When I worked, Mondays were always my most busy and stressful day of the week. I worked in the retail industry so Mondays were spent tracking the previous week's sales trends and running a ton of reports and spending time on conference calls and in meetings. I always dreaded Mondays. These days - Mondays are the relaxed day of the week. In the winter - we usually spend this day in our pajamas and catch up on laundry. Now that it's summer - I like to try and do something fun on Mondays.

Harper wakes up a lot of mornings saying she wants to "eat ice cream and play" - that's code for "go to Chick-fil-a". So I decided today would be a good day for that. We had to make a quick visit to the doctor this morning. Hollis has had a little cold and I just never know with babies when to go to the doctor and when not to? So I thought I better have her checked out (she's fine). It was fun at least to get both girls weighed and see how they are doing. Then we went to have lunch and Harper spent a lot of time playing on the play ground.

It's always an interesting time to see her play with strange kids and interact and I always kind of like being able to interact with strange moms. ha!

I have heard my friends Jennifer and Kacy both talking about taking their kids to the library. I've always been a little afraid - not knowing how Harper might act but I decided we might try it today. Harper has just about given up the nap. (NO! Say it is just a phase!) I let her stay in her bed for an hour and it wasn't happening so we got ready and headed to our local library. Harper was WAY more interested in this fish tank than in the books.

She finally got an interest in books - but only in pulling them off the shelves - not actually reading them. Oh well - we will keep trying. The library has always been one of my very favorite places so I'm hoping it will eventually be something the girls love doing.

They have this big dinosaur in the main part of the library and Harper LOST HER MIND when she saw it - she was shrieking and jumping around and saying "Oh my gosh!". ha! I got really tickled. I'm afraid she would die if I took her to the Smithsonian. ha!
I've seen on a few blogs where they did "A Day in the Life" where they documented their entire day or week in detail on their blog. I'm thinking of doing that in a couple of weeks. I know it will be EXTREMELY boring for most of you (unless you are nosy like me and I actually like knowing what other people do with their days).......but I thought it would make a nice memory for me to remember these baby days 10 years down the road. I've lost so many brain cells - I can barely remember what I did last week - so it will be fun to look back and say "So that's how we spent our days?". So I'm just giving you fair warning. :-)