For weeks we have had this fun weekend plan where we were going to go to Tulsa with Laurie, Steve and the girls and go to the zoo and spend the night and eat out and shop. Well then the stomach flu struck their house in a terrible way and Scott had work projects come up so the trip got cancelled all together. I was a little bummed but we have had a good weekend at home.
Yesterday morning I went to a thing at my church for women called "Mugs and Muffins". It's always so fun - we eat yummy muffins and then have a speaker. I didn't take any pictures sadly.
I came home in time to watch a terrible ball game that I will not discuss because it's too sad.
After the game and Harper's afternoon nap - we loaded up and went to the mall. Scott wanted to shop for a ball cap and some new tennis shoes. This is me being bored in "Lids" while Scott tried to decide on a cap. Are these glasses me or what?

In the shoe store - they had these cute Southern Belle shirts with funny sayings - I loved this one!
After we shopped - we headed to Mimi's for dinner. Harper was really good - as long as you keep a constant stream of food coming her way.

Isn't that AWFUL? I'm very intent on keeping our house neat and clean but our closet has just become a pit of doom and destruction and I couldn't ever find time to make it better. Well seven trash bags later (clothes to donate) - I finally got MY side cleaned out.

Scott trying to pick out just the right cap!

Harper wondering where all the pretty bows and dresses were in this store?

Our after dinner pose
After we got Harper to bed I decided it was finally time to tackle the one thing that has been hanging over my head for months - OUR CLOSET. I'm obviously not a proud person because I'm about to show you the before picture: (this is just my side)

This morning we woke up feeling kind of yucky. Scott got up with Harper and let me sleep a few extra hours. (She is sleeping through the night pretty well now but she gets up at 5:30. Oh my!) So we missed church which I hate but we have had some quiet worship time at home today. I hope your weekend was great!
It looks like you had a wonderful weekend! Sometimes the weekend days with no plans are the best days. Your closet looks so much better, what a great feeling to have that taken care of!!!! I love cleaning out my closet and purging out the old clothes. There always seems to be that stack of "maybe one day" clothes that just never seems to make an appearance again.
I love the feeling you get after you clean your closet! If you ever want it to look crazy organized, you can switch to all the same hanger. It makes a difference!
We have been feeling yucky around our house this weekend too~well mommy and you know that means no one is happy :) Your closet looks great!! I am very happy to see that your closet looked that way though~simply because now I don't feel so bad that my side looks the same way!! You have made me want to work on mine!!
And yes, let's not discuss that terrile game!
so happy to see another closet just like mine! thanks for sharing! :)
my closet looks like yours (the before picture)! I think having a baby makes for a messy closet (on mommy's side at least:) You are inspiring me to get organized :)
Harper is so cute!
Have you ever seen the huggable hangers from target? They are great.
I don't even want to think about the football. I'm so sad we lost. But you know I think it's because we lost the Florida game, I think that killed their confidence you know? Oh well though they tried. Last time we lost to Ole Miss, we beat LSU so maybe that'll hold true again!
I appreciate the closet cleaning. I finally did mine and my 10 year old grandaughter told me how nice it looked. This is the child who "hangs" her clothes on the floor. Hmmmm
Sorry about the game. Bama squeaked by.
~Whoa! Kelly I have to admit that was pretty bad. It looks great now! Cute pics! :)
Your before pic of your closet looks like husband always makes fun of me because I am such a neat freak but can not keep a neat closet!!
What's your secret to getting Harper to sleep all night? Evie is doing much better sleeping from -12 and then 12:15 - 7 or 8 most days. I think the secret with her is food and that she is so tired from crawling. HA! Harper is getting cuter and cuter.
I am loving the glasses!! And the look on Scott's face like "Are you crazy?" Too funny!
And of course, Miss Harper, is styling in that adorable outfit!! Glad you've had a good weekend and hope that you're all feeling better!!
Such cute pics! That Southern Belle shirt is too funny - true or what? I actually cleaned out our closet (finally) this past week. Feels SO good to have it organized again. We'll see how long it lasts... Made me realize I need some new clothes though. :-( Hope you all get to feeling better soon!
pk @ Room Remix
Oh, girl, I hope you got those glasses!! And I love, love, LOVE those purple shoes I am seeing in your closet! Way to go on tackling the closet...had to do that before we moved a couple months back and it was NOT pretty!
I hope a day of rest helps you feel sweet of Scott to let you sleep in. Dillan was an early riser around Harper's age but he eventually started sleeping until 7 or 7:30 as he got older. There is hope for more sleep!
I live outside of Tulsa and we went to Rogers this weekend! It's funny that you were going to go to Tulsa, don't you live around Rogers?
I just posted last night about our trip :-) We had lots of fun!
Hope you feel better!
Good work on the closet! It looks great! Sometimes those "hidden" areas of our houses are so easy to let get out of control! It happens before we know it! I had to laugh at those green glasses! I just got married last November and my husbands groomsmen broke those out during pictures and the reception! They were so fun!
I hope you and Scott feel better soon!!
-Michelle Marshall
Girl, I'm there with you about the closet! Mine is on my list! I just wrote about it yesterday and I am have a giveaway about the book that is inspiring me to get busy! Check it out!
Love to see I am not the only one with a closet needing some help! I need to tackle mine too! I know I have clothes to giveaway...but still think I might use them some day! LOL! Yeah right!!
Hope you all begin feeling better soon!
Ha ha nice closet! I had to give you a hard time, and 7 bags of clothes to donate? I dont think I even own that many clothes......
I hope you are all feeling better now, I hope you dont come down with anything serious.
Oh, I love Mimi's So much! We recently moved and there isn't one within 50 miles, so sad.
I will pray you all feel much better real soon. Love the sunglasses:) and the cute shirt, so true!
The closet, well I have put that task off longer than you have and I don't have a precious baby to take care of. Hope to tackle it VERY soon. You've inspired me to 'just do it'!
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
Closet envy here- we've got the 1950's sliding orange door style with the nasty matted p**p brown carpet in this rental. And no light. And what a spoiled American I am to whine about it!
We love our Chicco stroller- they're the best!
I love harpers leggins!!!!! where are they from
That's funny, we went to Mimi last night here too in Missouri !!! Ava was a good girl too while mommy and daddy filled up on bread and grub !!!
I'm glad my closet isn't the only one that gets like that. It's so hard to get rid of the old..but there is always new and NEVER enough room! Just with my shoes alone there is always a mess, and I straighten them up, just to throw them back in, it's sad! My husband takes forever in Lids too, it's like how hard can it be! lol :) Harper is so cute, always! Glad you had a good weekend!
Our closet looks just like that 99% of the time. I really need to purge. Way to go for getting yours done!
Kelly !! LOL, A good rule to follow is that if you did not wear it this past Summer, get rid of it,chances are you had a reason and the reason will still be there next Summer, too big, too little, just not me, why did I ever buy that,
My husband is a pack rat but not me, he hates it when I clean out his side.(I would love to do the same to his work shop)
Little Miss Harper is cute as always, love her leggings
My closet gets the same way too! In fact, I should probably go clean it now :)
Mimi's Cafe is a great place for lunch too.
Glad your weekend went so well!
You have got to try "huggable hangers"! They are the greatest invention for your closets. You can find them at just type in huggable Hangers by Joy Mangano. I love, love, love them! They will make your closet look so pristine! The are WONDERFUL! They probably have a video of before and after shots, they really are as amazing as they say they are!!!
OH NO! I hope you all feel a LOT better!
As usual, Harper is GORGEOUS in every single pic. :)
So you laugh about the glasses. My boy (he's 12) has a pair of those he's wearing right now - and not as a joke! Too funny :)
I love Scott's face in his picture, "Why are you taking a picture of this?!" Classic. I hope you are feeling better!
I'm so glad you posted about your closet cleanout! My closet is horrible and I've been thinking about doing the exact same thing. Makes me feel not quite so horrible to know that you had to purge too! :)
Have a blessed Sunday!
Sometimes when we have plans fall through it's a blessing in disguise because you just get to enjoy the most important people in your life and get a few things done that you hadn't though you would have time for :) I'm glad you had a good weekend, and I hope that you get to do the Tulsa trip some other time! Your closet looks great. I just did my closet a few weeks ago and it felt so refreshing when I was done with it!
Okay- your before picture of your closet has made me feel so much better- I had this vision of you being completely organized and neat right down to your junk drawer! My closet looked like yours a couple of weeks ago, and I would literally wake up in the middle of the night stressed over it. I finally had to spend a few hours doing exactly what you did! Just feels good to know I'm not the only one! Happy weekend!!
yay for closet purging. it feels soooo good!! as for feeling good, i hope that you're feeling better. perhaps a little sabbath rest did your body well.
take care and see you next week.
don't know how bad the hogs had it yesterday, i'm pretty sure the VOLS are kicking themselves today (mostly because they sure couldn't kick yesterday!!)
spent most of the game smack texting my daughter who is a freshman at alabama. it at least made losing bit more bearable!!
Um your "before" picture wasn't as bad as my closet is now :)
You know your an adult when cleaning out your closet on a Saturday night is a highlight. I have been there. I went through mine a couple months ago and pulled a lot out to donate.
I think the game yesterday was great.
I agree with Alicia (11.28 a.m).Get all the same colored hanger, be like Joan Crawford, and banish wire hangers and use padded ones for sweaters and delicate items. I hang all my shirts in rainbow color order and place formal or out of season wear in fabric garment bags from The Container Store. (Wouldn't touch those vacuum packed type of things with a bargepole...your clothes need to breathe!!) The only place I am completely OCD is in in the organization of my closets!
You are adorable! I loved that you were so transparent you showed us your closet!! Mine is a disaster and we have company coming for Thanksgiving, so I feel a cleaning binge coming on. Even tho they would never look in my closet, you just feel so much better when you know everything is clean!
Bless you. I hope you were just tired and not getting sick.
I'm proud of your husband for still picking out a new Hog cap after yesterday's debacle. As painful as losing to Florida was, losing to Nutt was much, much worse. Maybe we can get back on track this weekend. Glad you were able to have a great weekend despite the ugly game.
I have to say that I might have enjoyed the closet pictures in this post most because that happens to be how my 1/2 of the closet looks right now! I have my regular clothes, some maternity clothes, summerish clothes, fall clothes...everything is just thrown in there. I have to get my kids' seasonal clothes switched out before I can tackle mine though! That is a task I dread!
Looks like a good weekend. I love the look on your husband's face in that pic.. too funny!
Yippee for Tulsa! Okay, so I live here so that makes me excited, but so does that organized closet of yours and little Miss! Precious pics as always.
I love that shirt! Too funny and so true :)
Ewww -- my 9 month old is doing the 5:30 wake up thing, too. I'm definitely hoping this phase will pass soon! Thanks for showing us your closet -- it looks great!
Hope everyone is feeling better!! Miss Priss looks adorable in her gameday attire:)
You know, I saw something on tv once that was great for organizing closets. It said to hang all your clothes with the hangers backwards. After you wear them and you are hanging clean clothes you hang them the correct way. Be diligent and after one year you get rid of anything that isn't hanging the right way.
Our closets are embarrasingly messy!
Robin H.
haha that is pretty awful! Could you get my husband to get rid of things he's been hanging onto for years??
I saw a pair of those glasses at Disney World when we were there this past week...I don't get it!
I am SOOOO happy you posted a picture of you closet. That is JUST LIKE MINE and I so feel like I'm the only one in the world that has a closet like that! Mine was clean until my child dragged her chair into our closet and took ALL my shoes off the racks...needless to say...I've let the closet slide since that occassion! :) Glad you had a good "family" day yesterday and today!
Cute glasses! I think you need a pair! :)
Good job on the Great Closet Cleanout of 2009! I know you feel better after that!
So jealous of your very clean closet!
I love that you take pictures in Lids : )
Kelly, your posts are just the best!! I'm nearly 30 weeks pregnant and my nesting stage has kicked on my list is tackling our closet :)
Something in the air musta been flying all around... we stayed home from church too! Congrats on the closet... you always feel cleansed when there isn't clutter!
Your before and after pictures might inspire me to work on my closet too! I tell you, it gets really out of control in my closet.
I am glad all is well and that you had a nice weekend!
Hate to say it but Hotty Toddy! And, yes, the glasses are so you!
I love the "after dinner pose"...and YAY for clean closets! That always feels so good.
Just watched Harper's clapping video. SO CUTE! Just wait til she goes to the Olive Garden!!
Wow! You got some good closet cleaning time in while Harper was in bed. Our closet is the 'catch all spot' around our house. I really need to tackle it too. Hey, how'd you like a job??!!! I'd hire you to clean my closet out :o)
I love it when I get to do something that I have been wanting to do, but didn't have the time to (ok, maybe that's sometimes an excuse I use!). Your closet looks great, I'm sure that somebody is going to LOVE your donated clothes!
I hope that you are feeling better soon, it's hitting everybody.
I also love the video on the last post, she is such a doll!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for showing your closet. I feel much better knowing other people let theirs go like mine! :)
Harper's little red dress is so sweet!!! If I ever have a girl I'm going to have to buy all of her clothes off you, haha!
I organized my closet today. Glad to know I am not the only one!!
The closet looks great! Gives me some inspiration! Did you get your ruffled top at NY & Co? I have one exactly like that- just wondered. Very cute, I wear it with button up cardigans with pearl colored buttons.
Sorry you didn't get to follow through with your plans. That's a bummer.
Your closet looks awesome. Isn't it amazing how messy a closet can get? Mine is bad too - and you just gave me some motivation. Maybe next Saturday I'll tackle it.
Have a happy week. :)
Just wanted to say two things...
You are so close to those Tarheels hats in Lids and I think you would look great in Carolina Blue! Maybe just for Basketball season you can watch the ACC. It's great stuff. Think about it. :)
Great job on the closet. I LOVE that feeling of cleaning out and purging things that I know I really won't wear. Plus organizing is one of my favorite weekend activities!
(Is it weird that I just left you a comment like I would leave a friend but I don't even know you? The dilemma of the blog world!!!)
Aaron gets up at 5:30, too!
Oh how I wish I had a picture, no a VIDEO, of you and your dad moving your closet into Perrin West our freshman year! My mom and I were in awe and thought it would never end. Ha. Or pictures of either one of our closets in O.C. Bailey, and the extensions that were needed in our rooms so we could have places for the rest of our clothes! Ha.
Oh Kelly, I've given the Hogs two weeks of chances. I actually WENT TO OXFORD. Oh well, it's a pretty place to visit. So not all was lost.
I LOVE black patent leather shoes on girls! Go Harper, WOO HOO!
I love Mimi's...their food rocks and the decor is precious. Is that a Chicco C6? Do you like it? I really need a lightweight stroller and I love the C6 online...but have never seen it is person.
Looks like a productive weekend! I love that kind of weekend! :)
Your closet looks great. Thanks for the inspiration! I need desprately to do he same to my closet!!! (Especially considering the other day I was digging in the back of my closet for something what did I find? A green shorts jumpsuit from the 80's. yeah its time for a purging!:)
Okay your closet truly surprised me! I saw on twitter that you were tackling this, but oh MY KELLY! HA! I love it though! I wish I could be your donation point for your clothes though {GRIN} I have not said this for a long time now, but I just can't help it anymore, Scott looks like the twin of my ex-long term- boyfriend. I'm talking, brothers separated at birth! The resemblance is uncanny! And we are just in OK, it's a possibility! It cracks me up to see pictures of him because he and Danny even have similar facial expressions and dress alike and everything. Anyway, so glad you guys had a fun weekend.
Hey! I know you probably get hundreds, but I left you the "over the top" blog award on my blog. (
Anywho, I have been meaning to leave a comment for a couple of months now--ever since we ran into you guys at Abuelo's--to say it was nice to meet you! (We were a family sitting right behind you, my 1 year old daughter Lilly was shrieking like a pterodactile and I was huge pregnant with our little boy Reid).
I know you have a gazillion blogs to read so don't worry about feeling like you have to come over--but when I thought about great blogs, this one was among the top of the list.
That closet looks veeerrry familiar! :) Good for you for dealing with it! I will get around to ours one of these days...
For a moment I wondered how in the world you got a picture of my closet and put it on your blog. :-)
Glad ya'll had a good weekend despite the change of plans. Poor Laurie and Fam! They are having a time!
Hope ya'll are feeling better today! Love you, friend.
P.S. You make those lids look so good, guuuurrrrllll.
Thank You so much for helping out my daughter Lynnette with her quest to help her friend Danielle and her family during this very hard time. You are amazing...and I love you for doing that!
Sorry you weren't feeling well yesterday, and I hope it goes away soon.
Glad you had fun at the mall. Cute pictures!
I have been out of touch here in blogland for 9 days or so as we went on a trip and din't have access to the internet. But it is always fun to come home and catch up.
Congratulations on cleaning your closet. I did that not too long ago and it does make ya feel so good to get it organized.
Abundant blessings...sweet lady!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Love all the pictures....especially you in the glamorous glasses!
And oh my goodness, do I need to clean our closet. I think it will take days though.
Hope your feeling better today.
My closet was much worse than yours, but isn't it a good feeling to get it all cleaned and organized? I invested in Huggable Hangers from and they are really worth the investment. You can also buy the same kind of hangers at Bed, Bath and Beyond, but it is their brand. Your clothes will not hang or slide off, they are made out of velour or something like it.
I am sad to say my closet looks worse then that!! My husband promised me we could tackle it in the next month!! Oh my!
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