Friday, December 27, 2019

Christmas Eve and Day

On Christmas Eve, Madeline pointed us to the real reason we celebrate.  We talk about Jesus the whole season but we really focus on Him on Christmas eve and day.  

About 4 or 5 years ago we decided that we would start staying home and spending Christmas Eve  and morning just with our little family.  It just didn't make sense to pack up everything and travel only to bring it back and it was just too hard. Plus we love making memories with just our family.  We love being with grandparents too so we try to go to them before or after and that makes Christmas last longer! 

For the last few years, we have gone over to our friends' house in the afternoon and ate appetizers before the Christmas eve service.  There have been a lot of families and this year it only worked for two families to be there but we always have fun.  Then we go and sit together at the service.  

We came home and spread out reindeer food and put out cookies for Santa and got ready for bed.  I usually wait until Christmas Eve to wrap but this year I did it ahead so we didn't have as much to do.  Our big present is a puppy and they got a lot of small stuff so it was the easiest night we ever had.  We were in bed at 9. ha! 

This was probably good because Will Holden woke us all up at 5:30.  I was awake at 4 because I was too excited to sleep anyway. ha! 

The kids had all their gifts opened by 6:30.  It was an EARLY morning! 

They got a lot of fun stuff! They were so sweet! 

I made a big breakfast and we all sat and ate and then spent all morning playing.  We had gumbo for lunch since we had our big Christmas meal already in Magnolia.  It was almost 70 degrees which is the warmest Christmas I can remember.  I loved the beautiful weather but we all agreed we preferred it to be cold and gloomy and maybe even snowy on Christmas.  I went out and walked 5 miles while the kids were playing since it was so nice.  

We went to see Star Wars that afternoon.  I love to go to the movies on Christmas.  We took blankets and were cozy at the movies.  

I loved Star Wars because I grew up on it and it was pretty nostalgic.  I thought they did a good job and I liked it better than the last two.  My kids are not in to Star Wars and they thought the Emperor was a little scary.  It was also a long movie.  

But they still liked it.  

Will Holden really enjoyed it. ha! 

This year the girls bought gifts and wrapped them by themselves (with a little help from Scott or me).  Harper picked me out this purse and I LOVED it.  And Hollis got me this little book and wrote on all 50 pages something she loved about me.  It was the most precious thing.  I will keep it forever.  They both got Scott coffee mugs.  He really loves coffee! ha! 

Yesterday Scott had to work and the kids and I ran a ton of errands.  Taking 3 kids (even big kids) to a ton of stores is exhausting.  We had to get a collar and leash because we pick up our new puppy on Monday.  We can hardly wait. 

We are headed to Christmas #3 this morning! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season! 

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