Friday, January 16, 2009

Please Pray

We need you to lift us up in prayer like you never have before. Harper is in VERY critical condition and they are going to fly her to AR Children's hospital. It is very, very serious and the NICU doctor did not give us a favorable report. Scott and his parents will be driving there tonight. My parents and I will be driving there in the morning as soon as I can get out of the hospital. We know that God is soveriegn. WE KNOW that God is the same right now to us as He was to us this morning when we were so excited and praising Him as we drove to the hospital. We know that He loves us and no matter what happens - we will continue to praise Him.
I honestly don't know how I'm going to survive if we lose her. I just want to be honest with you. I'm putting this on my blog right now because we have had over 30,000 hits today and I need 30,000 of God's people to be praying for us. Thank you in advance for getting on your knees for our precious daughter.

Harper Brown Stamps was born at 7:03 PM. She weighed 9lb and 12oz.
She is having some trouble breathing, so they have taken her to the NICU to check her heart. They have had to incubate her - they are doing tests to see what's going on.
Also, Kelly lost a lot of blood in delivery and has really low blood pressure. We would really appreciate your prayers for both mother and daughter.

Scott & Kelly Stamps

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Lisa said...

Praying for you all. You are all in my thoughts!!


I will for sure pray for you all....Congratulations on your baby girl!

Kelli said...

You are in my prayers, Kelly. Congrats on the birth of your sweet daughter!


Cathi said...

Of course, prayers are going up now. I'm so sorry to hear this. God is still on His throne. Don't give up hope. Get well Harper and Kelly......everyone is praying for you!

Jessica said...

Praying for you! God is in control!

Momof4 said...

I am praying for Kelly and the baby! May God bless both of them in this very hour!

Betsy said...

I am praying for you, Kelly, and for Harper!! God has everything in control...

Lots of love and hugs to you!!

Anonymous said...

The both of you have been in my thoughts and prayers all day long.. and will continue to through the night. This IS God's plan for you and he will make all well!

Mrs. Shelton said...

You are most certainly in my prayers!!!!!!! I will be praying extra hard for both girls!!!

Caroline said...


Unknown said...

Prayers for Kelly and Harper. Congratulations!


Val R said...

I have been a lurker here and have enjoyed following your incredible journey towards motherhood...I am praying for you all, especially little Harper and Kelly.

I will continue to lift you all up in prayer. God Bless you.

Lauren said...

Praying for that sweet baby... and her precious mommy!

Heather said...

Sending prayers your way!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on Harper's arrival! Praying!

Little Miss Diva said...

Congratulations on Harper's arrival! My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Natasha said...

Kelly and Harper are in my thoughts and prayers.

Mary said...

Praying for you. People from all over are praying for Harper!

Anonymous said...

prayers on the way :)

Patty said...

Kelly and Scott,
I am praying!

Cora Bouch said...

First time posting. I have been checking your blog all day. I will pray for Kelly and Harper. God is able!!
Cora B.

Rhonda said...

Praying for you, Scott and your precious Harper.

KELLY said...

I have been following your story for quite some time, and the days events today. Even though I have never posted, I have prayed for Harper from the day I found your site. Tonight I pray still for all of you.



Unknown said...

Congratulations! Praying for the three of you.

Lauren said...

I'll definitely be praying! God's covering both precious Harper and Kelly.... We love you!!

Kelli said...

Congratulations Kelly and Scott! You all are in my prayers!

Auntie D said...

Praying for you all!

Lindsey said...

Praying for you and your family!!!!!! Keep us updated!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Sending prayers!

Becky said...

So glad Harper is here! Will continue to pray for you and Harper.

Jackie said...

Congrats....big hugs...and praying hard for you both....

Big Mama said...

Congratulations, Scott and Kelly! I'm praying for y'all and for Harper!

Buford Betty said...

Just said a prayer for you guys. Wow, what a big baby girl - how awesome! Thinking of you all...

petrii said...

Praying for you and Harper ~~ hang in there sweet one.

Love and prayers going up for you,

Anonymous said...

praying for mommy and baby here in the midwest! Welcome baby Harper!

Kelly said...

Blessings to your sweet family. Praying for you all..

Laura Ann said...

Praying for all of you and sweet little Harper. Congratulations!

Amanda Ledford said...

I am praying so hard right now for you all. Please keep us updated!

Heather said...

Praying for you and the baby and for God's healing hand on both of you.

Lisa said...

I forgot to say CONGRATS - I was so upset and my heart just goes out to you and your sweet girl. So, congratulations to you and your hubby. You are in my thoughts & prayers!! I will be praying for your sweet girl.

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for Harper, Kelly, and the whole family! Thank you for the update.

Anonymous said...

Praying here in Ohio for all of you! Congrats on the birth and I hope all goes well!! Love to all! Tam *ohio*

Jacquie said...

We're praying.

We love you all!!

Becky said...

Kelly - I am praying for you! Please keep your blog family posted! I have had 4 grandchildren in the NICU and pray you will have a very short 'NICU tango'.

Lindsey Smith said...

God is faithful! I am on my knees in prayer for you right now. My 2 year old will also be praying for Baby Harper tonight during his bedtime prayers.

The Milams said...

Praying for you both right now!!!

Susan said...

Praying for Harper and Kelly. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Although you don't know me, I've been reading your blog for some time. Today, I've been praying for you and for a safe delivery. Know that you and Harper are in my thoughts and prayers. God is good, all the time. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your lives.

Waiting for the next post and praying. - Lori from Tennessee.

daftsonographer said...

Consider it done, Scott! Although I haven't seen Kelly in years, she is still a VERY good friend of mine & I love her like a sister. We will continue to pray for her and baby Harper. I plan on putting them both on our church's prayer list as well.

Dea (Jefferson) Shatterly

Maridith said...

I have been checking all day to see your status and my dumbfounded. You, Harper and your family are in my heart and prayers tonight!! God is Good he will heal you all!! Love, Maridith

Anonymous said...

All our prayers are up for you and Harper. Trust in God, he can do everything! The prayer patrol is reporting for duty!


a boy a girl and a pug said...

Lifting you all up in prayer!

Twice as Nice said...

Prayers from the Twins.

Rebekah said...

Praying for you all!!


Lynette said...

I am praying for you all.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lifting your family up in prayer. Diana - Beavercreek Ohio

Carrie said...

Welcome baby Harper!! And congratulations Kelly and Scott!! You all are in my thoughts and prayers!!

Hugs!! Carrie♥

Leigh Ann said...

Congratulations. So thankful Harper is here. We will be praying for Kelly and sweet Harper. Thank you for the update.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and Harper!! Congratulations on the arrival of your sweet baby girl! Kristen Trantham

THE PIXLER'S said...

This is my first time to comment on your blog, but now is the time to do so.We are praying for your sweet Harper and you from Las Vegas, Nv. I know everything HE will make everything fine for the 2 of you. Congrats

Leigh Ann said...

I'm praying now. Please update as time permits. Congratulations

MMM said...

Thoughts and prayers to all of you. Congrats Kelly! You did it! It looks like I'm not far behind you...

Leslie Ruth Petree said...

Lordamercy, you have no idea what kind of tidal wave of prayers is going to be coming at y'all :) We have all waited with bated breath and lots of prayers for this sweet baby girl. There's no way we're going to stop praying now! Much love to the new version of The Stamps Family...

Amy H said...

Everything is going to be just fine with both mother and baby. You have come so far and it will all be fine. Prayers are going up for you.

CONGRATULATIONS on your wonderful gift of a baby girl!

Anonymous said...

May God Shine His Light on all of you tonight and in the days to come. My prayers are with you from Tennessee.

Anonymous said...

Praying for healing and strength for both you and Harper. Congratulations on your sweet baby girl!

Nicki said...

We're praying for you from Abilene, Texas!!

Stephanie said...

We've been waiting to hear this news all day, but I hate that she's in the NICU. I am praying for little Harper to start breathing well and on her own and for Kelly as she recovers from delivery. We will be anxiously waiting for the good news that Mom and Baby are well. Your family is dearly loved and being covered in prayer. Welcome to the world sweet Harper!!

Melissa said...

We are praying all the way in NC!!
We cannot wait to see pictures :)

Anonymous said...

Scott, Kelly, and Harper,
Congratulations! We are praying for all three of you, as well as both sets of grandparents. Looking forward to seeing that precious baby soon!

Andy, Melissa, & Drew

Jordan said...

You and Harper are both in my prayers! Hoping and Praying that you both get better! Congratulations on your baby girl! I can't wait to see pictures of her =]

Anonymous said...

I'm lifting prayers for all three of you...and the Grandparents. Kym (Mississippi)

Rebecca Jo said...

Praying for that baby & kelly.... It must have been a long hard day - keep the strength up.... God is taking care of everyone!

sweethomealagirl said...

wow, girl! she's a chunk! congratulations! praying for you both!

Brian and Kyndra said...

I have been reading your journery for a little bit now. Praying for God's healing touch on both of you and strength.

The Garners said...

I know so many people are praying for you guys, including me! I'm sure you've had such a looong day and must be exhausted.

The Bost Family said...

We are praying for you and your family and your precious baby.

Anonymous said...

God, Harper is your child and you have wonderful plans for her precious life! We thank you that she is in your strong and loving hands, esp during her first moments on this earth. Protect her Father, breathe the life and breath into her that she needs to thrive and give her the strength she needs both now and for the rest of her days to come. Bathe this family with peace, comfort, and love! We cling to your promises that are so good - we find such hope in you.
Sending love from the west coast,
Rebecca Portland, OR
(just found your blog a few weeks ago and have grown to care for you as a friend and sister in Christ)

Chris said...

Praying for sweet Harper and Kelly!

Ash and Toby said...

Congrats on Harper's birth! I am praying for all of you! Our God is an AWESOME GOD!!

Ashleigh (MS)

Lisa Sherrill Roach said...

Tons of thoughts and prayers headed to you. God is good! Love to you al.

Anonymous said...

Well bless your heart! You sure have done a great job! She is one big Tater! I will be praying for you both and checking in on yall~

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Praying for you all from California!


Ruthie said...

Congratulations Scott and Kelly!!!!I've been reading your blog for quite some time and have been anticipating Harper's birth! My second child is just four months old, so labor and delivery is still very fresh in my mind! I am praying for you, Kelly, Scott and Harper. Praying for wisdom for the docs and complete peace to surround you all. My first child, Sophia, weighed in at 9lbs, 14oz, so I can relate to the hard work you just went through Kelly. Good job!!!! Praying things get figured out quickly with Harper and that your blood pressure gets under control. Praying, praying, praying!!! Ruthie

Sarah said...


MamaBear said...

Lifting you all up to the Father tonight. Congratulations on the birth of Harper!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Praying for all of you! Congratulations!

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

Sending prayers to you now!!! Please keep us posted....we will be thinking of you!

lisa@littlesliceoflife said...

I'm praying for Kelly and sweet baby Harper.

Faith said...

Congratulations y'all! Harper is here!!! I'm so sorry to hear that she is in the NICU...I'm praying for her breathing to improve and for Kelly as she recovers from delivering that big baby girl.

Please keep us updated!! Love to you all, Faith

ally said...

Praying for the entire Stamps family and especially Kelly & little Harper!! God bless!!!

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you both!

Meg said...

Kelly, Scott, and Harper:

We are truly blessed to have a little peak into your lives. You have such a love for the Lord and it shines through in all of your postings.

Know that you are loved by SO MANY and that you all are being lifted up in prayer.

May the grace and peace of our Lord pour out over you all.


P.S. Welcome to the world, Harper Brown!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Kelly and Scott! I'll be praying for y'all and your Harper!

Rachel R.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all in Texas.


Shal said...

Prayers for Kelly and Harper and the whole family! Glad to hear she is here!

Once mom and baby are healed and healthy, I can't wait to see pics!

Keep us posted as you can!

Michele said...

Praying, praying, praying

Anonymous said...

Lord, please bless dear sweet Harper and heal whatever is ailing her. Thank you for blessing Scott and Kelly with this lovely child.. please wrap them in your arms and send a host of angels to surround them with your love and heavenly peace.
In your name, I ask this.

Amber said...


Megan said...

I came over from Boomama's blog, but I wanted to say I'm sending big prayers from Atlanta! Congrats on your baby girl - Harper is an adorable name!

Kristin said...

Praying for both Harper and Kelly! Congratulations!

monelle said...

Thank you for sharing this special moment with us! I am praying for you, Harper and Scott!

4shepherds said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you all!! I know that everything is going to okay!!

laura said...

Praying praying praying...

crystal2008 said...

Praying for you in SC!

All Sufficient Grace said...

Praying for everyone one... including Scott. Love, Jennifer and Heather Sanders.

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers for the family. Temember God is still in control. Congratulations

Stacy said...

Praying for you all!

We've Got Scents said...

Praying without ceasing,
Matthew 21:22

Angie said...

Saying a prayer for you right now.

Yoli said...

Kelly and Harper! I'm praying! Luv ya both! Yoli

Joni said...


Jaclyn said...

praying for Kelly and sweet baby Harper!!

Vonda Axe said...

Congrats Scott and Kelly!!! We are so excited Harper has arrived. We are praying that Harper's breathing and possible heart issues are only temporary. I hope Kelly's blood loss and low blood pressure is something she can bounce back from quickly. I have faith both girls are in God's hands.

Anonymous said...


We will all be praying for you & Harper.

Stephanie Lewis

Bamawhitney said...

Saying Prayers for all of you!!!!

Michelle said...


April said...

So happy to know that Harper is here! Rest assured that I will be keeping you all close in my thoughts and prayers!

jeck said...


Anonymous said...

will keep praying for you as I have all day in florida.

Crazy About My Boys said...

Congratulations on your new baby girl! My family and I are praying for you ALL!

Anonymous said...

God bless you and your sweet family. Praying for you both! Love from CA - Sheila

Brysmommy, Kenswifey said...

Congratulations!! I have been waiting all day and checking like crazy!

Dear Lord, I lift our friend Kelly and sweet baby Harper up to you right now! Dear Lord, you know she has prayed for this child and has given you all the credit Dear Lord, and right now, I ask you to be with her and Harper, touch both of them with your healing hand and guide the doctors and nurses with your wisdom! I pray that your presence and power will be felt all over that hospital! In your name I pray..AMEN

Candy said...


Leigh said...

Congrats Kelly and Scott. I am so ready to see Harper in all of her adorable outfits and headbands. God has blessed you with this beautiful miracle and he is in control. Your family is in my prayer tonight and I look forward to seeing picutures of Harper.

Jenna said...

Congrats on that sweet baby girl! Praying like crazy for both Kelly and Harper - getting on my knees RIGHT NOW. Love you all!

Katie said...

Praying for you all day and more right now.

Amanda said...

I've been anxiously checking your blog all day. Thank you so much taking time to update all of us. Prayers for healing for both Kelly and precious baby Harper and peace and comfort for the whole famiily from Henderson, Nevada!

Shannon said...

I've been checking your blog all day long and throughout your pregnancy. I will keep Kelly and Harper in my prayers. Keep us updated.

Anonymous said...

Sending many many prayers your way!


Staci said...

He who began a good work in HARPER will perfect it until the day of completion!!

Praying for you!!

Kelli :) said...

Congratulations, Kelly. I'm praying for you and that darling baby girl! God is in control! We all love you!

Anonymous said...

Lifting your family up in prayer here in Columbus, Ohio. Have been reading for awhile but yet to comment. This seemed like the perfect time. God bless your sweet family we will be praying! Congrats on the birth of your baby girl!

Angela said...

Congrats Kelly and Scott!
I will be praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Baby Harper! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Megan Hagerty (NJ)

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the baby. You are both in my prayers!!!

Anonymous said...

I am a first time poster, but wanted to de-lurk to let you know that I am praying for your sweet, sweet family.

Cas said...

Congratulations and welcome to the world Harper.

Sending my prayers to you all.

Jennifer said...

Praying and will continue to pray for you all. All will be well, I BELIEVE it.

Melanie said...

Just prayed!

CarolinaGirl said...

Everything will be ok! God has big plans for this little girl, and I can not wait to see all of the beautiful pictures!

The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you!

Praying for you in FL

Anonymous said...

Congrats on baby Harper! My thoughts and prayers go out to all three of you!

Christa- Magnolia, Texas

Jennifer said...

Congratulations and I'm praying for you, Scott, and sweet Harper.

Kelly said...

Congrats again on the baby girl and of couse, we are praying SO SO SO hard for y'all right now.

Anonymous said...

Praying for all of you...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you & Scott! I'll be praying for you & Harper. Remember Ephesians 3:20!! He is more than able. I love your blog and haven't posted before. I too have a miracle baby,Gavin. It took us 12 years and we also have a baby girl, Ava Grace, in heaven. When Gavin was born he had to be rushed off because he had trouble breathing also. He had holes in his lungs that closed up quickly. He was back in my arms in no time. And I pray that sweet lil' Harper will be back in yours soon too. Blessings to all of you. Enjoy every moment with her and take not a second for granted! Sorry this was a long post :-) God Bless!!!

Anonymous said...

Playing for your beautiful family. Our God is good. We know this.

lots of love from Britney in CA

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how God lays things on your heart. I prayed for you all at about 7:30 your time (8:30 my time), not knowing that you had just had Harper not long before. Please know that you, Scott, and little Harper are in my prayers.

Sonya said...

Praying for your sweet family

Anonymous said...

Congrats and I am praying for your precious family!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you Kelly and your sweet baby girl!

Carrie-Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Congratulations Kelly & Scott!! I will certainly continue to pray for sweet Harper, Kelly and your whole family. God has both these precious girls in his hands and I pray that tomorrow will bring a joyful turn of events for all of you. I know Harper is a beautiful baby. Love & blessings to you all!

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you and for baby Harper and will be throughout the night. I know what it is like to have a baby in the NICU. Mine was there too after birth. Praying for complete healing for her little body.

Erin said...

Thinking about you tonight!!! Hope things are going better now! We are praying for you both!

Anonymous said...

The Hof family in So.Cal. just lifted you all up in prayer! We'll be praying as the night continues. God bless you all!

Because of Love said...

Congratulations Mommy and Daddy (and grandparents)

Thank you for the update.

Dear Lord,
Thank you so much for the arrival of Harper. She has been prayed for and we all welcome her and thank you for a safe delivery.

I pray that you will please be with this family. I pray that You will put your hand on Miss Harper. Please help her little body to breath properly. Also, please be with her mommy. Please help her to be able to recover and enjoy their new little blessing.

Thank you so much for all you have done for this family. You are an awesome God!

Barefoot in the Park said...

lots of prayers and good thoughts being sent your way!

Lauren said...

Congratulations, Kelly and Scott! I'll be praying for all of you and Harper.

Kelly, you're already doing an amazing job as a mommy!

Megan said...

I will be praying! And how funny that I wrote earlier that I hoped you didn't have a 9lb 12oz baby like I did! I think we should be big baby buddies!

The Rowe Crew said...

Praying right now!!!

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you and Harper...
The Lord has you both in his hands..
Scott, I am also praying for you and the new grandparents...
Love in Christ,

Tirzah said...

Praying for strength, healing and peace for your family.

ellen said...

Congratulations! When will we get to see a picture of the little angel?

My first was taken to NICU and it was a horrible feeling not having her in the room like the other mothers. I pray that God will give you peace as you wait for answers from the doctors.

Tammy Lou said...

You are in my prayers, Kelly. Congrats on the birth of your sweet daughter, Harper.

Becky said...

Congrats to all and your sweet family is in my prayers, especially that big little girl. My fervent wishes and hopes and prayers are with you all, for the swift recovery of mama and baby!

Mommy said...


Amanda said...

Y'all are in my prayers Kelly!

Whitney Vanderbilt said...

Congratulations! I am so sorry there were complications during the delivery, you all are in my thoughts and prayers! I hope Kelly recovers quickly and everything is okay with Harper.
Blessings, Whitney Vanderbilt

Jennifer said...

Saying lots and lots of prayers for you and Harper! Congratulations on your precious daugher.

Suburban prep said...

Thoughts and prayers go out to mother, daughter and father and family.

Carol said...

Congratulations! My prayers will continue. I anxiously await an update!
Blessings from Tulsa,

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
amanda said...

Praying for you both!

Kelly Taylor said...

Lord I thank you for Kelly and what she stands for. Lord I ask you to continue to work in her life and body and help her to recover from having the miracle you've given she and Scott. Lord I pray you be with this beautiful baby we know as Harper. Lord please touch her body and heal her of whatever is needed. Lord you created this miracle child and we're confident you will not stop until you have her perfected. Lord please be with Scott as he stands by Kelly during this time. Please calm all their fears and give them peace that only you can give. We love you Lord and we thank you for all our many blessings.

Lisa said...

Praying for you right now!

Kaitlyn said...

Congratulations on the birth of your precious daughter. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

Natalie said...


Anonymous said...

Kelly, Scott, and baby Harper,

I am praying for all of you.


wendy said...

I am praying for you and sweet baby Harper! I know God will take care of you both. I bet Harper is absolutely beautiful. God Bless you both!

Brittany said...

I am honestly heartbroken that this is happening... my best friend and I are devout followers of your blog and are super worried, texting back and forth constantly...


Meghan said...

Father, I lift the Stamps up to you. I pray that you put your mighty arms around them. I pray that you let them feel your warmth and love. I pray that you restore health in Kelly and Harper's bodies, Lord. You are the Mighty Physician and I pray that you heal them.

Congrats on the new baby and you are in my prayers.

Deedra said...

Came over from the Siesta blog. Congratulations on your precious new baby girl! I am praying for baby Harper, mom, & dad!

Cheri said...

Kelly and Scott,

Congratulations! I have been following your blog since this past spring when you went to Hawaii and never commented much, you get so many, but any how I had to comment this time to send along my best wishes and to let you know that I will be praying for you and your precious baby, Harper.

Marla Taviano said...

Praying for all 3 of you!
Congratulations--what a beautiful name! And what a nice-sized girl! :)

julie & joe said...

We are praying for you all.

Erica said...

Praying for y'all.....!

Kyndal said...

Congratulations Mommy! I am praying for healing and strength for both you and Harper. You are surrounded by so much love!

Ali said...

Your in my thoughts and prayers. I hope daugther and mother will get better soon. Lots of happiness from me to your new family.

Ashley said...

Im praying so hard for ya'll!!

Kelly said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers. I'm sure your beautiful daughter and wife will recover perfectly.

Melissa Jo said...

We're praying for you just the way you have been praying for us! God is good, and he will protect you and Harper! Lots of Love and Prayers being sent your way!

Anonymous said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers, but most important, you are in God's embrace.

Anonymous said...

Lord, I thank you for this miracle. I praise you because you are the great healer. I praise you because you are healing Harper's heart. I thank that you are restoring Kelly's vitals and restoring her health.

We praise you Father!


Anonymous said...

Praying so hard right now for sweet Harper and your family!!

Amy said...

Kelly, Please know that you have a TON of people praying for your whole family RIGHT NOW! I'm so excited for you guys! We had a rocky start as well and it's all a distant memory now...praying hard for you and Harper!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and Harper. Please remember my favorite verse Jeremiah 29:11.
Erin from Danville

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and sweet Harper.

Ash and Toby said...

Just wanted you to know, STILL praying for a healthy Harper!! I will keep checking in on you all throughout the night and in the morning!!

Anonymous said...

Praying in Central Arkansas...

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