Sunday, December 06, 2009

Away in a Manger No Crib for a Bed

Be near me Lord Jesus
I ask thee to Stay

Close by me forever
and love me I pray
Bless all the dear Children
In THY tender care

And take us to heaven
to live with thee there


Nancy said...

Adorable! Love Harper's outfit!! :)

Lana said...

Beautiful pictures of Harper! Love that outfit and I love that top that you have on! So cute!

Amanda Ledford said...

I love that outfit she has on and I have the sweater you have on in pink!

Grecia said...

I absolutely LOVE this post! Harper's outfit matches your tree!!
Have a blessed Sunday!

Crystal said...

Harper is adorable as always! And I like the sweater you have one!

Shannon Dew said...


The Hensons said...

Love Harper's outfit. She looks so much like her daddy in those pictures!

christim73 said...

Too sweet! I love her outfit :)

Aura said...

Her eyes are such a pretty color!

Unknown said...

Kelly~ SO FREAKING CUTE! LOVE HARPER AND HER DARLING DARLING OUTFIT! Everything you put Harper in is just so dang boutique cute!

Sherri said...

What an cute, cute little outfit:) You always look so gorgeous.

melissa said...

OH MY!! LOVE Harper's outfit! Too cute!
Can't wait to have a lil girl to dress up!!

Ashley said...

You just made my day!! And that bow matches perfectly! Such a sweet post.

Lianna Knight said...

What a sweet little Christmas baby :)

Carol said...

I love how you did that with the song.

Lane Gunter said...

Where did you get your adorable sweater??!!! I have to know! :)

Sweet post....I've never commented, but I just added your blog to my Google Reader and I enjoy your posts. Your daughter is precious!

Kassandra Alexis said...

Such a sweet post Kelly, and a reminder of what Christmas is really about, the sweet baby in the manger :o). I LOVE Harper's dress and you look SO pretty as always! Thanks for posting this and have a wonderful Sunday night ;o).

Crystal Renee said...

I love Harper's outfit! So cute. Adorable..

Shauna said...

I absolutely love Harper's outfit!! Too stinkin' cute!

I've never posted, just now got signed up. I read your blog all the time. You're such an inspiration! Harper is a doll!

Mary said...

Harper is adorable! and you look GORGEOUS Kelly!!! (LIKE USUAL!)

Claire said...

So cute!

I love that carol. :-)


Gwen T said...

Beautiful pictures, Kelly and Harper!

Can I comment belatedly on your "Into Everything" entry? I've got seven kids and if I tried to child-proof I'd be going crazy. You really just have to teach them "no"! Yes, a child under the age of one is perfectly capable of understanding this. (mine are living proof!) Then you can be at peace and they learn to obey and you can be more relaxed - even when you got to someone else's home!

Julie said...


Natalie said...

Harper is soooooo adorable. Of course, she does have a really cute Mommy and Daddy too.

Todd and Courtney said...

cuteness :) Love her little outfit! And I LOVE your hair!

QuatroMama said...

I don't normally leave links to my own blog in comments, but I thought this went along SO WELL! Hope you love this video of my boys singing! =)
(Your Fav Indiana Quad Mom)

Quad Caroling at

Melissa Miller said...

~Beautiful. I have tears this is so sweet. :)

andrea said...

beautiful !!

what a miracle she is!

Janelle said...

O MY GOSH!!! I work at NYCO and wanted that sweater SO BAD I couldn't stand it..I have the pink, but I'm SO JEALOUS you have the black!!!

I know that's so random, but I was freaking out!! Do any stores in AK still have the black w/flowers that you've seen?

melissa said...

Too stinkin cute!!! Love this post!

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

Beautiful post. And Beautiful daughter you have!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

So cute!

Unknown said...

Beautiful, I love Harper's outfit!!! Kelly do u know if they have Compassion in Mexico?? We would love to sponsor a child from Mexico.

Unknown said...

That was precious. Harper and Momma are beautiful.

Erin said...

Cute pics! Harper's outfit is precious! She has such a cutie personality! This morning in the nursery she and Kinley were babbling back and forth to each other. ha!

Your choir kids were great! you will have an extra jewel in your crown for teaching those kids!!

Summer said...

What a great post Kelly and I just love Harper's outfit! ADORABLE!!
P.S. I think she is starting to look like you more :0)

NiCole said...

I love your post. Harper's outfit is too cute!

momMYsliceoflife said...

You two girls are so cute! :D I saw on your last post that your "pushing 40"... I don't believe it. You don't look it, not one little bit. Please give me your secrets!! Haha!

harmonysong said...

GIRL- You are looking SKINNY!!!

Love Harper's Christmas dress!

Sarah said...

Love the pics...adorable as always...she gets prettier every day, just like her Momma! :)

Catrina said...

beautiful and Harper's outfit is adorable!!

Wendy said...

I love your blog post. It's people like you that help me go on. I enjoy reading your blog entries. You are a true Christian with a pure heart. I cant tell you what a blessing you have been to me. I have been struggling with some things and this blog always helps me put things in perspective. Thank you for sharing your life with me and your wal with Christ. You are a blessing to me. I am thankful that God has put you in my life even though I don't know you personally, I feel like I do. So thank you.

Autumn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Autumn said...

Harper's outfit is precious! Kelly, you look great. :)

Girl with the Curlz said...

So cute!! Where did you get Harper's adorable dress?

Amanda @ Our Oklahoma Nest said...

So pretty! (Both of you!)

Susan said...

Kelly, I am a longtime reader, but never comment. :) I will start, I promise! I don't believe for one second you are "pushing 40"...there's just no way!

And yes, I totally recommend using the cabinet locks. We have the ones that you mount inside the cabinets/drawers and you just press down. We did have a few of the kind that went over the handles or knobs, but our toddlers quickly figured them out!

Good luck! :)

Mary said...

So cute! Both of you!

Megan said...

absolutely adorable outfits! so precious!

Donna said...

Harper is the cutest present under the tree! Adorable outfit. And Kelly, you look great. If Scott was in the pic you would have your Christmas card. Or at least another picture worthy of being on the frig. Ha.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.

Katy said...

I found your blog through kaitlin in the kitchen. i must know where you got those zebra leggings from.

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

So sweet...just adorable pictures of both of you. Love Away in a Manger, too. =)

Lexi said...

She is so cute! Love your pictures! Hope youll check out a giveaway on my blog! :)

nancy said...

Kelly, I have only commented once or twice but follow your blog daily! I have to get my Harper and Kelly fix! Anyway this is an unrelated post, but I wanted you to know that our family is from eastern NC and are die hard ECU fans just like you are a Razorback fan! Well, when we won the title of conferene champs on Sat. and found out we were playing the Arkansas Razorbacks in the Liberty Bowl, I immedialtely thought about you! How exciting!!!!!!!!! Will you be going to the game? We are trying to work it out to go, because of how much we love our Pirates, but secondly, I would love to meet up with you to meet you in person if you are able to slip away from Miss Harper for the day! Anyway I wanted you to know, regardless if either of us go, you will have a blogger friend who is inspired by you and we will have something in common on Jan 2nd @ The Liberty Bowl! We both love our teams, our God and hopefully you will be happy for us if we pull out the win, just as I will be happy for you if you win!

Harper is just the cutest thing I have ever seen and I think she is starting to look alot like you..well @ least some! Glad you got your house all decorated and love your trees!

Because of you, our family is giving more to charities this year instead of gifts!!!!!!!! I have shared you with my family and now they are hooked on your blog, your love for Christ and just your down home ways of your life! I think you are an awesome person and have so much to offer!

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday season!

Nancy Lee.......GO ECU!

The Mommy One said...

One of my highlights is coming to your blog to see what scrumptiousness Harper will be wearing next. Love the dress.

Have a great week!


Lauren said...

Cutest thing EVER!!!!!!!!! :)

MaierHousehold said...


Kim in San Angelo, Texas

Amanda RH said...

I just love the Christmas spirit that exudes from your posts! It makes me so happy :) I love this time of year and as always, reading your posts and seeing precious pics of Harper all dressed up in holiday cheer.

Rachel H. said...

I love Harper's dress...where did you get it? SO cute!!

The Garners said...

Precious outfit (on a precious girl, of course!) :)

Unknown said...

That last picture you need to either put ON your Christmas card or in it. Precious!

Stephanie M. Page said...

Sooo cute.

Mrs. Carioca said...

Harper is too cute! I love her little outfits!

Johanne said...

Beautiful pictures. I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas.

creative gal said...

So so so cute!

SassyCassie said...

I love that cardigan you're wearing!

noahandlylasmommi said...

She is precious. Her mama sure has good taste ;)

Rebekah said...


Jennifer said...

Does anyone ever tell you that Harper looks like her nonny? In some of these pictures I see Judy! I have not thought that before but she really looks like her to me in these pictures.

She is so cute in that sweet dress!

Lori said...

It looks like you let Harper find the Christmas tree, oh my, oh my!

Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition said...

I love her little outfit! So precious!

We've Got Scents said...

Absolutely beautiful.....thanks for sharing.
Blessings today and every day,
Matthew 21:22

Jamie Kubeczka said...

OMG Kelly!! I LOVE Harper's outfit, she is just adorable! ;-) You always have the best outfits for her! I am loving the zebra print this year, and I made the Christmas bulbs you posted... I actually impressed myself! Thanks so much for sharing!

mrs shortcake said...

I always love your daughter's outfits- she's going to be so pleased looking back at her baby photos one day!