Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Snow Watch

Not much on this earth is sweeter than a 4 year old girl (or boy). 
I'm so crazy about this age.  The terrible two's were totally worth it to get here! 
 Not much is cuter but will wear you out faster than a 2 year old girl (or boy).

Not a lot going on here in the Stamps house except for waiting out a winter storm.  It snowed a bunch this morning so I picked up the girls from school before lunch and brought them home to eat lunch and nap.  Snow covered the yard at lunch time so I promised them that right after nap we would go outside to play.  Harper couldn't wait to make snow angels. They jumped up from naps and Harper started gathering up hats and coats. I didn't have the heart to tell her the snow had melted during naptime.
We played anyway.  And apparently painted with snow.

We are supposed to get a big ice storm tonight. I'm also supposed to leave for Dot Mom on Friday. So everything is totally up in the air. I've acted like a bratty toddler pouting most of the day. I've looked forward to this trip for 6 months and have been so excited. But clearly if I can't go - God had a reason in keeping me home. So I'm okay either way. We are deciding tomorrow.

And just in case - I bought everything to make a red velvet cake so if I'm iced in - at least there's that! :-)

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