Several of you wanted to know about the letter we attached with Harper's invite. I wasn't going to share that but then I thought if any of you live near a Ronald McDonald House and have the desire to donate something - this might give you ideas. I'm serious - a thing of laundry detergent, shampoo, soap or a wash cloth would be greatly appreciated. Speaking from someone who used all of those things last year.
This is what our letter said:
When Harper was born last year - we were SO blessed to be able to stay at the Tulsa Ronald McDonald House while she was in the hospital for three weeks. The RMH is right next to the hospital and gives a place to stay for families of critically ill children.
Instead of giving Harper gifts - we ask that you bring one of the following items to donate to the RMH. We plan to take a trip there in late January/February to give these items in honor of Harper’s birthday. We ask that as you buy these items - you also pray over the families who will be using them. Pray that they will have strength, peace and comfort and that they will come to know Jesus as their Saviour! And pray for the children that they are there to be with.
Thank you for blessing others with us!
Stuffed animals and dolls
Books for various reading levels
Video games (rated E)
Movies (rated G)
Balls and outdoor games
Non-perishable food items
Trash bags
Aluminum foil, plastic wrap and sandwich bags
Laundry detergent and fabric softener
Cleaning products (sponges, dishwashing liquid, dishwasher detergent)
Bath and bedroom items (towels, shower curtains, sheets and pillow cases)
Personal care products (deodorant, dental floss, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner)
Entertainment products (games, movies, books, art supplies)
Long-distance phone cards
Gift cards for local grocery stores and gas stations
Greeting cards and postage stamps
Gift certificates to local grocery stores and department stores (Target, Wal-Mart)

she is such a doll!
she is so cute! :) fun video!
What a cute video of Harper! She is just adorable!
I think that is a wonderful idea for guests to bring items for th Ronald McDonald House. That is so sweet!
LOL, Beckett says "that baby sure wants some chips"! He may be in love with a girl who will share his favorite snack!
How cute is that of Harper!!!
What a wonderful idea for the Ronald McDonald House-so thoughtful and sweet.
Loved your birthday ideas! My son's first birthday is next month and I already have everything planned. Harper is precious in the pantry!!!
What a great idea for your guests to bring items to donate to the RMH!
Loved the cracked me up!
She is just too cute!
And I must say she reminds me A LOT of my 1 year old.
Always wanting to eat :)
Happy early birthday to your precious little girl. I love that you're sharing the blessings with the RMH. Even during our times of struggle, as children of God, we are so blessed, and we have strived to help our own children come to grips with that. You can imagine our joy when our last two to celebrate birthdays (11 & 7) chose to buy soccer balls and goats through World Vision instead of receiving gifts from friends - and they LOVED doing it! Kudos to you for sharing the blessing!
Oh that is too cute. I died laughing at the oreo incident. I can totally see my little girl doing that, if she could get her hands on them!
I love what you are doing for Harper's birthday that is so great! I am in the midst of planning a birthday too, so I love seeing all your neat ideas!
Love the video! Harper is a doll! Happy early birthday to her. I live very close to a Ronald McDonald house and I am going to donate some items now that I have read your letter! Thanks for sharing it with us.
You make me wish I was from the South because your accent is just so darn cute! :) I'm a little jealous that I don't sound like that when I talk. lol
This is so great. We were at the RMH for two months in Houston and it was so great to be able to have all that stuff available to us. Such a great IDEA.
Is she not the cutest little girl... and loves her chips and cookies! LOL She is so precious!
HAHA love the video..that is too cute! Harper's voice:"well she wouldn't let me have the sour cream an onion chips, maybe i can go for these!" too cute :)
GREAT IDEA! I love that idea...Bennett received a donation to Make a Wish foundation and it was so special. I think that I will probably do the same thing for his 2nd birthday. Love that idea.
What a great idea for her birthday. Oh my goodness, I just LOVE when you post little videos. You get such a better picture of her little personality!!
I love that girl!
At 2 my daughter can hear the Lays chip bag from across the house. Be warned! Oh and "chocolate cookies" are her favorite. We stick to chocolate graham crackers (like teddy grahams) but she would LOVE a fudge round. Time to toddler proof the pantry!
I'm going to look at what I can do for our local RMH. Thank you for passing it on.
I think it's such a wonderful idea to donate items to the RMH. When my son was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes, both his Dad and I had to sleep in his room on the floor because we could not afford a hotel room to want to go that far away from him at 15 months old. There was nothing like RMH at that time. Praise God for places that invite these families in.
that's awesome! Lauren wigs out when I try to give her food. She is anti-food. It drives me craaaazy :)
I think it might be about time to move the chips and cookies to a slightly higher shelf
Such a great idea and alternative to traditional gifts. Also, I LOVE the video! I had to show my husband, because he has no idea what we're in for when our daughter is born in late March. I do, and I'm thrilled! :)
I just wanted to tell you that I worked for our local RMH before I had my son. Donations like this were always much appreciated and helped the families so much (as you know). What a blessing this will be to so many families!
She is so cute! How adorable! It may be time to toddler proof the pantry! Hopefully she won't be a a climber like my youngest.
Girlfriend is looking for the Oreos!!! : )
Thanks for sharing! Reminds me of our sweetie when she would get into the lazy susan and stack all of our canned goods. Who needs toys?!
Sweet precious video. Chocolate and chips - she's a girl after my own heart.
I love the idea of sending items to RMH, but I never knew what kind of donation to make. Thanks for the info.
Just precious Kelly.
Awe! My son used to do this all the time, until I got tired of finding our rice dispenser completely dispensed (no fun cleaning up rice in the pantry, lemme tell ya!) Anyhow, to stop them from going into all the pantries and drawers in our kitchen we got them a little kitchen of their own and even got them some interactive kitchen foods as well. We bought them Melissa and Doug foods that are velcro'd together but teaches the kids how to their fine motor skills.
I love, love your idea about gathering donations. I might use this idea for my son's next birthday. Thanks!
Such a cute video! And great idea on the birthday letter - very meaningful and special!
What a cutie! She has such a personality :) What a great idea about the RMH!
She is so stinkin' cute! I got a kick out of her grabbing the sour cream and onion chips. My daughter kept reaching for them when I was eating one day. I gave her one because I knew she would hate them and stop reaching for them. Turns out she loves them! Too funny!
Pretty soon she will pitch a huge fit when you take those chips from her! I'm sure you can't wait!
That letter made me cry. Can you post an address to send items to? I can look on line biggy.
I love the "Stop Right There" photo. And I remember when my Kenlee's hair was like that - so soft & precious!!
How precious! Goodness, it is a full days work following a toddler around. Bless your heart!
Go Harper- get those Fudge Rounds girl!
Looks like it is time to baby proof the pantry! We just had to do that as well because our little girl got into the maple syrup and was drinking it and spilled it all over the carpet!
Kelly I just want you to know that you are an amazing woman! I am expecting a little girl in March and hope I can dress her like you dress Harper--I guess we can say Harper will be Paislee's fashion icon/inspiration :o) I also hope that I can be HALF the woman and mother that you are! I told my husband about what you did for Christmas AND are doing for Harper's birthday, and we want to do the same! You are such an inspiration and I love your blog--just wanted to let you know that!
Oh my goodness, that video made me laugh so hard!!!
Your letter was beautiful and made me tear up. We are planning a trip to Sam's Club this weekend. I plan to purchase some itmes to donate to my local RMH. Thanks for sharing the letter and bringing awareness to a well deserved cause!
LOVE that video...she is too funny!
Adorable video! She's so stinkin precious! :)
Love this idea!!!
You are so done, she KNOWS where the goods are and she's very bright, there'll be no going back from this point. Surrender. Tell yourself this many times a day "Surrender" You will have a life of peace if you can master this one word as a parent.
You brightened my day by sharing this video. Also, great info on what is really needed by families staying at RMH.
KELLY!!! We can't wait until Harper's birthday party! It's going to be so much fun! Wonderful idea on the Ronald McDonald. You are one special gal.
Love you girls, see you soon!!!
I am crying I am laughing so hard! Cilla does the exact same thing and I happen to think it is SO cute! I love little Harper...she is a girl after my own heart!
She is just too cute!!! I love that y'all are doing donations to the RMDH for her birthday! SO great!
Ohh I am in LOVE! She is so stinkin' adorable!!! The video & the "STOP RIGHT THERE" photo is too much! Love it!
Happy Birthday Miss Harper!!
She is so adorable!!! We constantly have someone in our pantry too, but that happens to be either my 6 yr old or 11 yr. old. They can clean the pantry out in no time :)
What a lovely thing to do! My daughter and her husband invite their twins birthday guests to donate to March of Dimes each year. ( It's such a blessing to all. Love your decorations.
That video is amazing. I love how excited she got when you asked her if she was hungry/wanted food. Amazing!
Your letter gave me a lump in my throat. What a wonderful thing to do. And praying over the gifts ... love it.
Thanks for sharing the video!! So cute...
I love how she reaches for the top shelf and then turns around to look at you as to say, "ok, mom, I know you keep the really good stuff up there!" lol
Fabulous idea, Kelly! First birthday are always SO fun and now others can be blessed as a result of all the guests' generosity. I love it! I LOVED your "birthday prep" post. I feel led to say that you don't need to validate your time and energy you spend on Harper's birthday :) I think it's wonderful- children are a gift and should be cherished and celebrated. She may not "appreciate" it now but when she looks back on that day as an adult, she will be in awe of your devotion and love. I'm preparing to host our fourth (and last) baby's first birthday. He's got 3.5 months to go but I'm already excited to celebrate! God has truly blessed us with his life- first birthdays are such a milestone =) Happy birthday, sweet Harper. Hard as it is to believe, It just keeps getting better and better, Kelly =) Keep up the great documenting!
RM houses are really wonderful. I stayed in one once. Long story...
The video is adorable!
She makes me smile!!!! I like a girl that knows what she isn't afraid to go after it!!!!!
Keep up the spunk H!!!!!
A gf of mine and I were just talking about how we wish we could tell people not to buy our children gifts for their birthday because they already have so many toys! What a perfect way for them to still buy a gift that will go to someone who really can put them to good use! Great idea!
The video is precious! She is so adorable :) My daughter is constantly walking me out to the fridge to get food! haha
I love your RMH idea! My daughter was in the NICU at Texas Children's for 2 months at birth and then in CVICU for another 2 weeks 4 months later after she had open heart surgery. We stayed at the RMH at Texas Children's for many many nights. My husband and I have been wondering how to adequately thank the volunteers and staff of the Ro Ho (as it affectionately became known as) - we've made donations but I love the idea of having our friends and family members contribute to such a wonderful cause on behalf of our baby. It truly was our home and often times escape from the beeping monitors and frightening talk of the NICU. Now, as a healthy nine month old (as healthy as a girl can get with congenital heart disease!) we are so very thankful for all we have been through and so excited for what the future holds. Thank you for sharing your letter. I'm beginning to plan our daughter's first birthday and I love the idea of incorporating donations for RMH.
What is the address of the RMH you guys used? I don't think there is one in Hawaii but would like to send a care package to them in honor of Harper, for her birthday. My sister went to a birthday party years ago and they did the same thing. It is such a great idea and RMH is such a great place - I know the RMH near my house and in Atlanta uses the pop top things from coke cans as fund rasiers. We would send ours to my grandmother and she would send them to the RMH. And that is the cutest video, kids are just so darn smart!
I would also like to send a package to your RMH in Harper's honor...could you post the address on your blog?
The video was BEYOND cute and had my cracking up over here. She's a doll!
I'm guessing Miss H is exploring the sounds the various bags/containers make more than anything else. If you look at it from her perspective, the pantry is a whole new world of neat things to investigate!
Personally, I'd 'rearrange' the shelves in the pantry (to make them 'safe' for her) and then I'd let her explore the sounds (and boxes and containers) to her heart's content - this worked really well for us when my kids were little. I didn't have to fuss at them for doing what their natural curiosity was pushing them to do (explore new things). betty.
PS- Kelly: (After viewing/listening to the the adorable video,) A tip from a loooong-time mom: When you take something from your little one: 1) always ask, first, if you may please have it, and then, when you take it, 2)always say "thank you".
This reinforces in them that they can't just grab things from others and also teaches them how to be polite once they've gotten whatever it is they've gotten. [Teaching by example.]
It also teaches them that they do have control over what they will allow other people to take from them (a most valuable tool for later on in life!)
At Harper's age, there really is no need for a response from her that you can take whatever it is [you don't want her to be messing with] before you take it, but you should always ask AND say "thank you" once you've taken it, nonetheless; as she gets older, you can 'adjust' the time between when you ask and when you take, accordingly.
[[Of course, if a little one has gotten their hands on something really dangerous/bad, throw the above out the window and GRAB whatever it is as fast as you heck with anything else! ha! b.]]
What a determined little cutie!
And thanks for sharing about the needs of Ronald McDonald houses.
I was wondering what the letter said. Funny, I had surgery Monday at USA Children's and Women's Hospital. RMH is located there, and I said the other day that I wanted to take food up there to them. Will plan to do that soon.
We had friends who stayed at a R.M.H. when their twins were in the hospital. They were so grateful. Both boys ended up passing away. I know they were so thankful for the care and compassion shown to them.
What a sweet idea... I pray that the RMH receives a wonderful donation in Harper's name!
This makes a mess, but my son loved it - I kept a long, flat rubbermaid container with rice in it for an inside "sandbox" to run fingers through, pour into and out of cups, etc. The rice is cheap, easy to sweep up, and if you left it in the pantry, she may just feel she's getting away with something, but NOT REALLY. =]
Love that! Looks like she's got a sweet tooth!
So funny Kelly :)
I think maybe she wants to be on MTV cribs...since she wants to check out your pantry and see what your shopping for...precious!
Our local RMH also does something with can tabs! It was a project that my grand-daughter's Cubbie group had last year!
Such a cute video! She is so aorable.
Kelly, as I sit here (at work) I just watched the video and it is sooo cute. You will enjoy that in years to come.
She is such a doll.
I LOVE it! I LOVE it! I LOVE it!!!
I think that donating to the RMH is such an incredibly neat and wonderful idea. Seriously, Kel, I just admire your HEART. :) You and Scott are so generous and always giving to others. You are such a BLESSING to so many people.
Now, as for the video...HILARIOUS!! I was laughing right with you because that little Miss cracks me up. She totally KNOWS where the "good stuff" is kept, doesn't she?!?
Keep those videos coming. They're great!
That's so funny. My bro/sil had to get a little safety-lock thingie for their pantry 'cuz my (2 yr old) niece did the same thing! I think they did it out of safety, too, in case Miss Thing tried to pull down something heavy and it fell on her.
Harper's outfit is so cute, as is is coming in nicely! :) Not that you want or need my advice, but maybe you could (if you have room) put Harper's food on the bottom for her to fight...cheerios, yogurt melts, etc. and then she wouldn't get into so much trouble. ;) But she is awefully cute at it! :)
enjoy, momma! :0)
So much fun having a toddler huh???!!!! Just a note of warning/caution:
The waxed paper probably has a serrated edge for tearing the paper off doesn't it? Just be's pretty sharp (at least mine is!)
Great video of Harper. My 15th month old begs and cries and hangs on the pantry door to get food. He thinks the cereal box is the best toy ever.
What a great idea for the Ronald McDonald House donations for Harper's gifts. We had the pleasure of being involved in the house in Milwaukee, WI when my son was in the Children's Hospital. Great cause!
Using my kitty's ID to post:
Your idea for donations to the RMH is wonderful!
Some safety issues I see for you and your readers:
The pantry looks like the source of things (like racks) that Harper could pull down on herself and injure herself - e.g. eyes. My daughter, a pediatrician, sees such injuries all the time. If the pantry has a round doorknob, there are great covers for the knobs that only you can operate. Then keep the door closed. Also, I notice the bottom drawer of her dresser open. My niece's son was killed when he climbed on his dresser drawers during naptime, and pulled the whole dresser over on himself. He was about 2 at the time. It is important to attach the dresser to the wall so that cannot happen and be sure the drawers have stops so they cannot come all the way out. Flat panel TVs are also a great hazard for being pulled over onto a small child and need to be secured so that cannot happen.
Mercy, Kelly, don't you feed that baby girl! Bless her heart, she's having to go get her own chips and fudge rounds.
Beautiful idea, Kelly! A great way to give back!
I love that idea! I've been reading your blog for a while now but haven't really commented. I just wanted to let you know I nominated you for an award on my blog.
I love the idea of making a donation in place of gifts! Wonderful idea!
Can you blame a girl for wanting fudge rounds? : )
A wonderful gesture to help those who helped your family. I'm sure you will have a car (or truck) load to carry when you go:) And what a blessing this will be for others who have to stay there.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
Kelly - you and Harper are so precious. I love your voice and she's definitely answering you with a resounding grunt when you asked if she wants food. Ha!
What a blessing you are to ask for donations instead of gifts for Harper for her birthday. I think I need to find something like that for Makayla's 2nd birthday in March.
**LOVE** the RMH idea- some of my family members were living in one while my nephew was beig treated for brain cancer. Thank you for your giving spirits, Kelly & Scott!
Annie still practically lives in the pantry...wait until Harper can use stools. Annie uses two different ones...a foot stool and if I put something too high for that, a folding taller one. We find her in there all the time, stealing Lance's dark chocolate. She's a chocolate girl. Then we wonder why she is not hungry for vegetables at dinner. Yeah, right.
Such a wonderful idea for Harper's bday! I love it. I can't remember if I have told you that Lance visits RMD here on Wednesday nights and does a devotion for the families there and prays for them while others from IBC serve a meal. It is always a wake up call to pray and be thankful for blessings.
I love your idea of helping out the Ronald McDonald House. I think it's such a great cause! I volunteered for the RMH here in Columbia, SC one year while I was in college and it was such a blessing to be able to help such a worthy organization.
Kelly, Harper gets cuter everyday! Love the video :)
That's a beautiful idea! And Harper is SO cute!
Kelly, I saw this blog and I urge you to pray for this baby. He's in the Hospital and his Mom is asking everyone to pray for him.
Her blog is
Thank you so much and God bless you!
I stayed at the RMH in Tulsa when Alex was born for 25 days while he recovered and got strong enough to go home - it was amazing. I don't know what we would have done, because it was bad weather at the time, ice and snow and we lived an hour out of town. They are so gracious and the accommodations were nice - there was so much privacy, nobody asked me questions while I bawled :-) It's not too late for me to do something for them, I wanted to do something at Christmas because that's close to when Alex was born. Thanks for this post, SO sweet.
How awesome to give back!
The video is hysterical! And I just figured out that you sound like one of my wrestling mom's, who is from Oklahoma.
Thanks for showing the video of your little cookie monster! Super cute! I loved that when you told her the wax paper wasn't food she instantly put it back! Ha! Ha!
What a wonderful, thoughtful idea to have everyone invited to her party to dontate an item to the Ronald McDonald House!
Summer :0)
hey kelly, i just did a post about RMH on my blog. we cooked dinner for the families there last week with our small group from church. my sorority's national philanthropy is the RMH and when my son was in the NICU they offered us a room. we did not stay there since we only lived about 30 miles away from the hospital. they are a great organization. im glad to hear about everyone giving back. check out my RMH blog!! Thanks for the post on the dinner mat i bought my son one at walmart and its great. i use to wipe the table down with a wet one and let him eat off the table, but i was still kinda weary, this was the perfect solution. thanks girl!!
I have been following you for some time, Harper is such a cutie, and it melts my heart to see the love you have for her, she's a smart girl going for the fudge rounds and sour cream and onion.. HA
Super cute video!!!
I'm so glad that you are supporting the Ronald McDonald House! I was a project coordinator at my old job and one of my responsibilites was to organize charitable opportunities for our agency. One that stuck was the Ronald McDonald House. We gave some donations, but once a quarter we would actually bring food in for the residents. We would serve them and just hang out with them for a little while. It was so wonderful!
You've brought back some memories. Thanks for that!
Prayers and blessings,
That is too funny! My son, who is 18 months, is constantly in the pantry too!
Love reading your are an amazing woman and mom:)
That video made me laugh! I love the picture of her with the Oreos, too funny!
She is such a doll! And I love the idea for the RMH!
Too cute! :o)
That is so funny! She is just so cute! I'm leaving today to fly to Utah, to celebrate my sweet grand-daughter, Grace's first birthday this weekend (the 10th)! She is a character too! :-)
Oh my, everyday I think Harper could not get any cuter! She is SUCH a doll!
Our daughter loved getting into our pantry too. It didn't take her long to figure out how to get past a couple of different child proofing "locks" I bought. She loved to make a mess out of the dog food, which we finally moved! Now that she is 2, she loves to open the fridge. We've had a couple of broken egg incidents!
I love that you are encouraging others to give to RMH!
What a wonderful idea, Kelly!
Give that girl some cookies and chips, I mean she is almost 1...just kidding. 1 year olds do not give you a moment of rest :)
Oh I loved that video! Classic 1 year old surfing the pantry for some snackies!
I don't comment often, but i do read your blog almost daily and just wanted to share.
Each grade level at my girls school have a community service project and this year the 2nd grade CSP is the new Ronald McDonald house that is being built in Charlotte, NC. The students are saving and collecting pennies to buy something for the new RMH. They are calling it "Pennies For Playtime". My daughter's class is collecting pennies in hopes to purchase a game system (Wii, Xbox, Playstation) for the RMH. Any pennies my daughter finds or earns or gets from grandparents all go into a jar that she is saving to take to school. She even cleaned out her piggy bank of all the pennies. So far, she has donated $10.00 in pennies and has a huge jar that needs to be counted.
It has been a great lesson in giving and sharing for my girls and even after the year ends, I think we are going to continue to save our pennies. I'm sure they'll always need something.
As a former RMH family can I offer another suggestion? To any that travel frequently and don't use the daily soap, shampoo, etc they put out, please pick them up each day and put them in your suitcase.
Give them to the RMH. Many families get to the RMH by emergency, without warning. It is a nice way for the RMH to have toiletries on hand to pass out to the guests.
She is so cute and funny! Love it!
Just a little heads up -- please be careful with those wax paper boxes and other boxes with cutters. I know a child who ended up in the emergency room because he cut himself up so badly with one. I am not trying to be ugly, as I would never have thought of this when I was a new mom either.
I have been reading your blog since early fall and really enjoy the updates on life.
I'm interested in going "public" with my own blog and wondered if you had any hints? It feels crazy to ask, and I do understand if you choose not to respond.
My current blog for family is:
Thank you!
Kelly -
That video is super cute! Loved it and it's so nice that you are collecting items for RMH for Harper's birthday! What a great way to give back! Have a great day! I'm braving the weather here in the Frozen Tundra! HA!
I was watching this and my 3 1/2 year old son came over and started watching with me. We both thought she was so CUTE!!!
I love the idea for giving to RMH. Our 15 year old did this last year for her birthday. She had the girls bring donations for the women's shelter. The 3 girls who brought the most threw a pie in Whit's face. It was lot's of fun. Harper is getting cuter and cuter!
Me and my kiddos love watching Harper's videos, she is sooo adorable..
Love the invitation to Hapers birthday! So cute. The video just made my day. Funny
I have watched this video three times and just smile/laugh every time! She is adorable as can be --smart, too!! Thank you for sharing! She knows what tastes good, doesn't she? =)
God bless!!
The girlie knows what she wants! So, so cute!
How funny. She and my little Evan could really get into some trouble! Evan does the same thing and goes (mmmmmm). BABIES!
That is such a GREAT idea! Thanks for sharing.
Here's another idea, if anyone ever had unopened food after a large event...
My family donated food to the Ronald McDonald House, in LR, several years ago after my mom passed away. We had MANY unopened deserts and frozen meals that my father and brother wouldn't eat (my hubby and I were already loaded down with food). I called several local shelters and to my surprise no one wanted the food. Called the Ronald McDonald house and they were giddy to get whatever we had. They were so sweet and just thanked me over and over the night I delivered it. About two weeks later my dad got a card in the mail from all the residents and staff thanking us and offering their prayers and sympothy. It's a good memory from a very said time in our lives.
I would encourage everyone to donate to the local RMH. They do so much good and deserve more help than they get!
Go Bless!
Harper is so cute playing in the pantry!
The donation idea is wonderful! My husband and I used the RMH in Austin while our son had surgery. Thankfully, we were only there for a few days, but we were very touch by this amazing charity!
Just wondering if you pull for the SEC tonight? Roll Tide and that baby is more gorgeous everytime I see her!
Adorable! The video was great!
Meredith heard talk of cookies, and came wandering over to my computer to see what's going on! :D
(I also say "No, ma'am" a lot. When she heard you say this, she turned to me and said, "No, ma'am!".)
It's so fun watching your little ravenous girl in action...thanks for sharing!
I love the note that you included with her invitations about the Ronald McDonald House. I, too, have a special place in my heart for Ronald McDonald House because we used the one here for 10 days while my son Finn was in NICU at Texas Children's Hospital. It was such a blessing to have somewhere like that to go while we were spending time with our son in the NICU.
such a cutie!! i bet she loves the noises all those different bags make. i know my neice {who is about the same age} loves the noises! btw ... i know you know this, but i have to tell you. i just sliced my hand open {between the fingers} on the tear blade of the wax paper box! careful having it down there ... sorry, please don't take that as me telling you what to do, because i'm not.
Atl least the second bag of Lays was baked... some health benefit there ... LOL
So precious! I love the video. She's growing so big :)
Harper is so awesome! That video was too darling and I love the "Stop right there" pic! SOOOOOOO cute!
You are so wonderful to give back to RMH. What a wonderful way to celebrate Harper's first year!
That is a great idea, Kelly. I actually have a lot of books that I can donate. We asked the guests at my daughter's birthday to bring a book to donate rather than a gift for Avery. But the place that we intended to donate to is difficult to meet with (it is a women's shelter) and we have been unable to donate. I think it would be great to go to the RMH with the books instead.
Your daughter is so cute. We just decided not to try anymore for another baby. I think this video just changed my mind!!!
Kelly that is sooo great that you are giving back to Ronald McDonald house. This year marks our sons 5th birthday so we are currently do a benefit for Childrens Hospital NICU since that is where our son spent his 1st 2 and a half months of life and as you know the staff is amazing:-)
As a pediatric nurse, I can attest to the how all these are SOOO helpful to families with ill children in the hospital!
What a wonderful lesson you are teaching your dear Harper. We will definitely be making a donation at our local Atlanta chapter in honor of Harper's first birthday!
Sarah (ella's mommy)
That video of Harper is too funny! I totally know how she feels... I want to eat everything in sight too! :)
I think you are so amazing and so thoughtful to have everyone donate items to the Ronald McDonald House. I was part of Junior Auxiliary and we would go cook dinner at the Ronald McDonald House in Memphis, TN.
Oh. my. gosh. She is too much! I love how you said, "Harper, you don't eat chips YET". She will one day :) So cute!
Thanks for sharing! A perfectly well-thought out idea for a perfect little girl's well-thought first (of many, many, many) party!
That is so cool! I cannot wait to hear how it goes when you drop of those blessings to them. What a neat day that will be!
Love the video...she's just precious!!
We have a Ronald McDonald house pretty locally in Philadelphia. I am a teacher at an elementary school. We donate lots of things there! One of the teachers spent some time there after the birth of her twins. Thanks for bringing awareness to such a great organization. xo
I think that is such a wonderful idea to give back to the RMH! I am sure they will appreciate it so much.
that is so sweet! i so miss the days of my kids being little. my house was clean, and i had time to clean out closets and drawers. i always used to think i would have so much more time when they were older and things would be so much easier! HA!
now i long for the toddler days! i have realized it was ME that was in control back then and now with a 15, 11 and 8 yr old running around, there's not much control on my part. :) they get a snack when they want, change their clothes when they want, go potty when they want....and i'm not by their side every waking minute. tough tough tough and messy messy messy
you are so right about being a full time mom. it IS the hardest job in the world AND the most rewarding. MUCH harder than working full time and being a mom.
btw...things like wax paper and foil boxes, etc. have those VERY sharp edges and will cut harper's fingers very easily so be careful. :)
I would like to help with some food items. Are the people that stay at RMH able to cook?
Kelly, this is the cutest video!! It made me laugh! Harper is such a sweet girl! Thanks for the reminder for the RMH--what a great idea!
Such a fabulous and thoughtful idea Kelly, You are such a beautiful person inside and out and I am so glad that God is using you in the many ways that He is!!
God Bless,
I think that clicking sound is to call you in there to open the Oreos! Too funny. That is a great idea about the Ronald McDonald house. I get fed up with all the gift buying at Christmas, we might do something like this next year.
Thank you for support Ronald McDonald House Charities. At the House in Austin we are always in need of basic household supplies like laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper and breakfast bars. Think of what it takes to run your household, and multiply that by 30 families! That's how much we need to keep things going around here!!
When families are in the hospital, their children stay with us, and almost every day I hear someone say, "I don't know what we would have done without you."
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Jan Gunter
Communications Manager
Ronald McDonald House Charities, Austin and Central Texas
I stayed at the RMHouse in Detroit when our daughter was critically ill. Although we lost our precious one, my experience there has kept me involved volunteering. Please read my blog and on the same site is the book I have begun about my daughter.
Thank you Karol OConnor
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