As soon as I posted - the nurse came out and got us and said she had eyes open and to come see her!!!!

I cried so hard when I saw this!

I'm sure she was thinking "my momma is crazy - all she does is cry"

This was such a special moment for us - we got in on video and on film

She gripped her daddy's finger - she knows we love her!
It is a cold day outside full of ice and sleet. It looks like we will be iced in here tomorrow! Luckily we are staying right next to the hospital. It's been a pretty quiet day but we got a lot of sweet cards and packages and we enjoyed looking at those. I wanted to share a few things with you. We are so grateful for the outpouring of love to us!

I got this sweet package from Footprints Ministry in AL - they send these to NICU patients and there were all kinds of neat goodies inside.

I got this neat basket from the Butchers in SC - they make these baskets and send them to NICU patients - there were the cutest things in here like Mary Jane socks and a bow headband and a rattle and blankets. You can see there website

This wonderful girl, Christina and her son Parker came to visit us today!!! We were so glad to meet them!

Cindy and Liberty Matthews heard about Scott promising Harper a pony - and she found this onesie and sent it to Harper - isn't it perfect??????

I got this precious necklace and these Paci clips ( are they not the CUTEST) from
Brittany. I love them!!!!

Brandi made me this necklace - you better believe I'll be wearing it!!!!

We went and ate lunch today with some other NICU parents. They are really sweet and have twin girls in here. It was nice to visit and have some friends in the same boat. (Well kind of - Harper weighs twice both of their girls put together - but you know what I mean).

Okay - you are probably wondering about a Harper update. You may notice in the pictures that my eyes are pretty swollen. I have cried a lot today. But they have been HAPPY tears!!! Harper is now on a regular ventilator - not an oscillator - which is WONDERFUL news!!!! HUGE! They have started waking her up and we just went in and saw her move her little fingers and toes and mouth. I can't tell you how exciting seeing those little feet move is to us!
We have never asked "why" about Harper. Not once. We believe everything happens for a reason. And that has been confirmed again to us today - I got THREE e-mails today from people who got saved because of the story of this little girl. Not because of me or Harper - but because of God working through us. Is there anything better in the whole world than that???? Keep praying - not just for Harper, but for the other families in NICU's everywhere, and for people's lives to be changed.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 640 Newer› Newest»Kelly,
I am SOOOO excited to hear that Harper is moving her little toes!!! How wonderful. I will keep praying for your precious girl. I hope you are feeling better today and don't have a cold. :)
What an amazing testimony you are! I will continue to pray for Harper and your family. She is getting prettier everyday :)
She's absolutely beautiful like her momma! Thank you for sharing your story. I'll be praying for your family. As a future NICU nurse I love reading your updates and watching your little girl get better everyday. Thank you for confirming that nursing is my calling and that I do have the strength to be a great nurse.
I've been praying for your lil' babe! So happy to hear your great news!
Wow, what great news about Harper!!! And also what great news about three people coming to the Lord. As we know, the Lord can work in mysterious ways, but how awesome to witness such a wonderful thing in the midst of your trial. We're still praying for you all in Washington State!
I am so glad that they are starting to wake her up! I hope you and Scott get to hold her soon!
oh my goodness! I *did* notice that it looked like you'd been crying a lot and then I started reading and I was waiting for 'it.' I'm so glad your tears were shed for the same reason mine are now! That is so wonderful. I tell ya, Harper is one special little girl. you knew that already, but now the hundreds of thousands that read your blog know it too. It really is incredible that there are mega churches across the country who share the gospel... and then there is this 'little' blog that already had quite the following, but due to Harper's sturuggle... grew exponentially and WOW Lives are being changed.
You know, Elijah is only 20 months older... so one day down the road.... :)
I am so excited for you and Scott.
When will he be back to see the progress.
I continue to pray for all 3 of you.
Thanks so much for sharing your good news about Harper and how the Lord is using these events for a far greater good.
That is awesome, Kelly, on all accounts.
Been checking in each day, praying she continues to heal. My son was diagnosed with a bit of pneumonia today, and I immediately thought about how I cannot imagine how you must feel. Our situation is nowhere near yours as we are home, but I am upset and concerned nonetheless since it involves his lungs. And yet, with your situation, you have shown so much strength and faith. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Christy in Slidell, LA
Kelly that is awesome, praise the Lord. God is truly working through your life and baby Harper's life.
I am so excited that Harper is doing so much better! How wonderful to see her move.
Be careful in the ice. It's nasty out there!!!
I have been checking for an update all day, and now that I got it, I will be unable to wipe this smile off my face! I am so happy for you! God is amazing and is truly working wonders with your little girl!
YEAH!!! I am so excited!! Will keep praying!!
What great news Kelly about Harper! We continue to pray for y'all over here! :)
What neat things you have received. I've never seen so much stuff with her name on it :) she just precious laying there all comfy and sweet looking.
Get some rest and stay warm!
I am so glad to know that you are having happy tears!! I was a little worried when I first saw you in the pictures...I thought maybe you had caught the cold you mentioned yesterday!! What a wonderful thing to have your little sweet pea moving and waking up. What a blessed day it will be when you see her precious eyes looking at you! Take care and we are still praying for you all!
Love from UTAH,
What wonderful news to hear about sweet Baby Harper. She is her own little missionary. Although Harper has never spoken a word, God is using her as a missionary to proclaim his GOOD NEWS!! I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings and for the day that her sweet eyes are open and she's wiggling all around. God bless you all. Stay warm and safe.
Hi Kelly, Scott and Harper!! Glad to see things are going so much better and I can't wait for the post when we can look in her eyes too!! She is just soooo precious!! If I wasn't a firm believer before, you better believe I am now!!! I have never prayed harder than I have (except for when my Scott was in his accident)this past week! Hopefully you will get to look in her beautiful eyes real soon!!Tam *ohio
I'm so glad she moved a little bit today! You might just have to do a cartwheel or something when she finally wakes up! :)
It is so exciting that she is getting better and better each day. I am still praying for ya'll. I even put you on my Sunday School prayer list!!
I would be crying happy tears, too, if I were you. Hope you are feeling better today! Did that cold go away??
oh my goodness! i'm so excited to read a good report for baby harper today! i've been praying for her!
are you feeling better?
i feel like i know you already:) and i've just a blog follower:):)
praising the Lord for the salvation of 3 precious souls! welcome to the kingdom!
Yea!! So glad to hear the great update! All your gifts are precious and treasures you will keep forever!
Oh, and I love her blanket/sheet she is laying on! The bright colors are so cute!
That is so wonderful about so many people coming to Christ after reading about sweet Harper. Praise the Lord!
I know it's not about you, but you are such a light to me - that you can take such a tough time and such a trial and make it SO positive and praise God throught it all is just such an inspiration to me. Thank you!
Hi Kelly & Scott
I've not commented before, but you can believe I've been checking every day (more like several times a day) the progress on little Harper. I want you to know that I have indeed been praying for you as well as all those who care for those sweet babies. Thank you for opening your lives to those in blog-land you are allowing many to intercede and receive blessings from our LORD. God Bless you.
(from MB Canada)
Oh Kelly! That is WONDERFUL news!!! I am so excited! I am iced in here too... :)
OH MY GOODNESS! That is WONDERFUL news!!! I am and will continue to pray for you guys!
And how awesome that you are getting to see the results of what God is doing and how faithfu you are to Him! Thank you Lord!
I totally noticed your poor little swollen eyes but figured that you were just exhausted. I am SO happy to hear that you have been crying tears of joy. I check your blog several times a day, always looking forward to hearing how Miss Harper is doing.
God is so faithful!
What good news! My husband & I were talking about little Harper after church yesterday & how amazing it is that God is using her as a tool. I know that just through reading your blog these past few days I have a new outlook on everything He has done for us. Your positive attitude has really opened my eyes to all of the blessings that we have. It was so amazing to read that people have been able to come to Christ because of your story. It makes my heart swell! I hope that you know just how many lives you have touched & how many people are praying for your beautiful little girl!
Wonderful news. Still praying!
Kelly, I'm sitting here in tears as I read this happy news. The way Harper has touched so many lives is just amazing. God truly has a plan for her. I know you and Scott are so proud to be her parents. God is good all the time. Will keep praying that she continues to get better and better.
Prayers still coming your way from Virginia.
That is wonderful news! Sweet Harper has touched so many lives- including mine. I will continue to pray for Harper and for your family. Get some rest and take care of yourself.
Lea Ann in Tennessee
It feels so good to come here everyday because the news keeps getting better. I can imagine your excitement to see her move - another part of her revealed.
praising god again for another great day! both in harper news and the other ppl who have come to know jesus through this time. i am so excited and can relate to how exciting it is to see your child start making little movements. my son was born with a heart defect and had open heart surgery when he was 7 days old and when they finally started to wake him, we just sat there waiting for any little movement and then 10 hours later his tongue moved and his toes...it excites me to think about that day now even! silly, i know. =)
just want to encourage you to continue to keep your eyes on jesus and trust him through all of this!
god is good!
Kelly, I can't tell you how much I look forward to reading your updates everyday. It is just amazing how much of an impact one family can make. You are all such a blessing to us. You inspire us everyday and show us the true meaning of love.
P.S. Harper is getting more beautiful by the second!
i have tears of joy from reading this post today!!! praying!
I am so happy to hear the update about Harper.... She is such a sweet baby girl.... I am sure that God is comforting her.... as I know he is comforting you and your husband. Please continue to update us!
I'm so thankful that Harper is continuing to improve! Fantastic news. I was overwhelmed when I read about 3 more souls that have been saved because of the work that God is doing in your lives. What a wonderful testimony!
Oh that is fantastic news!!! Yey for Harper!
That onesie is the sweetest!!
Continuing to pray for this sweet baby girl and her lovely family.
Sam, London, UK.
Praising the Lord with you for three more lost souls found!!! God is good! Also praising God with you for Harper's progress.
So happy for Harper's progress! Looking forward to reaching many many more milestones!
what a beautiful testimony to see God's hand and strength in your life (via your blog!) i don't recall where i came across your blog, but it is so encouraging. i am a Child Life Specialist at a NICU in fl. one of the programs i offer to my NICU families is "songs of love". it is an organization that creates songs for children in the hospital. it is completely free, and ms. harper can have a song made just for her...unique and special...created for her alone! you can find the organization at http://www.songsoflove.org/flash/request.html. if the NICU allows it, you could even play it at her bedside when appropriate. continued prayers are with ms. harper and your family! blessings!
I just got so teary reading about her moving her feet and hands and mouth, and can't WAIT until you see her sweet eyes!
Thanking God for the way He is using Harper to bring more people to Him.
Still praying~
So thrilled to hear the great news today about Harper!!! Glad your tears are happy tears. It is so amazing how everyone has embraced your family! Just think how blessed you are. I am still praying for your family, as well as the other NICU babies and families. God has all these precious babies in HIS hands. How incredible that Harper is moving and will be waking up soon! Take care. Love & blessings from NC!
God has GREAT things in store for Harper and your family! It is amazing to see what He has already accomplished! We continue to pray for your little princess!
And you don't look swollen! You look beautiful!
Kelly you are all constantly in our thoughts and prayers. I just melt everytime I see pictures of Harper. I can't wait for the day I get to hold her. Or when I can make her chips and dip!
Love you!
Aunt Sacky
Oh she is just precious! I just want to squeeze those thighs and rub that belly! Oh, she is so cute and I know you are dying to hold her. Praise God for the good news! I'll keep praying!
Oh Kelly and Scott, how amazing is our God???!!!! This is just awesome news...all of it...Harper conitnues to improve, and people coming to Christ...I am so grateful for the way the two of you have handled everything that has happened, and your obedience has blessed so many. We love and admire your strenghth, and we praise God for EVERYTHING that he has done! Praise Him!
Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. It brought tears to my eyes to hear of those that have accepted Christ because of Harper and your blog. Praise God! Question for you - has Harper lost weight being in the NICU? Just wondering. She looks amazing and almost looks like she's gained weight! She's so precious. We are continuing to pray for you, your family, Harper and lives changed. God bless.
So happy she's on a regular ventilator . . . I know that is strange to say but having been in your shoes living the PICU life, I know that these little steps mean so much! I'm just so anxious for you to hold her! I don't even know you but I think of you all day cuz I remember the times we have been walking the valleys and can't wait for you to experience the jubilation of dancing on the mountaintops. You are so right that you never ask WHY these things are happening and that is such a testimony to your faith!!! Keep up the positive attitude. If there are bumps in the road, remember they are just bumps and who is in control of it! Praise God for all the prayers being said! Our daughter is one of just a few living Type I SMA kiddos in the state of Iowa and I know we would not be where we are today with her if it wasn't for prayer and faith that God would see her through it and create something miraculous from it (bringing people to faith and etc.). I still to this day believe that God can cure her of SMA . . . whether He will or not is all part of the plan but I know He can! THere is a sign on her door that says "Expect a Miracle" and I remember being told that if we don't expect it and just him-haw around whether HE can do it, it won't happen but if we believe with our whole hearts that HE is capable of it, why not?
Hugs to you and praying that you don't get a full-fledged cold. I always go for the zicam and vitamin c . . . and sleep (yeah, that's a hard one to get but you might as well get it now while she's on the vent cuz I don't think you will be getting much when she is off since you will be so excited!!).
Sarah and Stella www.caringbridge.org/visit/stellaturnbullturnbull
what amazing news!! God is awesome! And what an incredible praise for the 3 who were saved. Praying for more to accept Christ from hearing this story!!
I am so pleased to read about Harper's continued improvement and also about people becoming saved from reading your story. Praise the Lord!
What an amazing and beautiful sight...moving toes! I absolutely LOVE it! And I just have to say again, PRAISE THE LORD!!! I'm so thrilled and feel so blessed that you, Scott and Harper have become a part of my life! I love you more than you will ever know!!!
HUGS and TONS OF PRAYERS being sent your way!
Jess :)
Although I could tell you had been crying, I could also tell that you looked happy! You looked good Kelly! I'm crying some happy tears myself right now over the joyous news! Still praying!
What an amazing story your family is a part of!! I can't help but think of your sweet Harper while watching my sweet 13 month old toddling around. We have been praying for Harper and will continue to as God continues to reveal His glory through your little one!!
Go Harper!!!! Go Harper!!!
Go Mom and Dad for the exceptional faith you have in our God!!!!
He is AMAZING!!!
So happy about her little toes and fingers. Can't wait to see her beautiful eyes and prissy smile!! HeeeeeHeeee!!!
Lots of love and prayers for your family.
Amazing. God is just simply AMAZING!!! I am soooo excited to hear the wonderful news of how well Harper is doing. I can only imagine the excitement you felt to see her move. It must have just been sooo beautiful.
God is sooo GOOD!!! Salvation of others. All because God knew He could use you and your precious Harper to reach some that no others could have reached. You will have such a crown in Heaven one day!!!!!
We are still praying for you and will continue to look forward to the great updates.
Jenn Weir
so glad to hear the good news! :)
My parayers are with you - I am so happy to hear that Harper is getting better and better.
Kelly- you are so sweet and I just love your heart for the Lord. I love that sweet baby girl of yours, too!!! We're still praying hard!
hey kelly~~it is noelle your friend from louisville ky., we don't know each other, but i feel one day we will meet. i have been praying for you, scott and sweet harper. i sit and cry just looking at her sweet little body. i want you to know i put you on our pray list yesterday at sunday school. i also think about you everyday and check in more than once a day. take care~~hugs and prayers!! noelle
I have been following your blog for a short time and I am beyond moved by your faith. I too am a christian and our Lord is amazing and so full of love and grace, isn't he. I am so glad to hear that Harper is on the road to full health. I will keep her and your family in my daily prayers.
Shawna Sanchez
Meridian, Idaho
Oh Kelly,
Praise the Lord!!! Praise the Lord!! So GREAT that people are getting saved from hearing the story of your sweet baby and the faith of you and Scott. And so GREAT that Harper is getting better everyday. Keep shredding those precious happy tears dear one.
Have a Blessed and warm evening,
This is GREAT news Kelly! Thanks again for your daily updates. :)
Still praying here in MA for you and family as well as others in NICU.
Just can't wait to see this baby girl with her eyes open! How super exciting that you saw her move her toes and hands.
I'm so excited that Harper is doing better! God is AWESOME! He works best when we are weak and to hear that people are being saved because of what God is doing in your lives,that is amazing! Hope you are feeling better!=]
I am glad that things are looking good. I have been following and praying for you all since I ran across your blog about a week ago. I am so amazed at your bright smiles and positive attitude each day. You are sure to have one girly girl. :) I am sure that you will be home with your sweet baby very soon watching her grow just as I am sitting her today watching mine. Love and Prayers, Leanne in Elkmont, AL
You must know I am bawling...for joy. For JOY! Oh Praise Jesus! He is so good.
You are living out loud so well, Kelly. I LOVE how He is loving others through you--4 salvations, ah! What a testimony your Harper girl is going to have when she begins her family...what a wonderful family line God is carving for you.
Great news!!! Continuing to pray for your sweet girl. Can't wait to see a picture of you holding her.
Praising God for wiggling toes and saved souls! More often than not we won't see this side of heaven how our lives mingle with lives around us... you've been given a rare glimpse... isn't God awesome to have cared enough to lift your day in that manner! We do serve a very mighty AND loving Father!
oh kelly,
i am crying tears of joy along with you on the mighty ways God works! harper's life is already such a testimony of his mighty plans.
That is so wonderful! I am so glad that she continues to do better and better... Here's to an even better day tomorrow :)
She is absolutely beautiful Scott & Kelly! Just beautiful! Thank you for sharing those precious pictures. What a sweet miracle she is. God is so good. My continued prayers.
I am so happy to "hear" this news! You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I feel like I know you personally through your blog. Thank you for your daily updates. When you get Harper home and settled, you should do some video blogging so all of us "regulars" can hear your sweet voice (and Harper's, too)! Praying for another good news update tomorrow!
YEAH!! I think she's going to have beautiful brown eyes!! What a HAPPY DAY!! It's all down hill from here so ENJOY.
OH MY GOODNESS!! Look at how BEAUTIFUL she is!!!! Thank you, Kelly, for sharing that with us!! How incredible!
Love you
I am crying right now. I feel like I know you and baby Harper!! This baby is beautiful!! And you are one lucky mom!!! I am so happy for you! :)
yay this made me cry, her eyes are so beautiful!!!!! i love the pictures of u looking in her eyes & her holding daddys finger! So precious!
Fantastic news! Prayers continue for continued healthy improvements for Harper.
Aww I am SO happy for you. You and your family are so inspiring. Harper is so beautiful!!
Kelly, I love reading your blog. I stumbled upon it from a friend's blog right after Harper was born. I am praising our Father with my whole heart for your answered prayer. I am so excited that you are seeing your baby girl and she is seeing you back. You have been so strong and I thank the Lord for you sharing your story. What a blessing to know that the Lord is already using your little girl to see others come to know Christ. We are praying for you continuously. Phil. 1: 3-4
kelly i am so excited for you! look at that beautiful baby! i'm so happy she's making this wonderful progress and even more, the lives she has touched.
Like so many others this post brought tears to my eyes! We serve an amazing God!!!
Oh I am just crying tears of joys over seeing those big, beautiful eyes!!!
I am sobbing with joy....look at those beautiful eyes!!!!!!!!
oh congratulations all over again! how special!
She sees her mommy and daddy!!!!!!
this is too much...
i have to go cry a little..i am so happy!
YAY!!! Go Harper!!! You can do it baby girl!!! She is even more beautiful with her eyes open!! I can't imagine the joy you must be feeling today!! I am so happy for you 3!!!
I am balling!!! Oh my goodness!
What a blessing!
Harper... one day you're going to see this website and see just how many people you touched!!!
Her eyes are beautiful!
Love & prayers!
Oh Kelly,she's beautiful!!! Those eyes are gorgeous. There is such a difference in the pictures of family looking at her versus the pictures of you all looking into her eyes. What a precious precious moment.
Praying for you everyday.
Jennifer in Oregon
ps. How are you feeling? It's sounding like you never ended up getting sick?
Oh Kelly, those eyes of sweet Harper are just beautiful!! They gave me goosebumps!! What an answer to prayer!!! So, so happy for the good news and for the good all around day. Are you feeling better?? Be sure to get your rest and be careful in this crazy ice!
Yay for answered prayers!
Praise God, He's so awesome! Lots of love from Indiana!
The Fuller's
YEAH! I'm so happy she opened her eyes! She's so pretty. And I love the photo of her holding the finger.
WOO HOO!! I am so glad to hear Harper is doing better!! Praying for you in NY!!
The tears are flowing from my eyes as I see Harper's beautiful eyes OPEN! Praising God for your little miracle & continuing to pray that you will be holding her soon!
Ohhhh I'm so overjoyed for you and that Little Miss Harper can finally see her mommy and daddy and that she is getting better with each new day!!!! What a strong little girl! And, you are right about this story touching people. Many hugs and lots of love, Nina
I am so happy to hear such good news and those little eyes are precious! How wonderful to see God working in peoples lives!
Always in my prayers
I'm so happy to see her eyes open and that she is awake! It brought tears of joy to my eyes so I can just imagine how much you cried. Praying that there are many more happy tears on the way!
BEAUTIFUL..even more with tose little eyes open :)
All your gifts are SO cute!!!!
*crying* Praise the Lord!
How wonderful it is to see those beautiful eyes!!! What a blessing! I am so happy for you all. Just know that we are all praying for you and love your precious family.
How wonderful! I'm so happy for you! Your sweet little girl has the most beautiful eyes!
Wow, what wonderful news. The picture holding daddy finger, brought me to tears. Good tears are always good. Will keep praying for all the babies. Hope you are feeling well.
Just read the update and I am SOOOO HAPPY for you all!!!!! That is the best news! Made my Monday!!
Oh Kelly, what sweet news!! I was just posting a link to you on my blog, when I went back to your blog and saw the lastest update with Harper's sweet little eyes!! What a gift! Of course she knows you love her and of course she knows who has been whispering in her ears for these last few days...I am praising the Lord with you tonight! Isn't He soooo good to us?? Enjoy every minute with her Kelly. We love you guys!
Hooray! Harper must have heard about all those bows and cute paci clips waiting on her!
Praise the Lord for this great day for your little family!
Are you feeling better? Have been praying you and Scott are staying super healthy!
I recently found your blog and have been following the story of you and your precious angel. Seeing the person you are has given a new faith in people and God. I am a newlywed (October 11) and I believe that you and your husband are an excellent example of what love and faith in God can do to a marriage. Prayers are being sent your family and precious Harper all the way from WV.
WOW! That is incredible how God is using this situation to bring more people to know Him! That is amazing! What a great start to life knowing that she is part of God's wonderful plan in furthering His kingdom! Your faith is amazing! You really are an inspiration in so many ways!!!
***She is even more gorgeous now seeing those precious eyes!
I now feel that my eyes are going to be swollen! I am so happy for you:0)
WOW! What an amazing day y'all have had!! How wonderful! She really beautiful!!
Will keep praying!
dear kelly we have been praying for your family and are overjoyed with the improvement the pictures are beautiful we will continue to pray for your family and harper
ann roberts
I'm crying over seeing her little eyes and especially over the picture of you and her sharing a moment. God is so, so GOOD! Praying for you and praising Him with you!
AHHHH!! Look at those sweet beautiful eyes!! She is so beautiful Kelly!! I know this has just been such a great day for you! I'm so happy that she is getting better so fast! Praise the Lord!
Praise The Lord! I know how long you have waited to see her beautiful eyes and can only imagine how excited you and Scott were! She's Precious! =]
I CRIED!!! As soon as I saw her precious little eyes I gasped and started crying!! My 4year old boy came running over and said, What mommy!! God is so GOOD!!!!! Praise him through whom all blessings flow!!!
Oh my gosh, just look at those beautiful eyes! Will you be able to hold her soon? She is absolutely adorable.
God is so, so good! She is so precious and I continue to pray for all of you!
Kelly and Scott,
My eyes are filled with tears seeing you with your little sweet Harper. What a joy that God has blessed you with Harper that you may help others come to Christ. Thank you for sharing your story and family with me. I'm so excited to see Harper's eyes open and her gripping her Daddy's finger. And the way you look at her is priceless.
Kelly, that's wonderful and those eyes are beautiful!
This is just the most wonderful post!!! I got chills when I read it on fb and then chills when I saw the picture with her eyes open! And it isn't because it is freezing cold and icy! Promise!! GLORY!! HALLELUJAH!!! PRAISE HIM FROM WHOM ALL HUGE BLESSING FLOW!!!
Harper Brown Stamps may get to go home before I can get up to Tulsa! Which would be great!!! I would love to see you though!
How wonderful to read of the souls saved from this journey!!
Seeing pictures of Harper's little eye's open brought tears to my eyes - what an amazing moment for all of you! God has been working miracles! Still praying for little Harper to be home soon!
In prayer,
Olympia, Washington
I am so glad she's opened her eyes! Thank God for such blessings!
I have to say - since you mentioned it. I just posted a blog on my blog today about finding God. I have to tell you that your blog was a huge help in realizing the things I have. ((hugs)) thank you.
PRAISE GOD that your sweet girl has her eyes open!!! She is so beautiful! Doesn't that just melt your heart? Wait until she smiles back at you!! Get out the Kleenex then for sure! I am so amazed at how God is using this situation to draw more people to Him and to strengthen the faith of believers, as well. Little Harper has made my day!! I have cried so many tears for that precious little girl. Love & blessings in NC!
This is the best news I've heard all day... I'm so happy for you guys! I can't imagine what it must have felt like to finally be able to see your beautiful daughter's eyes. Praise Jesus!
she is adorable! Those eyes!!!!!! awwww! so glad she is improving.
Oh my Goodness.....Thank You Jesus!! What GREAT news on an icy day!!!! I am soooo excited for yall!!!
Praise the Lord - Our GOD is GREAT!
I got tears in my eyes seeing those pictures from that precious moment when you got to see Harper with her eyes open!!! Such wonderful news! Continuing to pray for you all!
Stacie in Los Angeles
Dear Kelly,
I was so excited to see Harper's eyes open. What a suprise to scroll down from your title and see her precious face. What a privelege it must be to be her Momma. She has done more for the cause of Christ in her short little time on earth then most. I can only dream that I can bring at least 3 people to Christ by letting God live thru me. Congrats and I will keep praying
OH MY GOODNESS! I know I just posted a comment, but I am just sitting here praising God and thanking Him for her sweet little eyes and her grabbing Scott's finger! Oh, Kelly, she is going to be home SOON!!!!! I love it so much and am so thankful to the Lord!!!!!!
God is AMAZING and Harper is beautiful!
I have been reading your blog since the birth of baby Harper... She is sweet as can be and I am glad she is doing so well. Every day the news keeps getting better and better. Today I had to comment...I just had to!
Sarah - Vancouver BC!
i am so glad to hear harper is graduating! she'll be home, in your arms, in no time. i am so happy to hear the stories that you share about others being saved... it is amazing how God works and how He chooses to do so. God bless you for being strong enough to let Him move through Harper without questions. still praying in asheville...
Oh my gosh...I am crying over here. I'm sure my 2 year old son is thinking that I am crazy too. Such wonderful news. I am so happy for all of you. Go Harper, go! Such beautiful eyes!
Claire in California
Hello Kelly! We are still praying here in NH!!
Stephanie and Dave Esposito
Reading this and seeing the pictures brought tears to my eyes. I have been praying everynight specifically that you could look into your daughters eyes soon. I am SO EXCITED you finally got to!!!!
Awww, look at that pretty baby waking up!!!
I have tears in my eyes.
God Bless.
Keep strong Harper!
What a great post! To see that first pic with the eyes open was just awesome! My husband and I are now on vacation in California and yesterday ran into someone from Tulsa... we instantly thought of you! Still praying and so thankful at such great updates!!!!
This entire post made me cry from start to finish! God be praised!
Her eyes are beautiful! Your eyes look just like they should from the happy tears that you've cried today! I am so glad you got to see her sweet eyes today! I think about her so often and we are praying for your family. I am so glad that things are going so well for Harper. She is truly a miracle in so many ways. It is so awesome to hear how many people she is leading to Christ. One day her heavenly crown will have so many jewels. I think about that verse that says "Well done my good and faithful servant" and He can already say that to your sweet Harper. She is beautiful.
Amy Horn
Rogers, AR
Kelly and Scott - what incredible news. What an amazing testament to the goodness of our Lord. Hope you are still feeling well and all better from your cold. Still praying in NLR.
How can you not have tears in your eyes seeing this? Yay for Harper!!!
I am bawling! She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I have so anxious to see those pretty eyes! I am so thrilled for y'all and so thankful for sweet Harper's amazing progress! I'm praying she will be in your arms tomorrow!
Miracles every day! And I'm impacted by the testimony you share every day.
YIPPEE!!!! I am so excited for you & Scott! What an amazing present! God is SO incredibly amazing!!! I can't wait to see what precious jewel she will become with those beautiful eyes! May she set them on our precious Lord!
Ok, if upon seeing Harper's sweet eyes open and gazing out MY arms were aching to just pick her up and snuggle, then *your* arms must be aching to jump off your body and sweep that sweet girl up! This is beyond exciting news and such a great way to end the day. Enjoy being iced in with your little one!
Her eyes! How beautiful!!!
I am so glad God is healing precious Harper and using her to draw people to Himself. She has a wonderfully beautiful testimony at only one week of age...what a special girl!
What beautiful eyes! Hallelujah! Kelly, I think she looks just like you!!! She is beautiful. I'm so thankful for all this good news about her progress and the incredible news of the salvation for others through God's work in Harper. Just AMAZING!
praise GOD! =) i hope you enjoyed the gifts!
It's been so amazing to follow your story through your blog! I don't even know how I linked to it to begin with, but my other bloggie/in real like friends here in Minnesota and I have been praying like for your sweet little princess! So so thrilled see this wonderful update...and to see those precious little eyes open and looking around! What a blessed day!!!! We'll keep praying and following Harper's story. God bless you, Tamara in MN
I am so glad that Harper is improving with such leaps and bounds! I am praying that you will be able to hold your sweet little girl soon.
Praise the Lord. I am so excited for you guys. We are still praying.
I got teary reading this post. Harper is beautiful! How exciting to see a picture of her with her eyes open! I can't imagine how wonderful that is for you and Scott! It's really amazing to see how well prayers work and how wonderful God is through your gorgeous daughter's story. It's certainly reinforced my faith and made it stronger!
What wonderful news! I just knew God was working more miracles today. I had a little tif with my wonderful inlaws (they truly are wonderful and I love them dearly, which makes it all the worse that we fought) so when they left I sat to check your blog and got your wonderful news. I felt better immediately, not to mention was reminded of what is important in this earthly life. What a very happy day!!
Yea for Harper! So glad to hear she is getting better! Love her eyes! Can't wait to see you holding your baby girl.
would love to send her something... post an address please.
erin in ga
That is so uplifting to hear. I am sure I would have been the same way... weeping over my daughters eyes opening to meet mine... what a beautiful picture!
She is such a cutie pie... I am sure that you are going to rejoice the moment you are unhooking her and leaving with her to go HOME!
The Lord never ceases to amaze me... be blessed, I am still praying for you, Scott and Harper. You are forever etched in my mind... and you'll always be in my prayers!
God Bless,
Look at those beautiful eyes! What an awesome day it has been for you and Scott! Our God is an AWESOME God! She is getting better everyday, and that is by the power of prayer! What a testimony baby Harper has been and continues to be! I hope you are feeling better, and getting some rest! Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers! Much love!
BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am jumping up and down with tears in my eyes. I want to BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Kelly, this just made my day!! Those beautiful eyes! I can imagine the joy in your hearts today. Thank God this precious little girl is recovering and will be home with you soon!
My prayers continue for you and all of your family. Stay strong and keep the updates coming. So many people love your little girl!
Praise God!!! She's more beautiful today than she was yesterday and the day before!! My 3 year old; Wyatt LOVES looking at Baby Harper! He has re-named one of his babies (yes, he has a baby (doll) sister, and now a baby (doll) brother...you'll have to read up one day for better explanation). Anyway, he just looks at her and says "Mommy...she's so pretty...I love Baby Harper"...it just melts my heart everytime!!! That little girl is SO loved around the world!
Take care,
Paula, TX
One more thing, as my two year old, Sophie, was hopping up and down, her pony tail bouncing while she told me a story, I couldn't help thinking of Harper as a two year old, chattering away to her mommy and daddy. And wearing a darling little dress and a bow in her hair, no doubt! What wonderful, special moments you have to look forward to.
that is SOOOOO wonderful! i am so happy for you all! the Lord is so good!!!
Oh my goodness....oh my goodness!!! My heart just about jumped out of my chest when the page opened and I saw her eyes looking at me!! Praise the Lord!!! He is SO good!!!You look wonderful even if you have been crying. Thankfully they are tears of joy!!! Way to grow Harper!!
Hope you're feeling better and were able to fight off your cold!
You are such an inspiration to me and many people! Your positive attitude and prayerful personality are one of the things lifting Harper up! I have enjoyed learning about you and your family through your blog. My best friend is a blogger friend of yours-Laura Graham. She posted a link to pray for Harper on her page and I followed it and have been praying ever since! I am 13 weeks pregnant after 2 miscarriages-this is a very scary but exciting thing for me-I feel so blessed by God to finally be at this point in my pregnancy. I pray every day that it is His will that this is a healthy pregnancy! One of my verses that I've been praying is 1 Samuel (I believe 1:8-10). "For I have prayed for this child and God has granted my wish. Therefore I will give this child to Him and he shall serve him forever." I also love your Ephesians 3:20 verse-I hadn't seen/heard that in a LONG time-it was marked in my Bible from about 10 years ago. I look forward to keeping up with your growing family and hope to stay in touch. To God be the Glory!
Your Friend,
Susannah Edwards
Dawn from Oregon
Awww Kelly I'm so happy for you guys. I ran across your blog about a week ago, not sure how, but I am so glad I did. She is so beautiful and I think about her and everyday wonder how she is doing. I'm just a working mom in Oregon but I've enjoyed reading your blog and your recipe blog. You actually cook how I love to cook, by products! Not a tspn of this or a tblsp of that. Who has that item for that 1 time recipe. So I look forward to trying some of these.
Anyway, just wanted to say hi and tell you that you're in my thoughts. You seem like a really neat person and if you lived here in Oregon I feel we'd be friends.
And I love Harpers name. I'm actually looking into getting a girl puppie towards summer and Harper is now on the list. I hope you don't mind. I'm not saying she's a dog, but it's a super cute name and I think would be adorable for our next addition to the family. Take care and I can't wait to see future pictures of your beautiful girl in her little tutu's strutting her stuff.
Oh my goodness -- she is beautiful! I am jumping up and down with tears in my eyes at the same time! It only gets better from here!
What great news!! The pictures are wonderful, I almost cried as well.
The stories of salvation are great news, too. Imagine this little angel already being a soul winner!!
She won't think her momma is crazy until she is a teenager!
May God continue to bless you all.
Yeah Harper! Great progress! How cute to see her little eyes open! I'm sure that was a GREAT moment for you!
Kelly, I've been checking every day for updates and praying for precious Harper. When I saw the pics of her eyes open, you would have thought she was my child...I cried and just wanted to touch her and say welcome to our world Sugar! What a blessing. She is absolutely beautiful! Truly. Eyes open or not! Praise God!
Kristi in Texas
I'm not going to lie, I'm tearing up for you! What a huge moment to finally look into your sweet baby's eyes after so much waiting and praying and heartache.
Go Harper go!
God is so amazing and I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face, praising Him for what He has done in Harper's life, and for what He is doing through your family. Thank you Kelly for sharing your love for Him and your faith with us. If you had not done that, those three people may not have been reached.
Our God is so awesome!
Am praying for sweet Harper daily. Hang in there.
Awwwhhh Kelly!! When I scrolled down & saw the picture of Harper with her eyes OPEN, my eyes welled up with tears!! What a blessed day you have had! The power of prayer......isn't it just AMAZING!!?? I wish I lived closer (I live in North Alabama), I would love to give you a BIG HUG! I will continue to pray for Harper!!
Hey mom and dad!!! How about those eyes?? How absolutely wonderful!! You must be just ecstatic!! Praise God for such a wonderful blessing and such an improvement!
We love the pic of her holding daddy's finger. Of course she's got HIM wrapped around HER finger!!
What a great update!!
Still praying for all of you!
Love, Richard and Brenda Sessions
YEAH!!! I am so happy for you! Seeing your own baby stare into your eyes is the most amazing experience. Thanks for the updates...I constantly check. Been praying for you guys and this has become such a huge outcry of your love for God!
That is so fantastic!! She is beautiful!!! Still praying!
This is AWESOME news! I think about the 3 of you ALL the time! I cant wait to get to my computer to see if you have updated about Harper! When I seen the picture of her with her eyes open I started crying myself. She is just so precious! I have 2 girls of my own Jordyn is 10 and Emma is 6 and they ask about Harper everyday also! They both say a prayer for Harper and her mommy and daddy everynight. We cant wait for another amazing update on this precious little girl.
We are sending lots of hugs and love from Michigan.
Love, Renia
Thank you Lord for happy tears! She is even more beautiful with her eyes open! Now she can see her mommy and daddy who love her so much. I am crying for you right now, I know that moments like today's make it all better. Praise to our Great God!
Look at those gorgeous eyes!!!!! What a blessing to be able to look into them! So happy for you and for Harper's progress. The LORD is good!
Jeepers, creepers...where'd ya get those peepers! Jeepers creepers...where'd ya get those eyes! Beautiful moment!
We all could see that she is beautiful before, but now we can see how even more beautiful she is. I am so excited to see these pictures today and look forward to seeing so many of her growing up. Getting so much closer to the monogrammed dresses.
HOW BEAUTIFUL!!!! You can tell so much by looking in those beautiful eyes. More than anything you see Jesus' light shining through her to touch so many lives. I don't believe there is one single person who has come across your blog that hasn't been blessed in some form. Thank you for being such a faithful servant and for allowing us to see God's miracles unfold with Harper's life. Keep those beautiful pictures coming. I bet we see one of her mama holding her tomorrow!
I got tears in my eyes seeing those pictures from that precious moment when you got to see Harper with her eyes open!! I am so happy for you and Scott and of course the grandmas and grandpas to, I am praying for you. I hope you get to feeling better.
Tears of JOY flowing for you and that precious baby girl! I am anxious to know the color of her eyes! She is beautiful and such a blessing! Amazing how God has used her and her story to bring people that didn't know him before to their knees in praise of him!
Blessings to your family! Kiss that baby for all of us!
harper looks great! and so do you! how awesome that you are a shining light through this hard time! you seem like a wonderful family and I am so thrilled that people are coming to know the Lord because of your sweet miracle from God. May God continue to bless y'all and may Harper be in your arms SOON!
I am crying too!!! Look at those sweet beautiful dark brown (?) eyes!! I am so happy for you and this is one step closer to you holding her!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! And PTL on the people recieving Him as their Savior!! Kelly this just so awesome, she is beautiful!!!! Still praying!!! Much love!!!
Oh, Kelly, she's beautiful! I LOVE that picture of her holding Scott's finger.
I've been praying for this day... now I'm praying for when you get to hold her!!
I SO wish your Dad would've gone over there this morning. This has got to be killing him. "Nonny's" getting to see all the good stuff.
I'm amazed at the way God is using y'all and that precious baby of yours. You are teaching me so much...
\o/ PTL...He knew how much it would mean for you both to see those precious little eyes open, and for you both to have that connection with her. May the Lord continue to strengthen her from day to day, and bless Harper abundantly all the days of her life. Thanks so much for sharing, I share your great joy from across the miles in Australia.
Dear Kelly, Scott, and Harper,
I am so glad that Harper is getting better. I found your blog the day before Harper was born on Bringing the Rain I thought your story was such a good one. You finally got your little baby, but God wants you to witness another miracle, the healing of your beautiful child. Your family has touched my heart by being so brave and seeming so upbeat about everything that is happening in your life. Your strength is refreshing because you haven't yet said "why me?". You have faced every day with hope for your family and hope for good news. That ability that you have to face challenges is so inspirational to me. I wrote this note to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am always thinking about little Harper, praying for her too. May God bless your family during this hard time and throughout your life!
She is a doll!! Just beautiful!
It's amazing the call that she already has on her little life! It's so exciting to hear all the praise reports coming in.
I'm so excited for you and Scott!
I have been crying about this (tears of joy) and my little Emma kept saying "Baby Harper, eyes!". I wish I had it on video when she saw Harper's eyes, it was the sweetest most innocent excitement. She kept pointing and laughing joyfully...I imagine it is the way God smile and laughs when we come back to Him. Oh, I wish it was on video...so sweet.
I just laid her down for the night and as always we were saying the usual prayer, at the end Emma added (on her own) "I love you baby, Harper!" I am convinced this little 26 month old does...with all the love in her body.
Josh told me that the other night when he put her down he said "the prayer" wrong and left out Harper and Emma looked at him with a questioned face and said "heal Harper"!!!!
We love you and are praying for you all - Scott, Kelly & Harper
I can't begin to imagine how exciting this day has been for you! I know that you have been on an emotional roller coaster, but you continue to handle everything with such grace. You are SO obviously meant to be a mom and I think that whatever the reason things are happening the way they are, your family has dealt with it beautifully and with such graciousness that God will reward you with a healthy baby. You are truly blessed!
Wonderful news and beautiful tears of joy. Thanking HIM for so many answered prayers.
Blessings to your sweet family,
Matthew 21:22
PRAISE THE LORD! Look at those beautiful eyes! We all love you guys! Soon you will hold her! Bless you :)
Kelly and Scott ,
My Family and I are all jumping up and down! Because we are so excited that Little Miss. Harper was able to be woken up and she's able to move her little Hands, Feet , mouth . . . I can't wait until the day that you both get to hold her for the 1st time. God is GOOD!!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL! And , God Bless Miss. Harper! Love , Me
She is sooo beautiful, and so are you, swollen eyes and all!
Thank God 'our' baby is doing better!
Kelly & Scott
I am glad to hearthat your girl is improving everyday. I sent you an e-mail about somethings I did when my kids were in the nicu. Have a nice evening.
Between you and Heather (Life at Sonic Speed) I'm just in tears! THOSE EYES!!! Thank you Jesus for those beautiful eyes and those little toes and feet that are starting to move! Glory!
Keep resting Kelly, you are going to be bringing that beautiful baby home soon!!!
Praising Jesus with you
What a wonderful day!! I am genuinely happy for you, Scott & your entire family! She's absolutely beautiful:).
Continuing to pray for Harper and all her roomies!
Oh, those big eyes are just so sweet! I can't imagine your joy! Praises for those who have chosen to walk with Jesus...that is so amazing and wonderful to hear! Continuing to pray...
Oh what wonderful news!! My eyes are all teary! You guys are such wonderful parents! I know how hard it is being in the hospital for a long period of time. We were in there over 5 months with one of ours. Trust me in a few months after her being home you will forget how hard some of your days were!
Still praying for Harper!!
Having Had a child in NICU in 2005..your posts brought back some of those memories...My prayers to you and your Family! Harper is a beautiful name!
I swear I lost my breath when I saw those eyes open!!!!!!!! I canot imagine what it must feel like for you and Scott to look in her eyes. I hope you are taking good care of yourself! I will continue to pray for you guys and all the other little babies!
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