We had a fun morning. We had a friend come over and stay the morning with us so his parents could go for an ultrasound to find out if he was having a little brother or a little sister!!!
They played pretty well together. He is about 7 months older than Harper. And MUCH more mellow and easy going. ha! I love that they were both in their fleecy pj's.

This was CLEARLY taken with my phone and not my camera but I'm sure he doesn't play with a teapot at home much. ha! I told him it was coffee so he wouldn't lose his man card. :-)
Harper missed her morning nap and normally doesn't nap in the afternoon but we both needed some rest so after he left I fed her lunch, gave her a bath and bottle and put her to bed and she slept for two hours! When she got up a package had come from my Uncle Bob and Aunt Linda so I let her open it.
They got her this cute outfit and shoes! We love them!! They also sent a nice donation for the Ronald McDonald House that we are excited about.

Isn't he cute? I loved this picture!

I almost didn't post this next part because I told Scott I imagined I would get lots of comments about what a bad mother I am but I remembered that my 2010 resolution is to blog for US and it was also TOO funny not to remember.
Harper has a drawer in the kitchen that she can play in. It has tupperware and her bottles and snacks and she is happy to play in it forever. So she was in it this afternoon and I went right next to her in our laundry room to load the dryer. I was just there for a minute but I realized that she had gotten quiet and went to check on her. I couldn't find her but I heard a noise coming from our pantry. The door was partially shut and the light was out but this little mouse had found the package of oreos on the bottom shelf and was helping herself:
I gave her a little taste of Oreo a week or two ago and she liked it so much when I put the package away she nearly turned purple she was so mad. I guess she remembered the goodness. I know it's just awful but I was laughing hysterically that she was double fisting the oreos.
(I should explain that I just happened to have the camera sitting out on the kitchen counter so of course I took this before I got her out of there. But I had to GRAB those cookies out of the hands of steel. She did not want to let go. And then Dawson took off with one and I had to open his mouth with both hands to get it out. I sort of think they may be working together as a team).
I'm thinking that next weekend when she gets her own cake - she is not going to have ANY problems putting it away! ha!

(I should explain that I just happened to have the camera sitting out on the kitchen counter so of course I took this before I got her out of there. But I had to GRAB those cookies out of the hands of steel. She did not want to let go. And then Dawson took off with one and I had to open his mouth with both hands to get it out. I sort of think they may be working together as a team).

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 452 Newer› Newest»That oreo shot made me laugh out loud! She looks like she enjoyed them tremendously!! Now I wish I had some oreos. . .
Too funny with the oreos! You got to get them while you can. She's smart :)
I love the second to last pic, wearing her "I've been good shirt" while double fisting :). Good job Harper.
A girl after my own heart!!
The other day the same thing happened to me, only my 12 month old was bent over in the toilet splashing away, almost completely fallen in! Little stinker! :) (graspthelove.wordpress.com)
That is hysterical!! And you are a wonderful mother!!
Sweet little Harper is a cookie monster! Love the Oreo pics!
I don't think I have ever laughed so hard!!!! That's awesome, girlfriend knows that Oreos are the best! And Wells is insanely cute and will be the cutest big bro!
That is just HILARIOUS!!!!
Gotta love the oreos!! I have been following your blog since your beautiful precious Harper was born and I just cannot believe it has been a year!!
OH MY GOODNESS...I am laughing out loud! How funny is that?! I don't think that makes you a bad mother at all. If it makes you feel any better, my daughter (8 months), ate a dead bug off the floor today, choked, and threw up. Where she found a bug I'll NEVER know considering I had JUST cleaned.
That is just adorable. Girl knows what she wants and she was going to make sure she got it!! Who does't love Oreos!
WELL DUH' mom she is a girl and we all love our chocolate... ha! bad mom, i DON'T THINK SO! I am thrilled you posted these funny pics. My 14 mo. old found his vaseline and it was all over his face and hands and mouth and hair... not as good as oreos. Love Harpers outfit too
ahahh soooo cute! Who can resist Oreos!!!
That is hilarious! She was trying to shove all she could in her mouth before she was busted!!! I love it.
How stinkin' cute! Reminds me of my son, he would be doing the same exact thing! And I love the Hartstrings brand clothing. Great stuff!
That's awesome! I cracked up when I saw that first oreo picture. Too precious!
Too funny that she's wearing her "I've been good" t-shirt while she's sneaking oreos!
Oh Kelly, I am laughing hysterically right now! Harper double fisting those oreos has to be the cutest, funniest thing! Love reading about your REAL life, haha!
My daughter has the same pajamas with the bunny feet! I never comment but I love your blog and how genuine you are... the pictures of Harper getting into the cookies are going to be laughed over for years!!
THAT IS TOO FUNNY!! Harper looks upset in the 2nd picture like where did the goodness go?? Ha!
Brayden LOVES oreos too!
Oh my goodness this is too funny! I love how she foind those and has them all over her. And with that shirt on too! So fitting!
This made me laugh out loud - girl after my own heart - thanks for sharing this with us!
oh my gosh. that photo of Harper snitching the oreos is the best thing I have seen all day. I am so glad you shared it.
hahaha! Too funny!
So funny! I love the shirt too...I've been good all year she says while double fisting oreos!
I love the Cookie Monster!!! The picture with her cramming it in her mouth is so cute...reminds me of myself! ;) What camera do you use normally?
That is TOO FUNNY! :) Glad you guys had a good day.
go Harper! I love oreos too! and it's funny that her shirt says "I've been good" even while she was being sneaky! =D
I just love it.....coming from a mom whose children ages 12 and 7 just love Oreos. Enjoy these moments for you will remember these cute stories to tell her when she is older. We have similar stories, and our children love to hear them. They grow so quickly, so enjoy every moment!!
Ha! The Oreos just cracked me up!! If I could get away with it, I'd be doing that too ;-)
OH SO FUNNY!!! I could SOOOOO "double fist" some oreos right now!!! ha!
You are a WONDERFUl mother!! :)
I love what you dressed her in for the day--who knew she'd be slamming oreos in the dark later on? Too funny!!!
LOL! I think that pic is just hilarious! Her double fisting the oreos is toooo cute and toooo funny LOL
Summer :0)
oh the oreos! too funny!!!
LOVE the oreos! Made me laugh out loud. It's also nice to see other people's children doing things my children do on a regular basis. :o)
No problem with Harper's sweet tooth!
I love the oreo picture. That is too funny.
Bless her heart! Give that girl some cookies!hehe
Your are not a horrible mother for posting that! It is hysterical! =) That is a priceless picture.
That is HILARIOUS! I love the picture of her shoving the oreos in her mouth too!
So hilarious! You are a wonderful mother :).
Bad mom? Are you crazy? Looks like your a terrific mom that rolls with the punches and enjoys seeing her child explore and discover all of life's goodness. Really letting your little ones be themselves is what it is all about. She is TOO precious.
Ha ha ha! The picture of her double fisting the Oreo's made me wake up my husband who was napping in his chair because I busted out laughing so loud! How FUNNY! Thanks for sharing and posting! You should visit my blog to see what my little princess decided to do today...nearly gave me a heart attack!
Now I am craving me some Oreos!! Too cute and funny! You're not a bad mommy, you let her enjoy them! =)
LOVE IT!!! And smart girl, too......love how she is straddling the oreos, always protect the cookies from all angles. :) Seriously, the way she is just shoving that oreo into her mouth.......priceless and SO FUNNY!
That is NOT a bad mother deal!!! It's one of those things I'm sure, and it's hilarious!
Too cute and funny! They never stop sneaking into the snacks the older they get either!
What a cute little boy and a fun day for Harper! I love the outfit also, that will be very cute this spring!
The best part of the Oreo picture is what is written on her top....'I've been good'.
And goodness, that does not make you a bad mom at all. I have three and a husband who deploys often, and I have found my children with licorice, cookies, and bubble gum while I've been vacuuming or doing laundry. Not to mention marker art on couches, a sharpee drawing on a wall (what was I thinking leaving that within reach?), and a roll of toilet paper strewn across every room of my house. Those things don't make us bad mommies, they just makes us human. At least that is what I tell myself :)
Yes, the shirt really makes the picture! You are in for some ADVENTURES!
don't feel awful! The oreo pics are the best!!! All moms have pics like that----and you will look back and laugh!!!!
LOVE the Oreo shot! It is even funnier that we are saying, "Don't do that again...but let me get a picture first!" (I have the spaghetti on the head shots of my son in his high chair...)
Yup...the oreo picture had me BUSTING!!!!! Girl, you have GOT to savor those moments! They are priceless!!!
The Oreos pic is so funny! What a great memory! We just got family photos done last month and my "prissy" 3 year old was caught on camera picking her nose with her middle finger none the less. The photographer gave us the photo for future embarrassment! =)
I needed to laugh today! Harper is PRECIOUS double fisting the oreos! My kind of girl!!
And I love that you told Harper's play date it was coffee so he wouldn't lose his man card playing with the teapot!
Harper sure does know the good stuff. I love it when kids get into this type of stuff...it's good for them to be a little sneaky and have some freedom. She certainly used hers wisely! :)
that is SO funny! at least Harper has good taste in snacks!
LOL! That is so funny! Thank you for sharing!! I'm glad you wrote about it because like you said it's a blog for you and your family and yes you want to remember all the cute things she does!
Oh my word that's hilarious!! You can't NOT blog about stuff like that because that is the best part of parenting right there! haha!
I laughed out loud when I noticed that she was sneaking Oreos WHILE WEARING A SHIRT THAT SAYS "I've been good all year". Bahahahaha!
I introduce my daughter to Oreos recently, and actually JUST blogged some photos today. What a coincidence! My 1-year-old is double-fisting the oreos in the photos as well. :) Is there ANY OTHER WAY to eat Oreos????
The Oreo picture is priceless!!
hahahaha awesome! oreos ARE delicious!
She knows a good cookie when she meets one! I love it that she was in there without the light on and still found the Oreos. So funny! Great pictures - good for you to grab the camera!
That is sooo hilarious! Who can resist oreos??
Harper's future husband will be very proud that she isn't ashamed of her oreo-love. :)
I seriously laughed out loud at the oreo pictures:) Harper is precious! Mialyn hasn't started getting into things like that yet but I know it's coming soon:)
oh my goodness, im still laughing!! that is the cutest thing, and mine were just as fast. need to put that in her book lol! girl likes her some oreos!
Aren't you glad that you are a stay-at-home mommy so that you don't miss a crumb of her day? She is so precious!!!
Ha ha!!! That is too funny about the oreos! My oldest once was being quiet when she was about Harper's age, and I caught her licking a twinkie wrapper she had found in the trash! Ewww! At least Harper didn't do that. :D
The oreo picture is FANTASTIC! Thank you for sharing it. No negative comments here - every kid has to have their day, for my daughter, it was butter. Yes, I caught her under the table with the butter tub, and a spoon, going to town.
Love the oreo pictures! Hilarious.
How funny! Tell Harper I can double fist a few Oreos myself. I love them so I don't blame her. This is too cute so thanks for sharing!!
I'm glad you decided to share the oreo pictures. That's the hardest I've laughed all day. That Harper, she's going to keep you on your toes. :)
The oreo picture made me laugh so hard! She is just precious!
Wells wanted me to have you tell Harper that he would have LOVED to be her partner in crime with the Oreos. He would have poured her coffee to dunk them in - ha!!
I can't imagine anyone leaving a negative comment on that post! I laughed out loud. Sooo funny!
The oreo thing is WAY too funny not to blog about! She knew it was good! I can't believe she's almost one!
LOVED the oreo pictures! So cute.
The Oreo pictures are the best! Every baby has to do that at some point!
I am laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes!! Love the Oreo shot of her happily eating them. So precious. I hope Scott laughed too!
You're not a bad mother at all! Girl if you could see what goes on in my house every day! Great story!
one of the cutest oreo theifs I have even seen! too funny!!
Dear Harper,
Oreos are FANTASTIC and just think, you're only starting out in life and will(hopefully)have many,many more years to eat them!! As a fashion tip however,maybe next time you don't want to wear a shirt that says "I've been good all year" when you sneak into the pantry! ;)
Kelly, I laughed outloud too seeing the double-fisted oreo pic...too funny (and I can really relate...a girl's gotta have her chocolate!!) too cute!
I am glad you shared because that is hilarious! Until you live with a one year old--you just truly can not appreciate the fact that they can get into anything in under 30 seconds! Haha. I am always amazed at how Lilly can get to things. Anyway, I think it is great that Harper knows a yummy cookie when she see it!
That is SO funny!!!
That is the cutest thing of her with the oreos...those pictures make the best memories! I look forward to looking at your blog each day! Thanks for sharing your life with everyone :)
Ha! That's my kind of girl :) Oreos are my favorite!
The Oreo scenario is SOOOO funny!! Thank you so much for posting it - it definitely made me laugh out loud. Harper is such a cutie!
My daughter was about the same age when she had her first taste of chocolate. The look on her face was priceless, it was like she was saying "you've been holding out on me!"
That's just too funny!
She has probably been waiting for the opportunity to raid the pantry ever since she had her first taste of oreos. Smart girl. Beets and carrots will never taste the same again!
I got such a chuckle from Harper double fisting the oreos! She is a woman on a mission!
You are not a bad mom, you are just a mom! We have all had those moments when you just leave the room for a second and come back to find them doing something like that! I thought she was too cute with the oreos, and I agree with someone else who posted... it made me want oreos too!!!
I am so glad you posted that! I definitely laughed out loud at the site of her and the oreos ;)
Oh, that is great! Anyone who would say something negative about this is living in a fantasy world where children don't get into pantries and they certainly don't like oreos!
It made this momma laugh out loud!
it doesn't make you a bad momma at all! not one bit! :-) it makes it even more clear that harper is spunky... i love spunky!!!
love the face on that last pic... "who little old me got into the cookies...?!?!?" while making the puppy dog eyes!
too dang cute!!!
Since all good things come from God, I'm sure OREO'S are at the top of a yummy list!
We are dieting right now and I would love to double fist a few double stuffs!!!
Um, if you're a bad mother for the oreo incident then I don't want to know what I am, haha! I laughed when I saw the picture because it was cute and funny. And many more incidents like that will come! It keeps parenting fun! HA!
That is the cutest pic!! I'm so glad you decided to post it!
That is too cute and funny. Our daughter hates sweets, some kids just do.
I love the irony of her shirt! That's priceless.
that does not make you a bad mother, it makes you a mother with a very smart baby. hilarious!
Hilarious :) Love it and yes, what a moment and picture to remember!
So funny....and makes you are normal mom and Harper a normal kid!
Isn't it amazing how quickly they learn what is GOOD....but possibly forbidden!!? Precious!
Harper's little friend is very cute! Maybe he should come over and tire her out more often so she naps! LOVE that she found the oreos. That's a girl that knows how good cookies are : )
LOL! She is too funny with her yummy oreos. Cute!
My baby girl did the same thing with a box of Pop Tarts the other day. They were even up on a shelf and in the wrapper! I have no idea how she did it! Unreal!
Priceless!! Hey, any naysayers that you get- just send them over to my blog. I caught my toddler eating a grasshopper, paste and a crayon. All within 24 hours. Some times you just have to laugh.
oh my goodness...that is HILARIOUS!! I laughed out loud. She is my kind of girl!!
That is sooooo funny that she got into those Oreos!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never comment, but I laughed out loud when I saw the Oreos! I've got a 13 mth old that is all over the pantry!
Well, my son got through a whole thing of baby wipes and they were all over the living room. If he could get into any sweets though, he would, he has such a huge sweet tooth.
Kelly---I just laughed out LOUD!! That is the funniest thing I've seen in awhile! So adorable!
That does NOT make you a bad mother! You can't monitor every second of your child's life. She has to learn to be independent and apparently she has! That is the cutest story. Thanks for sharing!
That is quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever read on a blog. I laughed out loud and I never do that!I love that her shirt says "I've been good all year"...until now it should say on the back!
Hilarious!! That made me laugh out loud. It's the shirt that really makes it funny! Kinda makes me what some Oreos :)
Don't be silly - that doesn't make you a bad mother! A couple weeks ago I was doing dishes with my daughter on the floor next to me in her bare bum, playing in her bottles and bib drawer. when I noticed she got silent, I looked down to find her double fisting her, uh... well, not Oreo's!
Love, love, love the OREO pictures. Definitely doesn't make you a bad mom, just, well, a mom. ;o) These are the moments that make the sleepless nights worth it, don't you think? :o)
I LOVE an OREO face! How fun!
That is hilarious! My kind of girl!
harper is too cute!
my sweet girl turned one on jan. 2! we are having her party on the 16th and i borrowed your idea of asking our guests to bring donations for our local ronald mcdonald house. we, because of God's grace, have not had to use the service of the RMcD House, but the help it was to you and many others really tugged at my heart. we have been blessed with a healthy baby and want to remember God's goodness and help those who are facing hard times.
thanks for sharing your life and harper with us!
Seriously so cute and funny. What a cute girl! (You are NOT a bad mom!!)
I read your blog daily and never comment. But, that oreo picture is HILARIOUS!
I love that you totally ran for the camera before you stopped her! Aren't they quick? Always on the move and totally know what they shouldn't have. Glad you posted it b/c those are the little things you forget. Don't worry about what other people think:)
I laughed so hard at the picture and you explaining her eating the oreos double fisted! SO funny!
A little sugar never hurt anyone!! I'm glad you posted what YOU wanted to post!! She sure is cute!
Concerning the Oreos.... I have but one thing to say, ATTA GIRL Harper!!!! And that's a good mama, double stuff, even!!!!
I actually laughed out loud when I saw that double fisting, Oreo cookie eating picture. Harper, you go girl!
Oh girl, there is nothing sinful about double fisting Oreos- sometimes a girl has to do what a girl has to do. I have a picture of my oldest one chugging Hershey's syrup while I had run into the laundry room. They know chocolate goodness when they see it, there's no bad mothering in that! Hope you all have a sweet sweet week celebrating her life so far!
That is SOOO funny, can't keep us women from the Oreos! Also, I love how her shirt says "I've been good all year" TOO funny! That is a priceless photo and you will cherish it when she is older. :-)
Oh I love this!! She is too cute! She loved them so much, she just couldn't get them in fast enough. Sometimes I feel that way about Oreos too! She probably needed a big cup of milk after this. Can't wait to see cake pictures from her birthday! I can tell it's going to be FUN!!!
I LOVED that pic!! SO funny!! She loves her Oreos!! :)
Your girl knows what's good. There are no other words :) There's nothing like an oreo!!!
That was darling! I love it!
How could you not post this precious picture with the Oreo's. Your not a bad mom either so there is no shame in posting about your cookie monster! She is precious!li
hilarious! and you are NOT a bad mother!
I was just posting the other day about how I give helen (my 3rd, and a few months younger than Harper) WAY more than I gave my first 2.
That is a picture for her baby book FOR sure!
Hilarious! I love it! Oreos are delicious, and she is such a cutie...I would let her eat them all day if she wanted to! (kidding!) haha!
You are definitly not a bad mother just because your child got into some Oreo's. That is too funny. I think the fact that she is wearing an "I've been good" shirt makes it even funnier. She is too too cute!!
P.S. She totally knows how to eat some Oreo's. Double fisting is the only way!!!
The oreo picture is priceless. Love it!
smiling so big, at that cute chocolate mouth! :)
she is a smart cookie!! Life is never dull with little one's around, huh? :)
You are a GREAT Mom and that is so funny! Ava is just starting to discover "our food" and I know it's just going to be a matter of time before she figures out where we keep it :) I LOVE the double fists of oreos....such a good memory and picture! Can you blame her??
Love the picture of her shoving the cookie in her mouth!! Too cute:)
That doesn't make you a bad Mom at all! Just a REAL, NORMAL Mom! I think it is precious and funny! And believe me you will have many more stories just like this one! My youngest is into everything! Enjoy the snow we only had flurries in Benton! Happy New Year! Elizabeth
I never heard the expression "lose his man card" until I moved to the south. I laughed so hard when I read that and saw that cute little guy with the tea pot. Thats funny stuff right there.
AND I'm glad you decided to blog about Harpers Oreo raid. I don't remember how old my kiddos were the first time they tasted an Oreo, but I do know that they still get upset when I put the bag away. :)
A few months ago I had made cupcakes. The kids all had one and I had the rest iced and on the counter. We were all doing our own thing - but in the same room. All of a sudden I realized that my 2nd child (he's 4) had another cupcake. Taking survey... it wasn't just one cupcake... he snuck 3!!! Talk about Mom of the year, I didn't see me kid walk past me TWICE while eating a "stolen" cupcake. It was funny - but he had to eat vegetables for dinner. :)
Her eating the oreos is the cutest thing EVER! Anyone who calls you a bad mom is CRAZY, Kelly! Your a great one!
Harper's little friend is so cute too!
Harper and the oreos, hilarious. You should send the picture in to nabisco. I needed a laugh, thank you Harper!
Oh Mylanta that made me laugh out loud!! She is GOING TO TOWN on those oreos!! HAHAHA. That is a memory you will for sure not want to forget!!
I love that her shirt says "I've been good all year" while she's sneaking the cookies in the pantry! Awesome!!!
The oreo story is too cute! The pics are adorable and hilarious!!
Ummm bad mother?? No way! That picture was downright hilarious. It's pics like that that make a mommy's world go round. That is everyday life and I love it!!
IM soooo glad that you shared the oreo pics, it doesnt mean your a bad momma, it just means we are all normal, if the pack of Oreos is all my kids got into that would be nice. LOL Life is so fun with kids.
Tiffany in TN
That Oreo picture is just precious! And so is her little friend :)
So cute! Oreos are great!
That is soooooo funny!!!! She's a smart girl! Thanks for making me laugh, even at the expense of being called a "bad mom"...and you are anything but that!
That oreo shot is way too cute. My little one is the same way with her food.
Hilarious!! A girl after my own heart, she knows the good stuff!!
Thanks for sharing!!
That was greatness! My husband could hear me laughing from the bathroom.
I seriously laughed out loud until I had tears rolling down my cheeks!! Good times
Oh Lord! That shot of Harper shoveling oreos into her mouth almost made me pee my pants! I love it! My girls did the same thing a few weeks ago and I totally couldn't get mad at them b/c it was just too darn funny. I'll be waiting with anticipation for what are sure to be some of the best birthday cake pics ever! Haha
Love it!! Laughed out loud! Such a CUTE story and picture! Keep that camera handy it only gets better from here... ;)
BTW, You are a wonderful Mother!
Same thing happened to me when my son was 8 mths.old-only with the mint girl scout cookies!! Doesn't make you a bad mom at all!! She is such a doll! :]
stinker! love it!
I love the "I've been good all year" with the oreo mouth...kind of like sayign "i've been good all year and I can't take it anymore!" HA!
Oh my word, that is hysterical! I just read the Oreo part to my husband who was cracking up as well!
Now I wish I had ME some Oreos!
OMGoodness! I totally laughed out loud! The oreo picture is PRICELESS! Love it! :)
That is my all time fav picture, Kelly! Benaiah, at 15 mo., knows the word "cookie" so we have a new rule...no one can ask for dessert or say cookie til HE is done with his meal. Otherwise he turns into a monster when his sisters say cookie and get up to get one. Just delete any negative comments people make. I think some people have too much time on their hands!!!
Oh, Harper. Me too, honey, me too
The story about the Oreo's is hillarious! How cute! You are going to get some good pics of her eating her birthday cake!
Kelly, That is a GREAT, CLASSIC moment and one that most NORMAL moms can relate to! I love how much fun you're having with Harper. She is blessed to have you as her mom. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! ;)
I love Harper's oreo pictures. She is just the cutest little thing. She's a girl after my own heart. If I could get away with double fisting oreos, I'd be right there with her.
I love the Oreo food fest! Too cute! Why would you get bad mom comments? Only if you didn't take a picture of that - those are precious and I'll bet you got a good laugh from it!
That is too funny about the oreos. You gotta love it :) I loved reading all your tweets about The Bachelor :)
Oh my land, this is soo FUNNY and cute! You have a smart one on your hands! How funny!
I am seriously laughing out loud! That's not being a bad Mom, Kelly! I would have laughed, too and took a photo too if it were my kid! You are a wonderful Mom! Thank you for sharing your precious Cookie Monster baby! :)
I almost fell out of my chair laughing at Harper eating the oreo cookies in the pantry! That is hilarious and sooooo worth documenting:)!! LOVE it!!:)
You are so NOT a bad mother :) You're normal just like the rest of us (okay, maybe I do personally think you are a little bit better...you know, in a GOOD way).
I just love the oreo face. Thank you for sharing...I needed a little laugh!
haha! that is too funny!!
You should never feel like you have to explain yourself, Kelly. This is your blog and if someone doesn't like something you do or say then its THEIR problem. :)
Thanks for sharing these pictures, it totally made me laugh!
I am SO happy you decided to post that picture. I immediately burst out laughing. It reminded me so much of my daughter eating her chocolate cupcake at her 1st birthday party in November.
I think us moms need to stop judging each other and making each other self-conscience. We all have our moments. As long as we are doing our best and doing what we feel is best for our children then we are GOOD moms! Besides, I bet Harper thought you were the best mom to ever walk to Earth today (just like she does EVERY day) when she happened upon those Oreos.
Bad mom? No WAY!! This is a rite of passage.
My little princess stuck a straw in a new package of sour cream and started sucking it down before I caught her. Talk about EWWWW!!! At least Harper chose something truly yummy!
hahaha, tooo funny, smart girl! I love that she decided to sneak cookies on the day she was wearing the I've been good shirt :)
Hey Kelly!
I don't think I've never commented, although I think we have fb messaged before. I am an '06 OBU Alum, and friend of Jennifer Jones Francis. I think we also have a connection with Leigh Ann Hasley. She goes to my church and is a dear friend!
Anyway, I'm constantly blessed by your blog! I seriously laughed out loud with the oreo story and picture. How could you ever think anyone would think you were a bad mother for that? That is just REAL life!
Anyway, So glad to hear that your resolution is to blog for your family and not for other people. I've seriously been burdened for you for months because I'm afraid of you getting into a rut "people-pleasing", and I know that would take a toll on anyone (especially a mom and a wife!).
Just continue to keep recording your precious memories of sweet Harper for you and Scott. None of us matter. When it is all said and done, all that matters is that you, Scott and Harper have great memories together.
However, I do love your blog very much, and know God is using you for the Kingdom.
All I'm sayin is...Don't worry about us. Keep your resolution of doing this for the STAMPS.
God bless your SWEET, sweet family!
My nephew did this the other day with powdered doughnuts! I don't think he ever had one until his adventure in the pantry, but I'm sure he had seen his daddy eating enough of them to know they were good stuff!
As a new mom we long for the quiet of the days of old and then we realize that silence is danger, yes, it is when you CAN'T hear anything that you need to RUN and save the day (or the oreos). I dread silence, nothing good comes of silence when one has children with mobility (and intentions/curiosity)
I LOVE the photo, she is a clever girl and you are a loving momma.
Thanks for sharing.
Keep up your 2010 blogging resolution and blog about all those "Oreo" moments because that makes memories. And it is what motherhood is all about somedays. Enjoy.
Not only is that hysterical but it also shows how smart she is. She knew exactly where you kept the oreos. While trying to get dinner ready tonight I turned my back for a millisecond and my 20 month old grabbed 2 forks out of the drawer. My husband caught him as he. was RUNNING through the den. I felt like a bad mother :( then I reminded myself that accidents happen and my husband should have been watching him anyway ;)
I'm loving the oreos! They are double stuffed; aren't they? It's a good thing she didn't find them when Wells was there that would have been too cute.
That little boy is so cute...Future Husband for Harper maybe?
If I am not mistaken, that little boy is Wells. I loved his family's blog and was so disappointed when they went private.
But I understand, afterall I am just a college-age girl who discovered both of your blogs by accident. I fell in love and read daily though!
Can't wait to have a little Harper of my own! Although it doesn't have to be Harper...and can be far, far down the path of life for me.
-Camille in Oregon
She is so cute! Just don't introduce her to "THE OREO TRUFFLE" ~ haha!
You do not need to explain anything about having the camera setting there! It is YOUR blog, we are the guests. :D
I LOVE the shot of the Oreos ~ !
This reminded me of when my Sarah was 3 and was going to be a flower girl in a wedding. We tried on her head wreath and with her naturally curly hair, she looked adorable. Then she went to the bathroom and cut.all.her.hair.OFF! I laughed/cried/laughed. The bride still wanted her as her flower girl, and I STILL get people commenting about it (15 yrs later)! Someone did ask me right after it happened "Where were YOU?" Like I was a bad mom. I said, "She was going potty - and I normally don't go with my children to the bathroom everytime." Kids will be kids - and you made a fantastic memory!
That is too funny!
I think she had that planned! She knew exactly where to go!
A girl after my own heart. HAHA!!!
This is why my camera is always on the kitchen counter. You never know what pictures you might catch..."at the right moment"..those are precious.
I am laughing so hard, I'm crying! My daughter loves cookies too and I could so totally see her doing that too!
HAHAHAHAHA it's almost 1am and I'm looking for a crib...decided to check Twitter...saw this and laughed SO HARD but had to be quiet b/c Hayden is sleeping...this is SOOOOO HILARIOUS I may have to go in the other room!!!
Harper's new outfit is precious! But I had to laugh so hard at the mouse in the pantry! TOO CUTE! Love it and I'm so glad you kept your resolution and blogged it! That sure doesn't make you a bad mom at all, just a real mom! I don't comment often, but I have to say I really am glad to read your blog, it is always inspiring! And I'm so glad you plan to keep the focus on your family! YOu will continue to be blessed beyond!
It is never a good sign when little ones are quiet :) Very funny story thanks for sharing :)
Oh, my goodness! Harper and Dawson tag-teaming the oreos. Can't get much cuter than that. My personal favorites are the fudge covered oreos. Good thing they are only available at Christmas. The pictures will be great for the slide show at her wedding. Is Well still on the short list for the arranged marriage?
Keeping you in my heart in GA.
I LOVE the oreo picture!!! That is hilarious and don't think that we haven't all found them sneaking before! :)
That picture made me laugh so hard. Especially because of the shirt she is wearing. Don't feel like a bad mom, there are worse things you could catch her eating.
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