Monday, January 06, 2020

Christmas part 3

Today is our last day of Christmas break.  It's been a good one! We did a lot of traveling and then we have had a solid week at home.  With a new puppy being like a newborn - we have pretty much stuck to home for the last week.  The kids have slept late and played and relaxed.  I think they will all be ready to go back to school tomorrow! 

The Friday after Christmas we went to Flippin to see my family! We had a great visit.  We got there Friday afternoon and my Aunt Linda was there and we did gifts.  We only give gifts to the kids so it's fun to watch them open.  

Will Holden's face when he gets clothes. ha! 

Versus when he gets toys.  

Love this sweet girl! This was a year when my girls didn't really get many toys.  Instead it was gift cards and jewelry and bags and journals and art stuff and clothes.  

They got experience gift cards which are really great! I love useful gifts that won't be tossed in a closet after a month.  

We went out to my Aunt Linda's house on Saturday.  She has land and her neighbors have a horse that comes on it.  The kids LOVED that! They got to feed and pet her! 

My parents surprised us and gave Scott and I and my brother and SIL a hotel room in Mountain Home for Saturday night and money for a date.  We went and ate and sat and talked for a long time.  We were going to do a movie but couldn't find one we really wanted to see.  It was such a nice and appreciated gift! And my kids had the best time playing with their cousins! 

The next morning we met my parents at their new church where my dad was preaching that morning. My parents managed to get all 5 kids (ages 3-10) ready and to church which is 30 min away by 8:30.  I was very impressed! After church we ate lunch with my Aunt and then packed up to come home.  I loved getting to be with my family.  It's been a very long time since we were all together and I hope it happens again soon! 

We are off to use our experience Gift cards today and have fun before we get back in the groove tomorrow! 

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