Monday, August 26, 2019

Life lately

Well we have made it through the first 2 weeks of school! 

It's been a busy few weeks and I've had a lot of fun with this buddy boy! 

Two honest guys! 

I went with my friends to see "The Art of Racing in the Rain" one night and it was so good! It was also so great to be out with friends NOT seeing a kid movie for once! 

Will Holden is my super social kid and he's DYING to have friends to play with.  Which is why we BOTH need preschool to start! ha! My friend Ashley has a middle school girl and a 4 year old boy too and we have said we need to get our boys together forever but it has never happened so last Monday I invited them over.  We had the best time! Ashley and I had the best time talking and the boys were SO CUTE! They played so well together! WH declared him his best friend after 3 hours. ha! 

I have had to do a lot of work and run a lot of errands and he comes along with me and is so good1 

Thursday I had his best girl come over for a play date.  He was soooooo happy.  He says C is his girlfriend and he's going to marry her. ha ha ha! 

I mean how cute are they? 

My parents came by Friday after school to visit the kids for a while.  They were so happy to see them! 

My kids are always talking about the ice cream truck but it hasn't come by in forever.  Friday after dinner we heard the music and they all screamed and ran out so why not let them have a good summer memory and get some ice cream? 

Saturday morning we started soccer.  Right as we got to the field it started pouring.  They still practiced for a while and I was so proud of Hollis for getting out there and not complaining even though she was soaked! 

We spent the rest of Saturday cleaning out things around the house and then we took the kids to eat Hibachi.  We haven't been in years.  They loved watching the man cook and Harper loved the food1 

His face says it all! 

Love this girl! 

Harper and I walked 3 miles that night after dinner because it was such great weather! 

Sunday we had church and then ate lunch with friends.  The kids and I did some shopping in the afternoon. We have a super busy week ahead and we are ready for it! 

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