrats Kelly! It is the best job in the world and you won't regret it for one second. I quit my AWESOME job in August to be a stay at home mommy and I have to say that it gets better and better every day. Best decision I ever made :-) Enjoy that precious little peanut of yours :)
So happy for you, Kelly! WHAT A CUTE COWORKER! :)
Congratulations! I hope I get to join you someday! :)
Welcome to the SAHM Company. Here you will enjoy the best moments and sometimes difficult times, but you have a pleasure to be surronded by love.
Enjoy your new position at the company.
Is the best job. I'm a SAHM too and I love it.
YAY! I'm so proud of you and I haven't even met you in real life ;) What a wonderful decision and opportunity. I am a stay at home mom to my 8 month old daughter, Valerie, and have another one due in October. It's THE best job in the world and, although it is very demanding and I rarely get a break from it, the rewards are priceless. Just seeing my Sweet Pea smile and learn something new reminds me it is SO worth it! Hooray for you!
Such a sweet, sweet post, especially in this day and age! Harper will be blessed to have you in this role!
That's the most rewarding job in the world... From another stay at home mom :)
That is the cutest post! She is adorable and so happy you get your dream job!
Such a sweet, sweet post, especially in this day and age! Harper will be blessed to have you in this role!
I am sooo happy for you, Kelly! Enjoy! I'm a stay-at-home mom, too, and very blessed to be one. The pic of Harper with the hat is adorable! She's beautiful.
Congrats, Kelly! Welcome!
Congratulations!! I started the same job almost 7 months ago, and have never regretted it once. There will be days that you miss adult conversation, and days that you create errands just to have an excuse to get out of the house at least once during the day. But the moments that you have with Harper will be so precious. I wouldn't trade the time I spend with my daughter for anything. No amount of money is worth it. I know you'll love your new career! Congrats again!!
Congrats on officially becoming a SAHM!!! You are so right - it is the hardest job but most rewarding EVER! I feel so blessed every day to stay home with my little girl.
I have never commented but read daily. I had to say congratulations. I don't know about you but when my husband and I took the same leap of faith three years ago it did not add up on paper. God has ALWAYS provided. We may not have the newest and best but we have had good food to eat and my kids are happy and dressed...after about 10AM. You won't realize how great your new job is until you start to get to know other moms from just doing grocery shopping when others are at work or story time at the library and when you get to hear the first words and see the first steps there is not a car or house in the world worth the money you are sacrificing. I just want to say if you are worried about how to live on one salary...don't. Give God what is his and he will amaze you with his faithfulness.Congratulations to a new beginning!
I am so happy for you! The monetary pay may be less, but the benefits are so much more! Your precious little sweet pea will be so much happier! I know all moms can't stay at home, but I had to wait 12 years for my sweet peas to arrive thru adoption, and after all the prayers and faith, how could I get these sweet babies and send them to daycare??!! You will be blessed and so will your family! Yeah Kelly!
Stephanie in Utah
It is the best job in the world! Congratulations on your decision! I had tears in my eyes as I read your post!
I suggest MOPS, it is an organization for moms and it is so great! Mops.org will give you the closest location, usually at a church!
Kelly - congrats on a fantastic job!! You will never regret it! I always assumed I would go back to work....8 years have passed and I don't see it happening anytime soon!! Just always remember....the days are long but the years are short!! They go by faster than you will ever think possible! Enjoy them all!!
I have a lump in my throat...
I have been a stay at home Mommy for almost 15 years, it's the most difficult and rewarding job in the world!
Welcome the the club!
Oh, there is no better job in the world! I loved staying home with my boys when they were little. I did work at my ex-husband's business but I could make my own hours and was home most of the time. It broke my heart when I had to return to work full time when my youngest was three. It is so worth staying home with them when you can when they are little and even more important when they are teens if you can be there after school and on their vacations. Unfortunately I was not able to do so and I know that things would have went much better if were able to. Enjoy precious Harper!!!!!
Hi Kelly, it's "the other twin"...You are making the best job choice. I just think you're a little confused about who your boss is going to be...I think Harper is going to be running the show! HA! God bless all of you.
You are a lucky lady!! I am happy for you and glad you made this decision!! Amazing things are to come!
Congrats! It is definetly the hardest job around, but the most rewarding! Hope this new journey brings you and your family so much happiness!
That's awesome! Congrats! =D I bet she's cuter than any co-worker you've ever had. ;0)
That is AWESOME!!! I am so happy for you!!!
I thought this was probably coming any day. And I'm so happy for you!
Being at home is such a blessing! So happy you have chosen to be at home! Harper will reap the rewards and blessings as well.I read the book "home by choice" before my first child was born,truly changed my perspective on being an at home mommy.Highly recommend that book!
I hope you enjoy staying home with your gorgeous girl! I'm sure it will be very rewarding!!!!
Enjoy Laura
Congratulations! That is so awesome! I'm happy for you that it worked out that you can stay home with your precious Harper.
A decision you WILL NOT regret... I'm a stay at home mom too. AWESOME!
Best wishes for your new job! :o)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So happy for you! I cried when I read this post. Being a stay at home mom will be the hardest and greatest, most rewarding job of your life! I've done it for almost 4 years now, and it is worth EVERYTHING!!!
SOOOOOO happy that you are able to stay home, too!
What a sweet way to put it, Kelly. As a SAHM to two little girls, I will love hearing all about your experiences. There will be many a day that you will decide you must have been crazy to not go back cuz you know what -- going to work everyday gives a mom a little break!! But you'll never regret it. In 5 little years, they leave us for school and I know I have the most awesome responsibility in the world to prepare them for what lies ahead. Good luck!
awwww. I'm so happy for you. I couldn't see you going back to work, so I can't say I'm surprised. I would have been shocked had you decided TO go back to work actually.
You will be a WONDERFUL stay @ home Mom!! It is the best - and most important - job you'll ever have :) I know it is for me! Blessings to you all!
I am so happy for you Kelly...and Harper too!
We have never been financially stable enough so that I could stay home. My sister has taken care of my little ones from the time they were eleven weeks old. They are 3 and 1 now.
I would love to be able to stay home with them....sometimes I feel like I am missing so much! But I thank the Lord that He has blessed me with a sister that loves them and cares for them like I do.
You and Harper are going to have so much fun together! Enjoy every day with her...they grow so fast!
Hello Kelly,
I came upon your blog right before you had Harper and have followed your journey up until now. My husband and I have a 7 month old and being a parent is the most precious "job" that anyone could have. I chose to leave my job as a registered nurse to be a stay at home mom but wasn't sure if I was making the right decision. Well, after the first week, I knew I made the right one! You will love it! Congrats on your "new" job! I will send you an invite to my blog so that we can compare stories! Congrats Again!
Bradley from Arkansas
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