Tuesday, December 08, 2009


This morning Harper and I went to church. I had my final Bible Study of the semester and then we had a Christmas brunch. Harper had a great time in the nursery and didn't take a nap so she was worn out when we got home and skipped lunch and took a great nap.
Isn't this little dress cute? Angie Smith made it for her and I just LOVE it! I need her to teach me how to sew. I really, really want to learn. I love pillowcase dresses because she should be able to wear this as a shirt with pants next year. So we can get two years of wear out of it!
I didn't get a great picture because of course we were running late and she was not interested in looking at me.
This afternoon I made a few more ornaments. Harper actually helped me. I love the way these turned out. The ornaments were not clear glass so you can't really see the brown filling but I think they are still cute. I made one for each of our family.
And I think it looks cute on the tree. I think you could make a million different combos to this idea!

This morning in Bible study - we read a verse that I wanted to share with you. It just made me think about all of you during this holiday season who are having a hard time - maybe you are lonely - wishing you had a husband to spend the holidays with or a child. Maybe you are sad for the child you lost. Maybe you are worried about finances. Or your health.

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4

God gave us His Word to encourage us and to teach us. I hope that you will read the Bible and find hope. I know so many of you ask me what books you can read to help you but honestly the only book I know of that can give you SO much is His word. It can be intimidating and hard to read at times but if you truly try to read and understand and pray for wisdom - I think you will find comfort. God gave it to us as a gift. Isn't it one of the best ones you can open this season?


buttons124 said...

I'm just in awe of your beautiful Christmas trees! Do you hang the ornament ribbon directly to the tree?

Tara said...

I love Harper's pillow case dress and tights- she will probably be able to wear it for more than 2 years. My daughter is on her second year of a Halloween one and it still looked like a dress this year.
Love the ornaments too.

Donna said...

Harper is so cute in her Christmas dress. Angie did a wonderful job sewing that. My sewing machine internally hemorrhages everytime I go near it! ha! Your ornaments are adorable, so much so that I made some for my family. I used Christmas colored shreds and ribbons. Hope they like them.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.

Trace Car Driver said...

def needed that reminder of the verse. thanks kelly!
harper is too cute... i love the pillow case dresses. i have 2 boys so we'll never get to wear them, but it'd make a great idea for my 2 nieces!!
and the ornaments are so cute... i might just have to make some soon!
hope you are having a great day!

southern love and prayers from alabama!

JMS said...

Hi Kelly thank you so much for being an encouragement even half way around the world. Your daughter reminds me of my eldest now 9, who napped only once a day at the same age. She was and still is a whirlwind. A big morning set her up for a great afternoon nap and some down time for me!

Happy Christmas from hot hot hot Australia!


Jodi D. said...

Your daughter is so adorable...could you tell me where you got the leggings that go with the dress or what brand they are?


Just a short comment to thank you for posting that scripture Kelly. I really needed to be reminded of that today.

This Little Hen said...

The ornaments are great and so does little Harper! I want to invite you to check out Tuesday unwrapped and my GIVEAWAY!!

Anna said...

Thanks for posting the verse- I needed it today!

Unknown said...

That dress is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Love the ornaments. So fun!! Merry Merry!!

Jennifer said...

That dress is too cute! I wish I could sew, too. Maybe one day!

I think that verse is a great encouragement no matter where you are in life. Thanks, Kelly!

Diana said...

We just made the same sort of ornaments at our MOPS group this morning. I actually wonder if the crafts coordinator reads your blog too!

Clementsville: Population of 5! said...

I LOVE Harper's dress and thank you so much for the bible verse. I am sending it in email to everyone I know!

Great encouragement!!!


Jill said...

Oh how I love that verse...has always been one of my faves!

Unknown said...

I totally want to make some of these oraments.. such a fun easy darling idea. I really love the cheetah print ribbon. I am a animal print lover.. AS ALWAYS... Harper is a doll in that oufit.. my goodness, where do you get her clothes?

texas girl said...

these are such good ideas this is definatly what I am doing this weekend I was wondering where it is you got t he materials hobby lobby or micheals????

Love Being A Nonny said...

How do others find comfort if not in God's word and through His promises? Thank you.

Also, I know you get tired of posting every item Harper wears and where she got it....I have tried to never ask. BUT, I would like to know about those tights.

Sugar said...

Great verse today....really needed to hear it too.
Thanks for the inspiration to read His word.

Sarah Mina said...

Absolutely love all of Harper's outfits and your great DIY ornaments!

Anonymous said...

that dress is adorable!

Some Like it Southern said...

Thank you for sharing that scripture. It really spoke to me! Thanks again and God Bless!

Anna said...

Where did you get those leggings?!?

Nina said...

That little dress is adorable. And who would have thought of a pillowcase dress??????? Genius. Does she make them and sell them?

By the way, I have a great giveaway going on right now. C'mon over and check it out.

Sherrie said...

That's a darling dress. We got ornaments like that at our annual Christmas Bunco party on Saturday. They filled them with red paper, wrote BUNCO on them, and then glued 3 tiny dice on them. Sooo cute!

Jenna said...

Love the dress, love the verse, and love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Harper is dressed so cute again of course! I just wanted to tell you that I borrowed your ornament idea a couple of days ago. My mom wanted to get a little something for each woman in her bible study group, so I made those. I got clear glass ornaments & filled them with the lime green shredded paper. I then tied a red and lime green ribbon on the top of each of them and used a red paint pen to write their initials. We couldn't find any cute stickers in red, so I just wrote them. They turned out super cute. Thanks again!

Julie said...

Thank you for sharing that verse...I needed it today!!!!

Kandi said...

Lowrey was just standing here with me while I looked at your blog and she said "Ahhh, isn't she just the cutest thing???". And then she said "Does your friend Kelly have a husband?" HA! Maybe I need to talk about Scott more!

Unknown said...

Love the ornaments! I made them too and they turned out so cute!

Anonymous said...

I love her outfit, she is always the best dressed baby around! I love that you take pride in how your daughter looks!

Karen said...

A few posts ago you said that Harper wasn't into your Christmas trees, yet. According to the pictures on today's post, it looks like she's found them!!! You may be making a whole lot more ornaments over the next few years!

Rachel said...

Thank you for that good Word. I've been having a little bit of a hard time this Christmas season. I am blessed with a wonderful husband and three beautiful (and rambunctious) sons, so I feel kinda guilty for feeling down. This is our second year overseas and our second Christmas away from family. Last year things were still new but this year I just miss the fun we have with family and friends. That verse is just a great reminder to look to Him, and He is the reason for the season but also the reason we are here. Thank you!

mckennamomma said...

Harper's dress is soo cute! I can't wait until my 3 month old little Mckenna can start wearing some of those pillow case dresses! I just told my mom last week that I want her old sewing machine to mess with... I can do some very very light sewing... maybe I can teach myself! Enjoy your evening!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this verse. There is someone who barely knows Christ that I have been ministering to and she is really struggling with infertility issues. I look forward to sharing this with her.

Suzi said...

Wow, I really needed that little bit of encouragement tonight. Hopefully this will give me a little kick in the pants to sit down with the Bible more. Thank you Kelly!

Unknown said...

I just love the pillowcase dresses! Nothing like having a baby to make you want to sew.

Ginger said...

I so stole this idea to make teacher gifts this year. My daughter and I loved making them. I added a gift card for Starbucks using ribbon and I am done! Thanks for sharing such a fun craft!

Summer said...

I love Harper's dress! I just love pillowcase dresses! Kelcee has several! Your tree is adorable and thanks for your post tonight! It was really great :0)

Ruth said...

The dress is so cute
And the verse says so much about what I have been going through this year.

Mrs. Carioca said...

I love Harper's dress and the new ornaments! I think the frosted glass looks great.

amber said...

you can't imagine how much that verse was needed for me this very moment. just returned home from a difficult but necessary counseling appt, and i'm so worn out. thanks for the reminder of HOPE. :)

capperson said...

Her outfit is darling. I especially love the first pic. I also love the ornaments!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute..cute. That is a sweet outfit and I love the ornaments! Wonderful and encouraging words too!

Crystal said...

I love the ornaments, I think I am going to make some this weekend! About the bible, I found www.bibleplan.org was a very helpful site, if want to share it with the ones who don't know where to begin!

Unknown said...

How funny! I saw the pictures of the dress and here were my thoughts: Aww how adorable! I love the colors! Hmm...that kind of dress looks familiar. Who makes that kind? I seen it on a blog before...

And then you said Angie made it and I though, 'Oh! Of course!'

It's super cute and Christmas-y. And the tights? cute!

Amanda M. said...

Beautiful baby, beautiful dress and inspirational verse. You're the best, Kelly! :)

Jenny said...

I love all of Harper's outfits. They are ALWAYS so cute!! Thanks for the encouraging verse. :)

Corinne said...

I think those ornaments are so cute! The potential for different color combinations is endless!! My mom is a big Gators fan, so I think I'll be making some orange and blue ones.

Have you ever made the swirly marblized ornaments? You just take clear ornaments, squirt in a couple colors of acrylic paint, then swirl it around. Then you set them upside down on Dixie cups to let the excess paint drip out and the inside dry. They are always super cute and SO easy!

Happy Ornament Making!

Whitney said...

Oh my goodness Kelly! Where did you get Harper's leggings??? My B NEEDS them! And I adore the dress!!!

Karen At Home Blog said...

What a verse Kelly, thank you for sharing it with us. I love your ornaments, I am not a crafty girl, but you are really starting to inspire come creative juices in me!!!


The Drama Mama said...

SO TRUE...thank you for that encouragment! It's easy to forget that everything we need to know is written in His word!

Gypsy Heart said...

Thanks for the verse ~ I'm so glad to visit your blog! Your Harper is just adorable...she looks like a little Christmas angel. I think your ornaments are a wonderful idea and I'll have to make some.

Mary said...

Adorable little dress!!

ashley said...

definitely going to need to learn how to make pillowcase dresses! harper is so cute!

Adrienne said...

your daughter is adorable

Amy said...

I have a little boy and there is only so much "cutsie" stuff you can do. haha I love Harper't little outfits and I love the ornaments you made! I may have to steal your ideas!

Merry Christmas!

Kathryn said...

OMG -- love, love, love the leopard print ribbon and ornaments. I can't find that ribbon anywhere here in my town.

You totally inspired me and I made three of those ornaments this weekend. The only thing I did different was to spell out the whole name. They were so cute that my husband couldn't believe that I made them. LOL

As always - Harper is just too cute!!!

Patriot said...

The dress is adorable, and thank you for sharing the verse.

Melissa Miller said...

~Wow! I have never seen a cuter Christmas outfit! She's a doll!

We've Got Scents said...

What a precious little girl in a beautiful dress, made by a very special lady:) What a blessing!
Your new decorations are beautiful as well.
Thanks for sharing 'hope' with your readers this day.
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22

All About the Armes' said...

Thanks for sharing that verse. It's just what I needed to hear! :o)

Donna said...

Thanks for sharing such a great verse of scripture. Although my friends are always trying to reassure me that I am only young (20) and have plenty of time to find a husband but I still worry that I will never find that someone. I plan on putting that verse on my bulletin board as a daily reminder.

Harper looks beautiful as always in her dress!

Amy said...

Hi Kelly,
This is the first comment I've ever left you, though I absolutely love your blog. I wanted to give you a little warning. We let our daughter hold the ornaments last year (at one) to take her picture. This year (at two) it was soooo not a good idea. Now, she wants to take them off all the time. Don't make the same mistake I did--do a nice stocking photo or something next year.
Amy in Texas

Justinand said...

Thank you Kelly for that encouragement. I'm having a hard time this year...and I do need to just open back up my Bible and let Him speak to me. Thanks.

Katie said...

Thank you...

alicia said...

are you doing the Esther bible study? I just started that tonight & that Romans 15:4 is in the first lesson. Such an awesome verse!

Kassandra Alexis said...

Your SO right Kelly, the Bible is the best book for ANYTHING especially advice! Thanks for sharing this verse I needed it tonight for sure! Love Harper's dress Angie is amazing at making those for sure!

Melissa said...

What cuties....the little girl and the dress! Where did you get the tights with the little ruffle? So precious! I love the ornament idea....every year the kids make ornaments for the family so maybe the older kids can try your idea. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

She's so cute!! :)

Myra @ My Blessed Life said...

Amen girlfriend! You are so right that it is God's Word that brings us the greatest hope.

Blessings to you and your sweet family!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Love the verse....Harper is a doll...Your pictures are great...Visit my holiday blog for new tree pictures and my main blog for a MIRACLE story...

Real Simple said...

loved the verse...it is late 12:40 in fla. i have sore throat so i opened up to see your blog and the verse gave me comfort with what we are going through...bank examiners. Pray for the bank my husband opened...Pray God's will...He is the true CEO of the small community bank in Fl. We buried scripture under his office when it was first built. Pray they will be fair and reasonable. Thanks. It is a tough economic times...but God is bigger than it all! He is Amazing God... by the way your ornaments are precious. they made me smile. and want to craft them!maybe later. merry CHRISTmas! He is our gift everyday with the blessings HE gives us. CHRISTmas is everyday!Take care...visit my blog...i have very few followers..but it is a place to share my faith and just journal my thoughts. do not do pics...don't know how. need a new cover, but don't want to spend the money so i found free ones. yours is beautiful. i would love new blog friends! God will send them!
Loving God for He is Amazing! has anyone read Francis Chans book Crazy love...read it! I think kelly you blogged about it. Chris Tomlin was just in Tampa. I watched his Christmas concert on tv..Gospel network! hope to see a new friend on my blog.

heididh33 said...

Yes! His Word is filled with Hope!!!

Cute ornaments. You HAVE to get Harper's little hand prints onto these ornaments... you could do the snowmen one with pink/green/brown stocking hats to match her tree!


Kim said...

Oh how I needed that today! Thank you for being a woman of God; you are a role model for so many of us.

Unknown said...

That dress is just too cute! Especially with that beautiful little daughter of yours in it. :)

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

LOVE that verse! So awesome!!

The Paisley Pair said...

What kind of stickers do you use on your ornaments and where do you get them? I have used the same clear ball and but garland and berries inside and then tied a ribbon on hte top for a small gift at a christmas brunch before, cheap,easy, and nice all are my favorite things!

MBC Scrapbooking said...

Those ornaments are the cutest idea! Thank you for the Bible verse- I'm going to read more this morning over my coffee:) Have a great day!

Sarah said...

Thank you for that word! I needed it! :) LOVE the outfit Harper has on today...so precious! :)

Kim said...

Oh my goodness what a cute dress and ornaments! You are quite the crafty lady!!! :)

Lauren said...

I am loving Harper's Christmas outfits and those ornaments are beautiful!! :)

Alyssa said...

You have NO idea how many times I've been lost in my journey with the Lord, I come here to get my daily scoop on Harper and your life, and I see the most encouraging words. Thank you SO much.

Lynn said...

The dress is adorable! She has the prettiest clothes/outfits I've seen! You dress her so beautifully, Kelly! Thank you for sharing your life with us! =)

The scripture is awesome, thank you for that. I've already shared it with a friend this morning.

Have a blessed day!

Stephanie said...

I was the same way with my little girl so I picked up a sewing machine at a consignment store and taught myself. I'm not great, but pillowcase dresses have become a cinch. And, I love to throw together little purses for her to carry with each dress. You can learn how to sew!

Patsy said...

Wow, that scripture is one of my favorites and I used it on my blog today,also. Love the pics and your encouragements. Keep up the great work!! Have a blessed day!!

Megan said...

Romans has so many great lessons on hope. When I was struggling with infertility earlier in the year, I clung to Romans 5:3-5.

The Mommy One said...

Love the ornaments. My boys and I made the pink, lime green with zebra ones this weekend. They had so much fun stuffing the ornaments.

Thanks for the scripture. Very meaningful to me and oh so applicable.

Have a wonderful day!

Julie said...

It is absolutely amazing to me how we can read God's word time and again and not come across a scripture or if we had, we've forgotten it. I thought I had almost every verse on hope down, either in my hope book or highlighted in my Bible. I did not have this one!! It is so clear! SCRIPTURES BRING OUT HOPE! Thank you for sharing this. I agree...if you need direction, read God's word, keep reading it even when the hope is so hard to see. It is in there!!

Sorry this was long but I got excited at the scripture.

ps The verse is highlighted today!!

Annie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erin said...

Thanks for the verse, it has special meaning for me right now!

LOVE Harper's tights, SO CUTE! Did someone make those too?

Lynda @ SportsMadGirl said...

Harper is just adorable! I love the ornaments but I think you forgot a member of the family - where's the D? :)

Thanks for the bible verse. Your faith is inspiring and I love that you share it with us!

The Gallup Family said...

Harper's dress is adorable. Where did you get her tights?

Kelly said...

I love that verse you posted...I've read the book of Romans through many times, but can't remember really 'seeing' that one, it is a really good one to meditate on!
I agree, Kelly...Christian books are great to read, on topics like spending more time with God, being a more godly woman, etc...but just to flat out sit down and read a passage in the Bible like Titus 2:3-5, for example (what I read this morning on my desk calendar) and dwell on it is where you see that the word comes alive and is actual nourishment for us!
God Bless your family at Christmas!

Sarah said...

Thank you, Kelly, for the beautiful scripture. It was definitely something I needed to hear during this season of my life.
And thank you so much for reminding that the most encouraging book we can ever read is the Bible. Sometimes we all go through the Christian Bookstore looking for inspiration...which is great...but, God really gives us all we need in one perfect book. How blessed we are for the written word!
I enjoy your blog so much! Thank you for opening up your life to the world!
Your sister in Christ,

Veronika said...

I LOVE your ornaments! They came out great! I showed my mom & she is thinking of making some for her tree! I have been a fan of your blog for some time & I love all your ideas you share, Thank You!

Rachel H. said...

Such a cute dress, and I love the ornaments. I'm going to have to make some for our little family! :)

Angie Smith said...

She makes me look like a great seamstress!!!! So stinking adorable, kelly...and i will teach you to sew as soon as you move your family (including your mom and dad) to nashville. come on!!!!

Mrs. Southern said...

Kelly- Will you please please please pray for my sweet baby Parker. I delievered yesterday and he was 6 weeks early and was in the NICU. I know you went through this with Harper and I am so overwhelmed right now. I can't find your email on here. Mine is annamballard@yahoo.com. But if you could please add him to your prayer requests! Thank you!

M and L said...

Love the ornaments with the leopard ribbon! So cute! Those would be great easy Christmas gifts!

Amelia's Mom aka Jennie said...

You're missing two important initials on your ornaments ... M and D !! You'll notice it more once Harper starts talking, but your name isn't Kelly anymore, it's Mommy. The first time my daughter asked me to spell my name and I started out J-e she was like, No silly Mommy! It starts with M!

The other day I decided I wanted a stocking with my name on it. I asked my husband and daughter if I should have it embroidered with Mommy, Jennie or Mama Jennie. Amelia IMMEDIATELY said Mommy.

It took a couple of years, but I now find myself looking at M things for initials (like pillows!) without realizing it. You may find yourself in the same boat, too, or maybe not. Everyone is different. Just thought I'd point it out in case you wanted to add M and D to your pretty Christmas ornament collection!