Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Round Two

Hope y'all had a good Christmas.

Ours is still going on.  My parents brought Harper home Friday morning.  We were so glad to have her home and we had one more surprise left.  Our big gift to the girls was a Barbie Jeep.  Scott has been dying to get this for them since last year. 

 We had it out in the garage and surprised them.  It's too bad that they got mostly outdoor toys and it's so cold we can't play much with them.  But we will! They LOVED the car!

 Hollis was happy to be the passenger. I caught a glimpse of what it might like in 12-13 years when the girls go driving off together.  

I'm terrified. 

Friday afternoon Scott's parents came and we got a surprise snow.  It snowed over the entire state of Arkansas on Christmas day except for our county.  We didn't get a snowflake.  I feel bad though because most of AR lost power for several days. 
 We just got an inch or two but the girls were THRILLED!!!!! Harper was a snow angel making machine. 
 We warmed up and the girls opened gifts from their Gigi and Pap-pa.  They were so excited. 
 Yesterday Scott and his parents took Harper to a movie. She had the BEST time!!!! 
Scott sent me this picture.  I love it. 

I stayed home with Hollis so she could nap.  I got a few things done and she took a short nap so we had some fun alone time.  We made brownies and watched "Say yes to the dress" together.  She likes to look at the "pretty dresses".  She was being so sweet and cuddly.  I had such a good time with her.

Last night the girls opened their big gift from their grandparents.

The girls got a big tent. Or as they call it "a castle".  They will have so much fun playing in here. They have already put toys in there and are loving it.

 This morning we all went to church and then came home to rest and relax.  We have had so much fun being with family for the last week.  I can hardly believe it's January already.  Time is going by too quick!

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