Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pretty Woman

I'll do a better update later today but for now - I just HAD to share these pictures!!!!

I know she's mine - but oh my word I love her!!! They have spent all morning trying to get a PICC line in (it's a semi-permanent thing they put in to put all her IV's in so they don't have to constantly stick her.) They tried a ton of places and couldn't get it in (they even had to shave her head in two places to try to put it there). But that's okay - we have so many hats and head bands to cover up those shaved spots. I took a sweet hat in and I knew it would make her feel better. She was so alert - looking around at us.
Her little eyes are pretty blue right now but we know they could turn dark by summer. I really don't care either way but I think she looks just gorgeous either way.

Pray they can get her PICC line in - they will probably try again tomorrow. Other than that - she continues to do really well. They are going to let her rest tomorrow from all tests and procedures (except the PICC).

We are ICED IN big time here at the hospital. It is a mess outside - but we are so glad to be so close to the hospital where it's warm and we can spend time with our little sweetie!!!

P.S. I just wanted to add that our sweet girl is OFF her nitrate Oxide (I don't even know what that means except it's GOOD) and she is down to 26% oxygen!!) She will get to start feeding tomorrow or Thursday! She's a Stamps - she won't have ANY trouble eating!!
Also - ya'll are wearing the nurses out with all the mail and packages we have been getting!!!!! Thank you for all the sweet cards and gifts!!! I'm not going to put them on here today but you have thank yous coming - I promise!!!!!

I love you all for loving Harper so much!


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Heather said...

I will be praying for the PICC line! Oh, she is GORGEOUS! Love the hat!!! God is still working- I praise Him for all He has done with sweet Harper girl!!!

Melissa said...

She is adorable!!!

Amanda Rooney said...

We LOVE getting to see those big beautiful blue eyes! Thank you so much for sharing them with us! And keep thoses pics comin'! It just makes our day. Prayers continue to be lifted up for Harper!

Anonymous said...

Kelly she is gorgeous! Were praying for Baby Harper!


Anonymous said...

Kelly...It's to great to see Harper's eyes!! She's beautiful. I'll be praying for the PICC line and for the other babies in the NICU. Stay warm. :)


Am said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the bow-head!

Because of Love said...

Yay, a big hair bow!!!! Let the girly fun begin!

Kait said...

So glad we are seeing those baby blues :) I will continue to pray for your little girl!

Hugs from Little Rock!

Whitney said...

OMG she is gorgeous!

Jenn said...

She's beautiful!!! And we are all still praying!!! Much love to your family from Tennessee

kate said...

she is happy with her hat on, you right in front of her, and her dad buying a pony!

PICC prayes for sure....

Laura Ann said...

You are right...she is BEAUTIFUL and perfect in every way. That little hat should have her feeling better in no time.

Oh, I know you want to hold her so bad and I am sure she wants to be laying in your arms too. It won't be long from the looks of things.

We are still praying for all of you and I know that our prayers are being answered daily.

I hope you are feeling much better. I can not wait to see Harper in your arms.

Francine said...

oh kelly,
she is beautiful!!! That bow and hat are just simply too cute.. I am so excited and thrilled to hear she is doing so well.. praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!
love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

She is so precious and I love her pretty blue eyes! Praying that all goes well with the PICC line tomorrow. Thanks for all the updates!
Love & Prayers to all!
Jennifer (Locust,NC)

valerie said...

Harper is absolutely beautiful!
Just look at those precious eyes...wide open.
I know you're just beside yourself.
I will continue to pray that they can get the PICC line in easily tomorrow.
I live in Oklahoma and I'm off work today and am so glad I'm home. You're right...it is a nasty out there.
Love & prayers,

Kelli said...

We've been anxiously stalking your blog waiting for an update. Praise God!! We've been praying for Harper every minute she comes to mind. Please stay safe!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

She is so beautiful!!! Love the pink hat and bow. I know you are so thrilled that she has her eyes open and is so alert. Now, to get to hold her. I know you can't wait! Praying that they can get the PICC line in. Stay warm!
Love & blessings in NC!

Katy said...

Oh, now that is SWEET! The hat and the baby are both as precious as can be. I love seeing her eyes open!!! Will pray for the PICC to go in well.

Mandy said...

How wonderful it is to see her eyes opened. What a blessing! Stay warm!

Jen said...

Oh my GOODNESS!!!! There are NO words!! She is precious....huggably, kissably cute!!

Stay warm in the ice and enjoy EVERY second with sweet baby girl!!

Love and prayers from Fayetteville,

Love Being A Nonny said...

So beautiful. Still praying! Did a blog update on her today.

Andolicious said...

She is such a gorgeous baby and I LOVE that bow on her!! I will pray that they can get the PICC line in. I've seen that procedure done a couple of times on adults and I know it must be harder since she's a baby. I'm sure they'll be able to get it :) Hope you stay warm in the hospital. I know that just by looking at her is warming your heart. :)

Lisa said...

It is so wonderful to see little Harper awake. She is beautiful! Praying for success with the PICC line. Stay warm and keep leaning on our Lord.

Lisa Q

This Little Hen said...

She is just beautiful! I am so glad that she is healing and getting to start playing dressup! Still praying faithfully.

Amanda said...

She is just gorgeous!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How pretty!! She looks like she is smiling in the second picture. We are praying for you all.

Danae Jones said...

Aww what a stinkin' cute baby!!! You don't known me Kelly but I've been following your story. I have been so blessed by your heart to honor God. I have been praying for Harper, and rejoicing with you as our prayers are being answered!

Danielle said...

Yes, those eyes! But also those chubby arms and torso. I'm sure that extra meat is part of her success story (as well at the miracle we've all witnessed!). Keep the pictures coming because she (and you) brightens my day!

Lea Ann said...

She is just BEAUTIFUL! God is answering so many prayers and making himself known-without a doubt! Still praying here in TN!

Lea Ann

A Christian Mom said...

She's beautiful! I love her bow & those pretty eyes!! Will be praying that the PICC line goes in easily.

Ter said...

yay for big blue eyes open wide!!

She's beautiful (well she was when she was sleeping too but you can see life in her eyes!)

I love the hat. :)

Unknown said...

She is Beautiful! & love the hat!
Still praying here in Norway for y'all

Colleen said...

Oh Kelly, she is getting more beautiful every time I see her! She also looks more like her mother everyday! I cannot express my joy for you and Scott. What a tiny little miracle you have. I love that sweet little girl too!


Jim and Cara Lea said...

She's a keeper! I love all the "girly-ness" you are giving her! Praying in Georgia..

Anonymous said...

It's not just because she's yours! She IS beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

She is a doll! We continue to pray and thank Him for his love and care.

Anonymous said...

She is just ADORABLE!! How wonderful to be able to see her eyes. We'll pray the PICC line goes in just fine tomorrow. Enjoy her and blessings to you all.

Anonymous said...

Bow-licious! Still praying for Harper in Indiana. Specifically today for the PICC line to find its way. What a glorious feeling and testament to prayer when I see those beautiful blue eyes.

R said...

she's a little "you" if i ever saw one! i burst into tears myself when i saw this post. precious!!

Rach@In His Hands said...

What a little doll! She is just gorgeous!

Ruffles and Rhinestones said...

I just want to eat her up!! She is beauiful!

Momma Truitt said...

We are iced in here as well!! I love it though!! :)

My son had to have the pic line in and they did it in his head. I was so upset because he just looked pitiful, but they say its the less painful place to have it. At least you have an excuse to use all those pretty little hats on her!!

You guys are always in my prayers.

P.S. Has she been alert and awake all day?? She looks so good. And her color is GREAT!!

Ellen said...

I have been praying for Harper and have asked everyone I know to pray for her. I teach Kindergarten at a Christian School and I had asked the children to pray for Harper and Braydon. Now each day during prayer time the children say, "We can't forget to pray for Harper and Braydon." They also told me they are praying for both babies in their homes with their families.
She is a gorgeous baby and I praise the Lord healing her.

Gina said...

She is absolutely beautiful...I am in love too! You and Scott make gorgeous babies.
Thanks so much for posting early...it's such a treat.
Oh, I just want to kiss that sweet little nose!

Your mom must be beside herself with joy over her!

Adventures on the Farm said...

Oh she was beautiful from day one but look at those knock out eyes...We are praying for Miss Harper and so thankful she is getting better day by day.

Karyn said...

My one year old, Henry got so excited and was pointing to Harper's picture. She is already driving the boys crazy!
Praying for a PICC line.

Kylie said...

Oh my word- she's the prettiest little girl ever! (I mean, except for my own daughter!) Look at those beautiful eyes... and that hat! Love it!
Thank you for all of the updates. Praying they will get that line in on their very next try. And that she continues to grow stronger and healthier every moment. I am anxiously awaiting the post with the picture of her in your arms!

CAMoore said...

OMG gorg!!!!!!!! She looks lovely!!!!

Meredith said...

Oh my word is she just gorgeous! My prayers go out to you each day and I am so glad she is doing better.

Darla DiStefano said...

so glad she is doing so well! She is just beautiful! Bless her little heart!

Carol Kennon said...

Harper, sweetie, you are just beautiful! You have got to be one of the most loved little babies in the world. It's amazing how many lives you have made an impact on already. More than most have done in a lifetime. Praying all goes well with the PICC tomorrow. Sending love from Grand PRairie, Texas!

Anonymous said...

sweet, sweet baby!

Brittney said...

What a great day for you and your family! Congratulations on that beautiful baby!

Ashley said...

Oh my word she is darlin'!!! I know love her so much already. Just wait till you can hold her. Your life will change again! Praise God she is doing well!

Anna said...

What a cutie! She looks like she's doing so well -- Praise God! Praying that the PICC line will go in well tomorrow. -- Anna

KLC said...

What a cutie!! That hat is fabulous. One of my students has a PICC line because he has weekly enzyme replacement treatments. HOpe they get it in so sweet little Harper doesn't have to keep being pricked by the IV lines all the time!

Jamie said...

So beautiful!! It really is a blessing to get to see her so awake and healthy-looking.

Tiffani said...

God is sovereign, perfect and on-time!! May He be praised for that precious angel's eyes lookin' up at her mommy and daddy!


Still praying!

annalee said...

those eyes are BEYOND beautiful!

Ms. Salti said...

Woo hoo! I'll send my best friend out to do the PICC line. She's a pro! Good luck with that tomorrow. It's so nice to see her pretty eyes open!!!

becca said...

she is precious. If you get a dark-eyed baby, I will be jealous. You'd think ONE of my babes would have my eyes, but NOPE. Most are green.
What is that gold heart on her tummy? I've seen it in several pictures but have no idea what it is.

Kelly Taylor said...

Look how sweet in that big bow!!! We all knew she could pull it off wearing those big bows and hats. Kelly, she is truly gorgeous! I can't wait to see more updates and pics of those beautiful baby blues with bows on that sweet head! We're all so thankful for God's work in Harper's life.

Anna said...

Oh my goodness she is just the sweetest thing! So gorgeous! You are blessed! Your family continues to be in our prayers. I am so glad Harper is doing so well, and so happy that you get to look into those precious eyes!


Lisa said...

Oh my goodness...She is a cutie and I must say that I think she looks like her Mommy : )

Nothing like carrying her for over 9 months and her coming out looking like you - huh?

I went through years of fertility treatments, shots after shots, IVF and 38 1/2 weeks of pregnancy and he comes out and looks like a twin to his Daddy (lol). Aww, that is ok. I still love him with all my heart and soul.

Enjoy your time with your sweet girl. I love the hat and bow!!

~ Lisa

PreppyGirl said...

What a pretty girl! The hat is adorable. Prayers still coming your way!

Kaitlyn said...

What a BEAUTIFUL little girl. Those eyes are a joy to see :)

Lauren said...

Oh my!!! HOW CUTE IS SHE!!!!!! She's going to be a heart breaker Kelly, I tell you, a heart breaker, watch out boys!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the new pictures! Don't worry about the shaved spots because she will probably wear bald patches on her head when she is moving more. I know that my little girl did and she has dark hair like Harper.
Praying about the PICC line and that they are able to get it in.

Anonymous said...

She is so precious! God is Amazing! Prayers and Best wishes!

Brandy in UT

Becky said...

She looks like she is smiling! I cannot wait to she the first picture of her in your arms!!!

We're iced in too!

Amanda said...

My husband and I sat just where you are right now almost 5 years ago in Little Rock Baptist NICU. We said when we got to bring our chubby NICU baby (9 lbs 7oz and same story as Harper) we were going to have the biggest party ever!! She is now a healthy perfect 4 1/2 year old PRINCESS!! I pray for Harper's continued healing and that her mommy and daddy get to hold her soon!!!

Sasha said...

She is gorgeous! So glad she is doing so well and awake!

The great thing about Oklahoma is that it will probably be 80 in 2 days to melt all the ice!

Us Okies know all about it!

Melissa Orsak said...

Here is hoping they have no problems with the line tomorrow. She is so darn cute.

Rebekah said...

How beautiful! Harper is such a miracle and a blessing! I am praying for her and for you and your family. Praise the Lord for everyone who has been touched and drawn to Him through your precious baby girl already.

Heather said...

She is such a cutie!! Love the hat!! Her little eyes are precious and how happy she must be to see you now!! Can't wait to hera an update later, what a sweet little girl you have!! Your still in my prayers and take care!!

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful!
I think she loves her hat :)

Anonymous said...

She is adorable. Love the hat and praying for the PICC line. God Bless

carla aka cj aka nannie said...

What a wonderful sight to see those beautiful eyes looking at YOU! God Bless you and your little family! Our grandbaby is now 7years old and was born 6 weeks early. She was at St Francis in Tulsa and today she is a girly-tomboy. She loves ruffles, princess dresses and climbing trees. Wal-Mart shopping is her favorite thing. The Lord brought us through a fearful time day by day just as your journey will take you. He Has All The Time In The World to Hear Each Prayer! Hugs from "Boo's Nannie" Her real name is Jalen but she is my Boo baby always

Anonymous said...

absolutely beautiful! so excited about how well she is doing, still lifting you all up in prayer!
~the graves

Leigh Ann said...




She is so gorgeous! I LOOOVE her!

Hailey said...

You are absolutely beautiful!
Still praying in NC.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! :) I love that big pink bow! I will be praying they will be able to put the PICC line in.

Christa- Magnolia, Texas

Stephanie said...

She is just such a little sweet pea! She is just darling, and I love that you had to doll her up!! Just too cute!! Sorry that we sent you the snowstorm we had yesterday and Sunday!! Enjoy getting to be with your little Harper. I bet now that she is awake that it is so hard to not pick her up! It will happen before you know it!

Love and prayers from UTAH

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! :) I love that big pink bow! I will be praying they will be able to put the PICC line in.

Christa- Magnolia, Texas

Gracie Beth said...

She is beautiful! I LOVE her hat!

Faith said...

Bless it!!! Love the hat. She is just the cutest thing!! I'll be praying that they get the PICC line in.

Please keep the updates coming!!

Browns said...

Praise God--her eyes are beautiful!

Lindsey Poulos said...

She is so beautiful! I cannot imagine how it must feel to finally be able to look into her eyes. Thanks for sharing your joy with us.

Melissa said...

She is too beautiful and that hat is adorable! I will pray for the PICC line!

Cori said...

She is so beautiful! She looks so chubby & perfect.

I hope they have success getting her line in; I'm sure that's not easy. *hugs*

Jennifer said...

She is just so adorable with that hat and bow! We all knew she would look perfect in them! I'll be praying they will be able to get the PICC line in easily without hurting sweet Harper. I'm glad you are close to the hospital so that you can be with her even in this icy weather!

Unknown said...

What a precious little baby girl. She is so adorable in that hat. We are praying for her and your family in Indiana. God Bless you all!

Becky said...

Wow! She IS alert but that is what happens when a child is birthed half grown :). Thank you for the specific prayer request PICC line. She is truly adorable. Are YOU resting? If I sound like a mom, I am!

The Rambler said...

She gets more and more beautiful by the day :)

Annette said...

Well now we can't have pretty little Harper going around with now bow now can we???!!!! She is beautiful and a chubby little thing. She looks like she is about 3 months old but I know pictures can make you look bigger. I love how you share your daughter with us everyday.
Take care and enjoy getting to know your precious baby!!!

The Abramowski Family said...

She is so adorable! I just had a little girl 2 months ago and it's so hard to explain how you just love them, love them, love them right from the start.
We're still praying!!

Lindsey Smith said...

I heart her!! Seeing those big baby blues open and looking around with that precious hat/bow has done my heart good today!

Katie & Ryan said...

What a little cutie! That hat is adorable! Praying that they can get the PICC line in soon :0)

Gill said...

Oh Kelly and Scott, i am in awe of your little doll! She is darling. Her hat is lovely and totally finishes her outfit ;) hehe.
Good luck getting the line in tomorrow. Blessings to you all.xx

Dani said...

I wanted to write and let you know that we will say a prayer for Harper also. I FULLY understand all that you are going through right now. Currently My daughter is in the NICU also on a vent. She also Under went Heart surgery about 4 weeks ago. Each % point of O2 less is a happy moment. I trust that God will soon allow us both to take our babies home with us..

carol said...

She is so beautiful!! I love the hat. She looks so much healthier now. Something tells me that when she gets home, is old enough to crawl around, there will be no stopping her. She'll say, i spent enough time in bed, I'm ready to roll. What a sweet little love bug she is and what awesome parents she will grow up with. Still praying/giving thanks/remembering the others, daily!
Will pray for the pic line placement. Can't wait to see her in her mommy and daddy's arms!! As a grandparent, I know they are anxiously waiting,too.

Frugal Jen said...

She is so beautiful just like mommy! I look forward to seeing more photos of this stylish baby girl!

Nikki said...

AMAZING!!!!! She is beautiful!

Rebekah said...


Anonymous said...

Harper is beautiful! Her progress is so amazing and a miracle. I know you are glad to finally see those eyes! I will pray specifically tonight for the PICC line to work.


The Allens said...

Oh Kelly! Aren't you the proudest Momma in the world! Your baby is gorgeous and her life is making a difference in so many lives!

Anonymous said...

Oh, she is so cute in her pink hat and bow! I am so glad she is doing well. I look forward to your updates everyday! I will be praying for the PICC line.

Kari said...

YAY! LOVE the hat! And, she does look so much more alert today! She is beautiful! I will be praying for you guys with the storm and Harper!

Hopsy said...

She has such beautiful eyes and that hat is darling too! I will pray they can get the PICC in tonight or tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Absolutely amazing!! She is gorgeous!

Lianna Knight said...

Oh my goodness!! I have been WAITING for pics like this :) The hat/bow is ADORABLE!!! Let the fun begin :)

Ashlie said...

She is so cute in her little bow! And she looks so alert in her picture! I'll be praying that the PICC line placement goes smoothly tomorrow!

Dani said...

Also if they cannot get a PICC line in can they do a Broviac? My daughter has the Broviac (it is the white line behind her ear in my profile picture.

Alison said...

Harper looks beautiful. We are still praying. Love her expression in the second pic. So sweet.

kasey said...

sweet sweet baby girl! praying for her. And hoping they can the picc line in really fast tomorrow! Love her hat!

Anonymous said...

Wow, she really looks alert. And so pretty!

Gene and Annie said...

OH my goodness!!! I was so excited to see her eyes!! What a little beauty and Praise God! He is so good! Can't wait to see more pictures and I will be praying for the Picc line!!

Anonymous said...

Aw. Keep the pictures of that pretty baby coming. I am so excited that she can open her eyes now! What a doll! Still praying!!!

Johanne said...

Hi Kelly, you dont know me but please know that thoughts and prayers are coming from Canada. I have been reading all week, I heard of your little princess from Angie's blog. I have been following her blog after hearing about her story from Doni. I dont usually reply because you dont know me but I just want you to know I am thinking of you and your family. Harper is beautiful. Hoping she gets better each day.

katie lake said...

How amazing! I love the hat - pink is definitely her color!

Renee said...

Just precious! I am so glad you are getting to see her beautiful eyes now and putting those big bows on her.

Hope they are able to get the line in her tomorrow with no problems. Still praying.

Unknown said...

Oh look at that sweet little sweetie! Continued prayers for your little girl! : )

Fran said...

I love those eyes....and I know you just wanna cry every time you look in them! She's beautiful Kelly and we are still praying!!!

Much love~

Kim P said...

We will pray for the nurses and doctors as they try to insert the PICC line.

What a beautiful little girl! She grows more beautiful with each picture!

Sherri said...

OH MY! She is absolutely ADORABLE!
We're still praying!

Erin Parker said...

I think I've said it before but I HAVE to say it again! She is sooo stinkin' cute! My heart just melts when I look at her!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

She is just darling-hope they get the PICC line they need....
Love and prayers your way!

Shelley said...

She is so beautiful!! We have been praying for her. It's great to finally see her eyes. Will continue to pray for Harper and the other babies.

Jenny said...

she's soooo sweet! and she looks just beautiful in her lil' hat. still praying!

Jen and Jared said...

Oh my, she really is beautiful! I do hope they get the PICC line in and will be praying for that. I just love the hat!!! Precious!!


Anonymous said...

A new hat or a new pair of shoes always makes a girl feel brand new! God bless you all! Praying for the PICC line!

Erika said...

She is so precious & so adorable! I am praying for you all...

Lisa said...

Oh that is such a cute picture! LOVE the hat/bow! Just darling!! I pray the picc line goes better tomorrow! That will be awesome when they get it in for lab draws etc!!

Heather said...

She is such a pretty little sweetie! It's icy here in KS, and I see OK is worse! Brr...

Saty warm and thanks for the updates. Praying for a successful PICC line!

Katie said...

Kelly, she is SOOOO cute! I just want to give her a big ol' kiss on those cheeks. I know you are so ready to hold her! And she is probably ready to just jump up in your arms! Bless her little heart!!

We'll be praying they can get her PICC in!

The Van Ordens said...

Harper is beautiful! Love seeing those open eyes!

Candis Berge said...

Oh,lands! She is adorable.
I have been following your blog and praying for your little one.
Thanks for the updates; you just don't know how many people are praying for you!

A believer in Minnesota.

Carrie said...

She's sooooo pretty! Just to see her eyes makes me cry every stinkin' time! Amazing.
Still praying!

Laurie said...

She has BIG eyes. Better to see her good-looking parents with. I LOVE HER! I love the big pink bow! So precious. What could be better than to be iced in with this little lamb? We just praise GOD for all the improvements.

Anonymous said...

Thanks be to GOD for the strides she has made !!!! I will continue to pray for all procedures that need to be done especially the PICC line tomorrow.
Harper looks like her Mommy and both of you are beautiful !!!!
Ellen (GA)

Anonymous said...

Ive never commented but have been reading and praying since Harpers birth and let me just say.I wanted to post this earlier but the first picture from yesterday Had me in tears too! what a blessing she is! And so gorgeous. Lots of Prayers in the coming days that that pretty girl will be at home with her mommy and daddy in no time!

Tammy said...

Those eyes are so bright and beautiful! I know that you just can't wait to hold that precious little sweetie! I will pray for the PICC line and that all goes well with getting it in tomorrow.
Love, Tammy from Alabama

Linkis Family Love said...

Oooh cutie pie, Harper! Love, love the pink bow hat, girl! Your peepers are ADORABLE!!! So happy to see you looking at your momma in these pictures.
Kelli Linkis <><<

jkhenson said...

It is so wonderful to see her beautiful eyes open! :) God is great! :) Still praying for all of you! :)

Jenna said...

Absolute DOLL BABY!! Seeing that hat on her sweet head just made my day. Praying for the PICC line and a great rest of ya'll's day!

Jennifer said...

She looks so good in PINK!!! Good thing to -since she has so many clothes!!! Continuing to pray

Amanda-The Family News! said...


She is SO beautiful!!!! I LOVE seeing her eyes open and her alert!!!!! My prayers are with you!!!

Amanda in SC

We've Got Scents said...

Oh, what beautiful blue eyes. Praying for the Dr.'s to be able to get the PICC line in soon so she will not have to endure any further pain. Praying for your entire family without ceasing.
Stay warm and safe,
Matthew 21:22

Crystal Chilek said...

Oh, my, Harper looks so great! We will be praying for the PICC line. God is so in control! Love the hat! I have an 8 month old and she had a hat similar to that one. I loved it! I can't get over how alert she looks! WOW! So beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Praise God that Harper is doing better! Will continue to pray for a speedy recovery!

Sondra! said...

She is sooo very pretty. We have been praying for her and it looks like it is working. Praise the Lord. Hope the weather improves for you all- wow, I can't imagine ice! Ok, I have to say it again, she is so pretty and even though all we see is pictures, you can tell she is improving.

Anonymous said...

She is so precious! She looks so squeezable. I'm praying the day you can hold her and really love on her will be soon. Thank you for the updates. Y'all continue to be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oh...my...word...she's B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!

Heather Bailey - Oklahoma City

Anonymous said...

Best part of my day is this post! And how about that...it even had a bow on top ;)! Praise the Lord, He is sooooooooo good!

Harper couldn't be more adorable! She's a keeper!!!

Kristin said...

I love seeing her pretty blue eyes. I hope everything goes well tomorrow for the PICC line.

Lindsay Leigh said...

I found out about your blog through a friend here in Houston, TX and have been reading and praying non stop for you, Harper and your family. I am so happy to read today's blog and see those beautiful eyes. We are expecting our second in 6 days and I have been praying Eph. 3:20 constantly. Thank you for sharing your faith and your story.

April said...


Harper just keeps getting prettier all the time! Scott better get prepared to fight all those boys off one day! What a little punkin!

I will definitely say a prayer that the PICC line gets put in soon, and easily. She is such a little fighter...bless her heart!

Take good care, Kelly, and know that I'm so uplifted everyday when I read your update...GOD BLESS YOU ALL! ♥

Anonymous said...

She is so precious!! I love the pics of her with her eyes open, what a little angel!! God Bless her!! I hope that everything goes well with the PICC line! Thank you for sharing your sweet baby!!

The Milams said...

She looks like a whole new baby with those beautiful eyes open! What a blessing! I will continue to pray for all of you.

Karen said...

Wow!! Amazing what our God can do! She is a beautiful little miracle:)

Sarah said...

Kelly - she is so beautiful! Seeing her with her eyes open is so precious. Praying that they will be able to get the PICC line in tomorrow.

Tara said...

I cried when I saw your precious Harper's beautiful eyes. I cannot imagine the love and excitement you two felt. I pray that she continue to improve as she has. You are wonderful parents...she is so lucky. What a wonderful Christian example you are. God is so good!

Jennifer said...

She is absolutely adorable!! I can't stop looking at her sweet little face. The hat looks perfect on her and I know you are loving every second of seeing it on her! :)

Helen said...

My goodness, she IS adorable! I know you love finally getting to see those big eyes! Go Harper, Go!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

She is beautiful, Kelly! I want to love on those sweet cheeks!

Michele said...

Love, Love, Love the bow! She is just beautiful! What a blessing to see those sweet little eyes looking up at you. Enjoy being iced in with her!

HIS Child said...

Continued prayers for Harper and the babys in NICU. She is beautiful and those eyes are so expressive. We stand in Awe of our Mighty Jesus as he continues to allow Harper to add to His Kingdom, what an awesome God.

Anonymous said...

Glad Harper is making progress every day. I like slow daily progress rather than the roller coaster of up/down changes....Your family is in my thoughts and prayers and hopefully next week at this time Harper will soon be coming home:)

Lisa~A Cottage To Me said...

She looks so alert! How wonderful! You must be so excited and Yes, she is absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing this special time with all of us.

Jacquie said...

Lovin' the hat!! Glad to hear she gets a day of rest. We'll be praying about her PICC line.

(I'm at Jodi's checking your blog - our power's out... and I've gone stir-crazy!!)

Val, Brax and Harper said...

she looks just like her pretty momma!

Brittany said...

your baby girl is sooo precious!!! And I'm absolutely loving her name!
Your blog is such an inspiration and testimony of faith! Proverbs 16:9
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps."

I'm right in the middle of really understanding this verse. God knew you would have a healthy beautiful baby girl one day, he just had a little different plan to get you there!
But wow is HE getting glory from it!

Michelle said...

I gasped when I opened the page and saw beautiful eyes! So wonderfully exciting!

I've been praying for Harper over in BC, Canada. The Lord is good!

sweethomealagirl said...

That has got to be the cutest little hat on that sweet little head! My firstborn had an IV in his head - I think it bothered everyone but me! It didn't occur to me to put a hat over it - that would have been so much more sightly! :) She is a beautiful girl Kelly!

Amanda said...

Pretty woman indeed!!! Kelly she's GORGEOUS!!! I am so happy you got to see her eyes and dress her up a little! It makes such a difference when you can finally put a little bit of clothing on your NICU baby, makes them look a little more "normal" and the rest of the wires and tubes kind of fade away. SOOOOOOO happy for you! Glad you are able to stay at the Ronald McDonald House so you are so close and not trying to commute to the hospital in the dangerous ice. God has it all worked out :)

Meredith said...

She IS beautiful and just adorable! PTL for all is miracles.... you can see God's fingerprints all over her!!!!

Megan said...

Look at that pretty girl! That PICC line will be the prettiest one of them all!

Jennifer said...

Oh My Word! She looks fabulous today. I am so happy to see those precious eyes. I will pray that the PICC line can be quickly places without pain to her.
I am so thrilled with the work that God has done so far. Oh what a powerful God we serve.

Ann said...

She looks like she is smiling at you in the first picture. So adorable.

Randee said...

YAY , She's looking better and better each day. She is such a very precious little Woman. I can't wait like most of ya'll to get the chance see her without all the tubes / Tape on / around her little face and Body. But, I'm surprised not to see any I.V's in her arms or little head like they Dr.'s had to do with me when I was about Harper's age.

Anonymous said...

PRECIOUS. Absolutely precious. One of God's most beautiful creations.
Jenny from VA

Mindy said...

PRAISE GOD!! I found your blog via a "Praying for Harper" button right after she was born. I have since added the button to my blog and prayed for her, you and Scott throughout my day each day.

I have so much respect for your courage and unconditional love, as well as your unwavering faith. Thank you for being a testiment for all of us to witness.

PS. Her eyes truly are beautiful. Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

Your pictures warm my heart on such a cold, cold day! Thank you for taking time to post them. She has beautiful, big eyes and so precious! We will be praying for all of you! Love the pink hat! So glad she is better each day!
M in Texas

Heather Warren said...

She is too cute for words with that big ol bow. So happy to hear all the great news these past few days.

Anonymous said...

How cute is that!!!!! I knew it wouldnt take long for you to put the mommy kelly stamp on her... get it stamp, smile. She is just too cute for words. I pray that she continues to wow us with her blessings from above and that they get that line in without much discomfort. Thank you..thank you...thank you for letting us coooo all over her. Coming from a Mom of three of the cutest kids in the world.. Harper is right up there with all of her sweet cutetness....

Anonymous said...

I cry every time I read a post. She just gets prettier with every picture. God is Great. Praying for each day to be better and better.

Anonymous said...

She is the most beautiful little angel I've ever seen! I'll be praying that the nurses can get the PICC line in the next time they try!

Melinda said...

What a little fashionista! She's just beautiful!

Praying over here (with my house wide open to the 75 degree weather! I know - don't hate me!)


Anonymous said...

Oh, I have just been waiting to see her in some of the bows and hats you have shared, she is absolutely beautiful! I think she looks perked up like she was just waiting for them. I'll be praying for her PICC line.

Laura said...

She is soooo sweet! So glad you are iced in the hospital! Kiss those sweet cheeks. Still praying for sweet Harper.

baylormum said...

PRAISE GOD! When I saw the first pic of Harper with her eyes open, I cried as if she were my own. What beautiful, bright eyes. She looks so alert & inquisitive. Thanks for you wonderful updates. What a blessing & a great way to thank the hundreds of well-wishers & prayers. :) We will all meet one day.

Sandy said...

Pink is her color!

Kelli said...

When Caroline was in the NICU, it was SO hard to watch them stick her over and over again. They ended up putting a PICC line through her umbilical cord. Crazy huh? I hope that sweet girl doesn't get anymore sticks than she has to!

Michelle said...

SO wonderful to see those eyes! She is SO precious and beautiful!!

A happy heart at home said...

Harper is so beautiful! Praying they get the line in.


Teresa said...

What a cutie pa-tutie!! She's beautiful and what a wonderful gift to be able to look in her eyes!! We are praying for your family!

Anonymous said...

Those the just the prettiest big blue eyes that I have ever seen!!! I pray that they get that PICC line in!! The storm is just supposed to hit us tonight here in ohio! Hate it!! She is just soooo pretty Kelly and Scott!! Can't wait for more pics!!! Hugs and kisses!! Tam *ohio*

Anonymous said...

She melts my heart she is so precious! I can't wait to see a picture of you holding her...she looks so cuddly. Still praying for you guys.

In His Army said...

I just love those big pretty eyes looking around! How sweet is she????!!!!!!! Praying for them to get the PICC line in the first try tomorrow! :)

Jennifer Owens said...

I am so excited to see her little eyes - she has such a pretty face - and I love the bows and hats you put on her! (o: Still praying for you all!

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