Our weekend so far has been really nice. My parents were in town last night. They came over to spend the night and go to the Razorback basketball today (which I'm sure they were glad to be there since we beat Vandy!)
They took us out to eat at P.F.Chang's and it was so good! After we ate, we went to starbucks and just sat and visited. I introduced my mom to caramel apple spice - it was a match made in heaven.

My mom and dad - cute, huh?

Here we are - we both look scared?

Today is such a beautiful day! I can't believe it has been in the 70's! What a perfect way to start March - even though it supposed to snow tomorrow. We took Dawson to our favorite trail today. There were more people there than I have ever seen - it was packed. Obviously everyone was thrilled for a warm, sunny day.

Tonight we kept little Emily so her parents could have dinner out alone. They weren't gone long enough - we were having a great time and then they showed back up! ha!

We had pizza tonight so I gave Emily some and let her have some ranch dressing with it. She couldn't get enough .......just kept asking for "more". Bless her heart - she'll never get it at her own house because it grosses her mother out.

She is already so good at writing and drawing. It's one of her favorite things. You can't tell her mom was an art teacher! ha!
Thank you so much for your prayers for us tomorrow. We truly covet your prayers! I just have a peace about it. I feel like the third time is going to be the charm! Only God knows when the perfect time will be!
P.F. Chang's and Carmel Apple Spice sound like a great combo. Thank you so much for keeping Emily. Ya'll are so thoughtful! I know she had a great time! You are right, I don't think I can ever bring myself to give her Ranch Dressing.
You husband is wearing shorts. In March. I think you can say Spring has arrived in your neck of the woods. I'll wear my shorts in June, at the earliest. I guess it's the price you pay for only having to run your AC for 1 month a year. = )
Many prayers for the two of you tomorrow!
I will definitely say extra prayers for tomorrow! I want to say "good luck" but that doesn't sound right. We need a good fertility phrase. "Break a leg" doesn't quite work, either. How about, "Fertilize that egg!" Yeah! :)
All of that does sound great! Emily is growing up SO fast! She is so cute!
I am definitely praying for you all tomorrow! (Can't you tell I'm from the south... you all)
I am glad you have had a nice weekend so far. I will be praying for you and your husband tomorrow.
Looks like yall have had a fun weekend!
For breakfast this morning, Katie, Amanda, and I were at Mimi's and thought of you!! We were hoping to see you there!
You are in my prayers for tomorrow morning!
I heart PF Changs...especially their lettuce wraps. So YUM!
Well, we almost reached 70 degrees today, and we're supposed to get snow tomorrow too. About 4-8 inches. I'll take 70 degrees anyday!
I'm praying for you guys!
It was SUCH a beautiful day--I LOVED LOVED it! We went to the zoo (again) and R rode his bike/tricycle and scooter. I hope spring is here to stay!
It's supposed to snow here in Co tomorrow too! And it was beautiful today too! I love getting out - and I love spring - so excited! And long with spring...comes new life...and babies...twins!!! The prays are flowing for you!!!
Praying for success. God does know the perfect time and it will be so amazing when it happens!
Praying for you today Kelly!
Hey, it's Sunday afternoon here and just wanted you to know that I'm praying!!!!!!!!
I am praying for you today, Kelly!! I know you are in God's hands. Lots of love and hugs to you!!!! By the way--LOOOOVE PF Changs & caramel apple spice & 70 degrees!! It was a happy Saturday!!
Just prayed for you and the babies. I'm so glad you have a peace about it! Yes, your mom and dad are sooo cute. I have loved reading your mom's blog. She is an awesome woman. We have enjoyed the warm weather, too. Snow on the way???? Crazy! Know that my thoughts are with you today!
Hi! I'm praying for you right now! I'm praying that God chooses to answer your prayer in the way you've been hoping for! Blessings...
Kelly, I am thinking about you this morning, praying that He will give you the desire of your heart.
i'm glad you posed a picture of your mom. she never does! praying for you this morning as i am home with sick boy.
Sounds like you have had a good weekend so far. Just wanted to let you know that our family prayed for you at lunch today, and hope that things went well for you. I'm so glad to hear that God has given you such peace about it.
I heart PF Changs so much~ I love the lettuce wraps and the shrimp fried rice! Wow!!
Can't wait to hear the results for tomorrow!! :o)
Thinking of you! : )
Emily is so cute in these pictures! She looks so grown up!!!
Emily is so cute in these pictures! She looks so grown up!!!
Sounds like a great day... except for the beating Vandy part... that's no good! haha
Emily is so sweet! I lover her hair bow.
Said a little prayer on the way to the Dry Cleaner's today. I am so happy for you, Scott, and the possibility of the babies. Sounds like your weekend was amazing. Everyone at work was talking about the Arkansas vs Vandy Bball game this morning.
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