Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Great Day

*****Edited to Add:
Okay - since you all asked - I got the tunic at a local store Riffraff when I was pregnant. It's not maternity but it worked then and still works now. Riffraff has the CUTEST stuff - you can order from them on their facebook page. But they won't still have this probably. The brand is Ryu. I got the boots off of zulily.*****

We have had a nice day here at the Stamps house.  Hollis was SO sweet and happy today. I think she really has enjoyed being the center of attention. And if you are worried about Harper - don't. You can check out my mom's blog and see she is having the time of her life and most likely will NOT be happy to come home.

Hollis had her 9 month check up today and everything looked great. Knock on wood but I'm so thankful she has been very healthy - she has yet to have any kind of sickness. She was the same length Harper was at this age but is 2 lbs heavier! She is around 75% for both.
 After our check up - we met up with some friends for lunch at CFA.  Katie (and Trypp), Taylor, Stephanie and Joyce. We had a great time. It was also funny because I was in line and looked over and saw a guy I went to high school with who I hadn't seen in at least 20 years. I knew he would know who I was but I had to introduce myself because like he said "the blond hair threw him off". 
 This afternoon "Aunt" Laurie and the girls came over to exchange Christmas gifts. No one tell Harper because she would be HEARTBROKEN to know they had been here without her.
 Sarah Kate and Emily wanted to hold Hollis so bad.
 Scott took me and Hollis out for an early birthday dinner at one of my favorites - Abuelo's.  It was so good and Hollis was really good. We even saw one of my friends from college who I used to work at summer camp with who is now Arkansas' Lt. Governor. As if I didn't feel old enough - the fact that one of my friends from school could be that kind of job makes me feel ancient.
Laurie gave me this book for my birthday and I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited! I'm hoping to find time over Christmas to read it. I adore Tim. I think he is just an amazing Christian and role model.  People can make fun of him all they want for praying - I would pick him any day over most of the rest of the athletes who are constantly getting arrested and acting ridiculous.  Dear Jesus - please let my girls marry boys like Tim Tebow. Have you seen this video below? We should all be a little more like him.

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