Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Girly Girl

No big news to report today - Harper has been just hanging in there

I came to check on her this afternoon and found the nurses put a bow in her hair!!!!
I was SO excited to see my girl looking so prissy. But I think it may be time to drag out the big guns soon - that little bow just isn't going to cut it!!! :-) Oh I can't wait to put those big headband and flowers and bows on her sweet head!
And my mom brought her one of her little monogrammed blankets so we could have her name in there with her!
Her purple bow matches her purple blanket - love it!
I think we are going to have to break out the Thigh master on these little chunky legs! :-)
We were so excited to have our friends the Murrays visit today. Wells didn't get to see the bow - but he thought she looked very pretty anyway! He was styling himself in a monogrammed sweater - he knows what his girl likes.
This sweet girl Erika and her little baby Ethan came to visit me and brought me a sweet gift. We went to church together for a little while and she has kept up with my blog. I was happy to see them!!! Ethan is SO cute!

We've had a few visitors that we have missed - I think of all you read my blog - I'm so sorry I missed each of you - I got your cards and I plan to thank you!!! I hate that I didn't get to see you in person!

This is Harper's sweet nurse, Carrie. She takes care of her all day and I'm so thankful. We love her and Harper's doctor. We have been praying for them both as they care for our baby. Pray for those NICU nurses and doctors when you pray for the babies also.

I was a little discouraged this afternoon because nothing much has changed but Nurse Carrie just came out to give us a little lift and told us Harper's counts were good so they were going to try to dial her oxygen back again a little and hopefully get to 95% by tonight. Please pray that they can and that they can keep her there. That's our prayer for tonight.


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Jennifer said...

Praying faithfully for that beautiful girly girl that looks like her mama! :)

Anonymous said...

She looks beautiful and'd never know she was fighting a virus...keeping Harper and you guys (and the NICU nurses and docs in our prayers).
Can't wait to see the big guns on her...those tutu's you made are adorable!

Michelle said...

You betcha we're prayin'. God is so good. Those pictures of Harper with her prissy bow just made my day. You just wait...she'll be "workin'" those big girl bows really soon.

Love and prayers,
Michelle Suit

Amanda said...

She is just precious - you look great, just found your blog on Friday - THE day, have watched so closely everday and am praying, I have had 2 (of my 3) in the NICU - she is good hands - God's hands. I pray you will be able to hold her very soon. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly this is Cissy, Laurie's sister-n-law. I want you to know I have South MS praying for Harper. I wake up in the middle of the night by habbit now askiing Justin if there has been an update. Thank you so much for taking time each day to let us know how Harper and YOU are doing. We will continue to pray for everyone. Harper is going to have such a wonderful testimony one day. Take care Love Cissy and Justin

Renee said...

Your attitude is so inspiring. Your sweet girl is looking more like you every day.

May God gird you and give you strength and peace!

Anonymous said...

Oh Kelly, I'm so glad to read this report! Harper looks SO adorable with her little bow! I'm looking forward to seeing her with those BIG flowers on her cute little head too. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers every day! Much love & big hugs, Nina
p.s. I can't believe I get to be one of the first comments :-)

Our Blessed Family said...

I am happy that things are still good. I know she has a long road ahead of her but she looks to be a strong little girl! I have been praying for you every day! I can not wait to read your blog and see that Harper is off all of those tubes! God is Good, All the Time!!!
I love seeing the pictures of Harper too. She is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Harper is such a beautiful little girl - just like her momma! :o) I continue to pray for her health and healing and for you and Scott to continue to be uplifted and not discouraged. God's answer to prayer have been so fun to see! You'll get to go home with her before you know it!
Blessings, Katie

elliotts said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for 95%!! LOVE the bow!! : ) said...

I love the blanket and the bow.
She is a beautiful baby.
Thank you for the update Kelly.
Take care..

Lianna Knight said...

Love the bow too! But I'm with you...I'm ready for the hats and the tutus!!!
Praying non-stop!

a boy a girl and a pug said...

melt my heart she looks so sweet in that bow. praying!

Megan said...

Kelly, she just precious, little bow and all! We continue to pray for you and your family everyday!

Megan said...

Keeping our prayers up for that cuteness!!! Loving the bow!

Ashley said...

I love the precious purple bow!! She is beautiful!! I am still praying for sweet little Harper, you and Scott, and the staff at the NICU! Stay Strong!!

Linda said...

She is so pretty. I love the little bow. I have been praying for you, Harper, and all of your family. Try to take care of yourself as much as you can, When Harper is well she will need mommy to be well too.

Kendra said...

Oh.My.Goodness. How cute does Little Miss Harper look in her little bow?!?! PRECIOUS!!!!
We will be praying for her oxygen levels!
And we will continue to pray for sweet Harper's lungs and her heart. And for her Momma and Daddy too =)
Lord - we BELIEVE!!

Leslie said...

She is a beautiful little girl!
We are all still praying!
God Bless

Sandy said...

What a gorgeous girl! I love the hair bow:0)

We will continue to pray for Harper's healing and for your peace of mind! God Bless!

Leyla said...

Still praying for you all and sweet baby Harper with her precius bow. We will add her nurses and doctor to our prayers tonight.
God Bless!
Love ~Leyla & Audrey

Rhonda said...

Harper is such a cute and big girl..She will be able to wear all those bows soon....I am still praying for you and your sweet baby!!

julie & joe said...

Harper looks sweet with her tiny bow! Don't worry about the thighs now...she has lots of time to slim down. We continue to pray for all of you. So glad the reports continue to be good.

Jen said...

OHHHH she is a Doll!!! And, you look amazing!!! Keep hanging in there girl...

Thanks for the update...

ALWAYS praying,

The Trombly's said...

Kelly, she is SO precious. I can't get over how big she is though! Love the bow. I am glad to hear that she is continuing to do well. Many hugs.

Betsy said...

Look at that cutie patootie!! Oh my goodness...I could just about eat her up. I bet you were just thrilled to get that cute bow in her hair! :)

I am praying that they can dial back her oxygen tonight. Every little thing they do is a step closer to taking her home!

Lots of love and prayers!!!

Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

Praying for this beautiful baby. <><

Ashley said...

Aww- We love you Kelly!! You are being so strong!! Now I know where Harper gets it from, her mommy!! We are all still praying for your princess!! And the bow is so cute!!

Melissa said...

Still praying for your precious girl! She looks JUST like you.

Melissa- Katy, TX

shack said...

Praying for oxygen levels to stay stable as the percentage gets weaned down to 95%!! She is so precious with her bow and blankies, and I am sure it makes your heart ache to hold her even more- Hang in there, and keep your beautiful smile! Harper's hair looks like it has a little curl or wave to it- whatever, she is just beautiful!
Praying for Harper and the rest of the NICU...Wendy Leonard

Cathy said...

She is quite the beautiful girly girl! Still praying!

Em said...

Continuing to pray for you and for baby Harper! Her bow is so cute and girly!

i. me. mine said...

She's so beautiful! Thank you so much for all of the updates. We'll keep on praying until Harper comes home!

Anonymous said...

kelly, i wished i could describe how heavy your sweet family and precious baby girl have been on my heart today. i just found your blog thru angie smith's yesterday. i thought of you all night and all day today. needless to say there has been alot of prayin' going on. we are pregnant with our second baby (due in july) and everytime today i thought of this baby in my womb i have thought of harper. i am in constant prayer here in maryland, claiming victory in harper's name. our God is more than able and will not turn away when his people call upon him.
In Jesus name- tara in maryland

petrii said...

YAY a bow!!! She is so beautiful Kelly!!!

Praying for her and your whole family.

Love, prayers and hugs to you sweet one,

eetomost said...

I've only been reading your blog since a few days before your delivery. My husband and I have been praying for baby and family and we just know that the Lord will work it out:)


Megan {The Brick Bungalow} said...

Good luck! No news is good news in my book! And then you get good news about her counts. I hope that by taking the oxygen down that she starts to do well on her own. She looks great though (I like the big thighs!). I'm glad you are surrounded by so many loved ones.

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

I love the little bow! She is so pretty. We are praying for her oxygen, tonight.

Sweet, Sassy, Southern and Classy said...

Hey Kelly! Wow - God is so good! I'm amazed by how He has been so faithful! Harper is just beautiful :) Me and my college girlfriends have been praying for a fast recovery, wisdom for the doctors and nurses, as well as strength for you and Scott. I imagine you're exhausted - both physically and mentally. Thank you for the update!

Anonymous said...

Our sweet Kelly,

Thank you SO much for taking time to update your blog on Harper's progress - healthwise and now fashion-wise! These updates mean so, so much to us.

Harper is a little princess - she is an absolutely beautiful baby. I just love those little thighs - they are very endearing!

You are looking really lovely, Kelly - please take good care of yourself, to help you recover physically and emotionally.

Like so many others have commented, it is simply amazing how you can love and care so much for people you have never met!

Continuing in prayer for you all, both sets of grandparents included.

Much love

Northern Ireland

Becky said...

It's neat to be able to 'personalize' the NICU. Before the boys were born, I made each of them a 'nametag' to put on their isolete. Obviously, with triplets, we knew the NICU was ahead of us. One of the nurses was into scrapbooking too and she often did digital pages of the boys. A really big day was when they were able to be re-united in one crib. I told the boys about Harper today. I told Robert that she weighs over 3 times what he did but that she was still sick and needs us to pray for her. (He was feeling under the weather too)
We are still praying in Indiana!

Anonymous said...

Praying for all of you! I can't wait to see the big bows!!

Lauren said...

YAY!!!!! Good report. Love seeing that sweet girl's face. Love you!!

julia turner said...

Baby steps at this stage are a blessing - we are praying!


Immeasurably More Mama said...

I'm loving that bow and the girly girl wearing it! She is PRECIOUS!!! Praying for 95!!!

Michelle said...

Kelly, she REALLY IS A DOLL! Get those big bows out! Still praying! Take care of yourself!

Michelle said...

She is adorable!! Love getting to see new pictures! We are praying for the oxygen tonight!

Jill said...

I found you through boo mama and have been reading now since sweet harper's birth. praying that she is able to do well on 95% oxygen and that each day they can dial it down a bit more.
praying in san antonio~

Hailey said...


Deni said...

I pray for you daily. When I was in the NICU with my son, I was always jealous he couldn't have a bow! She looks good! Oh and I love her name!

Hilary said...

Kelly and Scott,

I am new to your blog and ever since I came across it I have not stopped praying for Miss Harper, your entire family, and the hospital staff. I am amazed at how God had given you peace. HE is amazing. I will continue to follow your blog and pray for Harper. Please know that my family is praying too. God bless, Hilary

Rachel said...

Loving the bow and can't wait for the big ones =! Praying tonight...

Jordan said...

She's adorable! Although I do agree with you about needing a bigger bow! LOL Her chunky legs are cute! =]

Megan said...

Continually praying for Harper!!

Melissa said...

I was so excited to see an update for today and that Harper is still doing well!! The bow is adorable! I can't wait till we get to see pictures of her with the big bows and the cute dresses you have for her! I'll make sure to pray for Harper's nurse when I pray for the rest of you!

Michelle said...

That little bow is so sweet! I'm still praying for a quick recovery for your little baby girl!

Bamawhitney said...

so cute with that bow and I love those chunky little legs! Still praying daily in AZ!

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

She is such a little doll! We're praying :)

Jennifer said...

I'm loving the little bow, but I'm with you, I think it is time for a big one! I'm glad your mom brought one of Harpers monogrammed blankets because if Harper is anything like you, then she LOVES monogrammed things!:)

That Wells is just adorable. He is by far the second cutest little boy I have ever seen! HA! I just love him. I'm so glad that they were able to visit you today.

You look great, Kelly! Get some rest and take good care of yourself. Praying for Harper, the doctors and nurses, and 95%!

Anonymous said...

She is just precious! She reminds me of Mary Claire when she was a baby. Mary Claire had dark hair and now is is blonde, funny and weighed 9'2! Love her little bow, too cute! Moms wants to come so bad and see you and your mom, your mom said stay, nothing much we could do. Just to give all of you a big hug would be awesome! We think of her and all of you sooo much, I wake in the middle of the night and say another prayer. May God continue to be with all of you. Thanks for all the updates, she is just so pretty! Take care!
Laura Colclasure

Pam said...

Yay for bows!!

Remember tbat slow and steady wins the race. I know how hard it is to sit there and wish that your life could just be back to the way it was before NICU's, and Vents, and all of that other stuff that mommy's and daddy's should never have to see.

Our little Rhett has been in extremely critical condition 4 different times in three years, but now things are getting better.

Pretty soon this will all be behind you and you will all be stronger "get" life more than many others.

((HUGS)) from Utah.

Anonymous said...

I knew it. I knew she would have a bow on before the end of her first week. She looks absolutely beautiful. I am still praying for you all.

Karyn said...

Harper has to get out of the NICU soon-I do not think that wimpy bassinet can hold her much longer!

Twice as Nice said...

Oh Kelly, she is nothing short of sweetness. She couldn't be more beautiful. It has to be so hard not being able to hold and love on that precious baby. You are holding up so well as I'm sure it's hard for you to be spending this time at the hospital and not at home as you had envisioned it. May God work on a speedy recovery

The twins

Jessica said...

Oh, Kelly! Her hair looks curly! She is a doll. Don't you just love her to pieces?!?! She is so big and healthy looking- you would never guess she is sick. I'm glad she is a good weight though- i'm sure it is helping her fight this sickness off. My prayer is for her lungs to heal and become strong! We would love to drive up and see you guys soon- are you up for visitors in the next week or so?


Kim said...

The bow is cute...but, I agree you need to pull out the big guns!
Harper looks so good! She has great color! It looks like she might have wavy hair?!? I'll be praying for her O2 levels tonight.

ilovepink said...

Love the bow!!! I trained my daughter with bows from day she even has to have one with her pj's! I can't wait to see Harper in your arms with a bow on! God is good so that will be soon! Oh, and I do think she looks like you Kelly! Just beautiful!

The Mrs. said...

Landon was in the hospital 52 days and you'd never know it!!!! I know you'll make it!~ I'm saying prayers!

Tara said...

She is absolutely precious! My goodness such a beauty! What a sweet baby girl you are Harper and her bow is so cute! Thanks for the updates and what we can be praying for specifically! I will be praying! God Bless!

TAFTY5 said...

I have read and followed your bog for long time. I remember a while back, I think before you were even pregnant - Dawson got sick in the car. You were wondered how us Mom's did it when our kids were sick. Look at you now! You are so strong, graceful, and positive. Hang in there! We are all continuing to pray for her and the wonderful family she was born into! She is so beautiful and I LOVE the bow! Too cute!

3LittleByrds said...

I'm new to blogging and came across your blog and read about baby Harper and I just wanted to say me and my family will pray that sweet Harper is well soon. Just giving birth to my 3rd child (a daughter who we almost named Harper) its still so fresh in my mind the whole process and how litte they are. I work in the NICU as a RN and each baby I take care as if they were my own and I pray each time I work that God gives me the knowledge to help that baby. Many hugs and prayers to you and your family.

duchess said...

We'll send those prayers up as well. Glad to see the pictures.

Faith said...

Awww, I love her sweet little bow! So precious. I'm still praying and will specifically pray for the oxygen level to continue to decrease. I'm so glad that she has such wonderful nurses and doctors caring for her, but most of all I'm thankful for the Great Physician who holds her in His hands.

Love you, Faith

Because of Love said...

I agree that she needs a bigger hair bow!

Lots of love and prayers!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! I've just found your blog and I'm addicted. I'm praying for y'all. God is good! One of my favorite verses in the Bible comes from Proverbs 15:13. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."

Keep a good thought and keep that beautiful smile on your face.

Love and prayers from one Kelly to another,
Kelly in Georgia

Unknown said...

Look how beautiful she looks with that bow! She is so pretty! I have all the faith in the world that she will continue to get better and better! You will all continue to be in our prayers!

AnneGirl said...

Keeping your family in my thoughts & prayers. My son William was born with meconium aspiration syndrome & PPHN. I remember breaking down when he was one week old because he was back on 100% and I felt like he would never make those baby steps to get better. Then three days later he was off the ventilator, on nitric by cannula! Our little babies go thru so much. Now William is quite the little trooper, running, chattering, and giving hugs & kisses. All parents appreciate & love their children but you will have an appreciation for her life in a way you can't get without this experience. It sounds as though you have a great support system & lots of visitors to help pass the time. Sending your family well wishes.

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

She is yummy adorable!! I'm so glad that you are able to stay so faithful and positive!! Keep strong- y'all are in my prayers.

Stephanie said...

I will keep on praying!!!

<3 Steph and Dave *in NH

Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your blog Sunday and have been catching up since. Your daughter is absolutely beautiful, my husband and I are praying for her quick recovery, and for strength for you and your family. - Meghan from Boston

Laura said...

So beautiful...praying.

Anonymous said...


Harper is adorable! I have a tender place in my heart for little girls who love their big bows. Bring out the big 'ol bows! HUGS TO HARPER!!!



Katie said...

Oooh, Kelly, her tiny bow looks so pretty and dainty! But I admit...I, too, cannot wait to see a big ol' bow up there! Gotta have big bows! You are so sweet to update us, Kelly, and I am always so thankful after reading them to have specifics to pray for. So, tonight...95%! We're on it! We're praying now, and we'll keep on through the night!

Ruthie said...

Oh Kelly,
That bow, in her dark hair, so cute! I just love looking at her pictures! She is beautiful! Praying for those nurses and doctors - as well as all of Harper's NICUmates. :) Praying for you and Scott too!

Ruthie :)

Marilena said...

Still praying for your sweet girl... She is so cute!! I just love chubby babies!! I know it must be so hard for you to not be able to hold her.... you and your hubby are in my prayers also.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet, sweet little girl...still sending prayers up.

Peppermint Bee said...

Such a beautiful girl. Sending prayers from Florida.

Anonymous said...

We must always keep prayers
for all the newborns in all
NICUs acroos the world.
Heavenly Father told my heart many days ago that
Harper will reover!
I am a Mother and a Grandmother.
Pamela RN from NE Ohio

The Pifer's said...

My prayers are with Harper and your family!!! God Bless!!!

Kathy said...

Aww that bow is soooo cute!!

XXOO for Harper!!

Heather O'Steen Photography said...

Many prayers from Maryland....

Anonymous said...

Had two babies in NICU, and am praying for you, although we've never met. You will get through this, and the sun will shine again. A mother's love is the best medicine, and it sounds like Harper may have an overdose of that! I am praying for you and for Harper, but He is already holding you both in His loving hands . . .

Heather said...

Harper looks absolutely precious!! Love the purple bow the nurse put in her hair! I love chubby babies, had a few myself and I was one weighing 12 pounds at birth! And my mother pushed me out too, just like you did Harper!
Hang in there and I will be praying the same prayer you guys are tonight for Harper. God is good and we'll be lifting you guys up often! You look great and hope your body is feeling better. Blessings friend!

Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray for sweet Harper! She looks adorable with the bow!

Stacie in Los Angeles

Anonymous said...

My first baby was 9 lbs 2 oz so I feel your pain...literally. What a gorgeous girl and how proud your entire family must be!! My girls ask me every day about sweet Harper and we pray every night for all of you and all the babies, nurses and docs in the NICU. Thank you so much for thinking about your blog "family" with updates--

The Garners said...

Praying specifically for 95% (or better!) tonight. I love her little bow...but you're right--I know you've got some way bigger ones in that closet of hers! Can't wait to see those in her hair!

Unknown said...

LIfting your prayer request up tonight..

I love, love, love the bow!!

Jenny said...

thanks so much for updating. harper looks precious with her lil' blanket and bow. sweet girl. we will absolutely be praying for harper tonight. keep the requests coming so we can pray specifically. thoughts, love and lots of prayers from va, jenny

Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness, she is the most precious chunky little thing I've ever seen! I just want to squeeze her through my monitor. I'll refrain. Seriously though, I'm praying for the sweet nurses and doctors who take care of these little babies. They are amazing people. Your family are in my thoughts all day. I'm praying faithfully for God's healing and grace for Harper. I know he has her wrapped up in his mighty arms and he's taking very special care of her. She is so perfect Kelly! I love seeing you pictured with her, you're just beaming with pride. She is so precious! Loving and praying for you guys!!!

Jennifer (Yukon, OK)

Givens-Craig Family said...

Praying for God's faithfulness in keeping those counts good while the oxygen gets cut back. Believing in an awesome God who is doing miracles through your precious daughter.

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

I LOOOVE the bow! So cute!

We are thinking of you entire family talks about you every fact, you came up at dinner tonight! HUGS!

praying for 95%!

Elizabeth said...

I was one of the visitors who came by last night. I left a card with a Pei Wei gift card inside with the nurse. I thought you all could use it for meals while you're in Tulsa. I hope it helps!

Harper and your family are in our prayers daily.

Michele said...

Can't wait to see the BIG bows in her hair! She is really beautiful. Still praying for you all and everyone else in the NICU.

Anonymous said...

I just commented on your last post-I know, a little late...but I wanted to tell you how beautiful Harper looks and how stunning you look, after all you have been though! You are am amazing woman and we lift you up tonight!

Anonymous said...

I know I have said this before but she is so breathtaking! She really really is! I just love her little nose. She brings tears to my eyes she is so pretty! I'm a sappy mommy of a little boy!

I can imagine feeling discouraged. We're going to pray that tonight she can stay at 95%! We continue to pray for all of you!!!

Lots of love!!! XOXOXOXO

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly, Scott and Family--

You all continue to be in my prayers! It is wonderful to see the way the Lord is working in Harper's and your lives! I am in school to be a respiratory therapist and will be working with babies in the NICU unit so your situation is very near and dear to my heart.

You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers daily. Hang in there; resting in the Lord's comfort and peace that passes all understanding.

Fran said...

I just got home from church tonight and so many of our mommas are asking about Harper. Honey, we are praying so hard for all of you!!! We even cried over y'alls story and how Christ is at work in so many lives....lives that we don't even know.

That baby is going to be a-ok and she is going to be one mighty girl for the kingdom of God.
Love you much,

Stacia said...

95% by morning is our prayer~ I think she looks like a lot like her mommy!

Kristen said...

OH!! Look at that little dolly! She is so sweet with her little bow! Praying that she will make it to 95%!

The Allens said...

We are praying, Kelly. Thank you for always taking the time to update.

Jessica said...

Wow is she ever beautiful...You're always in my thoughts and prayers everyday all day. I know that whether God heals her all at once or little by little...He WILL heal her.

Lisa said...

Oh - I love her bow, but like you said... I think the others would be ALOT better!! That was so sweet of them to think about that. They look like they are taking great care of her which I know means the world to you. Keeping her in my prayers!!

Anonymous said...

Kelly and Scott,

Harper is just so beautiful. I think that if you at her pictures today, compared to the past couple of days she seems to have a healthier look to her. I don't know, but I just see it there. I am praying for you and can't wait to see those BIG bows in her hair. I do miss the south.

Praying for you!
Claire in California

Kathi said...

Hi Kelly,
Thanks for the update on your sweet lil darlin'. She is just precious. Love the bow and blanket! My prayers continue.

Gina said...

Harper is such a beautiful baby. Her little bow and matching blanket are adorable! We continue to keep Harper and your family in our prayers as well as all the NICU babies, their families, and the doctors and nurses. Thank you for taking the time to give all of us in blogland updates on Sweet Girl Harper. God bless.

Amy S said...

love love love the bow! and blanket- anything with monogram is a hit!! Sweet picture with you and your baby girl!! continue to pray for you all! God Bless Amy

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful girl! I can't believe how big she is. I'm praying constantly for Harper, your family, and the doctors and nurses.

Love, Karla from MN

Sandy Morgan said...

Kelly ~ Harper is beautiful. Hang in there and know that God is still in control. I am praying for you each and every day!

Love, Sandy/LA

Sharmin said...

She is beautiful, I'm anxious to see the big bows. I'm praying for her and our church and Awana Cubbies prayed for her tonight, too. I love those chubby legs, this is the only time in a girls life when chubby thighs are adorable!

Anonymous said...

I have been praying for your beautiful baby Harper. She is gorgeous and such a little angel. My husband (who has no idea what a blog is but I have told him your story) told me he has been praying for you and your family too. Thank you for the updates, Harper is one lucky baby to have such wonderful and loving parents.

k and c's mom said...

You have no idea how often I look to your blog for updates to my prayers. Thank you for keeping us all up to date on "our" Harper's progress.

Anonymous said...

Kelly~~ She is so pretty!! That close up of her with the little bow is precious. The first photo I see of her safely in your arms is going to make me cry! Prayers and healing thoughts for you all--
Mila in WV

Anonymous said...

Kelly and Scott, your little girl is just so pretty and so sweet. I agree with everyone else; she looks healthy and by faith she IS!
Love the bow!! Praying for her 02 levels & that they can bring the vent down a little each day. Kelly, it's good to see you still smiling. You look great in spite of all you've been through.
Praises and Prayers for all of you.
Richard and Brenda

Jill said...

I love that the nurses put a bow in her hair! :) Sounds like you have some nurses that really care about Harper and for your family.

Praying specifically for her oxygen levels.

Thanks for giving us pics each day...I love seeing her pretty face and those chunky legs! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli! Will be praying for 95%, you've got one serious beauty there!:) Will be lifting up you & your family, the docs & nurses, and Harper's NICU buddies in prayer tonight! You're one amazing momma! Much love, Skye

Anonymous said...

She is just precious!!! Love those chunky daughter had them too! :) Praying for continued recovery! God bless all of you!

Kate said...

I know you were so excited to see your beauty with a bow in her hair. She is just stunning and there is nothing sweeter than a baby with little thunder thighs (although I am partial to big girls, as my Lilly was a chunky monkey too!) I am praying each time Harper crosses my mind, and every night before I close my eyes to sleep.

I have enjoyed reading your blog for months to see all the cute things that you have gotten for Harper. But truly what has touched me is your never ending faith in God. That faith will sustain you as you wait for Harper to grow stronger and healthier.

Know that there are people all the way in N.C. thinking of you and loving your family.

Suz said...

I'm not even kidding when I say this, but Harper is seriously the most beautiful girl ever! And those thighs are absolutely precious! They make great sugars! :) You look great! I think about you all constantly! Your Dad's blog is so great too! Still praying! And the sweet little bow is precious! Can't wait to see her all dolled up!

Anonymous said...

And what a cute girly girl she is! You said before she was stubborn ... that's coming in handy:). I hope you too are feeling better as each day passes. Praying tonight for 95% (or better)!

Ter said...

Thanks for the update...
I love Harper's little blanket and bow.... she's most definitely a princess!!

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you and your family. May the Lord give you his strength to get through what He has allowed to bring glory to Him.


Anonymous said...

I love the bow! She is so beautiful!
I will specifically pray that they are able to dial her oxygen back.

Katie said...

She is just perfect, well done God. Still praying Kelly...
Katie <><

Stephanie @ said...

I can't get over how beautiful and BIG she is!! I love the hairbow, it's so sweet. She will be in my prayers tonight, as she has been. I hope to hear that she was successful with the lowered oxygen tonight!!

kate said...

Just wanted you to know that we are still praying for all of you. I had to tell you that every time I look at her I think of how beautiful she is. She just looks so strong. I know God has great things planned for her.
Kate in Covington, TN

Always a Southern Girl said...

She is absolutely beautiful! We are keeping the prayers flowing. God is in Control!!

Natalie said...

Kelly -

She is just so beautiful!! I love her fat little thighs (reminds me of my 9 pound baby girl I gave birth to just over 6 yrs ago)!!

We are continuing to pray for your family and your sweet baby - as well as everyone taking care of her.


Heather said...

She is just beautiful. I can't wait to see pictures of her in the girly girl hair accessories :) I am continuing to pray for Harper and the rest of you as well. Also, praying for the doctors and nurses.

With love and prayers from Alabama.

Lauren said...

Oh - Those thighs are yummy! That bow is cute and sweet and dainty; but Miss Arkansas has GOT to have a bigger one as soon as possible! ;) Ha!

She is such a beautiful baby... And you look wonderful too!

Praying for Harper constantly... and praying the numbers stay stable as they take her down to 95%!

Sae Sae said...


Though we've never met I've been following your blog through friends' blogs. I'm a blogging mama too, and our little girl was
9lbs plus when she was born! 9lb girls are fighters and they have a lot of spunk about them! Sweet Baby Harper has an army of Believers praying for her in South Carolina! May God bless all of you...especially your precious baby girl! You are an inspiration and we are pulling for you!

Annie said...

shes so beautiful, i know God is gonna heal her!!! shes so big - i love it, her little chubby thighs are too cute!!!! i love the bow - what a princess!!!

Natalie@Endless Crafting said...

Love the bow and the chunky little legs. Nothing beats a chunky baby. She is darling. We are still praying in California!

amy (metz) walker said...

I love that little bow and I'm hoping for good news for you very soon about Harper!

Kelly, I don't know how you and Scott are doing it...even with all of the prayers and support. I can't even read your blog without wanting to just cry out to God to heal Harper...and so that's just want I do!

I am praying for healing for Harper and for strength and courage for you and Scott (and the rest of your family) in the face of this adversity! You are SUCH a strong woman through the strength that God has given you...I know that is the only way you can be as positive as you are at this time! I admire that so much...

Ashley said...

Look at that beautiful dark curly hair with that purple bow- What a beauty! Oh little girl I can't wait to meet you one day! Still praying, praying, praying!

Kelli said...

Hang in there. Praying for Harper to heal quickly so she can hurry home to try on all her adorable outfits!!
Kelli in SC

Anonymous said...

Kelly- LOVE LOVE LOVE her with the bow and blankie!! I'm still praying hard here in ohio!!Hope you are getting the rest you need when you can! Thinking about all of you all the time!! Hugs and kisses!! Tam *ohio*

Anonymous said...

Kelly, Harper is just BEAUTIFUL! You are my kind of girl--my daughter wears a bow every day. :) Praying for your sweet girl all the time and trusting the Lord that you'll be holding her in your arms soon. What a precious gift your Harper already is--her life has brought forth prayers for many of the other NICU babies, their families, and the doctors and nurses. Praise God!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!! I'm keeping you all in my thoughts & prayers.

Anonymous said...

Just look at those sweet chunky legs...oh my and that bow! Could she be any more adorable~ Still praying for all of you!

Stacy said...

Kelly, I just found your Blog last night and have read the entire thing! You are such an inspiration. Your positive attitude and joyful demeanor just radiate through the computer! I remember being pregnant with my only child (Lilly, 7 years old) and being so miserably sick. I had a horrible pregnancy and reading your blog and all of the happy preparation for beautiful Harper brings tears to my eyes. Harper is so blessed to have such adoring parents, grandparents, and friends. I can tell you that, as much as you adore Harper now, that love will continue to grow as she does! I love Lilly so much my heart may just burst one day full of all the love I have for her. Your wonderful family is in my prayers, Harper is a beautiful, big, strong, perfect girl and I just know in my heart that she will get better soon and will be wearing those monograms and tutus before you can blink an eye! My Lilly had pneumonia at Christmas and was in the hospital. My heart ached for my child and I felt so helpless. I see your strength and Harper will feel it too. Take care of yourself, you are gonna be one tired Mommy when Harper is all well and keeping you up all night (but oh how joyous will that be?)! Love and prayers from Virgina,
Stacy Combs

Mrs. Shelton said...

She is just beautiful! I am so happy to see her hugging her sweet blanket! You are in our prayers! Thank you for updating. It is the first thing I do when I get home from work...check your updates on Harper!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you in Connecticut. Your baby girl is beautiful and so precious. Harper is so loved!!

Cutshall Family said...

I know that I do not know you but i was looking at my friends blog and she said that you needed prayer so i clicked on your link. I read your story and just wanted to let you know that my baby had to go to children's hospital as well when he was 3 days old and he was 9 pounds as well. we had a lot of people praying for us and those people are still praying for everyone at children's hospital. My family and friends will keep you and your little one in our prayers. I pray that she gets better soon and you are able to hold her in your arms. God bless you and your family.

Cutshall Family said...

I know that I do not know you but i was looking at my friends blog and she said that you needed prayer so i clicked on your link. I read your story and just wanted to let you know that my baby had to go to children's hospital as well when he was 3 days old and he was 9 pounds as well. we had a lot of people praying for us and those people are still praying for everyone at children's hospital. My family and friends will keep you and your little one in our prayers. I pray that she gets better soon and you are able to hold her in your arms. God bless you and your family.

Jennifer said...

Your girly girl is precious! She is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen! We are all going to keep on praying!

Carly Winborne said...

Big bow, little bow, whatever - she's is a doll baby!!! I don't know how you resist reaching in a squeezing her! She's just a dumplin!

Still praying, praying!

I thought of you today in my bible study on Esther. Beth Moore was speaking of true beauty. She mentioned Psalm 90:17 - "And let the beauty of the Lord be upon us..." There's always a glow around new mothers, but yours is radiant. So is that of sweet little Harper. May she always look at you as an example of "the beauty of the Lord."

Carly Winborne

Anonymous said...

Praying for your beautiful daughter!!

Sweet Carolina Bride said...

She is so precious! I just came across your blog and want you to know my prayers are with you and your family during this time! God is good and faithful and I know you can feel His love and comfort surrounding you! The testimony you and your family have is incredible and we know that all things work according to His plans!

melissa said...

Just wanted to let you know that I too, am keeping baby Harper, the doctors, and nurses in my prayers. What a beautiful baby girl you have!!

Anonymous said...

Oh I am praying for your sweet baby girl and your family. AND- just for the record girl- you are looking VERY good for someone who just gave birth. Keep on smiling!

Anonymous said...

Kelly and family, she is just so beatiful and I know you can't wait to hold that precious thing in your arms. Sending you lots of prayers from Danville. Stay strong and keep the faith.

Erin from Danville.

Jodee said...

Harper looks adorable in her now bow and I love her personalized blanket! Sending lots of hugs and prayers from Nebraska!

Angie said...

I love Harper's bow!! I am still praying for her and your family!! Thans for the update!!

KrissyBo. said...

I love her little bow and monogrammed blankie!! :) So glad to hear that she's slowly but surely getting better. Many prayers are still coming your way! :)

Abbie said...

She is so sweet with her bow! Still sending prayers your way!

Anonymous said...

Kelly - Harper is just gorgeous. I love the daily pictures of her. My family is praying for you all each day. My two-year-old says Harper's name each night during his nightly prayers. We will continue to lift you all up long after you take that precious baby home!

Abbie said...

She is so sweet with her little bow! We're gonna keep our prayers coming your way!

We've Got Scents said...

She is so beautiful and please know I continue to pray without ceasing for her health to be restored. Praying the oxygen levels can be lowered and keep coming down successfully.
Praying for healing, rest and peace of mind for you and rest and peace of mind for all of your family.
Blessings from Texas,
Matthew 21:22

Gabi said...

still praying for you, your family, the other babies in NICU and for the nurses and doctors caring for these small creatures. Also praying that Harper gets to 95% tonight. Thanks for the continued updates.

Anonymous said...

Me and my mom preyed for baby harper and all the other babies like Harper

Unknown said...

She looks like she is doing a little better. When my baby was in the NICU it seemed like there was just a lull in his progress, then all of a sudden he just changed. They had told us we would be there for two months and we were only there for two weeks. It was a miracle. My grandmother saw the Praying for Harper button on my blog and has been very concerned for your little girl. She is the strongest Christian I know and I know for a fact that her prayers work. She is sending some up for sweet Harper, as is my family- including little Andrew. You are such a role model for me. I wish I had your strenght and faith when I went through a similar situation with Andrew.
Rogers, AR

Kelly Taylor said...

Kelly she looks beautiful with her little bow. It looks like she may have a few curls when her hair gets a little longer. Those big bows will be too cute in that pretty hair. Still praying for Harper girl and you all.

Kim Hancock said...

She is so beautiful and the bow in her hair is precious! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us and allowing us to be a part of your lives. We have your family and caregivers in our prayers!

LuAnn said...

I love the bow - it's all about the fashion. My little girl is almost 20 but I am telling you what a blast it will be to dress Harper up in the awesome outfits with matching hair stuff. Please don't forget her cute little shoes. I hate when babies don't have their shoes on.
Now my daughter is obsessed with clothes and shoes. My husband said it is my fault because I started her out young. I love it!!!!
I wish I lived closer to you. I would come for a visit. YOur blog is so awesome everyday I feel like I know you so well.
Please know thatmy prayers continue for your family!!!

Holly said...

Continuing to lift you and your family up in prayer. Hang in there, there are days that nothing seems to be changing but then soon your little one may take a leap forward. We spent 43 days in NICU with our little one. Hang in there.

CG said...

Kelly..Your looking good! Keep hanging in there!

Erica said...

Your littl girl is BEAUTIFUL!!! Praying that you will be taking sweet Harper home very very soon! Also, praying for continued healing for you!

Robin said...

She is just adorable. I love the bow...I think she is going to have curls! She looks like a "Kewpie" doll. Please know that I am still praying for you all on a daily basis. I am happy that you have such sweet nurses and doctors that are helping you through this. Continue to be strong!

Janetta Gray said...

She is BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't wait to see pictures of more bows, you guys holding her, & her in her nursery--they'll come soon! I am so thankful that I found your blog because you have restored my faith in mankind! You guys are continuously in my prayers!

Jessica said...

Don't be discouraged by the lack of improvement today. Just be thankful that she didn't regress. She was probably so tired and just didn't want to work anymore to get better. She was taking a "girl's day".

I just can't believe how big she is! Bless your heart!! She is so adorable though.

Much love to you!

heather spratt said...


She is just the cutest darn baby!! I love those chunky little thighs!! That bow is just the perfect touch!! Please know that I am still praying...


The B's said...

Kelly - Harper is so so beautiful!!! We continue to pray!

3boysmom said...

Oh, she is so precious. I love the bow! I am praying that she'll start making rapid improvements and that you'll be able to hold your beautiful daughter very soon.

cajun-girl said...

Harper is such a beautiful baby. I believe she will be healed and am specifically praying for that. When she is, the doctors and nurses will see that God still performs miracles and how awesome he is! We serve a mighty God who can heal. Prayers and good wishes are with you.

Sara said...

Yes, time for a bigger bow! Until then, I am continuing my prayers for sweet Harper. She looks like such a sweet baby!

Anonymous said...

Kelly and Scott,
We know how you feel; we've been there too. Our daughter just celebrated her 11 month birthday. I remember her one week birthday; we didn't know if she'd make it that far. You see, she was given a 10% chance of life until they put her on ECMO as a last resort. All other rescue efforts failed. But God was ever so gracious to us! He comforted us when no progress was made, and when tests and procedures were performed and for hours upon end we heard nothing and could not see our baby girl. He upheld us when we were told bad news, trusting that with God all things are possible. He dumbfounded the doctors when they told us she would be 90% brain damaged and she had NO damage! He amazed us by eliminating the med bill (all $400,000 of it!) He sustained me at night as I held my pump close instead of being able to hold my precious baby. And in the end, when I felt I could take it no more, He gave me my baby to take home, perfectly healthy! Oh how gracious God is! We don't deserve this love! Please remember that your time at the hospital is a missionary journey. You have been placed there to share God's love with others, especially the hurting families who are watching you! Be prepared to share the gospel with those who ask why you are so happy! Your time there may last a while; (mine lasted a month) so make it count! God is equpping you with a special ministry, to comfort others who are facing similar trials (2 Cor 1:4). This is quite unique and a task that has been given to you from now on! May Harper know the love and grace the Father has given to her! I pray for much comfort and rest for you all, and for full healing of Harper's little body. I pray that God would be glorified and salvation be given to Carrie and the doctors, and the other families who are struggling.
One last thing. When Harper is on the mend, and is about to be discharged from the hospital, you and Scott go out of town and stay in a fancy hotel and eat a fancy dinner! (for family and friends reading this post, this is a GREAT gift with worth beyond understanding!)

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is beautiful! I had a fat girl myself and it's just so much fun to squish them up. I know you'll be able to soon! I pray everyday for your sweet girl and for you.

I hope I don't over-step here....I find it very endearing that people are coming to visit you out of blogland. But I hope they are being mindful of your health, your compromised ability to fight infection (exhaustion, stress, etc), and your need to be healthy to be with your baby.

Please remember that you have to take good care of yourself in order to be the best you can be for Harper right now.

You seem like such a big-hearted, sweet woman who would never turn down a hug or visitor. I just hope everyone is remembering not to give you any germies!

Sorry, I know it's none of my business...I just don't want you to have to miss a second with her b/c you've caught something.

Rebecca said...

Harper is BEAUTIFUL - and the bow so so sweet! Continuing to pray for you every day. I do not have children of my own and can't begin to imagine the strength you must have. God is present in your life and watching over Harper - I just know it!

Anonymous said...

I think she looks just like her mama (not the chubby legs)!! :-) She's beautiful and we are praying for you, your family and the other babies in the NICU. Thanks for your testimony of faith.

Sarah said...

Kelly ~ Harper is so beautiful!!! I love the pictures that you are able to post of her. Thank you for sharing with us! The bow is so cute, but I can imagine that you are eager to see some of the big ones on her! :) Continuing to pray for Harper and you and Scott. I had a very hard delivery with Hannah and am empathizing with you on being sore. Ice packs, girl. Ice packs.

Taren said...

Hi, I found your blog a few days ago from Bring the Rain. Your little daughter reminds me so much of my own! She was born 9 pds 2 oz. in April and they are both so similiar in their baby pictures. Even though we have never met, I have been praying for you and your baby girl. She is a living doll and I know that god will protect her and care for her. I hope that soon you will be able to hold her and love on her. Also, I am the exact same way about the big bows! My daughter ALWAYS has to have a huge bow/flower on her head! You are in my prayers.

Crystal said...

I've just started blogging this week, but I've been reading your blog for a while now. Sweet Harper, Mommy, and Daddy are in prayers all day everyday. Your baby is precious!

Lori said...

Oh, so loving the bow and happy to hear positive news.

My five-year-old said a prayer for Harper tonight, and I think God takes childrens' prayers into special consideration :)

Hope you are feeling well, Kelly, and continue on your own path to good health.


Anonymous said...

Kelly I just found your blog a few days ago when another blog asked for prayers for Harper. She is such a beautiful girl!! I pray for her complete healing and for you and your husband. It has to be so hard on you both but I know you realize God is with you!!In addition to your family and friends, know that many of us who have never met you but are a part of your family in Christ are praying without ceasing!! God keep you close!!
(another) Kelly

mommyoflove3 said...

I saw the link on a couple of other blogs to pray for Harper so I came over here to read the story about your beautiful cherished baby girl. I am faithfully praying for her healing so you can take her home in your arms soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly!
I do not know you personally, but wanted to let you know that I am praying for Harper, you and your family. Also, the NICU staff. Our youngest son, who is now 3, was in the NICU when he was born. Its such a scary place but also a wonderful place to be when your child is sick. I pray that the Lord gives you & your family strength and the doctors wisdom. We know that our Lord is the great physician and with him ALL things are possible.
Praying for you,

Anonymous said...

I found out about your little girl from a post that Melanie Hyso had on her facebook. Her and I went to grade school together. I have been checking your blog frequently for updates on your baby. I have been saying many many prayers. I can't imagine all the feelings you are feeling right now. I know what gets you through though, is your faith in God.

I've also read a few of your old blog posts and I feel like I know you even though you have no idea who I am! You've inspired me to start my own blog! :) I will keep you and your family in my prayers!
April Clarke - Springfield, Mo

Tristan said...

My heart! She is just so stinkin' precious!!!

Praying from Indiana...until that little bundle of joy is HOME!

Ashlee said...

Kelly, I LOVE Harper's chunky legs. They're adorable!
I think about you all ALL the time. I just feel such a connection to you since we just went through this with our daughter Blair. I'm so glad you are at the RMH. It IS a blessing! All of the information you put in your posts is so eerily familiar. I pray for you each day and pray for the nurses and doctors. Don't be discouraged by small improvements or none at all. God's timing is perfect. There may even be a day where she has a step back, but she will be well before you know it. She is precious. I love the bow too!

The Shabby Princess said...

Hi Kelly! I'm praying that she will be able to breathe on her own--slowly but surely of course. So glad that you have a wonderful nurse--and so sweet of those nurses to put a bow on her head. She is gorgeous, Kelly. You have one beautiful baby girl on your hands.

I read that you are staying at the Ronald McDonald house--my aunt and uncle stayed at one when my cousin was sick with cancer and it was a huge blessing for them. I'm glad you're able to stay there.

We're praying for you, Harper, your family, the other babies and families and the nurses. I love that you've been able to use this time to thank others and ask us to pray for those other babies. God is good. You have an amazing spirit. I'm so impressed with you even more each day.

Hugs to you and Harper!

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