Friday we finished out VBS and I was pooped! I think the kids were too. But it was a great week and we had 40 kids make decisions for Christ so I think that's awesome and worth every minute of work! I think Harper might be a little sad this week to not go to VBS. She went right into her room this morning which is where she was all week and even waved bye to me.
I found a "ship" pinata that went with our theme so we had a little fun on the last day! I really had fun with those 3 year olds!
A blog reader, Cyndi, who I met in Atlanta was in town and I got to meet up with her Friday afternoon. We hung out at chick-fil-a and let Harper play while we visited. It was fun!!
Saturday my friend Hillary came to town so the five of us who travelled to Atlanta in April together planned a lunch. Laurie had to miss because this weekend was her 20th class reunion and we missed her. Scott was out of town so I took Harper with me and I was so nervous because of our recent experiences in restaurants but she was actually pretty good! Hillary, Jennifer and Amanda are three of my favorite people so I loved getting to spend time with them!
We ate at the Mellow Mushroom and it was SOOO good. I had only been to the one in Gulf Shores so I was excited to eat there again!Since Harper was so good - I decided to take her to Rick's Bakery after lunch and get a treat. She loved it!
Then we came home and played outside but it is SOOOO unbearable hot right now so it didn't last long.
Harper was in a really fun mood on Saturday and I just had the best time playing with her. She spent a long time playing with her doll and wrapping her in her blanket and carrying her and pushing her in the stroller.
This morning Harper and I headed to church by ourselves and we magically got up and were ready by about 7:30. I should have taken us for breakfast but we just ended up at church early. I didn't get any good pictures of her this morning but after lunch she was chasing Dawson trying to put her bow on his head. And can you tell from his face that he was loving it? He would run from her and she would chase him. They have really settled into being pretty good friends. She loves to pet him and she's real gentle and she loves to give him kisses and he likes to be wherever she is. I was so nervous about the two of them but it was worked out nicely.
Scott is home now and we are enjoying a lazy afternoon. Hope you are having a great day!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago