I feel like my brain is just Helter Skelter these days. I have so much going on that it's hard for me to have one complete thought. Do you ever feel like that? Between Christmas and planning Harper's first birthday and just normal keeping up the house/laundry/cooking and blog stuff and a few new projects I am taking on - my mind is all over the place.
I looked tonight - I have almost 2000 e-mails in my in-box that need to be answered. TWO THOUSAND? So needless to say - I'm sooo sorry if I haven't written you back but the list just gets longer every day.
And this post is about to be helter skelter because I have just a whole bunch of random things to say:
I got a huge blessing today. My parents came to town to go the Razorback basketball game tonight. (I think they are 2 of the only 500 people there tonight. We are THAT bad). So they came and spent the day with us and kept Harper for several hours so I could get a little "mother's day out".
Harper just ADORES her grandparents. You should have seen how she lit up when she saw them. Well - you can probably tell in these pictures. My little day out was just what I needed. So refreshing. It's been so cold that I hate getting her out so we've been cooped up a lot. I went to Hobby Lobby, Target, Starbucks and T J Maxx. My four favorite places outside of Sonic and Wal-Mart.

So a few things:

And while I was gone - I'm pretty sure these three had a great time

- WEIGHT LOSS - anyone trying to do early December weight loss? I told you last week I would report in every Monday. Well - I did lose 2 lbs. I only worked out once which I'm trying to improve that this week. I did do a little better with my eating. The best thing I can do is just NOT buy any sweets. If they aren't here - I can't eat them. ha! That's pretty simple. ha!
- This is SO random but when I was in El Salvador - I turned on the TV and there was my favorite movie of all time in Spanish - "Steel Magnolias". I have to tell you - without the southern accents - it loses a lot of it's charm. So I was talking about that and two of the girls we were with had NEVER SEEN STEEL MAGNOLIAS. Say it isn't so! I was gasping for air. So today - Molly tweeted me to say her book club was possibly reading it tonight and she was making southern treats (she is in MN). I tweeted back to tell her to PLEASE Promise to see that movie. And then I was wondering - how many of you out there have never seen it? Please tell me you have. And which one is your favorite character - if you can even choose. (Mine is Truvy of course). (But I also love Ouiser)(and Shelby).

- I am doing one more giveaway HERE. Go check it out. And come back on Wednesday for a give away YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE!!!!!!

- Last thing - today on twitter - people were listing out good holiday snacks and I was reminded of these awesome ranch oyster crackers. My mom always made these at the holidays and I LOVED them. I haven't had them in years but now I want them SO bad. If only I wasn't on a diet............maybe some rules are meant to be broken. ha! Anyway - I put the recipe HERE in case you want to try them. You will thank me!
I have never seen Steel Magnolias, but I also know that something is wrong with me because of that! haha.
I must've seen that movie a hundred times by now and LOVE it each time! My favorite characters are Ouiser and Clairee!
Glad you had a mommy's day out today. It looks like Harper certainly enjoys her grandparents! I'll be a grandmother in 3 short months and I can't wait till my own granddaughter lights up like that when she sees me!
I saw it for the first time this past summer. I LOVE it! I wanted to watch it last summer but I was pregnant and I'm diabetic so my mom forbid me to watch it until after my daughter was born. Without a doubt Ouiser is my favorite!
H looks so big in that first picture! Josh and I were talking the other day how she has gotten so big. Seems like yesterday we had come to visit her in the hospital and she tooted in her daddys face. Josh still laughs about that. Hope to see you girls soon!
I LOVE that movie and I stop and watch it every time it is on! I like Shelby or Trudi. They are both great characters.
LOVE steel magnolias...and i'm not sure who my fav is...if i have to pick, i think i'd go with ouiser! so many great quotes from that movie :)
Girl, I am so with you. My mind is a sea of randomness and unfinished thoughts. :-)
Love the pictures of Harper with your parents. Your mama looks gorgeous in that pic with the three of them!!!
And I am a Trudi lover all the way. I can't count the times I have seen that movie. The BEST.
Well, I just typed out this HUGE post and then hit a button and it deleted. AHHHH! So frustrating. Anyway, I just wanted to say I know how you feel with the madness of Christmas/planning a birthday party. Bailey will turn 1 on DECEMBER 22....THREE DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!! I have shed tears over the situation, but alas, finally made progress within the last week. I've decided on the theme, the location, date and time for the party, and ordered the invitations. I've got to decide what I want the cup cakes to look like so I can finalize that order and then the decorations should be fairly easy. I actually bought my husband and I 2 Christmas devotionals that I intended on us to do/read together but I dislike both of them. Any ideas? I knew it was going to get a bit hairy around our house with all this going on and didn't want us to lose sight of the reason for the season, but I'm disappointed in what I got.
And all this to add, that on Christmas Day 2008, Bailey's first Christmas, I came home from the hospital without a baby because she was in the NICU. So this year, Chrismas 2009, I'll take all the madness for the love and joy this sweet girl brings to my life. I know you feel the same way and it just puts everything in perspective. I just keep thinking of how things were this time last year and how far we've come in a year and how much we've overcome for that matter that I just stand in awe of our Jesus and what HE has done. And then I'm not so stressed over a birthday party and the hopla over Christmas. Instead, I'm just trying to focus myself, my family, my spirit, my heart on the reason for the season!
Good luck with everything because even though that's what I'm trying to do, I'm still only human and it's still VERY hard. You are a great mom and once again, thank you for sharing your life with us.
STEEL MAGNOLIAS IS MY ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE!!! I even named my blog after one of the lines ("Pink is my signature color!"). I don't know if I can pick one character because I love them all for different reasons!!! If I HAD to just pick one, I'd probably have to go with Shelby! But honestly, without the rest of them, it wouldn't be the same!
Good reminder on the ranch oyster crackers. I love it. I'm glad you updated the blog. I'm taking a break from filling Mary Kay orders. Thankful for them but taking a mini break. I think you should come to Chattanooga and hang out with Amanda and I :) And...I lost 1 pound!
I have never seen Steel Magnolias. Born in Florida, lived in Texas for 25 years - all Southern and never seen it. I must be the lone weirdo in this world. :)
Speaking of SOUTHERN - I did make red velvet cake balls for Thanksgiving, and they were awesome. Thanks for the recipe!
Harper is SUCH a doll. I adore her red little cheeks. She looks made up in every picture - just like her momma. What a sweet little girl! :)
Love that movie almost as much as I love Julia Roberts, so I guess you know which is my favorite, LOL!! I too am trying to loose weight but have a WHOLE lot more to loose than you, HA! I've lost 3.5 pounds and worked out 5 days. I'll take it!! I also made the BEST taco soup tonite. It is a Weight Watchers recipe but you'd NEVER guess it. I'll include it for you. I used ground turkey and frozen corn so that had to cut down on some fat and calories, right?!?
1 lb. ground beef
chopped onion and salt to taste
1 24 oz. can tomatoes
1 12 oz. can corn
1 10 oz. can Rotel tomatoes
3 - 14 or 15 oz. cans kidney beans
1 pkg - 1 1/4 oz. taco seasoning mix
1 pkg - 1 oz. envelope Hidden Valley Ranch Salad dressing and seasoning mix.
Brown ground beef and onions in sauce pan.
Drain and add to crock pot or pot or dutch oven (I browned my meat in my dutch oven and just added everything to that....a one pot meal!!).
Add the rest of the ingredients, undrained.Heat through and serve.
1 1/2 cups = 2 weight watcher points per serving!
I do not have a comment so much on the Steel Magnolias movie since I have seen it a ton (My husband even took it to Iraq with him because he even enjoys it). I do know the struggle of losing weight at this time of year. I have a blog (http://byebyeallthatpie.blogspot.com/) I have started about it. It is more for me to be accountable to someone. Also for a little encouragment when needed.
Hope yours goes a little better then mine.
Once again, Harper is precious! Also, some food for thought for future birthdays. My daughter's bday is Jan 20. Probably won't make a lot of difference for the next couple of years, but after that, you will need to do birthday shopping along with Christmas shopping...before the toy aisles are wiped out. Believe me, the aisles are empty in Jan. And like me, you will want her to have the birthday gift she requests, but if you don't purchase ahead, you'll be in trouble.
Also, in regard to parties...always have a back-up date...historically, we have had a BIG snow on probably 17 of her 24 birthdays!!
I haven't seen it either...but I have heard of it...maybe I'll watch it over break.
I saw Steel Magnolias for the first time when I was 12, and it's my all-time fav. In fact, I think I should put it on now while I am doing home reading for class tomorrow night -- it'd be rude not to! My favorites are Shelby (HUGE Julia Roberts fan here!) and Ouiser. In high school, I even tried out for the play when the school put it on. It was actually kind of embarrassing because I didn't need to script! Sadly, all of the parts went to older girls (I was only a freshman).
I LOVE Steel Magnolias, I can't imagine having never seen it! I love Trudi too, but Ouiser cracks me up. I think I'm going to watch it now!
Hi Kelly! This is such a random question, but I had to ask - where did y'all find the singing donkey in a previous post? I have a 12 month old daughter who LOVES the Shrek movie (please don't judge - she had horrible colic until she was nearly 5 mos old and the music in it was the only thing that would calm her down!) and thought it would make a cute Christmas gift since she loves to dance to the music.
Since you asked about the baby proofing in an earlier post - we did do the latches on the inside of the cabinets and they're great, but she can still smash her fingers in them. Our best purchase has been the "Superyard XLT" - a giant playpen that we keep set up in our living room all the time. It really adds to the decor - ha! It's kind of hideous, but she started walking at 9 mos and was not content unless she had freedom. It's the only way I can even do dishes!
Clairee--- by a landslide! Nothing like a true smart ***! That's one of my favorite movies! BTW My youngest daughter is named Shelbi. =)
My husband wanted it because of the Shelby Mustang, but it was already on the acceptable list because of the movie. (He loved the movie, too and cried just like I did. Hey, funeral scenes are TOUGH!) =)
In regards to your weight loss, I highly suggest you try Weight Watchers. It can be don totally online, which is so convenient. No wierd food, no big expense, no fads, no wierd supplement. I'm a doctor, so yes, I know how to lose weight, but I had put on 10 pounds over the last year, and couldn't seem to shake it. THe WW online has made me have a much easier time, it's nice to be accountable to at least your computer. I've lost 12 pounds in 10 weeks, and am thinner than I have been since medical school. Yes, you need to work out of course, but log on and try Weight Watchers. It's a fantastic, well rounded, healthy plan. You will be thrilled, I almost promise.
Steel Magnolias is a fantabulous movie. I can quoate the entire thing and even if I'm saying the lines with the characters I still cry at the same spot everytime... in the cemetery when Sally Fields goes into her "No, no, it's not supposed to be this way. I was supposed to go first" speech. Gives me cold chills just typing it. I work with a nurse who has 2 kids-- Jackson and Shelby! She didn't realize it was the same names. Ha. I love the dynamic b/w Ouizer and Claree!
I LOVE STEEL MAGNOLIA's! I've even stayed at the house where it was filmed (M'Lins). I think my favorite is Claree... haha, my husband loves it too. He quotes it all the time, and he says his favorite is Ouiser :).
Never seen it. I don't even know what it's about.
To Jessica--- You HAVE to watch Steel Magnolias! When you do, pay close attention to the groom's cake. =)
Those oyster crackers must be a southern thing because I LOVE them, but haven't had them in soooo long. I'll be making them again soon though, so thanks for the reminder!
I have never seen Steel Magnolias!! I don't even know what its about or who is in it. HA!
I am right with you on the weight loss. I have to lower my blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride. Talk about needing to get healthy. I am pretty proud though, I have managed to lose 4lbs over the past few days.. by just cutting back and no snacking and smaller portions.
Steel Magnolias is one of my all-time favorite movies. I love Clairee, but all the characters play off each other so well it is hard to pick a favorite! I saw it just a few weeks ago late at night and bawled like I had never seen it before!
I like Steel Magnolias..but I have Type 1 diabetes, the same kind Shelby has, and because I have diabetes it makes it hard to watch that movie...
Diabetes is nothing like that movie. It is hard to watch because its annoying that its SOO wrong.
I still watch it and try to bite my tongue when I do! (Don't want to ruin it for others!)
My husband LOVES those ranch oyster crackers. It was a family favorite for him growing up, and he won't eat potato soup without them!
I also love Steel Magnolias, Target, TJMaxx, Starbucks, Hobby Lobby and Sonic. I know we would get along great. I told my daughter the other night while tucking her in, "I love ya more than my luggage." I asked her if she knew what movie that was from. She said Gone With the Wind (my other fave), I said no, more recent. She said, "I've never even heard of that movie!" Get it? She thought More Recent was the movie!LOL
Steel Magnolia's is a classic. I cant imagine anyone not seeing it. My favorite is Shelby. I love SOUTHERN women.
I LOVE Steel Magnolias. I was even in the play in high school a lifetime ago. Your blog and your family are so cute. I found you through the Cobia Family blog. Thanks for all of the great holiday ideas.
My favorite character is of course Shelby! My sister, my mom and I all watch it together a few times a year... and we can quote just about every line. Since I recently got engaged and have started wedding planning, I keep telling my future husband to let me have the colors "blush and bashful" because "pink is my signature color!" :) It has got to be my FAVORITE movie of all time!
You have listed 3 of my favorite things!
Steel Magnolias is one of my all time favorite movies. And I love Ouiser.
I bought a wedding gift for someone from engraved euniques and it was beautiful! The bride told me that it was her favorite gift and that she cried when she opened it! I love it.
Then for you to post the recipe of my favorite snack! My grandmother use to make this and I loved it and always think about it at Christmas time and had no clue how to make it.
I never knew we had so much in common.
I'm trying to loose some weight too. It's so hard this time of the year! I just made peanut brittle too, this is not helping!
I hate sending you an email knowing how much you have piled up, but I was one of the ones who won the B&B vacuum and I just wanted to see if you had sent them out yet? Thanks :-)
LOVE Steel Magnolias and LOVE Harper in that sweet outfit! Way to go on thr weight loss!!! I am right there with you...and working out/eating right during the holidays is HARD! But I am finally feeling more like myself (You know...the pre-Clomid me!!) and it is GREAT! That in itself is enough to keep me motivated!
I have been feeling the exact same way for a few weeks. 2000 e-mails? My goodness girl!
Enjoy this joyous season! ~Melissa :)
YES! I LOVE Steel Magnolias. Love all of em!
I love Harper's little dress in the pics. Her clothes are so adorable as is she! Glad you got to have a mommy's day out & had fun! Congrats on losing 2 pounds this week!
well there go the hips...I'm pretty sure I ate my weight in those oyster crackers our freshman year of college before Christmas break...Your mom sent them to us somehow to eat during finals. I often think of them. WHY?
I love Steel Magnolias! It's wonderful! I don't know who my favorite character is...but when I was planning my wedding, I kept telling people that my colors were going to be blush and bashful. And my mom would say "I will not pay for a wedding that has pink and pink as the color scheme. It will look like pepto bismol!"
Harper is just too cute for words!
Yes, I have seen Steel Magnolias! What good southern hasn't? I also know the "real-life" Weiser. She is the sweetest most godly woman I know. Nothing like the character. She also speaks all a lot of churches too!
TRUVIE, not Trudie.
I LOVE Steel Magnolias...SO much. I think that Ouiser is hilarious, but my favorite character is Dolly Parton's because she reminds me so much of my grandma...who is the one that introduced me to Steel Magnolias when I was 4 or 5. We used to watch it together when I'd spend the night with her and she would let me drink coffee and eat strawberrys covered in half and half. Memory lane. :)
I've never seen Steel Magnolias either! My friend Marissa is sleeping over Friday night so maybe we'll watch it,who knows! ;)
I honestly couldn't tell you how many times I have seen that movie! My favorite is a toss up between Trudi and Clairee!
My sister and I have always loved to quote it!
"I love ya more than my luggage."
I love Ouiser too and the character that Olympia Dukakis plays but I cannot for hte life of me remember. It's such a great movie- I was a senior in high school when it came out! Anyhoo- put cheese nips in with the oyster crackers- that's what we do- but we call it dragon food because it gives us dragon breath.
Hey- what do you think about doing a Bloggy Biggest Loser thing together? It could be fun. I can research how to set it up and do all the legwork- but you've got more traffic- we might be able to do something really neat- like have people donate to the winner's local children's hospital.
I need to lose 20-25 pounds- you can't have more than that to lose from looking at your pictures- we might be a good match! Let me know what you think!
I was talking to some good Southern girls the other day, and they too hadn't ever seen Steel Magnolias, and I revoked their Southern Belle card right then and there and it won't be returned until they see it. Okay, so there's no Southern Belle card, but if there was, you wouldn't be allowed to have one if you hadn't watched Steel Magnolias. You should own it. You should buy it right now without ever watching it.
That is a big bowl of wrong - if you haven't seen Steel Magnolias you have to go see it right now!
I love Shelby, and Trudi is of course a close second.
Are you still reading this if you haven't seen Steel Magnolias? Stop! Go now! Don't come back until you've watched it!
I think I saw it because my mother in law forced me to when I was in my early 20's! Their whole family was aghast that I had never seen it. I don't remember paying attention and I don't remember what it's about. I think I just remember a wedding! Haha! SOUTHERN ARKANSAS GIRL!
I LOVE Steel Magnolias! It's one of my two all time favorite movies, the second being 8 Seconds. Picking a favorite is so hard. I love Trudi and Ouiser and Shelby and... Well, you get it! I love how you'll be bawling your eyes out and then start laughing so hard your stomach hurts. The 'hit Ouiser' part is my favorite!
Steel Magnolias is my most favorite movie!!!! I annoy people(my husband) when we watch it, because I say all the lines along with the characters. :)I just watched it the other night. I love Clairee!! And my son's name is Jackson!!!
Harper is adorable! She always has the cutest outfits on!! I have seen Steel Magnolias and really liked the movie, but haven't seen it for years. Those ranch oyster crachers are the best. I sometimes make them around the holidays, but it's probably been a few years.
Its been one of those days for me as well. gotta say Steel Mag's is a fav of mine also, makes me cry everytime. Though I just love Ousier and Clarine, just crack me up!
I am STUNNED with the amount of people that have never seen Steeled Magnolia's... such a great movie and I cry like a baby at the end, every time!!!
Hang in there with the busy schedule and overwhelming feeling.. I have been feeling the same way and I hope it is because of the Holidays.... so much to do, so little time!
Oh man! I can't imagine having never seen that movie! So good! My faves are the ones you listed. My mom actually really wanted to name me Shelby, but my dad wouldn't have it! I kinda like the name because it wouldn't have been so common!
I started my diet today. I walked 5 miles on my treamill and counted my calories (only 1200/day). Can't believe I am doing this with all this yummy holiday food being passed around! Ha! And Clairee is hands down my fave!
Diet Rule #1: Never start a diet during the holidays...I'm waiting until after the New Year!
I love the movie. And Shelby has to be my favorite.
And thanks to the title I can't get the song out of my head.
I've never seen the movie and I don't even know what it's about! I'm ashamed! I'm googling it right after this is posted!
Hi Kelly,
I emailed you the other day to encourage your weight loss and give you some support. I started dieting Jan. 1st of this year and I have lost over 130 lbs. I have 10 lbs to go. I even make your poppyseed chicken but I changed it to make it very healthy but it is soo yummy! You can do it! If you need any recipes or tips, email me. I would love to help!!! :)
Def. Ouiser! We actually know someone who's grandmother was friends with Ouiser! I actually saw this movie on my 16th birthday. Such a great movie!
I was raised on Stell Magnolias, I love it. I cry pretty much every time I see it. I'd have to say Miss Clariee. Afterall, "[t]he only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize."
"Here. Hit Ouiser!" Possibly the funniest line every put in a movie. Just when I'm on the verge of tears, that line makes me LOL every time. So sad that some people have never seen it.
Steel Magnolias is hands down my favorite movie of all time. It's the only movie that I can watch over and over. I remember seeing it in the theater with my mom and Nanny when I was a little girl. What's killing me though is how many of you who say it's your favorite movie are saying Trudi is your favorite...IT'S TRUVIE!!!
Just had to get that off my chest : ) I love all of the magnolias, but I'm a little partial to Clairee. I love love her Southern twang.
Ummm...I named my first dog Shelby after watching the movie. So I guess that answers that question. I LOVE that movie :)
This summer on the way to my family reunion we went on the Steel Magnolia tour in Natchitoches where it was filmed. I loved it!!!!! You can read about it here:
Never seen it!
Or Gone With The Wind...which shocked my History teacher the other day :)
LOVE that movie and have seen more times than I can count!! I'm from Shreveport (now Texas) so it holds a special place in my heart... :0) I like Shelby (pink is my signature color too ;0) and Truvi, but really they are all good!
never seen steel magnolias... sorry ;)
I love love LOVE Steel Magnolias! I don't think I can choose a favorite character though, they are all so great. I have wanted to see it live but I think I might miss Dolly too much!
My grandparents, who are no longer living, made those oyster crackers every year. I had forgotten about how yummy they are at Christmas. I think I will make them this year-so thanks, although that won't help my diet right now. I am really struggling with healthy eating lately. Yes, I love that movie!!!!!!Such a tear jerker everytime I watch it and I have seen it numerous times. Glad to hear that you got some mommy time.
Totally get what you mean about feeling a bit scattered. I've been feeling that way for weeks now. I decided last night to make a list of all my to-do's (which is something I usually do but haven't been good about doing lately) and it felt good to get it all down on paper instead of letting it swirl around in my head!
I know this is shameful, but I have never actual seen Steel Magnolias in its entirety. I've only see little snippets here and there! Shame on me, I know.
Well, I'm glad you had a nice day out today! Those are so important!!!
I'm commenting because I figure you will read this before you find my email among 2000 others!
I guess I never told you this because it never came up before but a guy who was the "houseboy" at my sorority house (from Texarkana) was an extra in the movie, Steel Magnolias. You can see him at the Christmas party at Shelby's house. He was a really nice guy and I rode home with him(because he had a car) one holiday because he past through my hometown. I think he is (or was) a weatherman in Shrevesport, La.
We sure enjoyed our day with Harper!!
I LOVE Steel Magnolias ... Every once in a while I get together with my mom & sisters to watch that movie!
Truvy is my favorite too!
I Love the 1st picture of Harper ... she looks so sweet like a little angel!
Yes! Saw Steel Magnolias a long time ago! I need to watch it again to refresh my memory! and I LOVE those oyster crackers! My mom made them all the time and I always took them to choir practice as a teenager when it was my mom's turn to make the snack! Now I'm craving them! =)
I think it is great that you got a mommy's day off! I need one myself pretty badly. I am hosting a giveaway as well, you should swing by!
I have seen Steel Magnolias. In fact, it may be the saddest movie I've ever seen! Ouiser is def my favorite. The bit with her and the eggs in the truck is HYSTERICAL. I also love it towards the end with her and little Jack (it is Jack isn't it?). :)
I've seen it nearly a thousand times, really! And if you haven't already you must gather a group of gals and see it done as a play, wonderful :) Down here in Alabama it has toured twice it is set in Truvy's salon. Oh and my favorite cast/character is Clairee. I even use the name for all my published and printed writing. It is a true Southern classic right up there with Gone With the Wind, y'all!
It is one of my favorite movies! I have seen it so many times, and it still makes me cry everytime. I can't pick a favorite character, they all bring something interesting! Great movie!!!
steel magnolias is my all-time fav-o-rite movie ever!!! (can you tell i'm passionate about it?) i no longer live in the south, and on the days that i miss it so much i can't stand it, those lovely ladies (and their THICK accents) are the best thing. they're all fabulous in their own ways, but Ouiser is definitely my fave. you gotta love her spunk!
There are people out there who haven't seen Steel Magnolias? Blasphemy!! My favorite character is Truvy..hands down. But Ouiser is hilarious. I also love Annelle... Oh I just can't pick.
Yay for the weight loss. I went to the gym yesterday AND today. I hadn't been all summer!! It's pitiful.
I *love* Steel Magnolias! One of my favourite sit down and laugh / cry movies!
Steel Magnolias is one of my absolute favs! :) No respectable Southern girl hasn't seen this! ha...
My favs are Ouiser and Shelby! I can almost quote the lines from the movie!
I grew up in Michigan and I have to admit I've only seen the movie once and it was just a few months ago. I was up visiting my parents (I live in NC now) and they have On Demand movies - Steel Magnolias was one of the free movies! So I watched the movie, but not in one sitting; in bits and pieces over that week. I'm not sure I even watched it to the very end. :( I guess I'll have to rent it soon, eh?
"My work tends to be a little too poofy when I'm nervous" --Annelle
I've seen it a LOT. I own it and I watch it a LOT. I could not pick a favorite character. I do, however, quote lines from it all the time. "Stop! Nobody moooove! I've lost my contaaaact!"
Shelby is my all time favorite. I almost did my hair like hers for my wedding. Then I remembered how dated it would be so I choose something else, but I LOVE that movie!
Harper looks like she had so much fun with her grandparents. Those oyster snacks are delicious!
I've never seen Steel Magnolias! Maybe it's because I'm from the Northeast?
Oh my all time FAVORITE movie! Pick just one character...on man...I can't...love them all in their own way. If you have never seen...do so...it is great!
Love that movie!
We make the oyster snack and I love it. Last year my MIL made it with stick pretzels and it was really good. Thought I would share a different version.
"Well...I'm gonna paint my front door red and change my name to Elizabeth Arden!"
All time favorite. I have seen it a million times. I know almost every line. My favorite character has always been Shelby until I have become a mother and now I relate to M'Lynn. My mother and I recite different lines to the movie often. Our favorite is " Looks like two pigs...fighting under a blanket!!
Harper's dress is precious! Glad you were able to have a day out!! Steel Magnolios is my fav movie! I have to agree Truvy is like my fav character in it!!
Summer :0)
Yes a GREAT movie!!!
And wonderful pictures of Harper with her Grandparents. Thanks for sharing.
And thanks so much for offering the giveaway. You are so very sweet and I appreciate you more than you know.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
Steel Magnolias is one the best movies out there. Clairee is my all-time favorite. My favorite line is, "If you can't say anything nice about someone, come sit next to me!"
Let's just say "I love you more than my luggage". . . . Steel Magnolias is the BEST movie EVER!!!! I'm more of a Clairee, but I wish I could be some Ouiser, too. :)
Claree and Ouiser are my absolute fave's. I hope when I'm old that I've got a best friend like that!
Kelly, I heart Steel Magnolias. I can recite the whole movie! My favorite character is ouiser and clariee.
my husband laughs at me bc i watch steel magnolias any chance i can get, i just love that movie and could watch it over and over..my favorite character is shelby :)
i'm glad you got a MDO Kelly..we all need those!!
OH...Steel Magnolias!! C.L.A.S.S.I.C. I love them all, but Truvy is definitely my favorite!! I'm a huge Dolly Parton fan anyway, so that's no surprise. Kelly...that is my new favorite Harper outfit now. That is so cute, and it looks so comfy. I'm glad you had a fun day out and about, and that Harper had a fun day with her grandparents. Bless her heart, she looks so happy... like she knows they are crazy about her. I wonder where she ever got a wild idea like that..... HAHA!
It's so funny you mentioned Steel Magnolia's. A friend and I were talking last night of those movies that you watch when they come on no matter how many times they come on. One of mine is Steel Magnolias. My favorite character is Annelle. I love it when she is making the casserole and says, Oh, I hve to make this one, it's in the freezes beautifully section of my cookbook.
I have seen Steel Magnolias more times than I can count, and I am from the snowy North. ;) Truvy is my fave. Of course. I want to BE Truvy.
LOVE,LOVE, LOVE that movie but I love all of Julia Roberts movies for the most part! To me you are not a southern gal if you have never seen that or Shag which is one of my favs!!
I love Truvy!
Enjoy your day!
Welcome to mommy-hood. My brain hasn't recovered yet (probably never will!) I love the starlings in Steel Magnolias!
Harper is just soooo beautiful, Kelly. You know what, don't think I've ever seen that movie in it's entirety, LOL!!!
Steel Magnolias is my favorite movie of all time. When my oldest daughter got married the night before the wedding all the bridesmaids came to our house (we sent all the boys away)and I made brownie sundaes and we watched it. My daughters and I are always reciting lines from it. My favorite character is Malynn. Probably because we are so alike and I can relate to the deep love she has for Shelby and wanting to make sure she has a good life.
being a "GRIT" (girl raised in the south), I am ashamed to admit I have NEVER seen Steel Magnolias. My husband is appalled! HA! :-)
Steel Magnolias came out my senior year of high school. Can't even count the number of times I've seen it! My favorite character is M'Lynn. I just adore Sally Field. Her scene after the funeral gets me every time --amazing.
My oldest's birthday is January 13th, and I am a planner, so I completely understand the helter skelter mind state at this time of year! Crazy but great!
That is my ALL TIME favorite movie, I can quote THE whole thing by heart!!! I am a good ole southern Louisiana Girl so its a MUST for me to have seen it!! Truvy is my favorite, I am just partial to Dolly though =)
I love Steel Magnolias and I love Shelby. That movie always makes me cry, no matter how many times I have seen it! And why did you have to mention the ranch oysters, now you have me craving them!!!
Steel Magnolias is my all-time favorite movie!!!!! I stop whatever I'm doing and watch it everytime I find it on tv. My girls (6&8) are also starting to love the movie.
I love all of the characters but my favorite is Ouiser. She is just so raw and honest!!
Glad you were able to get a little "mom" time to yourself. We all need a little recharging now and then. :)
I've been trying to lose weight before the holidays, too! I started before Thanksgiving so I wouldn't go crazy with all of the yummy food around over the next couple of months. I have that last bit of baby ... um hem ... now toddler weight to get off :)
I've been doing a combo of Weight Watchers online and Body for Life and so far so good. I feel so much better with lots more energy, which I need chasing after two little ones :) .
I LOVE, LOVE Steel Magnolias. My husband grew up near the place where the movie takes place so we really love it around here!
I love all of the characters, but now that I'm a mom of two girls, I love M'Lynn. I just cry and cry during the cemetery scene. Such an awesome Southern movie!
Harper is so cute in her Christmas dress. What a sweet time of year for you and your family with Harper's 1st Christmas!
Steel Magnolias is such a classic movie, but it was not until after I was saved that I realized the mockery of Jesus and prayer (the new girl that becomes a Christian at Truvy's) and that Ouiser says God's name in vain a bunch.
I am young at 21 but I still remeber my mom renting steel magnolias for the first time when I was 8 and I have seen it atleast once a year since I love shelby but I also love truvy because I LOVE dolly parton I have a knew sister in law and she is from michigan we all live in east texas and I am making her a southern girls survival basket!and steel magnolias will be in it for sure!!! ha
Hi Kelly,
I just thought I would give you what I have been doing for the last year to loose weight. I have lost about 22-24 pounds. It has taken while but I have changed my eating habits. I weigh about 5 pounds less than I did when we got married which was about 135. What I seek to seek to so is eat protein, (meat) and anything green. I try to stay away from any breads and rarely eat carbs. If I eat any dessert, I get a bite of it and put on a spoon and that is my portion. My motto is protein and green. I eat fruit as desired. Anyway just a thought. For me to have a specific plan helps.I walk on the treadmill as well. I have to combine the two. Eating like this helps to loose the weight and walking helps loose the inches. I use to wear a size 12-14 skirt, now I wear a size 6.I feel so much better eating this way.
keep it up...its hard but worth the discipline.
(mom of 13)
That is one of my all time favorite movies. I love all the ladies and I even named my third son Jackson (we spell it Jaxon) from the movie!
I have never seen Steel Magnolias, sorry I am just a baby in this great big world (26) but maybe I will have to rent it or find it on Dish one of these days.
If you haven't yet jumped on the 30 Day Shred band wagon, I would suggest doing it, I am on day 5 and just when you think you are about to die your 20 minutes is over. Thats right only 20 minutes of your whole day for excercise, I love that part of it. It's difficult but on Day 5 I am beginning to see changes and have lost about 2 lbs.
Good luck on all that you have to do, we also have a first birthday coming up on Feb. 2, and I have no idea where to start, even though this will be the second time I have done it! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Looks like Harper had lots of fun with her grandparents! :)
Slap Ouiser!!! My fav line in the movie. LOL We all need some laughter in the midst of hard times. I love that movie!!
I am going to try the recipe. :)
Congrats on the 2lb. weight loss!
Your parents are so cute. :)
I cannot wait to see this giveaway. Exciting!!!
Have a wonderful day!
My favorite would have to be Ouiser or Clairee. I've seen that movie so many times and I still cry every single time!
My mom used to make those oyster crackers, too. :) They make me feel like the holidays, for sure! I make them now... :)
I weep at Steel Magnolias. Love that movie. I was able to play the role of M'Lynn during my college years. It was amazing. So, I'd have to say that my favorite character is M'Lynn, simply because I invested so much of myself to portray her. I call myself a "steel magnolia". My favorite line that depicts that character is, "Men are supposed to be made of steel or something. But I couldn't leave. I just sat there, holding Shelby's hand while the sounds got softer and the beeps got further apart until all was quiet."
Makes me feel proud to be a woman who can love so deeply and still muster up incredible inner strength.
Love it. :)
You need an assistant. I would so volunteer if I lived closer to you!
LOVE Steel Magnolias!
You may not realize this, but there are LOTS of Mom's who don't have sweet parents who come to let them have some alone time. You have an amazing support system!!! Blessed, I tell you!
Don't shoot me, but I've never seen Steel Magnolias. I do think I've seen a portion of it... but not the whole movie. (It was early Julia Roberts, wasn't it?)
well we ALL know who my favorite Steel Magnolias character is b/c it's who I named our 1st born after, SHELBY Lynne (after "Shelby" and "MyLynn", which my dad's name is Lynn also)! This movie is a family tradition between me and my mom. She and i watch it together at least once a year. there are so many similarities in the movie w/ my life and my family. For instance, just to name a few, my brother's name is Jonathan, my fav colors are PINK ("Blush & Bashful"), i live in Magnolia, AR which is funny b/c of the name and the fact there are Magnolias in the pool, my mom and I act just like MyLynn(sp?) & Shelby, my neighbor WAS IN THE MOVIE as well as her kids, and knows the REAL FAMILY this was about, I was pregnant in December and had Shelby in June (almost July like Jackson), my hubby's family name has a Jackson in it, and the list goes on and on....it's my favorite movie and is soo fittin that my baby girl's name is Shelby, afterall, it had to be a southern name, w/ personality & original. there arent' many shelby's in the world afterall! :)
Hey Kelly!
I have been doing Weight Watchers for 4 weeks and have lost 8.5 lbs. Not a lot, but it has been so easy. You get 35 allowance points a week plus your daily points. I have not worked out any which I should, but I have a 3 year old, work full time and have a photography business. Any extra time I spend with my family. Good luck on your weight loss during this tempting holiday season and enjoy Harper's 1st bday and Christmas. Love reading your blog and my friends do too!
Love Harper's white dress and I love those crackers!
I am shocked that so many people haven't seen Steel Magnolias! I love that movie!!
I love Steel Magnolias!!!!!! My favorite character is Truvy! I hope you have a great week!
what true Southern girl hasn't seen Steel Magnolias? : ) love that movie!
oh, and Harper's outfit is too cute!
I've grown up watching Steel Magnolias and catch myself watching it each time it's on TV. I just love Truvy & M'Lynn. Such sweet ladies, although I am in "southern" Missouri, I'd love to live a little further south and pick up that sweet accent! You are lucky!
I can't understand people who haven't seen Steel Magnolias, I have seen it I don't know how many times and I cry like a baby every time. I love everyone in that movie.
Keep up the good work with losing weight it is so hard!! I have been on a journey since August of losing weight.
Hi Kelly
I am probably one of those 2000 emails! I would love it if you would share an amazing charity auction being hosted by a group of bloggers this week called blog, bid, hope it is benefiting the young families of two bloggers that very much need our help. Anissa Mayhew, a young mom of three, suffered a stroke a few days before thanksgiving and is still in the hospital. Matt Logelin tragically lost his wife to a pulmonary embolism the day after the birth of thier child. The proceeds of the blog auction are benefiting these families. Check out more info here
I'm helter skelter here too!! I'm losing my mind...how long does pregnant brain last anyways?
In the past two days, I've lost a portable DVD player, all of the chargers for the PSP,etc., and the cord to my laptop. The first two things have been found, but the last one is a lost cause. I ordered a new one last night.
My husband told me maybe I needed a spa day to help clear my mind...hmmm, I wonder if I could lose my mind more often?
Have a great day!!!
I LOVE Steel Magnolias, and I'm going to have to say Shelby is my favorite!!!
I wanted you to know that we are sponsoring a child through Compassion as a Christmas gift to our children. We decided to cut down on Chrismtas this year because they have so much. So much that I am having trouble coming up with just a few gifts for each of them! After reading about your trip, I was absolutely convinced that Compassion was a good organization and that the money sent to them would be used for what it was intended. Thank you for going on the trip and sharing your experiences. I really enjoy your blog. Harper is a cutie and you should definitely have another! They grow up too fast!
Of course I have seen Steel Magnolias but I'm a southern girl through and through.
And thanks for posting that oyster cracker recipe!
I LOVE Steel Magnolias!!!! I've seen it way more times than I can count and Truvy and Shelby are definitely my favorites! Makes me cry every time!!
I love Harper's Christmas outfit and so glad you got to have a "Mommy" day!!
I love Steel Magnolias! I don't usually go for chick flicks, but that is a fav!
Your photos are precious!
How wonderful that your parents gave you the day to spend as you wish!
Steel Magnolias is my favorite movie of all time! And I recently went to see the play a local high school put on, it was very well done!
Ouiser: " I am not crazy Malin, I have just been in a very bad mood for forty years" !!!!
I love Steel Magnolias!
Steel Magnolias is my absolute favorite movie of ALL TIME. I of course LOVE Truvy (Dolly is the best!) but I also love Ouiser and Clarice's relationship. Quiser reminds me of my mother maybe a little more crotchedy...My parents are from Pennsylvania and they both don't think you can appreciate it unless you have lived in the South. PS I love your blog!
Steel Magnolias is my favorite movie!!! I can never believe it when I run across girls who haven't seen it, especially girls from the south. That and "Gone With The Wind" are two that I think should be in every good Southern Girl's repertoire! I love Annelle ("Sammy Dwayne DeSoto, what is that in mah fridgidaire?!"), and Ouiser the most I think. And I cry EVERY single time M'Lynn says "I can jog to Texas and back, but my daughter can't!" Oh man! Thanks for asking the readers about it, it's fun to share stuff like that :-D
Steel Magnolias has been one of my favorite movies since I was little and I am not even from the South! My favorites are the same as yours. Ouiser is just too funny.
Steel Magnolias is my all time favorite movie EVER... I watch it several times a year, and it never gets old. I can pretty much quote the entire thing. I made my boyfriend watch it with me a month or so ago...he didn't quite love it as much as I do...don't know why though!
Congrats on the weight loss... I've been doing Weight Watchers for almost two years now...and I can totally relate to the struggles. I'm almost to my goal, but am really scared with the upcoming Christmas holiday and all of the sweets that I LOVE! Best of luck Kelly! I love your blog so much!
Steel Magnolias? Seen it, own it, LOVE it. And Ouiser is my favorite character. I love Shirley Maclaine and I love hoe she portrays the character.
I've never seen the movie in any other language than English- I just can't imagine a Spanish dub-over, especially when Sally Field's character wigs out in the funeral scene!
You're right about not keeping sugar in the house. It was the only way I could lose weight. Good job on your 2lb weight loss. It is a start. Hard time of year to stick to the diet but I am sure you can do it.
i love love steel magnolias! one of my all time favorites! although i do not own it, i think i will have to put it on my christmas wish list :)
my fave character is shelby! i am a huge julia roberts fan, so choosing her is easy for me!!
in fact, my son was almost named jackson bc i have loved that name from the movie from so long ago. but it is so popular now, we went with jesiah instead!
I have never seen it! Now I feel like I've missed out!
Yes, I've seen Steel Magnolias, and it's been so long I don't remember the character's real name, but it's the one that Julia Roberts plays. I can't watch that movie any more b/c it makes me too sad!
LOVE the pics of Harper with her grandparents. We (my Mom & Dad and I) are struggling with being so far away from my niece (brother's little girl)...we weren't invited to her 2nd b-day party. But PTL we get to see her in a couple weeks. :) I don't have my own children and so she is my joy. I'm so glad Harper gets to see both sets of grandparents a lot. :)
I'm Aussie and I LOOOVE Steel Magnolia's!
Can I be an Aussie Southerner? Please, please, Please. I'm workin on the accent!
(Don't worry, other Aussie's who might be worried, I love my own sunburnt country, I've just really come to appreciate Southern Culture too.)
Kelly, you should see my house, seriously. I'm not joking when I say it looks like a tornado hit. I am so embarrassed my house is such a wreck, bottles piled in the sink, piles of clothes folded on the couch and in laundry baskets waiting to be put away (by who I don't know, hee hee!) A tower of laundry needing to be washed (literally), toys EVERYWHERE! I am scattered brained these days and that's putting it nicely. I so understand how you feel.
Harper just keeps getting prettier, not sure how that is possible! Such a big girl too!
I am doing a fruit and veggie challenge with my friend...trying to get in 3-4 cups a day. I also run three times a week. I check in every Monday as well....since the birth of my son, I have lost 70 pds and recently posted before and afters....running is awesome and something I never thought I could do....it is such a positive stress reliever and good mommy alone time. I am signed up to run my first mini marathon in May. My current weight loss goal is to lose three more pds by Christmas...Good luck!!
I love Steel Magnolias, and I cry every time. It doesn't fail. I love Shelby!
And Ranch Oyster crackers are a fave too!
What a precious baby girl, and I can tell she adores her grandparents and is wrapped around their fingers :)
Can't wait to see what the give aways are!
I saw Steel Magnolias about 10 years ago, or at least sometime during high school or college.
My good friend Sandi had a baby girl last Spring and named her SHELBY after the character in the movie. Sandi is an avid reader of your blog (in fact, it may be the only blog she reads!). I sent her the link during both your and her season of infertility.
Kelly, she freaked out when you posted that you were pregnant and I told her, "Well you're next!" And she WAS!!! With sweet little Shelby! :)
I LOVE the movie Steel Magnolias. In fact I love it so much that I own both 1 VHS version & 1 DVD Version. My family and I got the VHS version from my Aunt and Uncle on my Father's Side. And , We all forgot we had that version .... So , about 2 Christmases ago. My Mom got me the DVD Version for a Christmas Present. Now, for my Favorite Character. It's Truvey all the way. I'm a HUGE Country Music Fan. And Dolly Parton was my 1st Concert ever to go to when She came to Dallas , TX when I was 4 yrs. old. I was so facinated with her so much that before we left to get out of the Crouds way .... Dad held me up and basically I stood on stage with the Country Legend herself . . . Even though she was on the Left side of the Stage and My Dad John , My Mom Elaine , My Brother Joshua , and I just stood there just in complete awe Of the fact that My little 4 yr. old Tip toes where on the same stage as Ms. Parton.
I love Steel Magnolias!
I make this ranch cracker mix and we also add Cheez-It's with the oyster crackers.
Hi Kelly,
OK I've been reading for a while and have never commented, but I had to today! My grandma used to make oyster crackers and they were my FAVORITE! I'm like you though and haven't had them in a few years :)
It's such an encouragement to read about a Godly woman's life as you strive to live for him and teach Harper to walk in His ways too.
Merry Christmas!
I also am starting a early Dec. diet, I am the mother of a almost 13 month old and I probably weigh about 20 lbs more than I want to! Also, I am getting married Jan. 30th! WOW! Talk about really having to avoid all the delish holiday treats. I have found that weight watchers is the way to go! You can pretty much eat whatever you want, you just have to be accountable for the points you use. So if you want that snickers bar, have it, but you gotta deduct the points!
Wishing you luck! You can do it!!!!
Also, LOVE LOVE LOVE Steel Magnolias, hard to believe theres people, well women, who have not watched it. My favorite has to be Sally Fields, she does a wonderful acting job!
i would have to say that my favorite character is ouiser for sure. she is too hilarious for words! i too always freak out when my girlfriends tell me they have never seen it. it's like a right of passage here in the south!
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