God works in Mysterious ways, right?
Even maybe possibly though something as crazy as a blog???
That's what I like to think. It blows my mind every day why any of you come back to visit this little blog about my boring life. The only thing I can ever figure out is God is ordaining a way for my desire to share my faith and use my little corner of the Internet to something bigger than I could have imagined.
God is able to immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine. Ephesians 3:20
I love having my blog so I can scrapbook my life for my family. Sometimes I want to pack it up and take it private and hide. I'm not kidding. BUT having the chance to do some fun things ...... like SUYL Fridays where we have matched up couples who have gotten MARRIED is amazing. Y'ALL! What?????
I love that we have bonded together to raise money for Haiti or connected families of special needs or that I just have a place to share my testimony with you. I love that people can send me urgent prayer needs and I know I can post them and you will pray! That thousands of you will be praying!
I am thankful for what I feel is a blog ministry. I see no purpose in having this blog and it being so public if I can't do things that help others.
The most amazing thing I ever did through my blog was go on a trip with Compassion International. I got to see first hand how awesome that organization is and tell you about it. I wish all of you could go but since you can't - I get to do it and pretend like you are all with me!!! Two years ago I went to El Salvador and Compassion has been in my heart every since.

Not a day goes by that I don't think about everything I saw and the people I met and the HOPE I witnessed among the extreme poverty. Not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for just the little things I have like a toilet and running water and a house. But I also wish for each of you who live in comfort to know the JOY and full trust in God that these people had among just complete despair.
One of my compassion kids that we sponsor - Danielle. Meeting her was a highlight of my life!
And in about four weeks.................I'm going to get to do it again!
I'm going to Ecuador with Compassion and I'm just beside myself. I can't wait to share with you about a small way your family could make a HUGE difference in another family's life. I'm so thankful God has given me the opportunity to do something BIGGER than I could have imagined for. My prayer every day is that God would use me. So thankful He continues to open doors! I know a lot of you weren't reading my blog when I went on my last trip so I'm excited to share this with you especially! I believe SO strongly in the work Compassion does to help kids who are in poverty.
And I'm so excited to share this trip with four bloggers who I admire and call friend. They are all HUGE advocates for Compassion and share my heart for what God has called us to do with our internet real estate. I'll be traveling the Amazon with
Big Mama,
Amanda Jones and
Ann Voskamp!Oh and a guy who sings and has crazy hair -
Shaun Groves.
(And I should add I had to pray a lot to make sure I was okay with leaving my family for a week. But Scott and both sets of our parents will be helping with the girls. They will be SO over loved and taken care of - they probably won't miss me at all. I know they are in hands that love them just as much as I do. And I want my girls to grow up knowing that serving others and following a passion to share Christ is the most important thing we can do. I want to set that example for my girls above all. So I have a complete peace that I'm doing exactly what I should be doing!)
Sponsor a child and change a life today! (including YOURS!)
"Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for
yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be
exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys." Luke 12:33