**** I apologize I had scheduled this post to run this morning because I wasn't going to be able to get to my computer and it didn't run! Here it is better late than never.
Show us your life Friday!

We are lucky enough to have two offices in our house. So we each have one. I haven't done hardly anything with Scott's office - it's just kind of a man cave. His old couch from before we were married with Cowboys blanket laying on it. Lots of Hog stuff.
Now that Scott is working at home - we are about to do a major re-do to his office. He needs a new desk and we are going to rearrange. He spends a lot of time in this room now so I want it to look a little nicer.

I love this window with the window seat. It holds a lot of stuff and gives us extra storage.
Dawson loves to look out this window and bark at anything that moves. Especially the mail man, garbage men, or the UPS men. And especially when Harper is sleeping. UGH!

A shadow box of Scott's high school glory days

Scott's desk - where all the nerdy action happens (I'm just kidding but he is a computer programmer so I'm just saying..............)

My favorite thing - a picture of Razorback stadium

And in our laundry room - is my little office. I used to sit in here all the time B.H. (that's Before Harper) but now I really don't have much time. But sometimes at night I will sit in here to try and check up on blogs or e-mail.

Scott mounted this little TV for me. And made me this corner shelf.
My sweet friend Kelli made me this little name picture. LOVE IT!

Our wedding picture

I LOVE this lamp

I made this bulletin board last year. These are cards and notes people sent me when I was struggling with infertility. They are very special to me. I also have several precious birth announcements.
Okay - let's see your offices! I know not everyone has an office but I'm sure we will enjoy touring the ones that do.