Friday, October 23, 2009

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands!

Tonight I was feeding Harper an Orange Themed Dinner. Not really on purpose - I just kept pulling out foods and they all happened to be orange: sweet potatos, cheese, and mandarin oranges. (don't worry - we had green at lunch). Then I pulled out a jar of spaghetti and meat baby food. I have never fed her this before and I figured she would hate it.

Well She didn't.

She loved it.

So much she just started clapping her hands!

For the first time!

I got so excited I had to film her. Please ignore my crazed commentating. I get so excited over the smallest things with her but I just can't help it.


Kerri said...

I was feeding my 3 month son while watching Harper. When she started making noise he looked up all startled. She is too cute :)

Kerri said...

Oh my was I first?! Woo! That gets me excited!

Carrie said...

Aren't you glad you got it on video? Moments like that are priceless! Way to go Harper :)

Lindsay said...

Oh My! How Adorable!!! You have every right to be excited! So glad you caught it on video!

Erin said...

soooo cute! coming from another food allergy mama and sine i wouldn't want anything to harm harper, just be careful with pasta, most have egg in the noodles or are "produced on equipment that processes egg". i struggle with this all the time since my son is allergic to eggs!

Melissa Miller said...

She is excited! :)

~Happy Birthday to Dawson the doggie!~

Summer said...

Too cute! Loved hearing you laugh in the background! She is one loved little girl!

Roxanne said...

How precious is she? My doggy kept staring at the computer, trying to figure out the noises!

jsmith said...

Ok...that is hilarious!!

Christa said...

How exciting! Way to go Harper!! She is such a cutie!

Beth McC. said...

She is so precious!!

Laura and family said...

Hilarious! I have never commented before but that video made me SMILE huge and realize I need to give my baby boy a little more enthusiasm! =)

Kimberley said...

You are too funny! Harper's smile can light up any room! She is just precious. Keep the video camera handy. I love looking back at old videos, but they can also create lots of tears.

April said...

When Harper looks back on that video, there will be no doubt in her mind that you have always been crazy about her!!!

kim_brough said...

Am glad that Harper liked her food. Hopefully she won't be one of those picky eaters like some parents allow their kids to be. And don't worry about her not fitting into skinny jeans-- some styles should NEVER have been in style in the first place, let alone come back in.

Kerum said...

Colten just started clapping his hands too...and while he was eating as well! Our two babes are so much alike! Love seeing her pictures...

Jenna said...

Oh that girl!!!!!!!!! She is PRICELESS.

Rebecca Jo said...

How sweet is that! Nothing wrong with a girl & an appetite! :)

laurensmommy said...

I can remember the day that Lauren started clapping- she was about 7 months and had finisehd nursing and just looked at me and clapped and grinned! I was so excited that I sorta shrieked and it scared her half to death! :)

It's so cute when they can get their little hands together! Harper is a doll and I love her funny noises! Glad she liked the new supper!

Marla said...

Such a sweet video! I smiled the whole time!

Summer said...

That video was soooo cute! I'm glad ya got it so you can show her when she's like 16! How funny
Summer :0)

doubletrouble said...

That is too, too, too cute!!!!

Chris & Heidi said...

TOO cute!!!! Love hearing you laugh :) You are so lucky to get those moments on video. I love to follow your blog. Sweet family :)

Patty said...

I loved the video!! Harper is the sweetest girl. :) Also, you have the cutest laugh. What a fun day for you!! It is the small things.



Melissa said...

That video was adorable and made me smile!

Erin said...

Priceless. So precious.

Heather said...

Oh so cute!!!! What a little sweetie clapping those hands! Have a good weekend- GO HOGS!

Samantha said...

oh that was so cute! I laughed through the whole thing. THanks for sharing it with adorable!

Unknown said...

so cute! love how tickled us mom's get with the simplest things. adorable!! you and her!

Melissa said...

Oh good grief, that is FUNNY! What a hoot little Miss Harper is!

Sara said...

I just want to hug that little girl! She's so precious :)

You're truly Blessed, but I think you knew that :-D

Amber said...

Adorable! I love this!

Mandi said...

a girl after my own heart! being italian i LOVE spaghetti!! and i'm oh so proud of her for learning to clap! and you are so precious!

PreppyBumpkin said...

So precious! She'll be ready to clap the Hawgs to victory tomorrow!


This video is priceless!! I was laughing so hard at your and Harper's squels!! Love it!

Marie said...

I love the way she is looking at you and laughing when you are saying, "Yay! yay!" So precious!

Mary Madeline said...

That is the cutest thing I have every seen!!! I love a girl who loves her food!!!

Amanda M. said...

OH, she is SUCH a doll! I remember how awesome every single first like that is! Make sure to video every single second of all that good stuff! :)

Tara G. said...

I used to call the grandparents over things like that! :) Harper looks like your dad a little in that freeze-frame on the video!

Myra @ My Blessed Life said...

SO adorable!!! :)

Michele said...

That is SO great! I am dying for my daughter to clap...I don't know why just am! Harper's noises are precious, she is super cute and all your excitement makes me laugh b/c I probably sound the exact same on all our videos!!
Thanks for sharing!

MEGAN said...

Oh, Kelly, you are such a great mom!

Jennifer said...

Harper- Did you finally get string cheese cut-up for dinner?! We are so happy for you! And so happy you learned how to clap!:)

Diana said...

So cute! I saw another comment from a food allergy mom. My daughter also has egg allergies and do be careful with noodles. Lots have egg in them, enough to elicit a reaction. My daughter can't eat a lot of chicken noodle soups because of the egg in the noodles.

Anita Grace said...

That is too sweet! I love how you are feel free to share those moments right on your blog. As a mom, I totally can relate how every small little thing can seem so big when it comes your your own child. Relish those moments! (as I know you do)
... and I had to literally lol with your comment about the skinny jeans!

Holly said...

She's so cute! Your laughter is hilarious! Made me start laughing too. :P

Brooke said...

She is just too cute! What a fun moment to capture on camera. And Happy Birthday to Dawson from Paisley and Clover!

Kodi said...

I can't get enough of her! She is so stinking cute!

Anonymous said...

I just love your accent, its so cute! And Harpers squeals are pretty darn adorable too!

C said...

Oh, the baby clap is still one of my all-time favorite "firsts":) My daughter is 14 months, so she has lots of firsts like walking, running, marching, first word, etc. But that first clapping is just so stinking cute!!!
I love that it's soundless:)

She is so adorable:)

Jen said...

I know I say it all the time, but Harper is so sticking cute! I'm so glad you got this on video. You will love watching it in years to come.

Also I have to tell you. I love your accent. It makes me want to move to the south :)

Lisa said...

Now that is just too cute for words!!!!

Maddy said...

you are like cracking up!!!:)

Emory said...

How fun! She looked like she was so proud of herself for getting those hands together.

Anonymous said...

You two lades are just too precious for words. I was giggling the whole time. And don't have her promised to a young man just yet. Gabriel loves to growl like that all of the time and while I was watching the video he just froze, hypnotized by the beautiful girl on the screen speaking his language and then began to growl back. lol

I LOVE being a mom.

Kristen said...

Okay perhaps it's the chocolate chips I was just snacking on ... or the hot cocoa with extra caffeine talking ... but I just got SUPER excited watching that video. My baby (also 9 mos) clapped earlier today for the first time but definitely not as much as Harper! What a happy girl!

shelley said...

oh my that screetching (spell??) that is so funny!!

yeah harper!!

Meet the Brummett's said...

Thanks for the giggles! This video is so cute and Harper is just a hoot :)

Anonymous said...

Aww I am smiling at both you
and Harper! What a great video.
God Bless Her!


Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Is that about the cutest thing ever?? My little Kam is close to Harper's age {9 months on the 27th, sheesh, where does the time go?}. She's not clapping yet, but she sure does love food :)

Sarah said...

Oh, my goodness! I love incredibly FUN!!!! :) Don't be worried about your exciment...YOU'RE the Mama...and we're supposed to get all kinds of crazy about our babies! :D

Yay for Harper! :D

Erica said...

that was so cute and made me smile so big! she's just one step ahead of my little nolan!

Lindsay said...

Oh love it! You have every right to be excited, I was the same way. It brings tears to your eyes, when they do something new. It is truly amazing what they can accomplish in the few months they have been on this earth! Such a joy!

lots of love said...

That's so cute!! Way to go Harper! My Rylie didnt clap until the week before she turned 1. So cute Harper!

Kim said...

Go Harper! So adorable :) Gotta love a girl who knows what she likes, right?

Jenny said...

I love the commentary, it reminds me of when my 3 boys were babies. Enjoy every moment, make as much fuss as you possibly can, because they grow up wayyy too fast.

Kelly said...

I love it when you post videos. I could eat her up!

HBailey said...

I think it's absolutely precious to hear you giggle with delight over your sweet baby girl. It's so obvious you cherish her after all that you went through to get her and the scary first few weeks after her birth. Unfortunately and unbelieveably, there are people out there who don't appreciate their children so it's delightful to see you just dote over her. You are so blessed!

Tina said...

You were supporting the Tennessee Vols by feeding her an orange dinner!!! We play Bama today so we need all the support we can get!! GO VOLS! She's a cutie!

Anonymous said...

You are too funny! And Harper is adorable. I, too, realized that I could be a little more enthusiastic with my boys! That little girl will never doubt your love for her that's for sure!

ashley said...

YAY HARPER! such a big girl these days :)

Amanda Fouts said...

I was laughing so hard that I had tears rolling down my cheeks!! Harper is SUCH a doll!!!!!

Val, Brax and Harper said...

i don't know what's cuter--harper clapping or you getting so excited about it! you are such a fun mommy!

Shortcake456 said...

Man, you were excited, Kelly!

We had the volume turned up too loud and didn't know it! Scared everyone!

Anonymous said...

Oh, she is so adorable and so well loved!!! :-) You are a terrific parent--don't apologize for being your daughter's number one fan!

Lindsay said...

She is so precious! And I agree with Tina - orange food for the Tennessee Vols! We sure need some luck today! :)

Peyton's Pages said...

Oh my goodness, she is such a doll! I wish my little girl wasn't so picky! She is loving watch this video, she keeps saying, "more, more". ha!

We've Got Scents said...

A great laugh to go with the precious girl's skilz:)
She cracks me up! So thankful she's a great eater.
Thanks for sharing a real pick-u-upper!
Have a wonderfully blessed day,
Matthew 21:22

Erin said...

Ha Ha Ha I love it! Your reactions are priceless and she is so cute!

Rachel said...

Oh she is so cute!!! This video is precious :)

Sarah said...

What an adorable video, I really loved it she is such a doll, her face is really changing from baby to little girl now and is just beautiful. Loved the clapping

Lianna Knight said...

How cute!! It looks like she's getting ready to help mommy cheer on those Razorbacks :)

Brittany said...

Love the clapping!!!! :) She is too cute!! And I totally understand about how exciting it is to see your little one do new things! It's amazing! I love your enthusiasm!

*Just because I have a food allergy tot too, watch stage 3 foods....lots have egg in them! :) I just started feeding my son regular food at that point because stage 3's were not safe. He would always break out the next day after eating them. Little Harper is way too cute to break out!!!!!!!! :)

Robin said...

Thank you so much for sharing the just made my day! So cute!!


Robin :o)

Morgan | Mrs. Priss said...

Okay, that was too adorable!

When I was watching the video, I called my 10 month old over and she started SCREAMING and smiling and bouncing and clapping when she saw Harper. So funny!

Abbe said...

I love watching you ENJOY that baby! Precious!

Kate said...

Such an adorable video! She is such a happy baby! I almost spit my coffee out laughing with your comments about being in trouble and jean shopping. haha.

Unknown said...

What a great video! Thanks for sharing these joys in your life with us. She is truly a blessing!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, me and my 2 year old son just watched this video and he laughed and smiled so much watching it and he started clapping for Harper! So cute! Thanks!

Ruth said...

Way to go Harper!!

Hotty Toddy!!!

dee said...

Pure joy! Precious, precious.

Sarah said...

ADORABLE!!!! :) it's good that a baby have a good appetite--not a problem! :) And, God didn't design every woman to be able to wear "skinny jeans"--I know you know that; just a reminder. Harper is soooo precious! I'm so glad she is happy and healthy. What a blessing! :)

Shelley said...

I watched this with my 8-month-old in the room and as soon as Harper started talking, Amelia came crawling over! She was so confused. Amelia kept looking at the computer and then me, then computer then was hilarious!

Laurie said...

I love it!

Nancy said...

So cute! Looks like good stuff!!
I always love it when my kids eat spagetti...I feel like they are getting a good meal!

Ashley said...

You and Harper are BOTH so cute! Your video made me laugh. I loved your skinny jeans comment! Too funny. Harper's clapping, squealing and excitement are precious. It is sweet to see the joy she brings to you. :)

The Starr Family said...

Honest to goodness, does life get any better than this?? Truly in those moments, baby squealing and food everywhere... don't you just love our God?? What blessings!

Thanks for sharing!

Marianne said...

Harper is adorable but what really made me smile is the joy she brings you. Babies are such a gift!

HappyascanB said...

I love it! Harper is so precious! And I love your laughter and commentary ~ it's truly priceless!!!

Mrs. G said...

Love that video!!! There's no way to not be smiling when it's over :oD

Sarah Wyland said...

Completely priceless! I love how excited you are about this as well - shows how great of a mom you are!

Sunny said...

so cute! I love that little sound she's making!

Jenni said...

this is so cute and hilarious! Only you and Harper can make baby food spaghetti so much fun :) She is a cutie and i so enjoy hearing the joy in your voice too!!

Caroline said...

What a cutie pie! And she has good taste, spaghetti and meatballs is the best! :)

Amy Lynn said...

Harper is adorable. Also, you have a wonderful accent.

Sherri said...

That is just the cutest thing ever! She is so proud:)

Katie said...

She is too cute and so happy! (My kids, all three of them, refused to eat any of that kind of baby food.) Oh well.

Anonymous said...

I just laughed so hard watching that! I love videos of Harper, she just a bundle of fun! Thanks for making my day! HAHA!

Karen At Home Blog said...

Simply adorable!

Nancy said...

I loved it! Made me smile! Harper will love seeing this someday.


Anonymous said...

I love love love your blog! It was the first one I started reading. I know! Where have I been?! LoL! I so enjoy your blog that I started one of my own. So have two of my very best friends. This is so fun! ha!

Jennifer said...

Yea Harper!! Loved your comments too, Mom!!

BTW, I made your Chicken, green bean, and potato dish for my family tonight. It was the second time I've made it and it was even better than the last time. YUMMY!!

SassyCassie said...

Haha I couldn't help but smile watching that-too cute!

Elenie said...

Kelly! I have visited your blog a couple times before and haven't commented, but after seeing that precious angel, I couldn't resist. She just may be the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Who wouldn't be excited over spaghetti? It's my fave. too! Lol! Yall take care!

Unknown said...

Oh Kelly, you're totally cute! Okay, Harper is too. :) Seriously, it was fun hearing your cheerful voice and your cute giggle. What a fun momma you are.

Yeah for Harper! (I'm clapping for her). :) :) :)

That was really really adorable.

Unknown said...

Ha! It looks like she's working on her football cheering! She's so cute!

Teresa said...

So absolutely precious!!! Such a precious little moment being able to hear you both so happy!!! Thank you for sharing so much of your life with all of us!

Love Being A Nonny said...

Yeh for Harper!!! What a milestone. I love that you share those videos and are so excited for everything that she does. The Lord sure blessed you when He gave you Harper! What a doll!

laurenmay said...

I love your enthusiasm (it actually brought a tear to my eye) and your skinny jeans comment :)

nanny said...

She was so happy that she made you happy!!! Precious!!!!

~Amy Rose said...

That was just about the CUTEST thing ever!! She is such a doll and her little squeal made me laugh out loud...and your comments too! PRECIOUS!!

Prissy Southern Prep said...

Absolutely precious!! I know how you feel, there are tons of videos of Connor with me doing this in the background, but these precious little people just bring so much joy into our lives...who cares if we sound crazy! haha

Kandi West said...

the thought of thousands of people around the world hearing your nuttiness brings me joy :-)
btw,lowrey is also an eater...i asked her what she had for dinner at cracker barrel with nana and pop pop...she said "my usual", this means chicken tenders, mashed potatoes and mother allows her to eat the gravy out of the bowl like oatmeal...lance just says "keep her swimming"..the kid adores gravy...lance said we should get her a gravy boat for Christmas

Eva in Tennessee said...

These moments are what make SAHM's days the most rewarding! I don't even know you(except on this crazy screen:) and I love your "mommy cheerleading" to Harper!!! She is so blessed to have you as her mom!!

Keep it up and thanks for bringing a smile to me today. My house with 4 teenage boys doesn't always find me doing the happy dance. This video brought back some happy dance memories!

Eva in TN

Megan said...

My 9-month-old girl really enjoyed this video. She started laughing and clapping right along with you.

alang said...

Yeah for Harper, don't worry Mom we are entitled to get excited over the littlest things our babies do. I am very shocked that she can eat Mandarin Organges!! My son Easton would get the worst diapers rash, because of the citrus! His poor little butt would burn! So just be careful.

Carol said...

That was fun to watch! Yay Harper!