Well we are on day five of lockdown. The roads are clearer but it's SO cold that we just can not get out. I think tomorrow it's going to be in the negative temps. This doesn't happen in the south much. I'm so ready for spring.
When I was pregnant with Harper - I "met" a blog reader who has a little girl named Harper. She is SO cute. Her mother, Shannon, and I not only love the name Harper and LOVE all things monogrammed (she's crazier about it than I am if that's possible) but we share a birthday! (Only I am several years older). She e-mailed me recently and said she wanted to send me several things of Harper's she had outgrown. And I got the box yesterday and was just squealing and jumping up and down. This is just PART of it. Shannon sews and she made a lot of these things and they are just precious. So Harper will continue to be decked out in things with her name on them.
I've had a lot of people ask me if I would sell them or give them Harper's stuff because they or someone they know is having a Harper. I thought I would want to but I've gotten so sentimental that I am having a hard time letting any of it go......YET. So maybe in a year or two - I'll be ready to give them to a sweet new "Harper" but I'm holding on for right now. All of her stuff is just so special to me. (I sort of want to make a quilt out of all her monogrammed stuff - or 2 or 3 quilts that she could have in high school or college).
P.S. Shannon just had a new baby named Henley (because like me she wanted them to share a monogram!)(love it!) but I promise I will not be crazy and use that name also!

One of my favorite things to do is to clean and organize Harper's closet. It's one of the few things I can actually do because she will play in her room while I do it. So today I pulled out all the 18 month old clothes and got everything lined up for spring. (Do you get that I'm ready for that season? ha!)

Harper has been SO fun and happy today! I have just had the best time with her. She woke up from her nap today in the best mood and I had to snap a few pictures. I know this week all of her pictures have been in fleece pj's with no bow and complete bed head but we are snowed in so I'm letting her be that way. If you think she's a mess - you should see me! ha! I normally try to every day get dressed and fix up just in case but not this week.

Here she is showing off some of her teeth!

And just one more because who can resist a happy baby with bed head? I have been trying several of your food ideas this week and they have gone great! We had cheese ravioli tonight and she gulped it up! She DID NOT like blueberries though. She spit them out. ha!
Today is the anniversary of my very last day to work. I was thinking about that a lot today. I loved working and I miss it from time to time - mostly the people. But I have never loved anything as much as I do staying home with Harper. BUT it is NOT easy! I have always thought that working moms had the hardest job and I still do think it must be so tough to balance it all. I admire all of you who work. But staying at home - especially with a toddler or preschooler is a tough job. I wouldn't trade if for all the money in the world but there are days that I think "Wow - it's been a long day - we have played with every toy we have, been in every room , been in every drawer and I am worn out" and then I look at the clock and it's 9:30 a.m. ha! I don't think any of us get enough credit - working or not working! :-)
(I don't mean to spark any debates - I'm just reflecting on how much my life has changed in a year!)
Okay ...........I have to go. I have a team to cheer for.
ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(You knew I'd be backing the SEC, didn't you?)
Love the clothes! I don't blame you for staying in your pjs all day, I would too!
Unfortanatley, we aren't on the same team tonight. It's going to be a good game though. Hook'em HORNS :)
BAMA BAMA!!! Not an actual fan but being from OK, I'll cheer for anyone playing the longhorns. :o) Aren't rivalrys fun?
She is absolutely precious! Being a working mom is definitely hard, but I really do believe that being a full-time stay-at-home mom would be even more work (but, of course rewarding!) When I'm at work, I can take a break. When I'm with my one year old, I can't!
You are so blessed to have such a beautiful girl! Love your blog!
i got really sentimental with my kids clothes too. my daughter is five and i just this summer was ready to get rid of a few things. my son is two and i'm letting go a bit sooner-but honestly boy clothes aren't as cute anyway so it's easier for me to get rid of jeans :)
(and even with all the cleaning out-i have kept a bunch that i will never be able to part with)
Oh my gosh! I would LOOOOVE to find a older "London" to buy monogrammed stuff from! haha! I too have been dreaming warmer weather in London's closest over the past couple of days... I can't wait for Spring!
Harper looks absolutely adorable in those pictures. Honestly, I love that she's not always wearing those big hairbows. They detract from her God-given cuteness.
Enjoy being a SAHM... I've been one for 14 years and love it!
Great blog, Kelly.
I'm a first-time signer (I've been following Harper since her birth)and decided it would be good for me to be more outgoing and sign-in to the blogs I read! I was a working mom (my babies are 25 & 19 sniff sniff)and I have always thought a stay-home mom is a much harder job! I went from a year-round job in a clinic to a 10 month school job when the kids were 6 & 11. We were all ready for school to start come Labor Day! It's hard work to keep the kids occupied and happy and keep your sanity all day, every day. I'm so glad that you get to stay home with Harper and that you love it. She is adorable (so are you!)
I am the same way with Kelcee's monogrammed clothes and I still can't part with them and she is 3! I love all the cute outfits you were given.... Precious! Harper is a doll, and I love that pic of her laughing in her crib....
Summer :0)
And she is absolutely precious, bedhead and all. :)
Amen Kelly -- Roll Tide Roll!! You can feel the SEC spirit all over the South tonight! haha!
It snowed in Alabama today! Can you believe that? Hopefully, we aren't cooped up as long as you guys have been. Harper is beautiful as always- even with bedhead. She looks so happy too!
Yes! I've been both- and they are both hard- just two different kinds of hard. Hang in there- it gets easier...and then it gets harder again. Anyway- We're cheering on the same side tonight! Roll Tide and God Bless the SEC! We are so jealous of your snow!
i could do a blog post like this in the middle of my SUMMER heat here in AZ!!! We start going stir crazy and climbing the walls (times four kiddos!) I love the bed head and pj's. My 8 year old calls those days "robe days" and it's now a term our whole family has taken up. "Robe days" are the ones where we don't fix up, don't get out of our pj's- eat popcorn and drink hot chocolate. It's pure splendor, ha! And everyone should try it =) Being a stay at home mom is the hardest and most wonderful job I've ever had. And it's going TOO fast, for sure.
It must be early! I enjoy visiting each day and love to see your sweet girl...all I have is a grand DOG! He has looked at me as if to say "Grandma, do I have to do what my mom says?". It was hilarious!!!
I love that you share your faith proudly because our world needs to know how happy one can be WITH GOD.
Stay warm...it was 17 below on my way to school this morning here in Colorado. Blessings to you and your family.
I'm the same way with both of my kids. I still have clothes from my 7 year old's younger days-and lets not even start on my 1 year old (lol) I have everything and dont plan on giving anything of hers away anytime soon. Your Harper looks so sweet in your pictures. I so wish I could find a ERIN to buy and get monogrammed things for. I also went with the same intials for my daughters they both have the same intials first, middle and last name-love it.
I have been both a working mom and stay at home mom and have to say they both are hard. I can't say one is harder than the other just that there both hard and some things were harder as a stay at home mom, and some things were harder as a working mom. I just say being a Mom is hard work no matter what.
Hi Mrs. Kelly!
My name is Stormy.
I'm 16 and I've been reading your blog for a few months now.. I wanna say since Halloween-ish..
I love it!
Harper is just so sweet and I love how excited you guys get about sports stuff and how you LOVE monogrammed stuff! I do to! I've got a monogrammed snuggie.. it's AMAZING!
Since it's almost Harper's birthday, I decided to go back to January of last year in you archive and read Harper's whole story.
I've got to say that you are so brave to to go through all that and Harper is a fighter! Looks like you've got a tough little girl on your hands and Harper's got a tough mommy and daddy.
How blessed you all are!
Love your blog,
She's super cute, as always!
Love all of Harper's new clothes!!
Now it's time for the game!!
Go Horns!!!!
You know who I saw in that last picture of Harper? YOU! (finally)
Your dad let us have the rest of the week off... and I have not moved far from the wood stove. I just keep feeding it wood all day long. I told Jodi, now that the holidays are over... I'm ready for Spring!!
I LOVE boutique and monogramming. I have become so sentimental about my girls clothing too. I have a sack in their closet that is set aside just for their monogrammed (outgrown) clothing. I plan on making a quilt of their most favorite outfits when they're a bit older. Of course, some treasured ones I'll keep to pass down...but the rest I will make into a quilt to enjoy. I still LOVE to look at their little clothes because it brings back such great memories for me- what we were doing, how small they were, ect.
The rest all gets passed down to friends =)
Girl no no no no, it's Hook Em Horns :) I lived in San Antonio and my sister went to Texas! You have it wrong!!
I love the new Halloween outfit!
Love the baby clothes! It's hard to picture her big enough to wear those - I hope you'll still be blogging when she's 3, 4, 5. I looked up your weather today because I couldn't believe it really could be below zero - wow, bless your heart, you must be freezing! Thinking about you and hoping it warms up!
We are snowed in in East Tenn. tonight and probably tomorrow. The roads are icy. A bus wrecked with school children on it in Knoxville and the police were riding 4 wheelers to get to the children. I believe all were safe, thank you Jesus!
GO SEC!!!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
what a cutie! (by the way, i left my job just about a year ago, too -- although not for a child -- so i understand the reflection a bit.)
I have a hard enough time passing down clothes from my oldest son (3yrs) to my younger son (18 mos). Which is why I should probably own stock in Gap - ha! So I don't blame you at all for wanting to hold on to the clothes :-)!
I have a little girl, who is now 4. She has tons of clothes that I don't want to part with. I did give away all the knit stuff because it does tend to fade and stretch over time. I kept all the dresses and things that I loved and couldn't part with. They are still in a trash bag, but the plan is to have all of her old clothes made into a quilt for her to keep forever. It will be hard to see the clothes being cut up, but I know that Aubrie will love her quilt, and it will be something she can pass down to her daughter one day. Just wanted to share the idea.
LUCKY girl with the clothes....too cute!! Precious pics of little Harper!
And....HOOK 'EM HORNS!!!!!
She just gets cuter and cuter everyday!
And thanks for pulling for my Crimson Tide tonight.. Not all fans of other SEC teams are as supportive! : )
Have a great weekend!
I loved when friends gave us clothes, it is such a blessing. Our church did a clothes closet and school supplies event last summer and I gave all my summer clothes away, they donated any clothes left over but it was great being a part of something that blessed the community.
Now my girls are 7 and soon to be 5. They are January babies too, 2 years and 2 weeks apart. My oldest is Hollyn another "H" name if you have an girl.
Fleece pj are awesome!!!!
Thanks for sharing!
What a lucky duck Miss Harper is! :) I love anything and everything monogrammed- I have 3 girls who all have "A" names. My youngest now looks for an "A" on all of her clothes and hairbows!
Oops...gotta go. Almost kickoff!
ROLL TIDE from Montgomery, AL!!!!
You are correct Kelly, stay at home or work outside the home, being a mom is hard. But it is also the most rewarding job ever. I love it!!
Oh I am so jealous! We didn't get ANY snow in central Arkansas and we were so disappointed. I'm living vicariously through you!
Harper looks adorable - even in her cute fleecy jammies!
Bedhead and all she is still the cutest!!!
i love the last picture! her expression is so cute!
i went to target tonight and couldn't believe how many people brought their babies in the store! crazy folk i tell ya! :)
Girl, I am with you ALL THE WAY! From the Cabin Fever because of these frigid temps in the South, to the ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!
We got snow today in Central Alabama, and school is canceled again tomorrow. Our weatherman says our lows tomorrow and Saturday are supposed to be 8 and 10 degrees! Our highs are in the 20s! Our average temp this time of year is FIFTY FOUR DEGREES!!!!!
I hear you...I am a "cold wimp" and haven't been out of my house since Sunday. I even stayed home from church last night because it was just too cold - and we're only in the teens and low twenties. To my defense, I do have 3 preschoolers (and a few older ones) and it just takes too long to load and unload and get in and out of buildings - and carseat and baby coats? - now that's a joke! Happy winter :)
I hear ya girl! I finally made my way to my parents because I was going crazy! I just hate to take Ave in this cold!!! ;(
Im ready for spring too, bad! I organized Ave's clothes the other day & got them ready too! It's going to be a fun spring!
I never used to really care about monogrammed stuff, but everything you have is so cute!
That was a great post. I love to organize Aaron's closet and it is the only thing I can do while he's awake because he plays contently while I do it. I absolutely think you should use the name Henley for your second. A fabulous idea if I ever heard one. Think of all the cool clothes you'd get from Shannon. I am backing the SEC, as well. I tried so hard to get Aaron to say Bama, but it kept coming out like Obama. I finally gave up.
Wow day 5! We stayed home all day today because it was just too cold and by 4:30 I HAD to get out to go through the drive thru for a diet coke! I thought the kiddos would like to 'get out' too. HA! I'm so ready for spring also!
I love your birthday plans and decorating! I think it's so special and fun! I had a HUGE blast doing my little girls very girly birthday. I made Bakerellas cake pops and they were a hit! So easy to eat! :)
Have a BLAST!
I gave Sophia's clothes to a girl from our church. It's nice to see her wearing all her cute dresses each Sunday that would otherwise be sitting in a rubbermaid bin. However, I do regret giving away, oh I don't know...her adorable & super expensive white blessing gown. Duh! Sometimes I make rash decisions and then later regret them. Just make sure the REALLY special clothes stay with your Harper. :)
Hey I read your blog daily, but rarely make a comment but wanted to commend you for your thoughts about working and stay at home moms. I'm blessed that I work 3 days a week at a job I love, and I would have to agree some days staying home is much harder work, and I've had similar days when we play with every thing in every room and its only 9:30 AM!!! Thank you for always being so honest and personable on your blog. I've grown to really look forward to looking at it. Okay now I have to go and cheer on Texas!!!:) well really just cheering for a Big 12 team, since my teams K-State and KU had a rough season
love your blog. What did you do at your old job? Just wondered. I love going through my son Jacob's clothes too and organizing it. It's sentiminetal and exciting at the same time as he gets older and changes every day ( he willbe 18 months old next week)
I haven't left the house since Sunday either...cuz it is just sooo cold here in Kansas too!
I am looking forward to Spring also...but it will be awhile yet. I guess we just have to grin and bear it.
The outfits for Harper are cute. That was nice of your friend to send them. The quilt idea is a sweet one...I think Harper would love that.
I have been in jammies and I have bed head too....I haven't been worried though, cuz its too cold for people to come visiting! Ha!
In a way it is kind of fun just to cozy up at home and let things slow down for awhile.
Harper sure looked happy about it in the pictures. (;>)
Love ya,
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
What a wonderful gift to get in the mail! I love the monogrammed clothes, too. Eventually you'll be able get rid of Harper's out grown things. It gets easier the older they get!
I think Harper looks ADORABLE in her fleece jammies! i love babies in jammies! and i didn't think anything of her hair, she's a kid! they're not supposed to be perfect models!! she is really getting alot more hair though! so cute!!
That's awesome finding the clothes in the right sizes! Gold mine, huh? I'm with you on wanting to keep it all. I want to do a quilt for mine too. That's what I was going to suggest.
All of the clothes are cute...I've seen the popsicle dress in the store before and I absolutely fell in love when I say it :)
My little one has those same fleece PJ's too...Oh yeah, SAW 'EM OFF!!! Just cause I'm from Texas doesn't mean I have to cheer for that school in Austin. ROLL TIDE!
I LOVE the quilt idea!!!!
How do you buy Harper stuff ahead of time? Has it all worked out with her clothes fitting? My son is 10 months old but wears 12 month sizes already!!! it's so hard to buy for the next season b/c he isn't the "right" size for his age!!!
I have heard of people making Christmas tree skirts as well as quilts with Childrens keepsake clothes I have alot of my sons baseball jersey's hoping to make him aquilt with them. For girls they use dresses for the tree skirts too.
If it makes you feel any better, we got some snow today (I live in Minnesota) and it was just enough to make the roads awful that even I took a snow day--and that never happens! So, even in the states where we are used to snow and cold, we sometimes toss in the towel and say "Yeah...staying home, thanks!" : )
From a Big 12 Red Raider....we are cheering for Alabama tonight!!! Roll Tide Roll!!!!!
I love reading your blog and keeping up with Harper. My oldest is 3 and my baby is 9 months and just as busy as Harper. Thanks for sharing your life with us!
Jammies and bed head are great if the weather calls for it:) Being a working mom is a hard job and tough to balance. I'm a working mom who teaches Kindergarten, which is very hard. I've learned in the past 2 years that my time at home is about quality not quantity since I'm out of the house about 10 hours a day. The few hours I get with my daughter are so important and are fun filled. Oh and it's great to get summers and lots of other vacations with my girl. I'm jealous of stay at home mom's...it's so hard to go back after more then a weekend off and it gets harder the older she gets since she understands. You are so lucky!!
I'm from Texas but I'm yelling ROLL TIDE ROLL too!!!!!!
Oh Kelly, your breaking my heart with the Roll Tide. HOOK EM Y'ALL!!!
p.s. I got your card today...you are TOO sweet.
What great 'happy' pictures of Harper:) Thanks so much for sharing.
Pulling for Bama too, as my father-in-law turns 100 later this month and is a Bama grad along with my husband's entire family. Hoping SO BAD for a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP for 'Dad' for his 100th birthday!
He is the oldest member of the quarterback club in B'ham:) and a very special gentleman.
Roll Tide Roll........
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22
She is so precious. We are going to be snowed in for day one tomorrow. School cancelled already and everything and it is still coming down! I guess I'll give a big ROLL TIDE with you even though we are huge UGA fans! Gotta back that SEC!
Hope you guys get out soon!
i'm on my day #4 lockdown and boy am i ready for spring too! looking at harpers spring clothes makes me want to reorganize my closet and get ready for some warm weather!
hook em horns! =)
I'm an Alabamian living in Arkansas and I bleed orange and blue (War Eagle!) but I'm yelling for Bama tonight. Roll Tide!! (that was a first)
I hear you. My daughter is almost 13 months old. I quit working about 3 months ago. It was hard balancing work and "Mom", but my days at home are much harder and longer too. I agree with you, it's totally worth it though.
I am so looking forward to spring with these temps. A high of 18 in Memphis tomorrow.
Delurking here!!! I just wanted to let you know that your Daughter is ADORABLE!!! I too have a January baby (and a July one and an August one!!!) she will be 1 on the 30th. I have been following you for a little over a year now and I think it is HILARIOUS how much Harper and Brett(my daughter) are alike! You care doing a fantastic job!
As for the SAHM thing, I worked when my 8 year old was a baby but when my two year old was born I quit also. I have to agree both are hard and both are rewarding!!
PS: I am TOTALLY stealing your banner idea for Brett's birthday!!!
I feel you on the working thing. I left my job unexpectedly and have now been a stay at home mom for 4 months. Difference is I want a job again. I feel blessed to have had this time with my son after being so very busy but I also feel like this has been a lesson to let me know that staying at home is not for me, ha! I'm pregnant with my second and will definitely be searching for a job this summer after things settle down.
P.S. I just love baby bed head!
I grew up in Alabama, and graduated from Auburn. I'm trying...I'm really trying to pull for Bama. It looks like they didn't need my help though b/c they are already ahead by 18!
How cool that you got all those clothes. I love the name Hadleigh...in case you are looking for H names ;)
I see those pink Dillard's tags in the closet!! LOVE IT! My parents live in Oxford, AL & I always go there when I'm home with them!!
OK, Harper is adorable--bedhead and all. :o) And the Carter's popsicle dress--precious! :o)
But, your RTR has to go. ;o) I do love the SEC and all things SEC, but being an Auburn University graduate, I just can't cheer for the Tide. Because I believe in Auburn and love it, I must cheer for the Longhorns. Hook 'em Horns! ;o) LOL!
Enjoy your snow days with your little sweetie pie! And send some of it to Texas!!
Hang in there with the snow. And yes yes yes--while sharing the clothes is great--so are the quilts! I have to tell you, when my mother passed away, I had an amazing friend make me a quilt from all her t-shirts and it is SUCH a comfort to me. I took a lesson from that and not only did a "college" one for myself (which cracks up my friends when they come to visit!) and one for my husband and me from trips we've taken--I'm totally doing one for my boys too--all their sports teams' shirts, our favorite tees, etc.
And--once upon a time--we visited a friend whose daughter was graduating high school. At her party, her mom had hung one side of a quilt, which was tees. And the other side was made by all of us who came to the party! She had squares and fabric markers there and all of us could draw or write whatever we wanted. Her mom stitched them together for her to take to college so she could literally wrap herself in the love of her family and friends away from home. I get teary just thinking about it! Can't you just see Harper in a quilt with all those H's????
It has been really hard to get dressed and out this week in the cold here in Arkansas! We all stayed in our PJs today too! We played a lot today and are trying not to get too stir crazy inside! I love all of Harper's cute outfits with her name on it and it would be fun to get those things as hand me downs! I love to try and dress my girls alike too! I work part time and can definately be busier when I am at home with my girls for sure! Hope Harper has a great first Birthday! I have to start planning my youngest daughter's 2nd soon! Elizabeth
I live right outside of Baton Rouge, and my husband and I, as well as most of our friends,graduated from LSU. You should see my Facebook page tonight! It is about 1/2 and 1/2 people cheering for Bama (to keep it in the SEC) and for Texas (because they can't stand Saban). It's crazy I tell ya!
I have an almost 8 year gap in between my 2 boys thanks to secondary infertility. I NEVER got rid of my 8 year old's clothes even though my husband begged me to on several occasions. I am so thankful because my baby is a different season, but he is also bigger...so he has been able to wear several of my firstborn's sweet smocked outfits. I am more easily getting rid of the baby's clothes as he outgrows them, but I will not ever give up the smocked outfits. I would love to see a grandson wear them one day:)
Really cute clothes. Happy Birthday Baby Harper. They grow so fast.
ROLL TIDE ROLL from a Bama gal from AL. :)
Love all the pictures! I have done both - working mom with my first baby (and my hubby traveled almost 100% of the time) and now stay-at-home mom to my 2nd baby and my older one (they are now 19 months, and 4 years). I THOUGHT I had it bad when I was a working mom (and functioning as a single mom most of the week), but I think staying at home is WAY harder and more tiring. AND, I had a really stressful/busy/demanding job before. So, there is my perspective on the two worlds. :) But isn't staying at home so much more rewarding??? BTW, I thought I would root for the SEC, and planned on it all week, but once the game actually started, I couldn't make myself root for Alabama (I'm an Auburn alum) - ha!
totally agree...SAHM...hardest job I have ever had...but I love it!
Your comment about the quilt made me think about a friend who used to make simple 5 square wallhangings for babies' first birthdays - each square being plain so the Momma could put paint on their hand and put it on the square - one for each year up to five. It would be really cute with a "Harper" quilt squares made out of her already out-grown outfits and then put her hand print on the back! Ahh. I think it's time for grandchildren for me - I had my babies too young!
P.S. They were in a vertical line - so they could also be a growth chart by putting the baby's height in permanent quilting marker on the quilt.
I understand how you feel. I am not a SAHM, but I have 3 days off every week, by Sunday night, I'm drained and ready to go back to work. I can't imagine doing that all the time, it is such a hard job. I didn't have a clue, my son is 3 1/2, and he is a bundle of energy and hard to keep up with. I do enjoy being at work. A person can certainly adjust to whatever situation they are in.
I enjoy reading your blog!
Roll Tide!!! I am a Bama grad so I am SO excited for my team and for the SEC!!!!
Cute clothes!
I can't part with my kid's clothes, either. I passed on some stuff, but kept most of it!
I also love to organize their closets. ;)
my girls are 4 and 2, and i've JUST begun sorting through their clothes and selling them through consignment. it is SO hard to do that!! and now that we have a boy (8 mos.), forget it. i haven't been able to part with any of his things yet!
i have spring fever bad, too. and so do my girls--they're dying to get outside to play again!
and these dallas aggies say ROLL TIDE with you...
Harper is so cute. You are so right being a SAHM is hard, I should know with 14 month old twins (b/g) and 6 week old son!
BAMA........ROLL TIDE!!! My little sister is a sophomore down there and my dad graduated from there! Even us Jersey people know what team is the best!
Harper is so cute. You are so right being a SAHM is hard, I should know with 14 month old twins (b/g) and 6 week old son!
BAMA........ROLL TIDE!!! My little sister is a sophomore down there and my dad graduated from there! Even us Jersey people know what team is the best!
Thank you For the ode to Alabama!
rammer jammer yellow hammer Roll Tide Roll :)
I love Harper's bed head! We have hung out ALL week in our pajamas with bed head. I figure no need to make more laundry for myself if we can't go anywhere!
ohhh new clothes are so fun (even hand me downs!). they are sooo cute!
i am sooooo ready for spring too!! i agree. my FAVORITE "cleaning chore" is to clean out my boys' closets and change sizes/organize and all that good stuff too!!!
I know I dont comment a lot, but I read your blog all the time.. :) Im from North Dakota, and I've been giggling at how "cold" it is in the south and how your whole city shuts down. :) I dont doubt its cold for you guys.. but today our high is -9* without the windchill and we are still trucking along :)
As with the person before me, I don't comment much either. But I have to tell you that you crack me up with your "lock down" and "snowed in". As a girl originally from Florida I can totally appreciate where you are coming from. But now as a Pittsburgh, PA yankee, I have completely adapted. I think it has snowed here 2-3" everyday for the last 12 or 13 days. It is really beginning to pile up... and there doesnt look to be an end in sight. We have a -2 windchill today. And today was the first day schools were closed... as we are scheduled to get another 4" or so before 5pm. But guess what's not closed... WORK! ha ha
One last thing... I tried to take inspiration from you and use my "summer" dresses with shirts under them with tights and cute boots for work... Yeah, that doesnt really work in many inches of snow and fridgid temps. But oh how I wish it did because you always have the cutest outfits. I'll have to wait till spring to try that look.
Wow! You are so Lucky to find someone that shares the same name as your little girl. Anyone out there have a "Mallory" that would love to hand some clothes down? I have been looking on ebay, with no such luck. I have found one dress with Mallory on it, but that is it. :( Oh well, I will go with just "M". Roll Tide! I am a Razorback, but I do have a part of my heart for Bama too. My Granddaddy played in the Rose Bowl in 1934.www.secsportsfan.com/bear-bryant-biography.html. His name is Kavanaugh Francis....in the middle of the offensive line picture. I am so proud of my Granddaddy. Especially because he played with Bear Bryant! :)
Just incase you ever get to the point that you can give them away... I know a Harper. She was born about 3 weeks ago. Her Mama is in my bible study. She is Puh-resss-ous! Just like your little Harper.
I don't comment often, but visit every day because I've got to get my Harper fix :) She is so stinkin cute!
I've done all of the things that you mentioned -- worked without a kid, worked with a toddler, was at home with an infant/toddler & am at home with a 4 year old that goes to preschool. The hardest on me was definitely the time that I was at home with my infant/toddler. It can be incredibly tiring & isolating. But, working full time while also having a kid was overall the hardest on all of us.
I also love to play with (oops, I mean organize) my little girl's clothes. They are so pretty & I just love to dress her up as long as she'll let me.
Amen Sister! Roll tide Roll!!!
The quilt would be such a cute idea!!
That is so sweet of your friend to send you all those precious clothes! I have been fortunate with good friends passing things on to me...both maternity and baby clothes. Law! That baby looks so much like your momma! I know I've said that before...but gracious! Do you think she does?? She is just getting cuter and cuter...I can't wait to see her grow even more!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but winter JUST started about 2 weeks ago...
i love how you tweeted that God loves the SEC. amen sister!!
i love how some of thee guys are giving credit to God in such public settings. i thought mccoy's comments last night were awesome and they made me cry.
hope you get out of your house soon. we had a whopping 1.5 inches and you'd think we had snow piled up to our rooftops!!
I am so happy to hear that you pulled for Bama...I know we aren't one of your favorite teams!! Roll Tide...SEC all the way!
Had to drop a quick 'ROLL TIDE'!!!!
Hi Kelly, I love that you are so real and honest about everything. I give you a lot of credit for quitting your job and deciding to become a stay at home mom. I don't think it's any easy decision for any mom and that is one issue that I would never judge any mom on because I know each and every one put a lot of thought and consideration into their decision. I have recently decided to go part time from my 10+ career as an accoutant at a Fortune 500 company. It was not an easy deicision but one that I think will work best for us. I am currently on maternity leave but will get to experience the part time career girl/part time SAHM life in March. We shall see how it goes!!! Take care and stay warm!!!! It's been cold and snowy up North in Cleveland Ohio too and I have snowed in all week as well.
Oh those clothes are ADORABLE! And yes, I've been sorting my daughter's spring clothes too just to make me feel better about our below-zero weather! =)
The quilt idea is fantastic!
Love the new clothes for Harper!
Oohh, I hope I have a daughter one day so she can wear monogrammed clothing too! I just love it :)
WOW, that is so awesome and such a small world! Kelly, I have NEVER,EVER left you one comment, but I take a peak at your blog daily, crazy, I know!
I am a BAMA girl, and those guys played an awesome game.
What I think is such a small world is Shannon that sent you all those sweet things, she used to be my kids pedi nurse,until she had Harper and her and her husband moved away!
That is so awesome.
Her work is amazing, and I must say, what a sweet heard Shannon is. I know that she misses her "old doc" at Peds East.
Also, I must add, you are such a beautiful lady and have a wonderful home,a handsome husband and a beautiful ANGEL baby girl!
Keep on bloggin', I will keep on reading.
I Love that ice cream dress in her closet! Looks like she is all set for clothes ;)
I'm making a cute lap quilt for each of my boys with their cute monogrammed and named stuff, along with their coming home outfits and dedication outfits. I have cut the pieces, but it may take me the next 10 years to get them done. I figure they will be cute hanging in their rooms and a cute hand me down to their children some day.
Then I want to make a bigger quilt for them to take to college with sports shirts and t-shirts (they are 5 and 6, so I am just starting to throw a few things in a box for later.) I was bummed having boys because there are limited clothing options, but I think this will be a cute way to remember the special things.
Hand-me-downs are such fun between friends! I make it a "rule" to pass along any hand-me-downs that were given to me. I only made one exception with my two wee ones so far (ages 6 and 3) and that was that I kept the outfit my son wore in his 6 month pics. He was a preemie and we were not able to get any professional photos until that point. It is fun for moms at our church to see their little girls dresses come walking in to church again and again...there is one dress that is on it's 4th family! The original owner is now in 4th grade!
The quilt is a great idea. For our son we are making them out of ALABAMA Jersey's and T-shirts!!! Oh and thanks for the ROLL TIDE It seems to have helped! We are #1 BTW I was informed and entertained months back by the pig calling for the razorbacks. I tried it out. Not too bad but I really like ROLLLLLLLL TIDE! ROLL
I am expecting "Harper" April 1st! Our little girl will be Harper Elizabeth. We are more than excited to meet her! So if you do ever get ready to pass any "Harper" clothes down (or sell them) let us know! :) I saw the monogram swap website too - great idea!
PS Made a connection this week with a lady at my church. Suzanne Rushing told me I should check out your blog, because you had a sweet baby girl Harper too! She said you two went to college together! Our husbands are on staff together in Mississippi. Small world!
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