(bloomers at dress from Sunday came from there too)

(Apparently ya'll BLEW UP the comments and exceeded the amount allowed - so I've added an additional post for you to comment on - so if you haven't already - go get your chance in! Someone has to win - it might be you! You have until Christmas Eve!)
P.S. The winner of the Engraved Euniques plaque is Tiffany at!
P.S. The winner of the Engraved Euniques plaque is Tiffany at!
Wow! Very nice! Thanks for the giveaway!
Can I ask where you got the Merry Christmas bloomers? Those are SO cute!!!
What?!?!? That is a HUGE giveaway!!!
Oh my goodness!! What a wonderful giveaway!!!
Those are the cutest bloomers! I love all Harper's monogrammed stuff!
Yay! LOVE this giveaway! Thanks Kelly!
merry christmas too! those bloomers are adorable! when I have a baby one of these days i'm gonna need a list of clothing stores from you!!
Amazing giveaway....... and Harper looks absolutely adorable!!!!!!! :)
What an awesome giveaway! Looks like a great computer.
pk @ Room Remix
She is such a little doll and those bloomers are priceless! Thanks for the opportunity on the giveaway. Hope you're having a good day...
Those bloomers are TOO cute!
Awe cute bloomers!
Hi Kelly, Merry Christmas to you and your little snowflake! Great giveaway!
Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Oh my goodness!!! Pick Me, Pick me, Pick me!! A new computer?? What would that be like?? Thank you for the opportunity!! :-)
Wow! That IS an awesome giveaway! I'm headed over there right now!
P.S. Love the pic of your little snowflake. So cute!!!
I love all these little girl Christmas outfits! They are just so cute and Harper is precious in them!
Ooh, I'd love a chance to win! :)
I know you love you apple iphone and i have one also. I was wondering what some apps are that you have downloaded that you just love. i am always looking for new apps and since that pic i saw of your family all on iphone's i figured you would know some great iphone apps. Your blog is great and aren't kids wonderful! take care!
Harper is looking cute as always. I especially love the no bow look. I'm not sure that I have ever seen her without some sort of bow/headband :)
Did I miss the winners to the Aquaphor and Plaque giveaway or have they just not been posted yet?
Merry Christmas!
Wow, what a giveaway, that's awesome.
I just love all the cute monogrammed things your Harper has. She's just precious!!
My daughter would love this computer! Thanks for the giveaway.
whoa!! totally awesome giveaway!!
and cutest little bloomers EVER!
OH wow, the first time I decide to comment I found out there is a giveaway... I SWEAR thats not how I planned it! But yay for the lucky winner! Kelly, your sweet Harper was born just a few weeks before my miss Georgia... so I totally understand the Birthday anxiety! Have you decided on a theme yet? I'm makeing G a WILD banner and some decorations and would love to gift you and Harper a banner for her bday if you would like! Please email me and we can work on something together! Enjoy the day with your beautiful daughter! :) Monica
Wow, this is a great and very exciting giveaway!!!!!
Love the blog!
Wow!! How exciting! Thank you for the great giveaway. I just LOVE your site and read it daily. Thanks for sharing!
I have been reading since the day Harper was born and someone sent a prayer request for you while you were in labor. I have never commented before but I read everyday and I enjoy seeing sweet Harper grow. She is just beautiful and you dress her so precious!!
Enjoy these days. My little girl just turned sixteen yesterday (seems impossible) and she got her driver license today. Pray for me please and for her too!!
Have a great evening.
Finding your blog from Linny's Vault...
Your daughter is beautiful!!!
I read your profile and saw that you had a beautiful daughter after a stint in the NICU. I just went through it with my now 6 month old son. It was very difficult and have only become stronger from it all. God has truly blessed my husband and I with an amazing son.
Cool! I went to get Christmas cards today and I bought one set specifically because their purchase gave a donation to Compassion. :-)
Merry Christmas! Those bloomers are the cutest! Harper has the most adorable outfits!
Holy canoli!! That is stinking awesome!!!
Harper is one fashion diva! Love those bloomers! Adorable!
Are you kidding! What an awesome giveaway!
Harper is looking adorable today in her Christmas dress! What a sweet girl!
Never commented before, but love your blog! Harper is SO adorable! Would love to win the new computer!
I would love to win this computer b/c my other one is about to crash big time and I am a stay at home mom that loves reading blogs and connecting with people from all over the world on my computer. Without it, I would be lost. Please sign me up for a chance to win. Thanks!!
I never comment but I love reading your blog! In fact your blog has effected our church! My husband is a pastor and we have been looking for a way to serve our community during Christmas. After reading about the Christmas store that your church does last year we have decided to do it this year! Thank you for sharing your heart with us and for always giving Jesus the glory! Blessings!
Those are the sweetest little bloomers I have ever seen! And Harper is just as cute as a button.
What a cool prize to give away! AND at Christmas time too! Can't wait to see who gets this blessing!
That is a great giveaway!! I don't think I'll enter, but HP has my respect and my business next time I need computer stuff!! The youngest of my five kids has autism and I will be thrilled to support any company that helps these kiddos!!! Yay!! Thanks for doing this giveaway!! =)
Wow---what a giveaway!!!! Count me in please. I would be soooooo excited!!!
The butt shot made me laugh out loud!! So cute!
That computer giveaway is out of this world! I entered on all 5 blogs!!
What a nice giveway!! Thanks, Kelly!!
That is one sweet looking girl you have there.
That is a wonderful give away! Thanks.
i sooooooo want that computer! those bloomers are way too cute too!
What an awesome giveaway. I wish I was as computer literate as you. Hope you enjoy yours.
Wow, love Harper's bloomers! And I do believe she looks a lot like your mom in that first picture!! Awesome giveaway!
WOW!!!!! What a giveaway. You were kidding that it was something BIG!
WOW!!!!! What a giveaway. You were kidding that it was something BIG!
HI Kelly, My computer is so ancient it won't even show a comment box so I can enter the give way. You already have 3074 entries so I don't have a chance but this old dinosaur of a computer is frustrating. My boys cobbled it together out of their old parts when they would upgrade their computers. Pitiful.
Harper's bloomers are so cute. Hope she gets to wear the ones I made her.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Yay! I won!!! I emailed you! (I put Yay! as the subject - I am guessing you get a lot of emails. {wink})Harper's bloomers are sooo cute! {grin}
Harpers bloomers are so cute! She always looks adorable! Awesome giveaway girl! ;)
Hey Kelly!
I've been meaning to email you for a while....but haven't yet! And now with our HP "connection" I was reminded that I really need to!
I don't see an email address on here for you! If you have a spare moment and can tear yourself away from your TouchSmart, would you give me a holler?
I'm at contact (dot) mckmama (at) gmail (dot) com
Jennifer (
I have been reading your blog for awhile now, and went back and read the archives. Harper is a real doll. So is Dawson. We are Auburn fans from Lower Alabama (LA).
The give away would be nice, and just maybe someone would be kind enough to help us learn to use it.
Wow! What an awesome giveaway. I've been following your blog for some time now. I came across it and your prayer site after my divorce and absolutely love both. I love your true Christian beauty and your heart of God. Thank you for opening your heart to us and being such an inspiration. Your scriptures and thoughts have definitely helped me through some tough times. God is using you as a blessing to others. Love in Christ. Kim Gantt
I would love this! I have twin babies that I am ALWAYS snapping pictures of and this computer would be great for photo editing! Thanks for the chance!
I LOVE the bloomers!!!!! They are adorable. This is my daughter's first Christmas too and we are having a blast with her! She and Harper are just a few days apart. I found your blog right after she was born and I was on maternity leave. It has been fun to check in throughout the last 10 (almost 11) months to compare notes. Thanks for the great blog!
~WOW! What an incredible giveaway Kelly! Precious pics! :)
What a wonderful giveway! What a blessing. Is it too late to register? If not...count me in.
BTW, I love your blog!
Wow....what an awesome giveaway. A computer would be incredible for me!! I could go on and on about why, but I'll simply say thanks for the chance!
I am having trouble posting on your giveaway site.... I will try again tomorrow I guess!
Hi Kelly! Thanks for the giveaway...went to your giveaway blog and commented :) I wanted to share this w/you if you haven't seen it!! It is the greatest/funniest thing I've seen in a while for us Razorback fans!! Check it out :) Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas to you! I have followed your blog for some time but don't think I've ever commented. I can't believe Harper is almost a year old - wow! I know your first Christmas with her will be magical indeed. I bet she loves all the lights and packages.
Wow That would be Great to have a new hp computer sounds awesome would be a great for a teenage daughter who would love to go to college next year. I so love reading your blog. I have two teenagers Ashley is 19 still not driving yet. Gives me gray hair thinking about and 16 year old katie no she's not driving either not going to think about. Gray enough. Harper is so adorable. I miss those little years brings tears to this momma's eys. Our first born Graduates next year. Time flys hug and kiss them often and tell them you love them. And yes teenage years been good too us. They are turning out what a mom hopes for and makes a mom proud. Thanks again hp for the new computer and helping make memories much more memorible.
God bless,
Tina Gayman (from pa)
Wow That would be Great to have a new hp computer sounds awesome would be a great for a teenage daughter who would love to go to college next year. I so love reading your blog. I have two teenagers Ashley is 19 still not driving yet. Gives me gray hair thinking about and 16 year old katie no she's not driving either not going to think about. Gray enough. Harper is so adorable. I miss those little years brings tears to this momma's eys. Our first born Graduates next year. Time flys hug and kiss them often and tell them you love them. And yes teenage years been good too us. They are turning out what a mom hopes for and makes a mom proud. Thanks again hp for the new computer and helping make memories much more memorible.
God bless,
Tina Gayman (from pa)
Those bloomers are adorable!!! Here in India, we're not really big on dressing up in Christmas colors. (We're usually dressed in bright colors all the time so restricting oneself to red and green seems funny) but still, Harper has inspired me to find my lil cupcake a christmasy dress!
And.... No harm in keeping my fingers crossed for a new computer right??
That is an awesome giveaway! I wish I was in the should have a giveaway open to only Canadians :)
What a great giveaway! This would look wonderful on my desk. I can picture it now......
I could really use such a wonderful computer! Thinking of starting a blog myself! Thanks for the opportunity!!! Natalie
Having trouble entering the computer give away - I keep getting an error message "bx-nqzlwr". I have never had this problem before. Just wanted to let you know - I will try again later today and then contact blogger if I get the message again. Thanks!
wow! what a great giveaway! :)
lovin the bloomers! :)
Oh my goodness! This would be great for me to help finish my degree I am still working on it and the new technology would be great! Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Love the BLOOMERS seriously you have to have another baby with you and your awesome style!
Well, For Some reason I cannot comment on your HP giveaway blog so just thought I would tell you here, I would love to win one! :) Merry Christmas!
We have the oldest computer! I would love to be able to use that new computer!
I can't comment on your HP giveaway blog- I keep getting a weird error. But I would love one these awesome computer, because it would allow me to work form home with my job- our home computer is ancient!!
WOW!!! Kelly I've been reading your blog for several months now and never posted (since I'm not a blogger :)) but this giveaway is AMAZING!!! I'm in desperate need of a new computer and who nows maybe the random Santa will grant my Christmas wish!
On another note, your blog makes me smile every day, your Compassion trip was so inspiring and your daughter and your story are just heartwarming! Thank you for the entertainment, stories, blog hops and recipes! I truly enjoy reading them all!
Bloomers, we love bloomers... Thanks for the giveaway
I accidentally left two comments on the giveaway because when I submitted it it gave me an error message from I don't if other people are getting it too. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks for all you do!
Hi kelly, I tried to post a comment on the giveaway and got an error message. I tried 3 times.
I love reading your blog. Your heart is so pure and loving. I wish the best for you and your family this Holiday Season.
Kelly, I'm so sad, I can't leave a comment! It won't let me!!! What am I doing wrong?
(my blog is private so contact me at abundantlifelady[at]hotmail[dot]com.
I have just recently started reading your blog after my mom told me about your trip to El Salvador,that is where I was born & adopted from so it definetly got my interest. Thanks for all you do for those children.I am now a Kelly "follower" and have seen the give away,wow that is awesome and I would love to win!.. .God Bless you and your family this holiday season!
Such a great giveaway!!!
What a fabulous giveway!!
Wow this is awesome. I would love to win something like this!!
How awesome! So did you get one too? Do you love it? So cool! As usual Harper is just precious!
LOveeeee it!!!!
Merry X-mas to your wonderful family!!! :)
I love love love all of Harper's outfits!
Thanks for hosting such an amazing giveaway! I love HP computers!
Merry Christmas to you and your family and a happy 1st Christmas to Miss Harper!
Marci in TN
this is the best giveaway EVER! i need this so badly, it would be a big help to get my photography in motion!
Wow! What a great giveaway, pick me, pick me, random number generator!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the bloomer! (and the giveaway isn't so bad either!)
This is fantastic! I would love to win this!!
great giveaway, thanks for always doing something nice for others!
Terry Champion
I hope this is my lucky break! What an awesome giveaway! Merry Christmas to all!
This would be a perfect gift for our family!!
I would absolutely love to win this we only have 1 computer we fuss over..
Could you email me and tell me where you got Harper's cute little white leggings with polka dots on the bottom? They are SO cute!! Thanks.
Thank you for the opportunity. I really enjoy reading your blog
What a blessing that would be for Christmas.
Fun!!! I would love to win!!
Ohh new computer, that would make the hubby so happy! Love your blog by the by!
Woo-hoo!!! What a fun give-away!
Great fingers are crossed:)
I would love to have a new computer!
Awesome! This will be a wonderful Christmas present for someone...
i tried all morning and couldnt get my post to work! thanks for round 2! a new computer would be awesome for us, ours now has been cleaned, worked on, updated and still works like crud! thanks again.
Our new church plant could really use this! Thanks Kelly!
What a fabulous giveaway! This computer would be such a blessing at this moment! I have started a floral business and could totally use this for research, social networking, advertising etc! Wish you and your sweet family a very Merry Christmas! God Bless! And THANK YOU!
Cute bloomers! I don't know what I'll do if this baby is a girl!
I would love to use that computer in my 5th class!
Um, yes please :)
Santa- please bring me a new HP touch!!!
super giveaway!
Awesome Giveaway!!
I want that computer! I need that computer! LOL
Wow - What a Great Giveaway for One Lucky Winner! :) I Love your Beautiful 'Snowflake'! :)
I would love to win so I could work more at home with my precious little blessing!
I would love to win so I could work more at home with my precious little blessing!
What a great giveaway! Merry Christmas to you too.
Wow, what an amazing give away! Hope you and your family have a great Christmas!
Wow! What an awesome giveaway! I love, love, love her bloomers. It's outfits like that, that make me wish they had something that cute for my 10 month old boy! haha :)
Please count me in. THanks for the opportunity to win.
What a great giveaway! Thanks for handling it. Merry Christmas and God bless.
Whoo hoo! Enter me! :)
What an awesome give away! Happy Holidays!!!
Oohh, Ohhh, me please! What a fun giveaway! Love your blog!
how awesome!!
WOW!!! I would love to have this computer. Thanks
Just like everyone else I would really LOVE to win this!
it would be a wonderful surprise to win such a great product!! if only!
Ye, please! I could not get the other link to work..
Please, pretty please! My computer has been acting crazy the last few weeks and a new one is just what the momma ordered. This would be so fabulous. Thank you for being so generous!
How fun!!! What a great giveaway.
I would love a new computer. This is a wonderful giveaway.
Thanks so much!
I would love to win the new touchsmart computer!!
I can so relate to the type A / OCD, sometimes I wish I wasn't, but I so am!!
fun giveaway :)
I miss those cute bloomers-my daughter is 3 now and my son, well, I don't think those bloomers would work on him : )
Oh my, yes please!! Love Love Love It!!
Merry Christmas!!
I would LOVE to win the HP touchsmart. Such an awesome giveaway. My daughter will be going to college in the fall and it sure would come in real handy. Thanks for helping out HP Kelly. Your trees are absolutely beautiful for Christmas!! Thank you for all of your sweet encouragements by just being the mom that you are. Harper is a very lucky little girl!!!
oops, I guess i need to leave my email address since I don't do a blog. It's I"m the comment just before this one--- momofall. Thanks kelly
That's an awesome give away! Harper looks stinkin' cute!
Here's to hoping I finally win a contest I enter!
That's amazing!
Hi Kelly
I would really love to win this computer. Why? So the children would have their own computer.That way hubby and I could have a "date" night upstairs and watch a movie!!
I really love your blog:)
What a terrific give away! Merry Christmas from Hot Springs!
Hi Kelly
I am sad:( I went to the official entry form and I read that the contest is only open to US residents and I happen to be from the chilly Canada(we are having -30C weather).
So you will have to take my name off the list.
Somebody has to win.
wow what a great giveaway. My family really needs another computer. ours is so slow and old.
Wow Kelly!!!! this is awesome! What a great gift for someone.
WOW! Fabulous give away and one i would LOVE! My laptob is hanging on by a thread and a new computer would be AWESOME!
Wow, awesome giveaway right before the holidays!!! Thanks for the chance!
Love it!
Sign me up! :)
I would be so excited if I could surprise my husband with this! His computer is on its way out!
you're daughters christmas bloomers are adorable
what a great giveaway !!!
Oh man that's a good giveaway...
Pick me! I would love a computer for my kitchen so I wouldn't be typing in the freezing basement!
My brother in law and sister have this computer in their kitchen...I LOVE IT! What an amazing giveaway!!
Would LOVE to win the computer!! But also have to say that you have an adorable little girl (as you already know)!!
Many Blessings to you and your family - your FIRST Christmas together as 3! : )
hislight321 at yahoo dot com
Would love to win a new computer for the family! Christy S.
I'm working on an ancient Dell. I'd love to have a new one!!!
i feel lucky!!
What an awesome give away! Thanks for the chance to win.
Great giveaway!!
Amazing giveaway! I would love to be entered!
Yes please!!! =)
I have never posted a comment on your blog before, but this amazing giveaway has pulled me out of the hiding! haha! God never ceases to amaze me, and it is evident that He has truly blessed you and your family. God Bless :)
What a great giveaway! Thanks for thinking of us!
love the computer!
Kelly....i so enjoy reading your blog...a true inspiration...not to mention a lovely little girl...bloomers are adorable...blessings your way this holiday season :)
Those bloomers are adorable!!!
Yay for giveaways!
- Tara
Kelly I love reading your blog. This a great giveaway and WOULD LOVE to win!!!!!
Harper is sooo adorable! And I'm super excited about your giveaway!!
I know there are many people that need this, but so do I! This past year has been a really hard one financially for my husband and I (as well as for many others.) We are both working two jobs as we try to meet our financial obligations. I am very blessed that most of my work I can do from home to be with my one year old daughter, Madison. I do medical transcription for my second job. I am using an old laptop of my husbands. It's not the worst computer in the world to use, but it would be so much easier to do my typing using a large screen and a full sized keyboard. I do not envy you for having to make this choice, but PLEASE CHOOSE ME!
This is an AWESOME give away!!
Amanda Martin
Awesome giveaway! Add me to the thousands upon thousands. Please :-)
Wow, nice giveaway! I lost my job over a year ago and am in beed of a newer computer to help me find work. This would be a blessing!!!
ooops! That's PJinIL and email is, sorry....
Love your blog! It's just too cute! Id love to try & win this computer! :) SKV6.BLOGSPOT.COM
I'd LOVE to win!! Thanks!
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