I know to most people that New Years signals a new beginning - but to me summer is always that time for change. When I was in high school or college - summer was always when I would make goals to lose weight or do certain things. It's just a time of refreshment and a happy time and to me - a good time to work on changes.
Memorial Day is "my" official start to summer - I know it's really June 21st but it's 85 degrees, school is out, snow cone stands are open and we have been swimming - it's summer! So - I have made three goals that I hope to maintain this summer. During my pregnancy and the newborn days - I have let a lot of things go and it's time to focus on picking them back up.
1. My quiet time has been been HUGELY lacking the last few months. I love God and I pray a lot but I don't designate time out of my day for Him and I can notice a big difference in my life and attitude. Last year I heard Kay Arthur say that moms of small children always say it's too hard to have a quiet time and that was NOT TRUE and NOT an excuse. To be honest - I was a little miffed with her. ha! I thought - if you had a child who got up at 6 after being up several times a night - how on earth do you start your day with a quiet time? Well - she was right - I'm just having to set an early alarm clock. I can do it - but it means I need to go to bed earlier. Hard to do - not impossible. This is my biggest goal for the summer. I want a better relationship with Jesus, I want to read more of the Bible and I know this time will make me a better wife and mother.

3. Thankfully these days - I really don't have much time for TV. By the time I get dinner ready, we eat, bathe Harper and get her to bed, bathe Hollis, feed her and get her to bed - it's around 9 and it's almost time for me to go to bed. I do want to make an effort to spend less time on the computer or watching TV and more time living and enjoying the summer with my family.
I'm curious ..................what are you summer goals?