Today has been a really good day. We went to the doctor this morning and everything went really well!!! I saw a different doctor than normal and he was SO very nice! I feel real good about everything so we'll just see. Scott and I had to be there early and then go back later for follow up. So in between - we went and ate breakfast. We ended up at the Village Inn. Somewhere we had never been. It was like we had walked into the 1960's - but it was pretty good. I got strawberry crepes. (It was no Mimi's - but good!)After the appointment - Scott went home and I decided to just kill some time before I met up with some friends. So I sat at Panera for a while and did my Bible Study and then I went to T J Maxx and Target.
When I was a senior in college at OBU - most of my best friends had graduated the year before so I became good friends with a sweet group of girls who were two years behind me. They were all Tri Chis with me. The six of them are still very close and they get together once a year for a weekend. This weekend they were near by me so I went and joined them today at lunch at one of the girl's houses so I could see them all. I had so much fun seeing them! They are all very sweet, Godly girls who I love being around.Here we are in 1995 during Rush: Cari, Allison, Allyson, Me (styling in those jeans), Amy and Melinda
Our lives have changed since college but it's amazing how you can just pick up with friends you haven't seen in years! I am SO very blessed by all of my friends!
That is so great. There is nothing I love more than catching up with old friends!
I love seeing that picture! You were the cutest and STILL are! I'm so thankful everything went so well today. I'm still praying. Love you bunches.
How fun!! I am so excited for you! I will SO be praying for you!! Keep us posted!
so cute are you! i love catching up with old friends!!
It is so funny how much things change, so quickly!! I am so excited for you and Scott and am praying for you guys!!!
Looks like such a fun weekend! Oh man, I just love friend reunions. They are the best.
I am so glad to hear that the appointment went well today. I was thinking about y'all this morning--the prayers are definitely being sent up on y'all's behalf :)
I don't I know you, but I read your blog on a daily basis, I find it very inspirational. Alot of times if I'm having a bad day I read your blog b/c it helps me. I thought of you this morning, and pray that everything works out and you get to have a baby soon. Being a mother is such an awesome feeling and exiperence.
I'm SO glad things went well--I thought about you all day today!
Such a fun little reunion! I'm glad you had a good Sunday! I've thought about you all day!
So glad it went well! And what a fun day, seeing old friends. We seem to go to Mimi's after "those" appointments, too!
I think I have that same dress you have on, except mine is purple. I bought it after being inspired by your Gap dresses post! It doesn't take much to make go shop. :)
I was up and down a lot with my sick child last night and I prayed for you all throughout the night. We will keep believing.
I just want to tell you that I love the fact that both our lives revolve around food! Priorities, sister!!
I'm praying for you!
I was in the same class with those girls! My husband (though not at the time of course! LOL!) went on a Tri Chi outing of some sort with Gina. Isn't that funny!!
I love breakfast food! I've been praying for you today.
Sounds like such a fun day! I laugh everytime you take a picture of your food. So funny!!
I'm so glad you had a good day and that everything went well this morning! I've been thinking about you and will keep praying!
Looks like you had a fun weekend! So weird, but last night I had a dream that I met you. I guess I was thinking about you since you were going to the dr today. Hope all went well!
Isn't it fun to catch up with old friends? I love that you had a chance to do that today.
Whenever we visit NWArkansas, my dad always wants to take us to breakfast at Village Inn! I bet it's the same one you ate at today! ha!
Praying for you guys!
Glad to hear that you had a great Sunday! Been praying for ya today and will continue to. :)
-We are going to Orange Beach. :) I'm excited! My kids have never been to the beach and I think they will love it. -
I thought about you many times today & continue to pray that everything will go well!!
Sorry - double post..
WOW! You girls still look great! Haven't changed a bit (except Kelly's hair is blonde!). Glad to see you girls still get together. And glad Kelly had the chance to join you today!
Kelly -
Hope all is well today!
Chad and I ate at Village Inn this morning! Katie, Rach, and I looked for you at Mimi's on Sat. I laugh when you take pictures of your food too! You crack me up!
Glad your appointment went well! That is great you got to catch up with the girls!
I am thinking about you and PRAYING really hard for you!!
Jennifer R.
How funny! I love seeing old pics of all our 'sisters'! Gina was my Financial Counsellor through med school. She made my life so much easier! It was uplifting to know that we were "sisters" even though we were different eras. I didn't realize you gals were friends. So fun!
Ya'll are so blessed to have such a close friendship that has lasted over the years! My prayers are still with you and your "easter eggs" :)
Praying for you Kelly! :)
Oh Kelly, I am so glad that it went well yesterday. I prayed for you guys this whole weekend and Praise the Lord he just kept reminding me over and over! I love the then and now pic of your college friends!!! that is so wonderful you guys got to get together. I am glad you had a fun weekend!!!! happy monday...I'm still trying to wake up with all this cold weather and rain!!!
I'm so glad things went well at the doctor. It was so fun to see your OBU photo. I just ran into Amy in Thailand! Small world.
I don't know you, but have found your blog by blog jumping! Anyway, we have so much in common. I love food, fashion, friends, etc. but mainly I have made that trip to the dr on Sunday morning for an IUI 4 times. I live in NWA too and I think I know which doctor you are referring to! So many prayers your way! I know what it's like girl!
So glad it went well!!! I will pray that everything stays good.
We'll keep praying for you all!
I really enjoy reading your blog and have never left a comment before. You have great decorating and cooking ideas. I live in Alabama and am a stay at home mom of 2 girls. I LOVE to cook and try new recipes also.
You will be in my prayers in the coming weeks.
I have been saying little prayers for you all weekend and will continue. Keep us posted!
Great blog...good luck..
Everything will work out, it always does. Hope you have a great week.
How fun! I had no idea those girls still get together once a year! Me and my bunch have a hard enough time getting together every other year. I miss seeing everyone. Wish I could have joined up in the fun! Hope all goes well with you Kelly!
Ok Kelly.. I seriously love you with dark hair, and I am not just saying that. I mean it. You look good both ways, of course. BUT! Dark hair looks so pretty with your skin. Anyway.. thinking of you and praying for some good news! : )
Oh, there's Allison Kennedy!!! Hi allison if you read this! miss you.
Kelly- praying for you!
I was in Rogers this weekend and thought about you while I was at church on Sunday morning. PRAYING HARD FOR YOU!!!
We are getting a cupcake store near our house, called Cupcakes on Kavnaugh. I will let you know if it is tasty or not. :)
Oh what fun!! that takes me back to rush...TRI CHI is the place you really want to be...Remember that song?
You girls were always so sweet and bring back some great memories for me. As pessel said earlier we try to get together but not yet this year.
I'm glad the dr. visit went well. hugs~ patti
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