Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Just a bunch of crazy stuff from my crazy (and getting crazier every minute) brain

I have just a bunch of random stories, thoughts, info, questions for you today. It's all rolling around in my crazy brain. I feel like I haven't had a complete thought in the last 2.5 years - so excuse the mess.

Last night we had quite a family adventure. It's been SO hot that we just haven't gotten outside much lately but it was fairly nice yesterday so we decided after dinner to go to one of our favorite trails and walk - the whole family. We didn't get there until about 7:45 which is bedtime but hey - it's not a school night. The trail is 2 miles and goes around a little lake. We walked and it was fun until we almost got back to where we parked our car and there was a locked gate that had not been there before. There was no going around it and the only way to our car was to go back the 2 miles. At this point it was 8:45 and dark. Hollis was screaming her head off and Dawson was nearly dead. We put him in the stroller and Scott held Hollis. I had worn sandals and one broke around this point. It was pitch dark - it goes through woods and no lights. I was scared to death even with Scott with us. I prayed out loud almost all the way back. We didn't get home until 9:30. All I could do when we finally got to the car and both girls were crying and Scott and I were both sweaty and tired was just laugh and keep laughing. It's good to have a sense of humor sometimes.
Today was open house for Harper's Mother's Day Out. She starts "school" tomorrow and she can't wait. She thought we were there for school today. She marched in her room and tried to shut the door on me and make me leave! She wasn't happy that she couldn't stay. We were just there to meet her teacher - which luckily is a sister of one of my friends. She's a wonderful teacher so I'm so excited for Harper. Harper was SO excited to see Sarah Kate. I wish they were the same age and could be in the same class. They just hugged and hugged and hugged. Pure sweetness!
Y'all - I am so nuts. In the last couple of months I have burned myself while cooking FIVE times. I have 3 scars just on one hand and then last night I rested my arm on the handle of the pan - do you see this ENORMOUS burn I now have on my arm????? Do you have any ideas on what I can do so this doesn't leave a huge scar? I'm just so distracted all the time. I feel like I've lost my mind.

I'm one of these weird people where I find something I like to eat and I want to eat it every meal until I just can't look at it again. My new obsession are BLT's, salt and vinegar chips and poppyseed dressing with fruit. I could eat this almost every meal and I pretty much have been. And now Scott is addicted to my chips and keeps eating them so I can't keep them stocked.

Oh yeah - and I'm sharing my favorite tailgate recipe on my friend Flint's awesome football website today (if you love the SEC - you need to check it out now that football season is here) -
You need to make this dip this fall - you will thank me!

That's enough craziness for one day!

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