This is a picture of the two people I love most in this world - Harper and her daddy. It didn't take long to completely wrap him around her little finger. I don't know if I've ever seen anyone as crazy about their little girl as he is. It has made me fall in love with him all over again when I watch him talk to her with tears in his eyes every day. Every time he talks about her - I see this light in his eyes I've never seen before and I just want to bottle it up!

The night Harper was born and they took her away in the helicopter - the NICU gave me these two little blankets to sleep with so I could bring them here and put them in with her so she could have my smell near her. All today - she has been just holding it in her little hand and I love it. I can't hold her or feed her or have her open her eyes and look at me - but she can hold this blanket and know that her momma loves her more than life.
We met with our doctor twice today and he is so good to give us a lot of details. The latest is that her heart appears to still be good. He showed us x-rays from each day of her life. The pneumonia in her lungs gets a little better each day. They took her oxygen down to 95% at one point today but her levels dropped a little so they took her back up to 100% tonight. The plan is to watch her for the next 5-6 days and if her oxygen level doesn't get down to 75-80% - they will probably go ahead with ECMO. We are okay with that but we are praying that she will use less oxygen. I just have this calm assurance that she is going to be okay. God has made Himself so real to us over and over and over in so many ways. I wish I could share all the ways He has blessed us through others. We have had so many visitors and gifts and messages and today we recieved something so amazing we had to just go to a private place and sob at God's provisions for us. We know God continues to bless us to encourage us so that we can trust Him and look for ways to share Him. Our nurse saw us crying today and we were able to tell her it was because people had been so good to us - especially our church family. Later she reacted to something else that happened by saying "You have such a nice church".
Oh - I hope each of you have a church family that you love - there is nothing like it.
Thank you for praying for Harper. We tell her every day that she has no idea how many people are praying for her. We found that someone started a blog just for her so you could leave us messages. This is the blog. It is so amazing - I can't thank ya'll enough. I still haven't had time to get through all my e-mails or facebook messages or comments so if you are the one who started it - hopefully I can thank you once I figure it out!
Jesus said "Whatever you did for the least of these - You did it unto me" Matthew 25:40.
P.S. Just a couple of things people have had questions about:
1. I didn't have a c-section - I birthed that big girl the normal way. Which explains why I now walk like an 80 year old.
2. We are staying at the Ronald McDonald House for now. It has been a huge blessing to us.
3. We are expecting to be here for probably at least a month to 6 weeks or more right now.
4. We have laughed because we have been asked this more than anything - Dawson is GREAT! He was at doggie daycare but my dad had to go home today so he picked him up and took him home with him. He has a great set up and Dawson will be more than happy to be with him. Thank your for all the concerns and offers on our sweet puppy - we haven't forgotten our first baby.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 346 Newer› Newest»Still praying for sweet Harper and your family!
What a sweet picture of your baby girl and her daddy!
My prayers are still with you and Harper. God is good and He will see Harper through this.
I think we're all just gobbling up these updates as soon as they're posted! We can't get enough...So good to hear she's getting better and better each day. Faithfully lifting you up...
GOD is SO AMAZING! I can't wait each day to hear what God has done! So thankful!!! Continuing to pray without ceasing! Many Blessings...
Oh, Kelly, what a beautiful post and an even more beautiful little girl!!! You can see Scott's love in that picture.
We continue to pray for you all and will ask God to work on Harper's oxygen levels!!
We love you all!!
You are so strong and I admire you so much! I'm so thankful to hear another good report from the doctor! Praying for you all!!! :)
Thinking of you, I wasnt able to hold my Alex for two weeks. Im so sorry, that is so hard. You are on my heart daily. She is beautiful!
I am praying daily for little Harper. I just love those chunky thighs! She is absolutely precious. God is good!
What a beautiful picture of Daddy and Harper. Her little hand is such a precious site holding on to something that I am sure she knows is awfully close to Mommy.
Keeping you all in my daily prayers!!
Such a precious update!
Praying and Praising Jesus!!
Those pictures are precious! Harper's little hand holding onto the blanket is just awesome-she is a beautiful baby- of course, look at her Mom and Dad! ;) Praying that the doctors still continue to find the right course of treatment for her and that you and Scott will continue to have peace. Praising the Lord for all He is doing...even the things we aren't able to see just yet.
Anne in TN
Nothing like pictures of daddies and their daughters. Precious!
Your pictures brought tears to my eyes. I, like many others, await updates on your sweet baby and I thank you so much for them.
Continuing to pray for Harper and your family...
waiting for each blog update and keeping you in our prayers all day
Praise God--what a great post. I am so thankful and I walmost requested a picture of Scott with his baby girl! I love the part about blankets and I am amazed and inspired by your faith and strength throughout all of this. God is so faithful. Thanks so much for updating us. We are praying like crazy and we KNOW you will be bringing her home soon!
Praise God for the answered prayers so far and for the ones He is going to answer! Our God is so good and faithful! We are continuing to pray for Miss Harper and for you, Scott, and your family as well.
I check like 100 times a day just to see the pictures of Harper! I am SO excited for you that she's doing SO much better! Will keep praying!
Thanks for the update sweet Kelly and Harper is so beautiful.
I don't know if you remember or not, but I told you a couple months back that your relationship with your husband would rise to a new level once ya'll experienced Harper's birth and you saw him be a Daddy. Isn't it amazing? I love the picture of Scott and Harper and of her little hand.
Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to keep us updated.
We are praying so hard for Harper & Emma (our 19 month old) is praying for "Baby Hopper" too. She keeps telling us "Baby Hopper better" and yes, God is making Baby Harper better we tell her.
I am so excited to see all the wonderful things that are taking place to comfort you and your sweet loved ones in this difficult times.
Please know that all of you and all those sweet babies and their families in NICU are covered in prayer my so many of us.
Keep the faith!
Still praying for you girl!! I am so glad they gave you blankets to sleep with. That is a perfect way for you to be close to her during this time and it does work!
Ohh it warms my heart to hear that she is improving.
I only know you through your blog, but am praying non-stop for you and Harper and Scott and your families.
Your sister in Christ,
I'm so so thrilled that Harper is doing so good. She is such a little fighter, and God definitely has something amazing planned for her life! How are you and Scott? How/Where is Dawson?
Your Harper is so sweet! What a special girl! Everytime i read your blog I just want to cry I can just feel the holy spirit through your blg. Praise GOD! Rejoice in the Lord always, for he is near.
I am so glad that Harper is doing better. I am praying that she steadily improves. Harper is a very special girl to bring so many people together. Hopefully some day we will get to meet the little girl we have prayed for.
We are still praying for your precious little girl and your family. I'm glad you are continuing to receive good news from the doctors. I hope you get to take your baby girl home very soon.
We will be praying for her oxygen levels to stay up on it's own! She is an adorable baby girl.
Kelly...those pictures are beautiful! I love the one of her fingers!
Still praying...and trusting God for miraculous healing.
Oh she is just beautiful!! Scott looks soooo happy with her!!!
Still praying for your family!!
I am so glad that God is revealing himself to you in such real and tangible ways! Hugs & prayers!
Kelly, what a sweet post and what a great picture of Scott and Harper. Such a precious bond between a daddy and his little girl. You're killing me with the blanket story and sweet. Just think of all the days and weeks and years you'll get to make up for lost time with her! We love you guys, hang in there and know that we are all continuing to pray.
Kelly and Scott- Ya'll are amazing! I wish I could be there to give you a big hug! But, know you are loved and we are continually praying for you guys and most certainly for little Harper! Those pics melt my heart and it brings tears to my eyes to hear about how much Harper's daddy loves her! What a beautiful glimpse of how much your Father in Heaven loves the Stamps family!!!
Your little girl is so sweet!! Still praying that she improves and does NOT need ECMO. Prayers going up and blessings going out from Kansas...
What a joy to read today's post!! I still check about 5,000 times a day...I know, it sounds like a lot, but I'm actually serious and not exaggerating. :)
Harper's hand holding the polka-dot blanket is precious!! My prayers will continue for you, Scott and of course, sweet Baby Harper!! She is gorgeous, just like her mommy (and daddy...but I mean that in a loving, Christian-friend kind of way)! :)
Stay strong and I can't wait to hear about all of the wonderful things that have happened to your family over the last few days!!
I love you tons, Kel!
Jess :)
The picture of Harper and her daddy brings so many levels of emotion to me....
So glad that she is showing signs of improvement...
Many, many ((hugs))
Twin and I were together today talking about Harper. Fran said did you see her lips they are so pretty. We both think she is just BEAUTIFUL and you can't even see her eyes yet. Just SWEETNESS.
Praise Jesus for Good news!!
Love the pics!!! So incredibly sweet. There is NOTHING like a Daddy and her daughter!!
Always Praying...
I find myself checking your blog several times a day for updates. Harper, along with you and your husband, are in my prayers and thoughts throughout the day. The update today sounds wonderful.
I cried when I read about the truly pulled at my heart strings.
God bless all of you,
Tammy in Alabama
She is just so beautiful Kelly! Continually lifting that sweet Harper up in pray as well as you all. I hope you are continually healing and resting as much as you can. Love you all!
I love that picture of her holding the blanket. Glad things continue to improve. Still praying....
I just found your blog through a friend's blog, I am encouraged by your faith. My husband and I will add your family to our prayers. Your daughter is beautiful.
Still praying for Harper and your family. It's not easy to recover from having a baby..without all the extra stuff you guys have been dealing with. Hang in there. I'm not on your list..but I'm also an 09 baby well as an 08 baby mama! Good luck, will continue to watch your updates and pray for you guys as they come.
Those are such sweet pictures! Thank you for the update. Continuing to lift your baby girl up!!
Oh Kelly, praying that the day is very close when you can hold Harper and she can put her little hand in yours! Thanking God for His provisions for you, continuing to ask for healing. One of my friends who has been where you are wanted me to share this verse with you, Matthew 18:10 "See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven."
That picture of Harper with the blanket is the sweetest thing I have ever seen!
That picture of Scott and Harper is the most precious thing. The look on his face as he looks at his little girl is priceless. And the blankets -- oh my stars -- that is just the best!!!
Continuing to pray and love on you from MO,
So happy to see that Harper is slowly being healed by the power of prayer and our awesome God. I will remain in constant prayer for sweet Harper and family.
The picture of Scott & Harper is precious. I continue praying that Harper will be completely healed.
Love & Blessings
Carol ~ in Tulsa
So glad to keep reading about her gradual improvement. You are so blessed. I will continue to pray.
The picture of Harper's hand...precious, priceless, and a reminder to me "Be Still and Know that I Am God"! He IS GOD and I know that one day SOON that little hand will be squeezing your own.
Rebecca (from Portland, OR)
Those pictures are so cute!!! I am still praying here.
LOVE the pic of Harper and her daddy...Are you all able to touch her now? She is one very loved little girl, not just by you all, but by everyone who reads your blog!! Continuing to pray for you all!!
Dear Kelly and Scott... I am praying so hard for your baby Harper since Friday that I fear I accomplished very little else. I even have my 2 older kids praying with me and they keep asking me about Harper and how she is doing.( they are 7 and 5) We pray for her together and I just want you to know that even though I do not personally know you we love you all very much. Thank you for the updates on "our" baby. (I think there are thousands of us out here that have taken on Harper as one of our own).
God Bless.
Thanks for all your updates...I check tons of times a day to see how little Harper is doing. My husband thinks I'm crazy but I've just fallen in love with this precious baby girl. She has no clue how much she loved & wanted. I posted this on your Dad's blog but I wanted to let you know too. I have a two year old little girl and I told her we needed to say a prayer for baby Harper because she was sick. She has fallen in love with her. We have to check the blog everynight & see if you have posted any new pictures. She also has to give Harper hugs & kisses and sing her Twinkle Twinkle & Jesus loves me before I close out the page. I printed her a picture out because she wanted to be able to see her. When she leaves it laying around she asks, "Where's my baby Harper go?"'s so cute. We are thinking & praying for you & your family.
Ruston, LA
Everytime I get on your blog I just have tears!
Aren't daddies and daughters the sweetest thing in the world??? I remember that same feeling with Evan in the hospital with Kendall (as he sang the Razorback fight song to her) and thought I could have 1,000 babies to have my husband the way he is with our newborn child. It's so precious, and that feeling just remains as you watch them grow together.
Harper is darling. I'm so pleased to hear all the reports and just excited that you are willing to let God use this terrible circumstance for His glory and good.
The other thing that is so neat to me is how you guys are so compassionate for the other families in the NICU. I read your dad's blog today and that story of him praying with the other couple was incredible.
What a wonderful legacy. What a wonderful support. What stories you will have to share with your precious one someday soon!
We are praying.
Know that Harper is being lifted up daily in Winston-Salem, NC. I am new to your blog, and I am praying for y'all- for total healing both emotional and physical. May you hold your sweet baby in your arms soon!
God is just so at work! These pictures are beautiful!!!!!!!! Ohhhhh...I am crying.
This is all just unbelievable. I LOVE you! You are a WONDERFUL mother. I knew you would be.
Happy that our God is answering our prayers!!! That's a sweet picture of Harper and her daddy. You and Scott are so couragious and faithful in the Lord.
I will be praying faithfully.
I found your blog through a siesta. Know that the Woottens in SC are praying for your family. You are such an inspiration. I hope you get the opportunity to share your story over and over again, and that MANY will come to know Him through all of this.
Your Siesta,
Amanda in SC
Your baby girl is loved by many and we are all continuing to pray for her, for you, for your husband and for your family & friends. God is amazing!! Watching her progression over the last couple of days is truly an act of God. God bless you and your family of 3!
Harper is too cute. Many prayers for a speedy recovery!
She is such a beautiful baby girl, I pray for her many times through out the day!!!
Kelly- you can't put a price on those pictures! God is awesome and your faith is inspiring. I love you!!! :)
I tell ya....have we all fallen in love with Harper or what??? Praying so hard...I have the entire family up to speed each day as to how she is doing.
Praying for you and Scott too. I know how hard it is to have a baby....its hard on our minds and bodies, so I'm asking God to quickly heal you and not mess with all that nasty hormone stuff. ;)
My daughter gave birth Dec 2007 to twin boys. both born with pneumonia. It was scary and heart wrenching but with the many prayers offered up on their behalf they were able to leave the NICU after 17 days. On Dec 19 2008 we celebrated their 1 yr birthday. Happy, healthly and full of mischief. Next yr you also will look back and see God's hand in this. place your trust in him.
We are praying for sweet Harper...even my little 26 month old. She talks about "Baby Harper" and wants to see her picture. I commented on your Dad's blog the last couple of days and we pray for "baby Harper" each the end, when Emma normally tells Jesus that she loves Him she said "I Nu (love) You Haper. It is the sweetest thing.
We love you...I've been reading your blog for over a year and am so thrilled for you.
your composure, faith, and hope is so inspiring. Praying!
That picture of Harper's little hand with her blanket is just precious! My son Grant was in an isolate in the NICU for some time...I had the nurses tape a picture of me, my husband and daughter Emma inside so he could see it. I was only able to spend 3-4 hrs a day with him b/c I still had a family at home and had to drive back and forth daily, so it made me feel better knowing he could at least see us. We are still praying and know that God will work a miracle in Harper!
praying for you.
ya'll are Great parents already! I can't wait to see just how God is going to work in yours and Harper's lives in now and in the future! Still praying!
I cry every single time I read an update or see a picture of your sweet baby. The picture of her hand is so precious!!!
I am praying for her and for your family!
I can hardly wait for each update. Since I found your blog when the plea went out for prayers for Harper I just can't wait to read the next update. I log on to you and your dad's all day long. I have been reading the updates to my Child Development classes at the school where I teach. I have them all hooked. Praying constantly.
Ohhh Kelly... I remember falling in love with my husband all over too... isn't it amazing? That picture is just precious. She will no doubt, be a daddy's girl! She is absolutely beautiful. Truly! I (we- my whole family) continues to pray and we'll keep praying! I know that the Lord has special plans for her!
Keep getting stronger little girl!!!
Big Hugs!
Those pictures are the sweetest pictures I think I've ever seen! Especially the one with her sweet little hand!!!!
I had the most amazing thing happen today. I was telling someone about you and asking for their prayers for you and she said, "wait, is this Kelly in Arkansas?!" How wonderful is that?!
We are all still praying for all of you constantly.
Kelly, I am so glad to hear that sweet Harper is improving each day! She is just precious and I love those pictures. The one with her daddy is so sweet and her holding on to the blankets that smell like her momma just melts my heart. It is awesome to see the Lord working through all of this. We are still praying for your sweet baby girl and your family.
Renee and Chris in SC
Harper is so beautiful! My whole family asks me each day how Harper is doing. I give them updates. :)
I have been in that place of my church and family and strangers giving me gifts and help that blew me away when I had cancer and I know exactly how you feel!! God is amazing!!
I will continue praying for Harper and Scott and you!!
Sending more prayers from TEXAS with tears in my eyes! Love yall!! God is good and will watch over yall!! Psalm 139:13-16
Still praying for you and your precious family! God is good!
What sweet pictures!!! Praying for Harper and all the other babies in the NICU!
Awww...that is a great shot!
Praying.Praying.Praying in Washington!
Precious photo of Harper and her Dad and of Harper with her very special blanket. Thanks for sharing.
Praying for rest & healing for you and peace of mind for all of your family.
Continuing to pray for complete healing of your precious little one.
Thanks for being such a blessing to those there with you.
With His Indescribable Love,
Matthew 21:22
Still praying!!! That picture of her and Scott and then the blanket with her sweet little hand....sweetest thing EVER!!!
Yay for all the wonderful, encouraging updates about Miss Harper! I know you guys must be elated. Mommy Kelly, you look absolutely beautiful in all the pictures! So glad to see things going in such a positive direction for your precious family!
And your friend Laurie posted a sweet update about your furr-baby, Dawson. I love it!
Harper is definitely a "Daddy's Girl!" She has two daddy's...her loving daddy and that of her "Papa God" who created her to be a BIG part of your family. I am praying for you daily. I rushed home from work to see my daily "Harper Report." She is a beautiful and well loved baby.
When I saw my husband with my daughter for the first time, I fell in love with him all over again as well. It is just amazing to see a daddy with his baby! Still praying for you all. Harper is just beautiful!
What a beautiful family! I am so happy to hear Harper is making improvements daily! Still praying!
I found your blog through several others I read. I am a NICU nurse in Houston TX and I know how scary this is. My family and I are praying for your family and Harper. I know it is confusing and scary right now, but the best thing to do is be and advocate for your daughter. Listen and take in everything the doctors say and make sure you understand the treatments they are doing. You are in our prayers.
Still praying for your sweet girl. Man, she is a chunk! :) Our daughter spent 7 days in the NICU and she was only 7 lbs 1 oz, but the nurses kept calling her huge because they are so used to tiny babies. I bet they are having a hay day with Harper! She is so stinkin cute!
My daughter has Down syndrome. She also has been hospitalized (at one year of age) with pneumonia before. I so understand your pain with the oxygen ... just know it will get better. Time stands still when you have a child in the hospital and it seems like the end will never come. Just know that 100% oxygen is what is best for Harper's health right now. As anxious as you are to get her down, there is a reason she is needing 100%. Believe me ... I was very anxious to get the levels down on our daughter too. It is so hard.
I also wanted to say I can totally relate to what you are saying about realizing how much you need to do for others. We recently adopted a little girl that also has Down syndrome from Russia. The support we were shown in the blog world and in our community was amazing. When others do so much for you, it really does make you want to do that much more for others. Such a cool feeling, isn't it?
Continuing to pray for your sweet girl!
Oh Harper, you have many more days ahead of you. You are a strong girl. We are still praying for ya!!
It's such a blessing to hear that Baby Harper is improving.
I spoke to a former co-worker today at my church who asked about you and your precious little girl. She has been reading your blog through another firend's blog. The number of people praying for you just keeps getting bigger and bigger. God's family nevers ceases to get closer knit or smaller and smaller....amazing how connected we all are.
Continuing to pray for the healing of your little angel.
Blessings In Him,
Desty Ellis
Springdale, AR
Good Luck! We are still praying here in NH!
<3 Steph and Dave
I found your blog through another blog and I just wanted to let you know I am praying for your precious baby girl by name. She is so beautiful and I can tell you love her so much!
The pictures are just precious. She's such a beautiful little girl. Alex and I were talking about how hard it must be, to not be able to hold your newborn baby. We come to the website and look at her pics, everyday, and just pray for her healing.
Praying God continues to take care of your precious family, while there in Tulsa.
She's precious! I will be praying!
Thank you for your update today. The pictures you have posted are priceless! It brings tears to my eyes to see them. What a beautiful little girl you have! I am so thankful that Harper is doing a little better every day. I can't wait to see those first pictures of Harper in her Mommy and Daddy's arms (hopefully soon)! God bless you all and we will continue to pray for Harper, your family and those families and babies in the NICU with you all.
still praying in Prattville, Alabama and the list continues to grow with prayer warriors here~
Harper - thank you for being a vessel of God's faith to his people. You are a special little girl, and God has big plans for your life! Stay strong little girl.. You are being lifted up and bathed in prayer and well wishes.
Kelly - thank you for your blog and your transparency through this journey. You and Scott are special people and God has his hand upon you..
Still praying in Alabama!
I love the picture of her little hand on the blanket.
I can't wait to see a picture of you holding her and her getting to see her Mom and Dad's face that loves her so.
I just feel that baby will be all right. Each day she will get a lot stronger and her lungs will heal.
Take care...
We love you all in North Carolina.
I have your precious baby on a prayer list for my blog and facebook. My daughter and her friends do too.
YOu look great Kelly, take care of yourself..You do have a special husband, I can see how much he loves the both of you, just in the pictures.
I remember how precious it was to me when my mother in law brought me my baby's blanket when I was sick and couldn't be with my baby. (well, we both were & were apart from each other) I hadn't slept in weeks and I remember I fell asleep for the first time with that blanket.
My whole family is praying for Baby Harper! She is GORGEOUS, by the way!
Angie Smith posted a beautiful prayer for Harper and you on her blog, and I printed it and it hanging on my fridge so I am constantly reminded to pray for Sweet Harper. I love the picture of her holding the blanket! She definitely knows who her Momma is. God Bless you all!
God led me to your blog.I read it daily.Although I don't know you I say a prayer for you, and a prayer of thanksgiving for my 2 healthy grandsons!
You are in my prayers and thoughts daily! Harper is beautiful- your love for her will help her through this!
a friend of mine started the facebook group to pray for you and Harper. I told her to contact you.
I'll continue to pray until something happens and hope that you all see God's purpose in this meanwhile she will keep improving.
I am so very glad you have a community around you :) Prayers you'll get to hold her soon on cpap! it is worth the wait I had to wait 3 weeks to hold my son as he would desat every time someone would touch him. almost better than the day I got married.
Sometimes slow and steady wins the race sometimes you need a miracle. this would be it.
Sending prayers and love to you.
Oh Kelly, these pictures are precious!
Thinking of you constantly...
Seeing her hold that blanket is the sweetest, most tender thing.
How sweet about that blanket! I am sure Harper feels you there! How special, Kelly! AWW! I love the pictures too!
Kelly - Baby Harper is beautiful. Continued prayers from Paris TX
I just found your blog and wanted to let you know that I am praying for your family and for all the other babies in NICU and their families. Your story is already an amazing testimony of God's love.
I continue to pray for Harper and your family every day. I am so happy that you are feeling peace. That is one of the main things I've prayed for. I know you can't wait until you can hold her. I love that she's been holding your blanket. That is so precious. I'm so glad God is providing for you. It truly is a testimony to His word. I hope one day to find a church family like yours. Your story has blessed me in so many ways. I will continue to pray and I can't wait until the day that Harper gets to go home with you.
God bless,
Thank you for the update! That picture is amazing! What a great Idea to have Harper's mommy sleep with those blankets! Now she knows you are there all the time! That part brought me to tears!!
We are praying for your family!!
What a precious little girl and such a loving family. I have been praying that she heal quickly so she can go home where she belongs.
I had all 3 of my children at St. Francis in Tulsa and it THE BEST. You are blessed to be there. I will continue to follow your blog to see how this sweet girl and Mom and Dad are doing. (Mom - get some rest.)
God Bless You!
Betty in Edmond, OK
I've been following your blog since before you were pregnant with Harper, but don't think I've ever commented before. I was just struck by the picture in your last post when I saw the sticker they have you wear... "PARENT." Praying you will relish each moment knowing the truth that whether you've been able to hold Harper yet or not, you are now forever a MOMMY!! May your heart be changed by the love you hold for her and the love God is showing you each day. Prayers for Harper's complete recovery and for much glory to be given to God!
She's a doll! There's nothing sweeter than a daddy and his little girl! God is truly amazing!Awesome report!Still praying in Pearland,TX
It is so amazing watching God heal her little body. It is pleasure to bring her before the Lord daily. I am so thankful for the great reports from the doctor. I hope you and your family are able to rest a little easier. What a testimony you and your family are of tremendous faith! Thank you!
I have a little heart baby of my own. Well, not a baby anymore, but a wild and crazy five year old boy! When I showed him pictures of sweet Harper he immediately said a prayer for her.
Prayers from Texas-
Jenn & Carsyn
I continue to pray for Harper. Take care of yourself too.
Kelly she is so precious. I just know God will heal our babies and soon we will be having play dates for our little miracles. Every part of our journey has been so similar...maybe we will get to bring them home on the same day! Oh, I sent you an email about ecmo...just something I learned from our Dr. You all are in our prayers...oh and a lot of our nurses have found our blogs and they are praying for you too!
I am continuing to pray for both Harper and Brayden! Keep faith and God will bring your beautiful baby home!
Crissy Daniel
We are praying & holding your family in our hearts daily. My daughter was born premature & suffered from a pulmonary hemmorhage in both lungs(bleeding). She is an active, healthy toddler today. The best advice we ever got was that your lungs are like a bruise, it takes a long time to heal. Just remember TIME is on your side...Love is patient... Hang in there, God is healing her lungs everyday & breathing every breath with her!
Oh, thanks for posting! I'm so glad I checked before I went to bed! Praise the Lord! Sweet dreams to all of you.....still praying.......
Terri in OH
I think about and pray for your little girl and your family every day. Keep hanging in there.
I found your blog last week when you were in labor with Harper, and my husband, son Henry, and I are all praying for a safe homecoming for Harper.
George Family in Colorado
Take care of yourself Kelly. Soon you, Scott and Harper will be running at full speed.
You may have found out by now, but the prayer blog was started by Ashley at Great Grabbie Designs. I follow her blog too and was excited to see that another of my favorites is now united with me in prayer for Harper. I have no doubt that Ashley would resist any accolades, but since you mentioned finding her, I thought I'd point you that way. Here's the link to her blog:
I continue to share your story and love talking to my precious Father about His ability to heal your sweet girl. Harper is so loved and she's going to be a living, breathing testimony to the power of prayer.
I am praying for you and your family as well! Harper is beautiful--just like her mommy! Love and prayers from MS--
God is SO GOOD! I am so glad that little by little Harper is improving!
Look at that chubby little hand! So sweet! She is beautiful, Kelly! I'm continually praying for all of you. Hang in there, sweet momma - God is truly working a miracle here.
We continue to pray for Harper and spread the word that your precious baby can use all the prayers she can get...glad to hear she is doing better...
a church family is a dear thing to have. i'm so glad you have that support and your family there with you. i can't imagine going through something like this without them.
still praying,
I just found your blog today and want to tell you that nine months ago I was in a similar situation. My baby girl Caitlyn was born full term, scheduled c-section. Somehow she aspirated meconium into her lungs which caused respiratory failure. She was taken to another hospital where they kept her for 24 hours. The Dr. would call me where I was recovering to give me updates. It was up and down every hour when she finally called and said there was nothing more they could do for her. She needed to go on ECMO. She was then transported to UW Children's Hospital in Madison, WI. By the time we got there she was already on ECMO. I want to encourage you that if it gets to that point it can still all be fine. Caitlyn was on ECMO for five days. She responded perfectly and has had no side effects from it. She is a happy healthy nine month old today and the joy of our lives (along with her big brothers!) God is so good. We have already prayed for you and your baby tonight in our family worship time and will continue to do so. I'll keep checking back for updates.
She is so beautiful! I am still praying for you all, my heart aches for you and wishes you could take your sweet girl home healthy and happy! Hugs and prayers,
Oh, how your blog brings a flood of memories. We had our son almost ten months ago (March 26, 2008) and he was helicoptered (I like to make up words) out and was in the NICU for 16 days (10 in the critical and 6 in the regular). They were awful, but you're right: an awesome God and a wonderful church can carry you through anything. Our son only had to be on the ventilator for 24 hours (he had a pneumothorax in each lung)... oh, you don't need to hear all of my stuff.
I came here to encourage you.
Your faith is strong. Stay in the Word so that when you feel weak (and you will), He brings the Scripture to your mind quickly to strengthen you.
Your sweet daughter looks good. Good coloring. Good news coming in.
I'm praying for those numbers... the ones I know you're watching on that monitor like a crack addiction.
Stay focused on Him cause He loves your daughter even more than you.
many hugs and prayers,
Grateful for Grace
We will continue to pray for our family. Thank you for the beautiful pictures and updates.
One more voice letting you know I am praying for Harper and for you as well!
Continuing to pray for Harper!!! The picture of Scott with Harper is just priceless!
Stacie in Los Angeles
That picture of her with the blanket is so sweet! We are continuing to pray for Harper that she can be strong and that God will continue to heal her little body!
I am so glad you are able to feel so blessed right now!!! Praise GOD! That is good news from the doctors, and we will continue to pray for her lungs and that her oxygen use would go down.
I cried when I read what the picture of the blanket is about...oh God is good...
Continued prayers being sent your way. Remember to get your sleep too!
Hi Kelly, we are praying for you and little Harper. My husband will be in Tulsa for work tomorrow and will be dropping off a package for you from our charity It's No Monkey Business.
Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way!
Bless you for birthing that big beautiful girl!!! I admire how strong you are through this all. You and your family are in our prayers always.
Y'all are amazing!
those pictures are just precious. i'm glad that harper is doing so good. i know you cannot wait for the day you finally get your hands on that perfect little baby of yours.
She is just precious! Praise God for HE is good. Still praying for your family and Harper. She is in the healing hands of our Father. If there is anything at all I can do, please let me know.
working over at children's level b tonight. was going to stop by before work to see how things were going for you all, but had to get gas and then was running out of time!! glad to hear she's doing so great. praying for her and you all. all of us nurses were just talking about harper and you guys. what a testimony you are kelly. your faith is extraordinary...
continue taking care of yourself.
harper needs a healthy mommy!!
I just found your blog a couple days ago.. hadn't clicked on BooMama for a while and something just told me to go there. I felt very directed to your family once I clicked the link and discovered you were praying for a sick little baby. We were a NICU family at one point and I have all the faith in the world that your girl will come through this. God bless you all and I will keep praying for you!
You are so faithful in updating all of us -- thank you! The pics you posted are so precious. Still praying.... -- Anna
That is the sweetest story regarding the blanket! I guess for now, she is "holding" you. Still praying!
Love, Jenny Beth Walker
Like so many others, I check your blog many times each day for an update and more precious photos of your sweet Harper. I have been reading your blog for nearly a year now, and I just wanted to say thank you for the example you have been to me of what strong faith looks like. I will continue to pray for baby Harper. She is so precious and beautiful.
I'm thankful for news of improvement. The Ronald McDonald House is an amazing blessing to families during these tough times.
Angie Seaman turned me on to your blog to get us all praying for Harper and now I can't wait for the updates. She is absolutely beautiful. I know she will come home and you can just eat her up!
Stay strong.
Kelly, I am so glad to hear that you guys keep getting good news! I will pray that her oxygen levels keep coming down and that you guys will not have to be there a month, but whatever it takes to get Harper well is most important. I pray that these days go by fast so you can bring sweet Harper home. Lifting you up all the time to our sweet Jesus and special blessings to your family. Praying too that you heal quickly and all the "woman stuff" goes smoothly during this transition. Lots of prayers going up today and tonight from TX. Much love!
I just found you guys this weekend People all over the online world are praying for your family and now so am I.
I laughed about "walking like an 80 year old"! :)
I actually told Lane this weekend that I wondered about Dawson and that I would like to go get him and keep him for you until you get home. I really really mean that...we would be HAPPY to! I think Bogart would think it was fun. I could make arrangements to come get him in Flippin or something if you want me to--seriously!
Just another voice from West Texas praying for you and your sweet baby girl. I have been praying Romans 8:11 and Phil 1:6. God is good - His Word never returns void!
Kelly.. you have become such an inspiration to me as a mother and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! Take Care
Washington State
i'm so glad you shared those BEAUTIFUL pictures. she is absoutely a precious, gift from God! praying for healing for harper and you too! adelaide was just a few ounces less than harper and i too gave birth without the c-section, so i can understand the difficulty walking. it does get better in a few weeks, i promise!
I know you have had a ton of comments, and you don't know me, however... I want you to know you and your baby and your husband and your family are ALL in my prayers. I KNOW how hard something like this is. Just 9 short months ago, I was in a similar situation when my twin babies came 7 weeks early. They were in the NICU for only 2 weeks. It was a miracle!!! They first told us it would be much longer. We tired for 6 years for them and they are our world. I know we have a Lord, who gives us miracles everday. Have faith... and you too will be able to shout from the mountian tops about His wonderful love and blessings. May God bless you and keep you. Hang in there, it is extremly hard watching your little one go through this, but soon you will have her in your arms, and you won't have to put her down until YOU choose!!
My family and I are still praying for Harper. I showed my daughters her pictures and they absolutely fell in love with her. My 5 yr old asked to see if we could come visit her. It's too bad we live in California! :)
When I read about her holding her little blankie, I came to tears. She definitely hears you, misses you, and yearns to be in your arms. A baby never forgets her mama's voice and smell....
I think those 2 pictures are my favorite of her so far! You can see the love her daddy has for her. There is just something special about a daddy's love for his little girl. And, oh that sweet hand holding that blanket. That brought tears to my eyes. Before you know it you will be holding that little hand as she toddles accross the room.
Still praying.
still thinking of you guys and praying every chance I get!!!
I just came across you blog the other day and I love it! I will be praying for ya'll and she is beautiful! Brittainy
Kelly, those pictures are PRECIOUS. I don't know which I think is more beautiful. I know what you mean about falling in love more with your husband after having children. It is truly amazing. That sweet little hand holding that blanket. OH MY GOODNESS! I love her! I am so thankful she is making improvements. I am praying SO hard for her, for you, for Scott and the rest of your family. Love you bunches!
I just wanted to let you know we are still praying!!
Kathy :)
You and your husband have got to be the two most beautiful people. your positive outlook, your faith in His doing, it is all so astounding. I hope that you know we will continue to pray for your sweet, sweet girl and her swift recovery. she is blessed with the most wonderful parents.
love of love,
Britney in CA
Everynight I must check to see you have posted a update......
Just take it one day at a time. We have walked many miles in your shoes. It takes strength my friend, and you have tons of it. Stay strong.. Were praying for your baby girl..
Lots of love,
I am praying for your family. Love the picture of her holding her blanket! And glad to hear that Dawson is doing ok too!! :)
Take care of yourself.
Kelly and family,
My heart sinks when I read your blog. I've been exactly where you are and know what it's like to expect a "normal" birth experience and have all that come to a screeching hault when a doctor you have never met tells you that your precious child probably will not live. Just 3 years ago my husband and I were doing the very same thing. Watching monitors, listening to beeping sounds, navigating around all the tubes going in and out of our baby,our baby that was supposed to be health by all reports but was fighting for life and a single breath on his own. He was also on a medication to keep him paralized so he couldn't move and on 100% oxygen for days. The diagnosis a bit different than Harper, but the same out of body experience it throws you into. It's almost as if you want to look out the windows of the hospital and yell at the people walking by...don't you know my baby is sick? You wonder how others go about their day and you walk in circles wondering what to do with yourself while you watch your child breath. But the hope and peace we had during that time surpassed all the sadness. When told our baby was the sickest in the NICU and that he wouldn't make it through the night we called everyone we know (before blogging days) and asked for prayer for our child. News spread like wildfire and the overwhelming support we received from complete strangers as well as close friends was immeasurable. Much like you are experiencing now. It's amazing what God's chidren can do when others are hurting. You and your baby and family have been in prayer since she was born and only God knows the impact and testimony your faith is having on all those who are following your story. The verse I clung to during our time in the NICU was this: "Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah." Psalm 62:8 I pray for blessings and healing and peace during this time that you are living through.
Both of those pictures just melt me but especially her little hand, holding that blanket.
Continued prayers for your sweet little baby girl...
What a beautiful idea, giving you the little blanket to hold! I think thats lovely!
Sending more prayers your way for healing and for strength!
God bless that sweet baby...I'm praying and checking on you daily. If I was in your neck of the woods, I would have already been there hugging your neck!
Our God is able to do exceedingly more than we ask or think. May God continue to lay His healing hand upon Harper, and enfold each of you in His loving embrace. How can one precious little girl, lead people to Jesus in so many ways, when she is just 4 days old! To think of that is quite amazing, and yet look how many lives she has touched, and the lives the Lord has touched, because of Harper. All praise be to Him. \o/
Kelly, that picture of Daddy and his girl is priceless. Our daughter is now 13 and I just love the relationship she has with her daddy.
I have been praying for Harper every day. I know the day you can finally hold her in your arms will be your best day ever. Hold onto that.
Dear Kelly and Family,
We are lifting you all up in prayer. The day after H-Bear was born the doctor detected a heart problem and then numerous tests pursued. It was one of the scariest moments in my life. We are holding you all up as you walk through this with precious baby Harper. Our family was touched directly by the Ronald McDonald house too - when my precious little nephew Joshua was going through his trials. We are glad that RMH is there for you to comfort and to bless. Harper will continue to be in our prayers!
We are continuing to pray everyday! Thanks for keeping us posted with your updates!
We still praying for sweet little Harper and her family.
God bless you all.
Wibeche og Rune
Sending Prayers for you, your husbans and Harper all the way from South Africa!
God riches blessings
Praying for all of you! Harper sounds like every day is getting her one step closer to coming home! Glad that you have doctors there you can trust and you have faith in. Soon you'll look back at this time and remember it, but you'll be so busy running around with Harper that it will be so distant.
We are rooting for Harper and her family. Take care of yourselves too! Get lots of rest to take care of that girl when she's ready to go home!
God is so good!! I am so glad things are going well. Praise Jesus!!
Dear Kelly,
I left you a message on Harpers prayer blog but wanted to leave you a message here as well. We lived next to each other in Kenner. My mom (Shirley) has been telling me about everything that has been going on , and I started reading your blog. I am so moved by your strength you are an inspiration to me. I wanted to let you know that you and Harper are in my prayers and thoughts.
With Love, Rachel Abate
Dear Kelly and Scott,
Thanks for all the updates!!! It just makes me so happy for y'all to hear that she is improving. My Bible study group here in Bucharest continues to keep both of you, Harper, your families and all the other NICU babies and their families in our prayers. It is so heartbreaking to know that SOO many parents have to bear the burdens of their babies in NICU units everywhere. We see so many orphanage babies here with so many disabilities and noone to love them and your story inspires me to try harder than ever to do more for them!!! I will hold each baby just a little bit longer now.
Anyway, all the best to you and I hope that you are holding up the best you can. Big Hugs to all of you.
Theresa Bliznik
Bucharest, Romania
itty bitty butterfly kisses to your sweet baby girl.. God bless and keep her...
Many, many prayers!!
What a BEAUTIFUL photo of Harper's hand. She's gorgeous and seems like a real fighter. I pray that she continues to fight and get better.
Lots of love x
I'm praying for you and your PRECIOUS little girl! I just know it won't be long and you will be holding her in your arms!
Oh sweet Kelly, she is just a doll. I don't know how you can stand to not touch her b/c I wanted to jump thru my screen and hold her! Benaiah says he is pullin for his little "cousin" We love you and are just praying constantly. I really do believe that God is going to bring her through this. And you, Kelly. You will never be the same. You have an amazing opportunity to share a God to others. A God you can depend on. I LOVE YOU!!!! Is there anything I can do for you from way over here? Just name it! Benaiah is up to 21 lbs. now. He's bulking up for Harper for when they meet. Love you, take care of yourself.
Praying for you!
Even more great news...she is just so beautiful Kelly...many more blessings headed your way!
There is nothing like watching your husband being so sweet and loving to your baby. That is one of the sweetest things in life!
I'm glad you are getting at least a little bit better news each day. We are all praying hard. It is just a long process with these tiny little ones!
Thanks for answering all those questions! :) Everyone is so concerned about every detail... I have been wondering those same things.
I'm glad Dawson can stay with your Dad. That will help keep them both company! Lots of love and hugs to you!
I am also praying for your sweet former life as a NICU nurse has me wanting to know so much more, but I am trying so hard to stay on this side and just know that God is always in control. Your amazing baby has already helped to show others how God's church extends so far beyond the walls of a building and the church family who loves her is so far beyond even what you all know, but God knows. Praying for God to continue to wrap His arms around all of you with peace and love that not one of us can understand. Beautiful baby and I am praying that she will soon be in your arms where she belongs.
ECMO mom in Indiana still praying for Harper.
What fantastic pictures! You are so right on about having a great church's essential. I am still praying for Harper and all those other babies!
ps. If you had a c-section, you would be walking around like a 132 year old woman. :-) Ask this woman who had one 4 months ago. After 3 babies the normal way, and one as a c-section, I am SO glad that the Lord blessed you with a natural delivery.
she is beautiful! i saw many a baby working as a labor and delivery nurse, and then as a nursery nurse...but she is truly beautiful! i am still praying for her health, and for you and scott as well. and i do not have any idea how you are doing it- but you still sound so upbeat and look amazing. your attitude is truly amazing...keep it up girl and i'll keep prayin on her!
Found you through Amy (Also Known as Ed.) I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'll keep Harper in my prayers too.
Please, do not let the docs over vaccinate her right now - hold off on everything that you can until she's strong and off antibiotics and her immune system is healthy!
Big Mama asked us to pray for you and we have been. Such a blessing in your life but Kelly please, as a mother of three, PLEASE stop and get the rest you need. As wonderful as they are tell the visitors to go away if you are too tired. Harper needs you to be strong! This is "spoken" out of love from someone who has been there. You will continue to be in my prayers.
Glad to hear all is well. Keep the faith. It will be a long journey, but God will prevail. Isn't Ronald McDonald House great? My friend stayed there when her babies were in NICU at University Hospital in Jackson, MS. Great place and such kindness shown from all. Thoughts and prayers still coming your way. God bless ya'll!!
I love getting the update. They make my morning and day start off. I love the shot of her with the blanket too. It has to be sooo hard for mommy and daddy to not hold her. Im still praying and praying....
Go God!!!!
Blessings little baby girl. Hang in there.
Praying for your sweet baby girl! She is beautiful and it is obvious her Dad is smitten. Praying for the doctors and nurses and that she will not have to go on ECMO.
Lisa Q
You two have definitely jumped into this parenting thing with both feet. So sorry you have to go through this now but I just know that God is giving Harper a wonderful testimony to use for Him one day.
Take care & thanks for the updates - I actually was worried about Dawson too:)
I saw this in one of the other comments and it is true for me...I am literally gobbling up these Harper updates. I wake up all through the night and just pray and pray. This is bringing a whole new meaning to the word PRAISE for me. That hand picture made me sob. And I so know what you mean by falling in love with your husband all over again seeing him as a father. I wish I was there right now to just hug Scott, too. PLEASE take care of yourself. Love you so much and so thankful for God's blessings and that He gave us prayer.
Thank you for posting updates so frequently! You are an amazing person (and family) and I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog last week!!
Kelly, I had a "Godincident" moment this morning while locating all types of blogs., I seen the story about someone asking for prayer for Harper and she put your logo and linked it to your blog. I just had my first little G.Baby girl born on Dec brings this home even more realistically of how precious your little baby is..and needs all our prayers. May the Lord CONTINUE to give you the outpouring of love and abundant blessings that He has intended for you and your husband, and especially to precious little Harper. Many prayers and blessings prayed for you today, ~CC
The picture of your darling little girl holding onto her blanket is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. You are in my prayers. Stay strong & keep the faith. -Melissa, NJ
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