Happy Good Friday!!! I'm so excited about this weekend! Obviously - it's always wonderful to stop and remember that Jesus took on our sin and His love for us! I'm just SO thankful that this year we can actually have a good Easter weekend. Last year we were home in our pj's watching church on TV and I hated it. This year we have a full weekend of fun planned! I'm actually headed today on a girls' weekend to celebrate Laurie's birthday. I haven't had a girls trip in almost 2 years so I'm just beside myself. We are going to Tulsa to shop and eat. But then we will be back home Saturday afternoon and Sunday we get to go to church for Easter and then lunch with friends! And it's supposed to warm and sunny so I'm just SO grateful!
Will Holden was SO excited to start soccer last year and he got to have about 2 practices and Covid hit and cancelled the season. And then he played football in the fall. So we are finally getting another try and he's so excited. And he's on a team with a boy from his class so he's thrilled! In all my excitement - I completely forgot to put shin guards on him. Mom fail.
I took the girls to preteen service at church Wednesday night. They have been dying to ride the elevator so I finally let them. It's the little things.

We have been going to a new church and the kids really love it (we do too). But it's been especially great for these two. And I'm so thankful!
I was in their room yesterday and I had to smile. This is how you know you have a middle schooler - hydroflasks, pop its, and a phone with a pop socket.
Those loud fans and dehumidifiers have to be in our house until Monday. It's SOOOO loud BUT the dehumidifier is giving me the hair of my life. The best hair I have ever had is in CO where there is no humidity. I didn't know what to do with that because Arkansas and places like FL that we normally go to are the WORST on my hair. Right now it's like I have CO hair but with a twist of southern big hair. I may need to invest in one permanently.
Yesterday I got to meet Laurie for lunch. We had so much fun. I also got to have coffee with two good friends yesterday but I didn't take a picture. I don't get a lot of time for these things much anymore so I'm thrilled when it happens.
Here is something so funny. Laurie is basically my sister. She's like my kids' aunt. We are with her all the time. She was at the birth of all three of my children. And Will Holden can never remember her name. It's become a joke. For years he called her "that". Then he referred to her as Sarah Kate's mom. Just now as I was typing this - he came in here and looked at this picture and said "That's you and ..........I can't remember her name". It is the WEIRDEST thing on earth. And we laugh so hard over it.
Happy Easter! He is risen! I hope you know how much He loves you!