Monday, December 09, 2019

Santa, Fire and Parties

December is flying by! 

Our school always hosts Santa and Cookies.  It's a fun time with lots of activities and pictures with Santa.  We went after school on Tuesday! 

The kids had a great time! 

Wednesday I was at Sam's when I saw a big fire start.  When I came out of Sam's - it was worse and everyone's phones started going off warning that a plant in downtown had caught fire.  You could see the smoke for over 30 miles.  

Things were a little crazy that day.  Traffic became nuts because it happened at lunch time and everyone was trying to get away from that area.  The good news is no one was hurt which was a miracle! 

Friday Harper went to her first FCA meeting.  FCA is Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  You don't actually have to be an athlete.  They have it before school on Fridays and she saw posters about it and asked to go.  She didn't know if she would know anyone and was a little nervous.  Thankfully her best friend was there and she loved it! It was student led and they prayed and read verses and shared prayer requests.  What a huge blessing! 

Our church had parents night out on Friday night.  We took advantage so we could get a little Christmas shopping done.  We ate at the Station first.  It recently changed hands and now it's a little fancier than it used to be.  We liked it but we missed the old place.  

We had fun shopping for the kids.  

Saturday morning the girls had choir practice.  The rest of the day was pretty low key.  It was a fairly warm day so Will Holden played outside and I hung out with him.  We had our small group Christmas party that night.  I made a veggie tray out of this cute Santa plate.  

We had a lot of fun.  We recently changed classes and it has been a fun group to be with.  My kids went over to another house with other kids and they had the best time.  

Sunday was a full day but I will have to share that tomorrow.  I'm writing this on Sunday night and I'm tired! It's the most wonderful and BUSY time of the year! 

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