Monday, March 11, 2019

Eight is Enough

This post is all about our Hollis.  Hollis turns 8 on Saturday and she is so excited! She has been counting the days until her birthday since probably October.  She is my planner.  She is always walking around with a notebook and a list of what she wanted to do for her birthday, who she wanted to invite and what presents she hoped for.  She is going to either end up as an event planner, a professional organizer or a lawyer.  

She really really wanted a slime party.  I HATE slime.  WITH a RED HOT PASSION.  But it's what she loves the most and so I gave in. But we had the party at our community center and not at our house. ha! She was so particular about what she wanted.  She wanted pink and purple.  She wanted to help pick out everything.  We kept it super low key.  

We had her party a week early because the next two Saturdays are our spring break and she wanted to make sure her friends could come.  It's tricky when your birthday always falls during spring break.  

Will Holden was the only boy and all up in her party! 

The girls had a great time making slime.  It was so messy but they loved it.  

These are some of Hollis' best friends.  She can be quiet and reserved but she has lots of friends.  Her two very best friends weren't there and we missed them! Joseph was at Disney World and her bestie Kampbell is in Texas.  

I can't believe she is EIGHT! I got this sweater for Harper at Crazy 8 when she turned 8.  And Hollis couldn't WAIT to wear it on her birthday! 

Hollis thought it was the best party and that's all that mattered! It was SO easy and laid back so I loved it too.  

This is the face of the a boy whose mom told him no more cake. ha! 

She got to pick where we were going for lunch and she picked her favorite restaurant - Las Palmas.  I think she was mostly excited that they would sing to her and bring her a special dessert.  They have these little vending machines that she loves.  She always brings money with her to get something.  They gave her a dollar in quarters to get something and she was THRILLED.  Then this sweet older lady next to us handed her a dollar and said Happy Birthday.  Scott joked that maybe we should just keep sitting around. ha! 

Yesterday I had to take Harper to church for choir and Hollis didn't have to be there for another 45 min so we walked around downtown and got some coffee.  I love spending time with this girl.  She struggles being the middle child sometimes so I try to make her feel special when I can.  I tell all three kids "secretly" that they are my favorite kid.  Of course I don't have a favorite but I want them all to think they are it.  Hollis takes it the most special.  She is always whispering to me "Don't tell Harper and Will that I'm your favorite.  I know our secret".  

She was JUST a tiny toddler with curly hair and she's growing before my eyes.  She has the funniest personality and I love her so! 

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