Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Football and Fire Trucks

I haven't blogged in a few days.  There just hasn't been a ton to share.  It's cold.  Miserable cold. And I'm praying we don't get the flu.  And that's about it right now.  

We watched the Super Bowl at home.  Our Sunday School class had a party but Scott really likes to watch the game at home and not in a crowd and I knew I would spend the entire time corralling Will Holden and couldn't visit with anyone or watch the game so we thought it would be better at home.  

My favorite part was the sign language during the National Anthem.  Followed closely by JT.  And then the fact that the Patriots didn't win.  :-) 

Monday we saw a bunch of firetrucks in our church parking lot.  They were testing out their new ladder.  And we stop for ALL fire trucks.  Will Holden LOVES fire trucks.  I'm thinking that will be the theme of his third birthday.  

This fire man came over and posed with us while I was taking Will Holden's picture.  I feel like fire man are always so nice! 

Two of Will's buddies showed up and they were having a deep conversation about the truck.  

He came running in yesterday and said "Look I'm Gigi".  ha! 

I found a note Harper wrote Hollis this weekend.  These two fight a lot but I love how fiercely they love each other.  Harper wrote the sweetest note and said "I can't believe you are almost 7 Hollis.  Watching you grow up has been my greatest joy".  ha ha ha ha ha ha! 

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