Sometimes I realize that I live in a bubble. My life is not perfect by any means and I sure am not perfect. But I did grow up in a wonderful Christian home with parents who adore me and would do anything for me (including being pretty strict to keep me out of trouble!) I mostly have always had Christian friends and went to a small Christian school. Most days I assume that everyone who reads this blog is just like me. AND I'M SO GLAD YOU ARE NOT!
I think my eyes have really been opened by your openness on the cardboard testimony blog and knowing how many of you have suffered so many things - infertility, divorce, abuse, death of children really has been sitting heavy on my heart.
Here is the neat thing! Over the last few months I've had several people approach me who have developed websites or blogs reaching out to a certain group of people to minister to them. Like the most recent was a girl who was sexually abused as a child and now ministers to those in the same shoes. I think so many times we carry our pain in secret when we would heal so much easier if we could talk to others who can relate and help us overcome. So I got a little idea and here is what it is.............
Next Friday - the 19th - instead of the Show Us Your Life post that is scheduled - we will push that out and we are going to do "show us your ministry". If you have a blog devoted to something like foster parenting or adoption or the loss of a child or abuse or infertility or singleness or really anything you have that you have been through and now you try to encourage others - I want you to link up and put in the subject what your focus is. Write a post that day maybe sharing your story and your heart and offer some encouragement. And then I'd love to see everyone come visit that day and look for some encouragement for your struggle. Does that make sense? I think it could be really amazing!
Or you may just have a regular family blog but you have experienced something that you would like to encourage others going through something similar - just link to that post!
and on a totally different note - I finally put up a few new recipes on my recipe blog! One is Guacamole because I have become totally obsessed. If I didn't know better - I would think I was pregnant (I AM NOT) because of how much I crave it.

Or you may just have a regular family blog but you have experienced something that you would like to encourage others going through something similar - just link to that post!