Update at 1:30
I'm almost to a 5!!!! I am so hungry and I'm dreaming of a sonic route 44 coke with vanilla. But my dr let me have a popsicle. I do believe it was the best popsicle I've ever had. So far I have to say that childbirth is great! I've been praying for about 9 months that God would let my labor be just like this! Thank you for answered prayers!
Update (11 a.m.):
So far - this is so much easier than I imagined. Thank you to the inventor of the epidural. Dr. Hinton broke my water a couple of hours ago and they started the pitocin and I'm having regular contractions but I only know that because I see them on the monitor. :-) They just checked me and I'm dilated to a 2.5 so we are progressing a little bit! I'm in no hurry since I'm in no pain. My mother (a.k.a. the papparazi) has taken at least 700 pictures of me laying in the bed. ha! I hope she saves some room on her card to take pics of Harper. ha!

This blog is as much my journal and scrapbook as it is anything so I am hoping to keep a little running memory of this special day! So bear with me!
It's 6:30 and I got my IV in (first one ever) and I'm settled in. They say I should be able to get my epidural in another hour or so! PTL!!!
I didn't sleep 5 minutes last night due to a mix of excitement and terrible cramping I was having.
So far everything is good - we are just hanging out.
The worst thing so far is trying to figure out how on earth to get my hospital gown on. ha!
Update: I got my epidural. It didn't hurt at all and now I don't have to have pain. I love modern medicine!!! My parents are here and Scott's will be here soon. We are just hanging out - taking pictures, checking e-mail, watching TV!
P.S. Please continue to pray for my friend Jenna and her precious baby Brayden who was born on Tuesday. They had to take him to Children's Hospital in Little Rock and he's in critical care. They truly need our prayers.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 369 Newer› Newest»Yeah! You are such a trooper! You look great and are probably the nurses's most favorite customer today! Enjoy these next hours....it's a miracle! :)
Good luck today! I will be thinking about you. I've been reading your blog for a while now and feel like I know you. I'm originally from Okla but now live in Georgia.
Can't wait to see Harper picks!! Hang in there... the best is yet to come.
My prayers are with you and your husband this morning as you welcome Harper. Good luck and best wishes for a quick, painless delivery! Can't wait to see her!
wow I can hardly bear the excitement. Good Luck I am sure you will do great.
You look great! Praying for you and your family all day today!
Praying and so excited for you Kelly. You look great. Keep smiling...and PLEASE keep us posted. Hoping for a quick delivery.
I was so excited to wake up and see you in the hospital ready to go!!! my thoughts and prayers are with you all day long! I can't wait to see pics of your sweet baby! Enjoy this day!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck with everything today! I'm praying for you.
Well, let me know if you figure out the trick to getting a hospital gown on correctly. lol I could never figure those things out!
Seriously, you look great! I'll be praying for you. Good luck and as crazy as this sounds now-enjoy your day!:) There is no sweeter memory than the day your baby was born.
Hi Kelly-
You look great and I agree with the other poster that you will be the nurses favorite. :) I've been praying for you this morning. I'm praying for a safe, quick delivery and that your induction goes well (been induced all 4 times, so I know what it is like).
Hang in there and I'll keep praying,
Good luck!!! It was nice to get up and see your picture at the hospital already.
I will be checking out your blog at work again to see when little Harper comes to this world.
Agata from IL
Spazarama!!! You are going to be a Mama before the next time I see you. I am so excited, and I guess I did not think you were going in until later this morning. You look great, you can not tell you did not sleep any last night. I pray this process is smooth. Thanks for the update.
You are just too cute!! I am so excited today. I'm going to be checking the blog every chance I get.
Also, how is Jenna's little boy doing?
Praying in Georgia!
I just got teary-eyed looking at your sweet little self sitting in that hospital bed! I said a prayer for you this morning and will be thinking of you all day.
Harper is almost here!!!
Hope you get some rest in the waiting!
Can you believe this day is here?!?!
Look how pretty and all together calm and collected you look!
Hope it Bless.
Yay! Hope all goes smoothly! I will be thinking of you and praying for you and Harper today!
OMG - you still look so great! I hope I look half as good as you when I'm 40.5 weeks pregnant! We are all so excited for you and your husband. Keep us posted! I'll be looking for updates throughout the day! : )
Good luck with everything today! I'm praying for you. Can't wait to
see little Ms. Harper
You look amazing! I don't think I looked half as good on my time at the hospital with baby #1...
Harper's golden birthday will also be her sweet sixteen. I bet she will have an incredible day now, and again in 16 years!
Hope all goes well and you recover speedily!
You don't know me- i live in ohio but i am thinking of and praying for you today. after the epidural, it is smooth sailing! hang in there. the day i delivered my daughter was the best day of my life. i honestly enjoyed the whole process and i know you will too. savor every moment. so excited you get to met harper so soon! :-)
You look great! The first thing I did this morning was look at your blog to see if there were any updates! I will be keeping you and little Harper in my prayers today!
Hey Kelly - I've been following your blog for a while but am just now commenting. Just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you today and look forward to seeing pictures of your sweet little girl. I have an almost 6 month old little girl and was also induced. I was TEN days late...and, let me tell you, I was NOT happy! Hang in there...it will all be worth it very soon!
I am in Fayetteville praying for you today. May God give you the most amazing day as you and your family prepare to meet this beautiful treasure He has been knitting together for the last nine months. I pray that you will be able to get some rest and that your heart will be filled with peace!
Ok...I'm commenting everywhere I see your update! Just to say this girl is praying for you, Harper and a smooth delivery.
Love ya girl!
Okay, everyone woman will agree with me when I say it should be a sin to look this cute and pretty when you're about to give birth, haha :)
Praying for you today and hang in there, you'll be holding sweet Harper soon enough :)
Oh prayers to you! I am so excited for you and will be checking your blog all day long!!!
Praying for a day filled with sweet memories...And for a healthy baby girl and mama!
Lance and I were just sitting here thinking about you and he said "Is there a live webcam?" and I said that there should be! He said this is the most anticipated baby he could ever remember. We're on pins and needles. So we checked in on the blog and what do you know...there you were, looking like a supermodel pregnant woman. You look like you're about to burst with joy. I love you so much! We're both praying for you today. And for Scott...you know, since he's not like Lance and hopes for Discovery Channel excitement.
You are so cute! I didn't look anyway near that cute when I had my little man! I hope you enjoy this experience so much...it's magic! Praying for you and anxious to meet Miss Harper.
Exciting! I will be thinking and praying for you all day.
Yay, Kelly!! I'm so excited for you and Scott! I will continue to pray that everything goes smoothly and according to God's plan. I will also pray for all of the wonderful nurses and doctors that will be taking care of you!
Please know that your "blogger" friends/family are all wishing we could come and meet Harper (and you, of course) in person...but since we can't...we'll just have to settle for your detailed posts and plenty of pics. of the adorable little peanut!! And yes, I can say that already, because there is NO way that she won't be adorable!!!
Many Blessings and LOTS of LOVE!!
Jess :)
ahh!! i thought about you first this this morning when I woke up and had to check it out right away! i love these updates!! hope you enjoy youre special day to the fullest!!
So excited for you! I live in Ohio and I am expecting my first baby in June. I have been following your blog for a while now and I can tell that you and your husband are very deserving parents. I will be checking back often for the first pics of Harper!
oh, I wish (selfishly) you were at OU Medical Center...so I could walk down the street and come see you! You look fabulous! On my way to Sonic in your honor!
You look so great...love the RL animal print pillowcase!
many, many prayers from OK! k
I am so excited for you :) It was GREAT to wake up to see you were at the hospital. Hang in there, you have all of us praying for you! I cannot wait to check back and see "She is here...!". Wishing you the best... Here is to a swift and easy delivery!!!!
You look so calm, cool and collected. Let the games begin!
Praying for you!
I delivered our baby boy four weeks ago yesterday, and it was the most incredible experience of my life. I keep telling people that, like my wedding day, I wish I could go back and relive every moment of it again and again! I know you'll feel the same way about January 16.
I am praying that your little miracle's entrance into the world is speedy and smooth!
God bless,
YIPPEE!!!! I have been praying and will continue to!
Love you friend! Enjoy every single second of today! It's God's blessing to you!
I thought about you first thing this morning!! I'll say a prayer for you for an easy, pleasent delivery!
I am praying for you, Scott, Harper, and your family! You look fabulous!!!! :-) Can't wait for the next update!!!
I woke up at 5:00 a.m. (central time) and I said a prayer for you! I am praying for a smooth delivery!!
This post made me laugh because it is SO something I would do...blog my delivery. LOL.
I had BOTH my girls this EXACT SAME WAY -- went to the hospital, got my IV, and then my epidural (although we were cutting it VERY close with Madeline because we realized right before the anesthesiologist came in that I was already past a 9. Yeah.)
Hope you have a wonderful experience!
Good luck today. Remember, getting my IV was the worst part of my entire delivery. I'm hoping the same for you!!!
Good luck today. I hope Harper is here soon!
I have been thinking about you! Praying for you! Nothing more exciting than giving birth - although I am not an epi fan - but I won't get on my bandwagon about how depressing much of the American way of birth is....
You have made me love all things monogrammed. Last night I tried to bribe my youngest daughter with, 'If you have another baby, I will buy it bunches of things monogrammed.' (If she has another baby, I would also get to experience being labor coach again! - Love it!)
Can't wait to see pics of you with Harper in your arms!!
Godd Luck today - I wish you a uneventful delivery. I am a lurker and I have to check your site all day long so I can't wait to see Harper. Your blog has been such a joy and spiritual uplifting for me to read. I pray to God for you and your family today. God Bless you.
Happy Birthday Harper.
Trayce - San Antonio, TX
Kelly I'm so excited for you!! I kow things will go smoothly today!! I will be praying for you all day!!! Can't wait to see Harper!!! Eat lots of ice chips!!
Rebekah Courtney
Yay Kelly! I'm so excited for you and Scott. I'll be praying for you all day. Can't wait to see pictures of your little miracle!
You look beautiful! Thanks for sharing your special day with us. Praying for you this morning.
I read your blog often (I'm a friend of Julie's) and just want you to know that I woke up this morning at 5:30 and prayed for you and little Harper. I know you are so anxious to see her. I prayed that all would go well for both of you.
I can't wait to see pictures.
God bless,
P.S. I also enjoy your dad's blog & love the changing table he made. That is so special!
I am so excited for you! Harper is finally going to make her grand entrance, and I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
I'm saying a little prayer for you and your family that everything goes smoothly. You look great!!! Can't wait to see pictures of the little one!
Oh my gosh - I'm so excited for you that I could just bust! Enjoy every moment of the day and I can't WAIT to see Harper's first pictures!
Praying for your family today as sweet Harper makes her grand debut! You and Scott will make incredible parents.
Many blessings and congrats!
Praying for you, Harper and your entire family! Hope everything runs smoothly - can't wait see your precious gift from God!!
You look gorgeous!!!!! I met both of my girls with my hair fixed, my makeup on and my earrings in too.
I'm praying for you today. I don't have a Harper, but I do have a Hannah. When she was born she was just crying. When they laid her on my chest, I said, "My precious Hannah, I'm your momma and I have been waiting my whole life to see you." Instantly she stopped crying. I'll never forget those tender first moments and the millions of incredible memories my girls and I have shared. May God grant you the desires of your heart today!
I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to hear all about the wonderful day you're about to have. It will be something you will never forget! You and your sweet family are in my prayers.~
YEHA! Thinking of you and praying for a quick and safe delivery! Enjoy every minute! I cannot wait to meet your precious little girl! On my home from work now (its 16h00 in South Africa). Will check on you again when I get home!
Sending hugs and kisses across the seas!
You look great! I am glad you are able to post!
I thought of you and your husband first thing this morning and said a prayer for you both! I can only imagine how excited you both are to meet Harper! Can't wait to see her picture! Thinking of you today and love how you blogged from the hospital!
haha following your blog just makes me laugh because it reminds me exactly of when my little girl was born! The getting into the hospital gown was the hardest part for me too:) I came out with my head in the boob hole and then couldn't get my head out because it was stuck...haha! You're going to do great! Early Congrats on your sweet baby girl!!!
yay! thinking of you today!! soon you'll be holding your daughter :)
You look beautiful! You are going to be such a wonderful mommy.
I am praying for you all day! For peace and comfort and a quick, easy delivery. I'm so happy for you! I know you've been waiting on this day for a long, long time. Happy birthday to your sweet baby girl!!
praying for you this mornign sweet girl!! i hope everything goes perfect and so smooth for you!! can't wait to meet little Harper :)
I woke up praying for you guys this morning. I'm so excited for you!
Those hospital gowns are not a girl's dream, are they? :)
I'm so excited for you guys today! I'll be checking in many times to get your updates! We're praying for you!
Good morning Kelly,
Two things: 1) I am so excited for you and I know that this is going to be one of the most blessed days of your life. 2) Know that I will be praying for you today...for your health, for Harper's health, for family and friends to make it safely (since the weather is so crazy) and for a wonderful birth experience for you.
good luck kelly! i hope i look that good when im having a baby! : )
So excited for you!!! It's finally here!!!! Good Luck!!! : )
Another reason for a National Holiday... Harper's arrival!!
Praying for you today, Kelly.
Poor thing-Try to get some sleep while you can! Can't wait to see pictures of her!
Good Luck! I will be thinking/ praying for you today!!
You look AWESOME!!! You will relax so much more when you get that epidural.
My prayers are with all of you today. Cannot wait to see little Harper!
I am praying for you and will be thinking about you all day. I feel like I know you and my mom, sisters and I are soooo excited to get to "meet" Harper today!
I am praying for you.
I work across the street, in the glass building under the over pass, if you or Scott need anything email me.
Jerrame woke me up at 4 when he got home this morning and I asked him if Harper was here. He was a little lost. I need to remember to wake up before I start talking...
You look gorgeous, little Mommy!!! Praying for you like crazy!!!
I am so excited for you! Thank you for sharing this special day with all of us! Come on out and let us see you baby girl Harper!
Yayyyy for the epridural!! I can't wait to hear more!
You look absolutely beautiful this morning, Kelly! This will be the most memorable day of your life! Thank you for sharing with us. May God bless your growing family! Cassie in Alabama
Just a tip: during delivery I wasn't able to push well due to the epidural. Finally, a nurse said cough. Sounds crazy, but I was able to feel those muscles and push out a healthy 12 pound beautiful boy.
ENJOY this day that the Lord has given you!
I agree - I LOVED my epidural.
Thinking of you this morning! Yay!
I am praying for you in Florida. So excited for you as you will get to hold your precious Harper today. She has a wonderful family (just by reading all your blogs) who will love her so much and teach her about Jesus.
What a joyous day! May it be filled with love, laughter, and the cries of sweet baby Harper to top it off!
YAY...today's the day! You look beautiful and are glowing this morning! Can't wait to see Harper..I pray you have a safe delivery and are holding your precious daughter in your arms soon! Prepare to be overwhelmed..there is NOTHING like looking into the eyes of your baby for the first time!!!
Can't wait to meet her! I hope everything goes well!
Saying a little prayer for you today. Can't wait to see pictures of your precious girl!
Wow, how exciting! Can't wait to "meet" Harper! Prayers for a safe delivery and a perfectly healthy baby girl. Good luck!
Ahhh! Today's the day. So excited :D
Look at you all cute and ready to go! I'm super excited for you! You know that this will be the most amazing day of your life. God is SO GREAT! I've been sending up prayers for you. I prayed for a quick, easy, PAIN FREE delivery, healthy momma,healthy Harper! I'm glad you already have your epideral!We knew that you were concerned about not getting it in time. I will be on pins and needles all day, along with everyone else! Can't wait!
Hip hip hooray, a special day -
Little Harper's on her way!
A Dad, a mom, grandparents too -
And lots of bloggers waiting for you!
Perfect fun in every way -
May God Bless Harper's birth today!
you look great!!! Can you really believe the day is here, how awesome!! Please tell your parents hi from me!! Can't wait to meet Harper!
laura colclaure
You look glowing! I always went into labor in the middle of the night, so my hair never looked very becoming. And hooray for epidruals! No one should ever have to feel pitocin. Not EVER. Praying for you!
How exciting for you guys! I will be keeping you in my thoughts & prayers today. And thank goodness for epidurals!
Thanks for the update! You are too cute! Praying for a fast and safe delivery of Harper!
Good luck today.. I'll be praying for you and Harper and I love that you fixed your hair and put on earrings... You need to look pretty when Harper sees you for the first!
prayed for you already right before i checked your update. life will never be the same again-in a good way! blessings, julie (iowa)
Hi Kelly!
you look great! Today is my mom's birthday & if Harper is anything like her she will be AMAZING!!! It's a great day to be born! :)
I'm glad you got your epidural and everything is going well! I keep checking when I'm not teaching to see if there's any updates! :D
Also, I'm following you on Twitter now. My name on there is Missie1284, just so you know it's not someone completely random since I read your blog too! :)
Prayers are being said for you today here in Tulsa, OK!
I can't wait to see little Harper's picture!
Oh Kelly, good luck to you. You will be a fantastic mommy.
i'm in nashville, but i HAD to check in...praying for you guys. thanks for keeping us posted! :)
How VERY exciting!! I am so happy for you and your family!
Praying for you all in Tampa!
Keeping you in my prayers! May today be perfect.
I am so excited for you! I have been reading for a while but haven't posted much. You look amazing! I look forward to seeing little Harper soon!
Praying for you,
Keeping my eye out for updates... so many anticipating this baby! How fun!
Many prayers going to your family today!!! Good luck!!
Good Morning Kelly, Hope everything goes fast for you. If not, at least you got your epd. so just lay down & enjoy this most wonderful day of your life, theirs noting else like it. Thats so great to have all your loved ones with you & Scott on your special day. Make sure you keep the crying down so you can see Harper's little sweet face, ha!! I remember we were all crying when Harbor was born it was hard to see his little face thru the tears of joy. Thanks for the up-date. Oh yes, I need directions to your church so I can make it too V.A baby shower in February. My email is kbarnes@anbfinancial.com or karen.barnes@cox.net, maybe Jessica & Harbor can come to the baby shower with me, what fun would that be, ha!!Have a wonderful day Kelly & take lots of pictures, you will never be where you are right now with Harper. Love & hugs...Karen Barnes= Jessica M's mommy.
Judging by your picture and the post, it looks like you're having a very easy time thus far. Praying for this to continue until your Blessing is in your arms!
You look beautiful Kelly! Today is such a wonderful day!! I'm praying that everything goes well...and I'm so happy for you that you get to meet your little girl today after so much waiting and trusting.
Can't wait to hear the next update! I'm praying for you.
Kelly and Scott,
I am so excited to meet Harper, as I can imagine you are also!! I have been following your blog for quite some time and love your inspiration and faith. My prayers are with you for a smooth and easy delivery and very healthy little girl. Good luck!
Good luck today!!! I can't wait to see pics of your beautiful Harper.
Ok, you're looking so cute in your bed!! And you're making me feel better about the epidural not hurting!!! I am so excited for you and Scott and all your parents, what a sweet day from the Lord for you all to be together! Praying for a day of precious memories...
You look amazing....Good luck today. Can't wait to meet little Miss Harper. We've all waited a very long time for this moment.
Praying Praying Praying! Who knew you could be so excited to "meet" a strangers little one! Oh the wonder of blogland! Enjoy this time ... my girl is almost 13 (boo hiss!) and I so remember that time after the epidural as the sweetest with my husband. You can do this! You will NEVER forget this day ... and, one day it will become one of Harper's favorite stories!
Good Luck, I am so excited for you! Can't wait to meet lil' Harper!
You look terrific!! Enjoy this most wonderful day!!! Will be checking often for updates . . .
Love to you dear one,
You look great Mama!
Remember to take care of yourself!
We will pray and keep checking back to see your beautiful Harper.
Kelly, Overflowing blessings to you and your husband. This is definitely the most wonderful time in your life. You are in my prayers for a short and sweet delivery. Looking forward to seeing pics of your beautiful Harper. Debbie
You will be in my thoughts and prayers today! Try to get some rest today if you can because you won't want to take your eyes off your little bundle of joy when she arrives!
Best wishes and lots of prayers to you today! I know you can't wait to meet Harper. She will change your life forever! I'll be right where you are next week (I'm being induced next Friday--a little boy. Try to rest when you can, but I'm sure you are anxious! Melissa
You look great! Aren't epidurals AMAZING?! Seriously the best invention ever! Hope (& praying) the rest of the day goes as smooth as the beginning! Cannot wait for you to see sweet Harper's face... Words fail to describe the emotions in that moment! You're ALMOST THERE! YAY!
Washington State is praying for you and baby Harper today!
You look great and so excited! You're about to witness the most amazing thing you've ever seen. Enjoy every minute of it! Can't wait to meet your Harper.
Thank you for your update. Your blog was the first one I checked this morning to see if you had met little Harper yet.
You look so pretty, and good to not have slept last night.
I was wondering how your parents are holding up. If they can stand the excitement of it all!
Their baby is having a baby!
Good luck hon, rest when you can, this is your time..make the most of it. I think you should get a book made of your blog for your daughter someday, she would love to read and see this wonderful life changing event.
You look great! Happy Birthday Harper!
You look wonderful! I am so excited to see little Harper soon! I have been thinking and praying for you today! Best of luck!
I'm so excited for you =) You look so calm and collected in your picture!
Praying for you and your family during this momentous day.
You look so beautiful! this is my favorite part, too. Labor and delivery. i know, I'm nuts. Can't WAIT to see more! I truly love you and my heart bursts with you at this very moment! Glory to God!
How exciting, I am praying for you!!
Kelly - I have been following your blog via my cousin's blog in Missouri. I just wanted to say as an anxious mother of two (10 and 7)I was induced with both just like you are today. All will be well and Harper will be here soon. The Lord is with you. I am praying for a quick delivery for you.
God Bless,
Kristy in Coon Rapids, MN
Can't wait! You look beautiful!
Praying for y'all today...hope everything goes smoothly.
What a special day for your family! How exciting!! Can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful girl!!
Yay!! I am so excited that we have a play-by-play! You must be so excited. I will be checking your blog all day!! Blessings to all of you!!
(fabulous k)
I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now. Your tutu's are too darn cute! I can't wait to see them in your little girl. Good luck and God Bless! Praying for a speedy recovery!
I meant to say "on" your little girl! I need to learn how to type ;)
I can't wait for the next UPDATE!!!
Oh, Kelly!!! You look gorgeous! I am soooooo excited for y'all! I'm glad you got your epidural and you are just relaxing!! when I get off work later, I will be checking to see if she has arrived yet! I am SO glad you have this blog so we can all watch as you and Scott raise Ms. Harperr into a beautiful daughter of God!!
You are in my prayers today!!
I'll be back in about 4 hours or so!!!!
We are praying for you, Scott, & Harper! I homeschool my girls and the first thing in the morning we do is have a time of prayer and praise and I have mentioned your name all week and told the girls that you were having a baby today!!! We can't wait to see her sweet little face :)
I am so excited that the day is finally here! I will be thinking and praying for all of you today! Can't wait to see little Harper :) Good luck!!
I am SSOOOO excited for you!! Can't wait for another update:) It is hard to work today because I keep checking in on you and Harper! How is the hubby/dad doing??
Good Luck today! Can't wait to see pictures of her! Praying for a safe and healthy delivery!
Goodmorning! I wish I looked half as good as you right now. I stummbled out of bed and went straight to my computer. There you are in the hospital looking all cute with a big smile,PTL. You go girl~ I knew I woulndt get much done today because I would be stuck here watching for Little Miss Harper. I cleaned my house all day yesterday just so I wouldnt feel too guilty. I dont think I have been this excited about a new baby in a long time. Hang in there....wont be long now~
So Very excited for you and your family! Can't wait to see pictures!
I was overjoyed when I woke up and found your Twitter feed this morning. God is SO good! Thank you for letting us follow along with you during your miracle journey. Happy Birthday, Miss Harper Brown!
Hopped on the computer, as soon as I could this morning...wanted to see how you were! :)
Looking forward to updates throughout the day. Praying all goes smoothly and that we have a happy, healthy, Mommy and baby Harper in the end.
praying for y'all! you look great girl!
Have been praying for you and Harper for the last few days. Hope everything goes well. You look so cute and not like a woman about to have a baby. Have a wonderful day! Can't wait to see Harper.
I'm so glad you guys will be able to update throughout the day. I'm so glad everything has gone so smoothly so far. I'm praying for you!!!!
Sheesh! That's how I'm doing my next delievery. Get induced, get epidural=NO PAIN!! I don't think I'll do natural again. Praying for a safe delivery!
Just leaving a note to wish you well (and to make your comment #'s go up). May you have a peaceful & pain-free delivery.
Prayers from SC.
Aren't epidurals the best thing ever?
You look great! Praying for you!
I don't have a blog myself but I've been keeping up with yours through my mother's blog... memeink.blogspot.com. I myself am expecting for the first time and I must say, every since I found your blog you have been a HUGE inspiration for me. I am SOOOOO excited to see that you're finally getting to meet Harper!!! You look absolutely wonderful for being where you are right now, hopefully I will look the same on my arrival day! :) Congratulations and good luck!!!!! I will be praying for you, your family, and a healthy little Harper!!!
Ashley T. from Tennessee
yeah for no pain!!! pretty much count me down for not getting any work done today - since i will be checking your blog all day!!
welcome to the greatest day of your life!
How awesome~ You look fabulous!!! The hospital gown wasn't the most 'friendly' piece of clothing, huh! I wore my own gowns after I had Dylan. LOL
Epidurals are awesome!!! I love that you got yours early enough. They didn't do that with my boys, you had to wait so long to get them. But with Shelby they gave to me pretty much right away and I loved it!
Kelly, I'm so excited for you! Treasure and enjoy the next few hours and moments...they are the most precious.
I will be praying for you and sweet Harper!
Kelly, only YOU could look so lovely while sitting in a HOSPITAL GOWN!!! HA!
Praying for you today!!!!
I am so excited!!! God is so faithful and good. I remember your first post about you being pregnant and now here you are ready to deliver!! I am praying for you, Scott and Harper.
Good morning at the hospital! Glad the epidural went great! Tell everyone hi!
Yay! So excited for you and your family. Am anxiously awaiting the arrival of Harper. I cannot wait to see her precious face!!
Praying for you on this very special day. Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
I said a prayer for you, Scott and Harper when I woke up to feed Lane at 6 this morning! Loving the family blog scrapbooking that's going on!
Hey Kelly, you look great! I will be praying for you today.
Will be checking in frequently on you. Praying everything goes perfectly. I remember this day for me over 5 years ago. The best day of my life up until that point.
You cannot even IMAGINE the love you'll feel when you see that sweet face!
I am so excited for you Kelly!!! You will be in my prayers today!!!
We are so excited!!
You will be in our prayers!!!
Praying for you guys today! You will have so much fun today! Getting the epidural truly makes the birthing experience wonderful!! I can't wait to see pictures of Harper!
Count me in for getting nothing done today also!! Good thing the computer is beside the ironing board (I might be a little productive!!)
I am so excited for the Stamps' family (and in-laws) today....such a wonderful life-changing event that we are so in need of in todays' world!! Treasure every moment......
I have a son going to college next year (and, thankfully, a 13-yr-old daughter at home). Seems like just yesterday I gave birth to him..... what I wouldn't give to have everything documented on a "blog" like you are doing!!
Praying for you, Scott, and Harper for a glorious day of beginnings!!
Blessings from Va. Beach,
Good for you, girl! I was induced for both of my children and had the epidural by the time I was 3cm dialated. That's totally the way to do it! You are in my thoughts today - lots of prayers coming your way!
I woke up thinking about you guys!! I hope that everything goes as smoothly as it seems to be going so far! Yeah for epidurals!!! I know that I won't get any work done today because I will be checking your blog all day for updates!! Can't wait to see sweet little Harper's face!
When I woke up this morning at 5:17 (to roll over, not get up!lol) I thought about you! I think your on everyone's mind in blog land. I'm so happy your pain free!
I didn't get an epidural and trying to push Logan out for over 4 hours...well, we won't get into that! Just think in a few hours your going to be a M-O-M-M-Y!! That will become your favorite name :o) Hugs
I am so, so, SO excited for you, Kelly. I am praying for such a smooth delivery. I can't wait to "meet" Miss Harper.
Good luck to you Kelly....you're in my prayers. Can't wait to hear the news about Harper's birth!
Can you believe the day is here! You look so gorgeous and happy and you're gonna be holding that beautiful bundle in a very short time! So, so thrilled for you both...can't wait for the next update.
I was NOT a fan of those hospital gowns when I gave birth. ;)
Go GIRL! Loving me an epidural!!
I have been praying for you all morning! I was in your shoes 17 days ago and remember all the emotions that this day brings. I will continue to pray for you today and can't wait to see pictures.
I am so excited for you & Scott ;)! We all can't wait to meet sweet Harper!
Oh my gosh, so excited for you!! I woke up this morning and thought "Kelly will be a Mommy today. She'll get to meet her daughter. How wonderful!" What a wonderful day. Congratulations. You're in my prayers.
Praying for you today!
Yipee..won't be long now!! You look amazing..and glad the IV and epid. went well. Round here they don't give it to you before you start hurting.
I pray all goes well!
I hope you have an external harddrive for your computer so you don't lose any of this!!
Yay! I cannot wait to see baby Harper! Good luck and congratulations! I will be praying for y'all throughout the day!
Oh I am so excited. I have my cell phone right next to me so that I can see Twitter updates!! Best of luck, good luck, congrats!!
Praying for you! What a special day! Happy Birthday, Harper!
I've been reading your blog for awhile, but have never commented. I just wanted to say Good Luck today and can't wait to "meet" your little girl.
God Bless you and your new Family...Harper will make the whole world a Brand New Place for you and Scott.
Kelly, I've been reading your blog for a while and I'm so excited for you today! Congrats!! Sweet Harper will be here soon! :o)
Becky (Georgia)
I jumped right out of bed this morning, so excited because I knew Harper was going to be born today. Kelly, you would think I was expecting my first Grandchild. I am just beside myself. I love babies!!! I would have had 100 if my husband would have agreed. I just loved being pregnant! You look marvelous!!! You are just radiant. I am still praying for you and your whole family. Your Mom and Dad are so precious! I love reading their blogs too. I don't work on Friday, so I am patiently watching the computer screen for updates!!!!
If I don't get anything done today, who cares? Love & blessings!
YEA, Kelly! I woke up at 430 this morning because I couldn't sleep and as I was folding a basket of Amelia's clothes, I was thinking about you and how I doubted you were getting any sleep at all last night! :o) Praying for y'all!!
Kelly, I have been following your blog for awhile now and I just wanted to let you know I am praying for you today! Cant wait to see the first picture of little Miss. Harper!
Christa in Magnolia, Texas
YAY!! Its the big day!! Praying for you and sweet little Harper!!!
Glad to hear everything is going so well. Enjoy every moment....it really is such a blessed experience....even the pushing is exciting..(truly) because the prize is then just moments away ...the best day of your life. Best wishes....can't wait to see that precious gift. Bless you both.
Mom of 4 beauties.
I'm so so glad that you are doing so well. Hang in there. She will be here before you know it!!
Thanks for the updates! I've been thinking about you all morning. Looks like you have a lot of bloggers waiting to see Harper too!:)
You look fabulous!! I am so excited for you!! I'll be checking in during the day...what a nice cold, cold day to be snug as a bug in the hospital about to have your little baby girl!! And then you get to hibernate...lucky you!! I told my husband that if/when we have another one, I want to plan to have it in the winter so I have an excuse to hibernate and not come out!! My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Oh, and your Daddy is so sweet to do his daily Bible reading post...I totally would have understood if he had skipped today...what an awesome man!!
I will be praying for you and little Harper! You look beautiful!
Carolyn in Louisiana
Yeah!!! She is almost here!! Good luck, I'll be checking in on the blog!!
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