Monday, March 08, 2021

Baskbetball, Robots and Rock and Roll

It feels like spring is here! We have been enjoying nice weather which is so great after having such cold weather just a few weeks ago! I'm catching up on what life has looked like lately! 


When Will Holden started kindergarten, he told me he wanted everyone to call him "Rock and Roll Stamps".  So they had "Rockstar" Day recently and he was SO excited! 

He and his principal (who is for SURE dressed up ha!)  He told her he wants to be in a band! 

I loved this sign they had at school! 

My girls have been going to a preteen ministry at the church we have been attending and they are LOVING it! I'm seeing them really flourish and it's amazing! They told me a lot of people asked if they were twins.  Can you see them on their tippy toes? They were trying to "out tall" each other.  Harper is clearly a lot taller.  But they do look a lot alike the older they get.  

Hollis has LOVED basketball.  I'm so thrilled by it.  She had to pick someone to study for black history month and she picked Michael Jordan because he was a basketball player.  He is suddenly all she wants to talk about. ha! 

Just two parents at a game.  :-) 

I taught school the other day and threw on this sweater and I didn't realize it was so sparkly.  I felt like I looked like a 80 year old woman headed to bingo on a cruise ship.  Complete with my readers I wore around my neck all day.  

I went to see my pioneer woman friend the other day and she sent me home with the prettiest eggs from her chickens.  

This might be the dumbest question ever - but for real - why are grocery store eggs white and these are so colorful? Is it their diet? I should probably ask my farmer friend.  

Since it has finally turned nice - we have been getting out for trail walks and bike rides again.  It's so nice to be outdoors.  

Will Holden the super model.  I love his sweet face.  

Our school district always reads a certain book every year - all kids in elementary school reading the same one.  This year our book was on a robot.  Which if you know WH - you know he LOVES robots.  One kid in each grade won a robot and WH was the lucky one.  The librarian and principal had to both come tell me it was absolutely not rigged but there probably wasn't a kid at the school who was more excited about winning a robot.  

It was pajama day on Friday and we all got to wear pj's! It was also reading across America so I got to spend the whole day with a class reading books! 

Hollis scored her very first basket on Saturday! I was so proud of her! 

Yesterday  was kids day at church and it was such a fun morning for the kids.  Then we went to eat lunch with friends.  Then we went back last night for a marriage conference with two of our best couple friends.  It was SO good! 

And that's our life lately! 

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