Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Macro Meal Ideas

This post is really for all my Faster Way friends.  You may want to skip on if you aren't doing this program.  I've had a lot of people asking "what are you eating" or "give us ideas on food" so I'm going to give a few ideas of what I'm doing on the different macro days and I would LOVE to hear yours! Let's share and help each other!

I will say that this program really is working so well for me.  I have tried Weight Watchers, Whole 30, Keto, calorie counting and Metabolic Research and nothing has worked as well for me.  I have already lost 7 lbs in just a week and a half and I'm NOT starving! There is going to be a new group open up for July 15 so if you are thinking about it - you will have a chance to sign up! It really is great - they tell you how to eat but there is a lot of freedom in it and then they give you workouts for every day and I HATE working out but it's doable!

L O W   C A R B   D A Y

These are probably the toughest days but I'm still not dying of hunger

Here are a few examples of days:

#1 DAY

4 hardboiled eggs (I only eat the whites)
4 pieces of bacon


4 oz Salmon grilled with olive oil and seasoning
1.5 avocados 
1 cup zucchini with a tiny dash of olive oil

1 banana
1 cup strawberry
1 super skinny latte

#2 DAY

4 oz hamburger
1 corn on the cob with butter
2.5 avocados

6 oz petite sirloin
1 cup zucchini

1 hard boiled egg
1 cup strawberry
1 super skinny latte

R E G U L A R   C A R B  D A Y

#1 DAY 

4 oz petite sirloin
1 roasted sweet potato with butter
zucchini with olive oil

6 oz sirloin
sweet potato with butter

2 bananas
3 crunchy rice rollers (basically like rice cakes - they are my go to filling carb snack)(from Walmart)

#2 DAY


6 oz salmon
1 cup zucchini with olive oil
Brown rice and beans (1 cup)


4 oz tender roast
6 oz baby carrots
0.5 cup red baby potatos

2 bananas
1 super skinny latte
1 cup strawberries
3 rice rollers

L O W    M A C R O   D A Y


Carna Asada Street Tacos (corn tortillas)
3 oz guacamole


4 oz sirloin
1.5 sweet potato
1 cup zucchini

2 bananas
1 super skinny latte

I'm working on some ideas for the weekend.  I want to try shrimp tacos with corn tortillas, grilled shrimp and corn and red potatoes (like a low country boil but grilled), and of course grilled chicken and veggies and maybe a big salad.  I'm obsessed with grilling everything right now.

The main thing I've learned is planning my day.  Every morning (even when I was at church camp) - I sit down and plan out what I'm going to eat that day.  I usually know what I will make for dinner and put that in first and then what I have for lunch and then fill in with fruit or snacks according to what macros I need.  

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